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S3 Episode 2 – Your First Meet: DO’s and DON’T’s - Summer is here! Many will be attending furmeets for the first time - and we're for you! Roo and Tugs are joined by Atari as they read your emails and advice on the best way to have a great first furmeet.

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 21:37
Summer is here! Many will be attending furmeets for the first time - and we're for you! Roo and Tugs are joined by Atari as they read your emails and advice on the best way to have a great first furmeet. We also discover another place in Roo's Geography during THE GAME and also read our first email from Ireland! So give this episode a listen and head out to your local meet - and have a great time!


Special Thanks

Felix Gray
Phoenix Audubon
Keyni Bluepaw
Smitty Wolf

Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Listener mail segment: Eskadet – Back To Kyoto ;  from the album “Solitudes” (Lemongrassmusic, 2010) - - Used under license.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Next episode: Bullying is nothing to sneeze at – this problem has gained growing public awareness, both in and out of the fandom. How have you been bullied or seen others bullied? How did you cope? Did you take your bully on? How can we work together to take down hatred within and without the fandom? When do you cross the line from teasing to bullying? We want to know! Leave us a voicemail (much preferred next episode) or send your emails. Remember - voicemails are limited to 3 minutes. S3 Episode 2 – Your First Meet: DO’s and DON’T’s - Summer is here! Many will be attending furmeets for the first time - and we're for you! Roo and Tugs are joined by Atari as they read your emails and advice on the best way to have a great first furmeet.
Categories: Podcasts

I need your help.

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 17:22

I got into a beta of a new YouTube 3rd party program And its amazing. It's basically your own TV station for YouTube. (i'll post an info video below.) I would like to set up a furry TV station on it and I would like your help on it. I Would like any YouTubers allow me to add your shows to the lineup, make some videos for the station, Give show suggestions and anything else to help out to make the station good. You are free to create commercials for the station to advertise your suits or art or send me info for me to make bumps (like in adult swim.) Spread the word to your friends so I can make this awesome for everyfur.

Right now I'm calling it Fur TV if you have a better suggestion please let me know.

If you have any questions please ask and I'll answer them the best I can. Thanks for reading this.

Info video:

submitted by haladur
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

Boise, Idaho furs?

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 14:04

Post your details.

submitted by fasterfind
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Categories: News

Furries take to gardens for day out

Furries In The Media - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 10:49

Bundaberg's NewsMail has this article by Mike Knott, covering the events at this weekend's BunFur event in Bundaberg, Queensland:

IT MAY have looked like all the animals had escaped from Alexandra Park Zoo at the weekend but fear not, the collection of animals running freely around the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens were all a part of the second annual Furries in the Park event.

Event organiser Hayden Grant, also known as Bingo Fox, said it was an unreal day and crowds had gathered even before the furries arrived to check out the costumes.

"The kids, the families, they all thought it was fantastic," he said.

"They were so impressed with all the work everyone puts into their fur suits and I think we all posed for about 100 photos."

But the costume gaining the most attention was the Warg from Lord of the Rings.

"Everyone in the gardens swarmed around to have a look," Mr Grant said.

"They all loved it."

Plans are already under way for next year's event.

There is also an image gallery with various photographs from the event:
Categories: News

B-Sides: Episode 14 - A very hyperactive Roo arrives late, but better late than never when it comes to music made by fu...

Fuzzy Notes - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 08:16
A very hyperactive Roo arrives late, but better late than never when it comes to music made by furs, hmmmm? After a record breaking week with over 500 downloads, hundreds of plays and lotsa love it's time to follow up with B-Sides, the episode of Fuzzy Notes where we flip the disc and listen to three new tracks by artists we heard from last week, and that includes a heavily-textured sexy track from Sagefox, a pedal to the metal track by Willowmoon and a club thumpin' party humpin' electro house cut from Aethryx! BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: July 5th will be the 30th episode spectacular, so be sure to send Roo your exclusive tracks that you want debuted in their full glory. Roo will talk you up, fawn over your musical brilliance, and share you around as much as possible...just make sure it's not a song you've had sitting in your Soundcloud for four months...make it exclusive and new!! Roo will play every new track he receives so don't miss out! THE MUSIC: Sagefox - Blossom Track: FA: Twitter: Tumblr: Willowmoon - Futile End Of Days Track: Official site: Facebook: Twitter: Aethryx - Supercell Track: Soundcloud: HOUSEKEEPING: Please give Fuzzy Notes a review on iTunes or helps us get furry musicians to more ears, perky and droopy...ALL! iTunes: Podomatic: Like me on Facebook! I'll like you back...a lot! Follow me on Twitter...I'll follow you too...a lot! But not in the stalkery way. Twitter: Facebook: Fuzzy Notes Dropbox: B-Sides: Episode 14 - A very hyperactive Roo arrives late, but better late than never when it comes to music made by fu...
Categories: Podcasts

More art of me! xD

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 05:24

I know all I've kinda really posted lately is art of my character, I swear I will think of something else eventually =P

The First one is one Lana commissioned of her and myself, artist is Flaredra and I really love this picture, captures both of us pretty well =P

The Second one is of Bloo, Lana and Myself and this was a collaboration between Lana and Bloo. Lana did most of the sketching (She has a really hard time drawing my character) While I believe Bloo did a bit of editing and then the colouring although I'm not 100% sure exactly what each of them did but yeah, another one I really like =3

Hope you Enjoy!

submitted by BalkorWolf
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

AAE seeks new logo for Further Confusion

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 02:38
Author: GreenReaper Organizers of Bay Area furry convention Further Confusion are looking to update its 16-year-old logo. Entries should incorporate AAE‘s trademark, “FurCon”, and must be “clean and easy to understand”, look good in color and black and white, and be PG-rated. They should not use “specific critters or characters”, and must be available in [...]
Categories: News

The Local Monster Needs An Upgrade

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 16 Jun 2013 - 01:51

Monster on the Hill is a different sort of all-ages graphic novel, coming this July from Top Shelf Productions. “In a fantastical 1860s England, every quiet little township is terrorized by a ferocious monster — much to the townsfolk’s delight! Each town’s unique monster is a source of local pride, not to mention tourism. Each town, that is… except for one. Unfortunately for the people of Stoker-on-Avon, their monster isn’t quite as impressive. In fact, he’s a little down in the dumps. Can the morose Rayburn get a monstrous makeover and become a proper horror? It’s up to the eccentric Dr. Charles Wilkie and plucky street urchin Timothy to get him up to snuff, before a greater threat turns the whole town to kindling.” All of this brought to you in full color by artist and storyteller Rob Harrell. There’s a pretty good preview of it at Whatcha Readin’.

image c. 2013 Top Shelf Productions

Categories: News

Fur-funding week in review: 6-16-13

FurStarter - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 23:50

Graphic novel awesomeness this week with Digger, SOLO, and World War Kaiju.

Like 46 new pet-wrangling video games launched this week. There was the brief thought of giving them ALL their own posts, but, no, graphic novels. We’ll start with a quick mention for Digger, not sure it needs the publicity though! Then a look at the crazed Frazettaform rat-infested battle-orgy that is Solo: Cannibal World, and end on a (30 stories) high note with World War Kaiju.

And then a bunch of other stuff.


The Digger Omnibus

diggerSo, if you haven’t visited FurAffinity, SofaWolf Press, or, indeed, Kickstarter, you might have missed the launch of the Digger Omnibus kickstarter. It’s been pretty darn successful. I’m not sure SofaWolf had plans for $200,000 stretch goals, but they seem pretty reachable with the way week one has gone!

Digger is–was–a webcomic that ran from 2007-2011, in which Digger, a wombat miner, dug her way into a strange and dark world of gods (living, dead, between), hyenas, lizard-people…it’d be hard to do the series justice in a few words.

The kickstarter is an effort to fund a bound edition of all the Digger comics, and at this point, it’s a success. The higher-level opportunities are just as strange as the comics–your own wombat-sized miner’s pick, a talking fruit…it’s worth a tour of the site just to see the add-ons, but the comic itself is very pretty, and the bound edition is half-past time.

SOLO: Cannibal World

LOGO_WAROscar Martin’s professional work covers a broad spectrum, from serious commercial properties like Tom and Jerry and Simba to graphic novels in the style of Blacksad. Much of it is hard to find and SOLOposeinscrutable for us monolingual United Statesians, which is unfortunate, because he’s really really good. One of his more memorable characters is SOLO, a rat barbarian trying to rescue his family in a brutal post-apocalypse world. If you can somehow manage to find a halfway point between “Mad Max” and “Tom and Jerry” you’ve got it about right.

Along with a business partner, Martin is currently crowdfunding an animated version of his rat warrior, ideally a feature-length film. Unfortunately, it’s pretty Europe-only, but it’s a really neat project, worth a review, and possibly a few dollars just because the artist deserves it! When you finish glancing over SOLO’s IGG, check out Martin’s art blog. If you like your Frazetta you’ll love Martin’s work.

World War Kaiju

kaijuNot so furry perhaps, so we’ll keep it short, but worth a callout and a lookover, and I’m a sucker for retrohistorical alternate universe Soviet propaganda. World War Kaiju imagines a world where, instead of World War II ending with the first nuclear bombs dropping over Japan, the forces unleashed by the dark side of science were city-crushing monsters on the order of Godzilla and Gamara. Then, roll it forward to see how the next decades unfold.

The Kickstarter page is surprisingly immersive. One of the project goals is to create artifacts of the WWK world–cold war propaganda posters, kid’s products, even a “Duck and Cover” booklet are in the works. So, lots of toys, all very “period.” The World War Kaiju website does a better job of opening up the world, the beasts, and the first 17 pages of the graphic novel, so dig around there. (Note: The links on that page are oddly organized, your results may vary.)

Projects Art/Web

Vilious Art-Pack1 (Ends: 6/25/2013)
Sergals and other alien creatures in their natural habitat.
More of the artist’s work on FurAffinity.

Turn John Rosenberger’s Clay Creatures to Molten Metal !!! (Ends: 6/27/2013)
Surreal critters sculpted in clay, kickstarting for metal casts. Unfortunately, you can’t take them home with you, but worth a look-over.

Dustbunny Pictures Comics (Ends: 7/17/2013)
A collection of five web comics, including Popiki’s Island, gearing up for an expansion and relaunch.


Masters of the Tooniverse podcast (Ends: 7/1/2013)
“Two highly animated nerds seek funding to aid in their quest to create the universe’s best cartoon podcast.” Help two nerds build their recording studio for a weekly cartoon–vintage and modern–review.


The Moscow Metro Dogs (Ends: 6/30/2013)
An exploration (book and blog) of the complex society of the semi-feral dogs of Moscow who have–really!–learned to commute and adapt to the city.

World of Afar: An Illustrated Story Collection (Ends: 7/10/2013)
Mysterious little aardvark-like creatures in a magical, illustrated world.
Is it furry? Eh, maybe a little, but the illustrations are as pretty as stained glass, so stretch with me here.

The Howl of the Dead (Ends: 7/12/2013)
The outlines are your basic zombie apocalypse novel–asteroid strikes earth, things turn cannibal. But this one’s zombie dogs, which is worth bonus points. And, great title.

Children’s Products

The Audrey Amaka Storybooks (Ends: 6/22/2013)
Sweet, cartoony illustrated book, featuring Audrey (a neckless giraffe) and her frankly awesome shoes.
Re: the promo video: Ventriloquist’s dummy. *shudder.* Also I have a profound, visceral reaction to the word “heartwarming.” But it IS pretty cute stuff.

Laslo the Lark (Ends: 6/29/2013)
A cute little cartoon-book about a bird who has to sing, even though he’s going to be eaten by a fox.
Okay, it’s not great, and more “talking animal” than anthro, but the illustrations in this one are really charismatic, give it a look :)

Foxy and Quilly (Ends: 7/3/2013)
Educational animation project: the animals of the Empyrean Forest seek shelter as their forest home is invaded by big machines. Cute stuff.
Fans of South Park will know why naming your lead character “Foxy the Fox” is a bad idea.

Robot and Fox: The Amazing Journey (Ends: 7/10/2013)
Boy robot meets girl robot. They fall in love. Boy robot crashes ship on Earth, meets fox. That pretty much covers this book project. Really cute fox!
The fox’s cuteness is making me just a little ill.

The Great Safari Adventure Show (Ends: 7/13/2013)
A costumed, musical Las Vegas family production, with lots of chances for kids to get up and move. Plot: Child lost in Africa, finds magic talisman that transforms the local animals into exercise-obsessed mentors.
This would have been benefited by MORE exposure to the fandom, working through some anthro issues. Heart’s in the right place though!


Halo Mini Illuminated Pet Collars (Ends: 7/26/2013)
LED-illuminated pet collars with deep color and flash mode.
I know, these are for dogs. But they’d match one of my costumes!

Comics/Graphic Novels

Jade Dragon Book 1 (Ends: 6/19/2013)
American Manga graphic novel: Gathering together the beasts of the Zodiac to fight a world-threatening evil.
You can find the artist’s work at Deviantart. Look for “Friendship is Sisterhood” in particular.

The Lions of Valletta (Ends: 6/28/2013)
A graphic novel of cats, philosophy, and the meaning of life, with loving background detail and very charismatic cats.
Amazingly, this one reached its goal in three hours!

A Tiger’s Last Song (Episode 1) (Ends: 7/10/2013)
A graphic novel of the final days of the thylacine/Tasmanian wolf, in the talking animal-survival story genre.

The Digger Omnibus (Ends: 7/10/2013)
A dark fantasy graphic novel. Digger the wombat inadvertently digs her way into an underground world of hyenas, gods, and strange powers. A kickstarter for a bound edition of the original six-graphic novel series.
Great stretch goals and bonus items on this well-organized kickstarter!

Antarctic Press: Keeping it Cold in the Antarctic (Ends: 7/15/2013)
An ask from Antarctic Press to help restore their financial balance after some mass-distribution experiments and other financial challenges.
Before there was the Internet fandom there was Antarctic Press, makers of Albedo Anthropormorphics, Furrlough, Shanda the Panda…See also Radio Comix, who took on the furry mantle.

World War Kaiju graphic novel (Ends: 8/12/2013)
What if the ultimate weapon that ended World War II didn’t usher in the atomic age, but the Kaiju (giant city-crushing monster) age? Excellent video, great retro propaganda visuals, and bizarre immersive stretch goal toys.
“Furry” is a stretch, but there’s a lot to like here for fans of giant, Tokyo-crushing armadillos.


Valeyard “Be Prepared” song and Animatic (Ends: 6/20/2013)
Seeking funding for a Brony song parody and animation of “Be Prepared.” Great publicity shot, worth checking the project just for that…

Rabbithole “Summer Days” music video (Ends: 6/30/2013)
Help this band from Manchester add visuals to their journey down the rabbit hole in their video, “Summerdays,” featuring human butterflies and a really BIG rabbit.

Animals of the Urban Jungle – a Nature Documentary Series (Ends: 7/7/2013)
Animals in the cities, a six-episode web series in HD of the life and struggles of urban wildlife and their interactions with humanity. Foxes!
Plusses: It’s British, so MORE foxes. Negatives: The author did his PhD work on spiders.

SOLO Cannibal World (Ends: 7/13/2013)
One rat’s war in a post-apocalyptic word. This isn’t Redwall. Check the artist’s blog (it’s in Italian) for more art and world.
This must be the buffest rodent ever. Now I have to learn Italian.

Tikis & Mikis Show (Ends: 7/22/2013)
A quirky, animated tiger faces off with a quirky, animated alien with a disintegration ray. Fun stuff!
Check the animated shorts on YouTube.

Fursona Non Grata (Ends: 7/30/2013)
A play written for the fandom by the creator of American Dragon: Jake Long. What happens when a young woman brings her fiancée home to meet her all-furry family?
“This will be awesome if you can make it to California” seems to be a running joke in the fandom.

Solrac Ventures (Ends: 7/30/2013)
Animated short series for the bronies. Ponies: you can make it happen.
The art on this one’s pretty high quality. Pony fans should definitely take a look!

Tabletop Games

Terreria Tactics (Ends: 6/24/2013)
A tactical, armies-of-fantasy vs. armies-of-SciFi card game, loaded with anthro dragons and eagles, simulating classic console RPG battles in a tabletop game.
Great illustrations for a card game! Supervising artist is Megillakitty, check her on FurAffinity.

Tonaba: The Book of Secrets Strategic Card Game (Ends: 7/7/2013)
A richly-illustrated card game focused on small decks, agency over luck, and a theme of narrative, authors, and writing.
This is a well-planned Kickstarter, with a hefty goal. Good luck!

Tech Stuff

Tanuki tails for USB devices (Ends: 7/3/2013)
With this flash drive in the shape of a faux-fur raccoon-dog tail, any USB compatible device instantly becomes a tanuki.
Where is the line between “effing BRILLIANT” and “incredibly stupid?” Is there any line at all?

Video Games

Beast’s Fury (Ends: 6/18/2013)
An anthro-vs-anthro 2D fighting game, with great-looking characters and bosses!
Someone give me $7500 so the world can finally play a Mexican hairless blogger in a 2D fighter.

Pawtergeist (Ends: 7/1/2013)
Protect your house from a ghostly cat in this 360° gyroscopic shooter.

Goatlings: Virtual Goat Petsite (Ends: 7/7/2013)
It’s sort of “My Little Pony” meets “Neopets,” but with cute candy-sparkle goats and their human (or anthro) friends.
It’s sort of the “sparkledog” concept, but with goats. Diabetics probably shouldn’t play this game.

ElPetz (Ends: 7/10/2013)
Your basic Farmville/monster-breeder/combat mobile & tablet game, but with a weirdly cute set of monsters, particularly if you like your wolves perfectly spherical.
I’m not feeling a lot of originality here. But you get to hit your wolf with a hairbrush, so that’s something.

Fleish & Cherry in Crazy Hotel (Ends: 7/11/2013)
An isomorphic period adventure game and puzzler set in a 1930s wacky black and white cartoon. Lots of anthro characters and dancing furniture!
It’s a neat role-reversal to have the damsel save her boyfriend, but unfortunately for fox-lovers, you have to play the human :( Maybe there’ll be a fan-mod someday.

BEEF (Ends: 7/14/2013)
Now YOU play a sentient, walking mutant cow! Try to escape Meatjoy the Butcher and his abattoir of doom in this first-person survival horror/humor game.
…weirdly atmospheric.

Pooka Pets (Ends: 7/14/2013)
A cute sandbox/exploration interactive pet game featuring shape-shifting fairies. Very MLP.
Okay, maybe too many “pets” games this week. But bondage wolves and the African wild dog skin sold me on this.

Stray Cats (Ends: 7/17/2013)
Alley cats fight for food and territory in this quirky game for Android/IOS.
Not madly in love with the art or business model. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to include it, but the sketch art won me over.


Pixel Vixens on DVD: My Little Pony Cosplay Parody (Ends: 7/2/2013)
Fandom-inspired parody porn by the Pixel Vixens, who are ready to commit Rule 34 for the masses.

Neko Adventures: Real Cat Girl Porn (Ends: 7/29/2013)
DVD/web release of cat girls, free from their imprisonment on DeviantArt and sexing it up IRL. Not just for manga anymore.

MANDROID – The Pervy Adult Tamagotchi of Online Hookups (Offbeatr voting period)
Smartphone app for hookups with some personal safety features and a virtual pet/avatar, theoretically for all genders and orientations but mostly targeting gay men. Not so furry maybe, but aimed at a community reflecting “every race, ethnicity, body type, and species.”
Furstarter does not condone this applet. But we would seriously consider condoning that wolf.

Pocket Pussies: The Legend of Seven Purity Seals (Offbeatr voting period)
Zelda/Pokemon hybrid exploration/battling seizure monsters game, loaded with cheesecake pokemon, cat girls, and assorted anime-esque hotness.


Chronicles of Jason Vann: The Case of the Melted Fox (Ends: 6/27/2013): The last kickstarter for this Gshep police drama failed–well, it was pulled 10 days before close–it’s reposted at half the goal. *sigh*
JR & Ollie Adventure fun game (Ends: 6/30/2013): A story-driven puzzle/adventure game in a world of anthro characters. Click, look at the cute angry foxes, move on.
“Willie the Wolf and the 3 Pig Brothers” (Ends: 7/10/2013): Children’s/YA illustrated book about bullies and coping. Points for an interesting wolf illustration or two.
Animato Anthropomorphica (Ends: 8/9/2013): A furry short film from the Bill Plimpton school of animation. I want to like this, but not a lot of love on the IGG itself :(. Try harder next time!


Blue Wolf Sanctuary and Village (Ends: 7/6/2013): A sustainable community of simple houses with bed and breakfast, workshop space, etc, and a sanctuary for both wolves and humans.
Preservation of Dingo Records (Ends: 7/7/2013): Campaign to preserve archives of Berenice Walters, “The Dingo Lady,” a body of over 30 years of dingo research and preservation.
Save the African Wild Dog (Ends: 7/11/2013): Working to preserve the Wild Dog–veterinary costs, snare removal, tracking collars, research materials
Ma Pacu Meaw (Ends: 7/20/2013): Quirky stop live action/beatbox/stop-motion bird conservation awareness music video. Playful, fun stuff, particularly the intro video.
Sand Animals (Ends: 8/6/2013): An animated film series to teach the Armenian alphabet through animation, and teach students about animation. Simple, graceful, animated animals.

…Just For Fun

Gatekeeper – A Meeting of Giants (Ends: 6/21/2013): Star Wars ACTUALLY meets Star Trek in this 120-minute film featuring original actors.
The Untold History of Japanese Video games (Ends: 6/30/2013): An ambitious book unpacking some early video game history, with extensive interviews from Japanese developers.
Blaster Battle Royale: Attack of the Foam (Ends: 7/18/2013): A Guinness record attempt for largest foam-dart-blaster battle EVER. With Star Wars burlesque, sci-fi costumes, and other awesomeness. Geek history in the making.
DUBWARS (Ends: 7/21/2013): “A dubstep-fuelled, top-down, twin-stick shooter.” Bringing wub-wubs and blasters to your mac, PC, or Android/iOS.

…Coming soon?

“Otto” (pre-launch): An old-school Mario/Sonic-esque side-scroller. You’re the orb-slinging dog in a beret. Berets=love.

Categories: News

FC-129 Common Sense Ritual - Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

FurCast - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 22:59

Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Fans, conventions step forth to help furry tornado victim by Draconis

Fox with head stuck in jar approaches humans for help (Video)

Two Miniature Spider Species Discovered in Giant Panda Sanctuaries of China

Man stabs brother over missing mac and cheese

  • Pannik – “Relationship Trouble..”
  • Shakiro Taskume-San – “I’m Legit”
  • Skrif – “Words and checking privilege.”
  • Anonymous Frightened Fur – “Mate Help”
  • Weston P. – “Hey Guys.”
  • Nate Panda – “So Much Pain”
  • Anonymous – “Please help”
  • Seth – “Dating Advice”

The “Friend-zone:”

  • D’Otter – “How Do I Stand It!”
FC-129 Common Sense Ritual - Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!
Categories: Podcasts

FC-129 Common Sense Ritual

FurCast - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 22:59

Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Fans, conventions step forth to help furry tornado victim by Draconis

Fox with head stuck in jar approaches humans for help (Video)

Two Miniature Spider Species Discovered in Giant Panda Sanctuaries of China

Man stabs brother over missing mac and cheese

  • Pannik – “Relationship Trouble..”
  • Shakiro Taskume-San – “I’m Legit”
  • Skrif – “Words and checking privilege.”
  • Anonymous Frightened Fur – “Mate Help”
  • Weston P. – “Hey Guys.”
  • Nate Panda – “So Much Pain”
  • Anonymous – “Please help”
  • Seth – “Dating Advice”

The “Friend-zone:”

  • D’Otter – “How Do I Stand It!”
Categories: Podcasts

FC-129 Common Sense Ritual - Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

FurCast - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 22:59

Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Fans, conventions step forth to help furry tornado victim by Draconis

Fox with head stuck in jar approaches humans for help (Video)

Two Miniature Spider Species Discovered in Giant Panda Sanctuaries of China

Man stabs brother over missing mac and cheese

  • Pannik – “Relationship Trouble..”
  • Shakiro Taskume-San – “I’m Legit”
  • Skrif – “Words and checking privilege.”
  • Anonymous Frightened Fur – “Mate Help”
  • Weston P. – “Hey Guys.”
  • Nate Panda – “So Much Pain”
  • Anonymous – “Please help”
  • Seth – “Dating Advice”

The “Friend-zone:”

  • D’Otter – “How Do I Stand It!”
FC-129 Common Sense Ritual - Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!
Categories: Podcasts

FC-129 Common Sense Ritual - Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

FurCast - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 22:59

Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Fans, conventions step forth to help furry tornado victim by Draconis

Fox with head stuck in jar approaches humans for help (Video)

Two Miniature Spider Species Discovered in Giant Panda Sanctuaries of China

Man stabs brother over missing mac and cheese

  • Pannik – “Relationship Trouble..”
  • Shakiro Taskume-San – “I’m Legit”
  • Skrif – “Words and checking privilege.”
  • Anonymous Frightened Fur – “Mate Help”
  • Weston P. – “Hey Guys.”
  • Nate Panda – “So Much Pain”
  • Anonymous – “Please help”
  • Seth – “Dating Advice”

The “Friend-zone:”

  • D’Otter – “How Do I Stand It!”
FC-129 Common Sense Ritual - Other than a quite a feisty fight and lots of funny debate this episode turned out pretty good and had lots of information in it. Enjoy!
Categories: Podcasts

Yotee Coyote and the Liquor Cabinet

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 21:12
Yotee Coyote and the Liquor Cabinet submitted by yotee
[link] [comment]
Categories: News