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Animal Crossing Bloody Leaf: A New Leaf Nightmare

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 20:19

I took a break from the game today and laid down for a nap.

I'm not very proud of it but I started dreaming about the game... but my town seemed very strange. Empty. All of their houses were locked with no signs of life inside, I ran for town hall. When I opened the door and peered inside, Isabelle was laying face down at her desk which was weird because she's always wide awake and cheery whenever I visited her, I stepped forward, my footsteps causing a liquid to splash. Looking down, there was a pool of blood coming from beneath the desk. I walked behind her and shook her a bit, trying to wake her, and then pulled her head up... then something hit the desk. It was an axe lodged into her chest!

Shocked, I dropped her and her head landed on the desk with a thud, of course there was no response. I turned and looked at my desk, everything was thrown about and at my feet was the busted Tortimer picture, but somebody had scratched out Tortimer's eyes with a shard of glass and punched it through his chest. My chair was turned around and shifted a bit as I heard what I assumed to be a foot tapping on the floor. I came around the desk and could not believe who I saw.

Rover, who greeted me on the train ride sat there, staring off into the distance with an angry look on his face. Blood was splattered all over his clothes and fur. I was speechless. "I've been travelling from town to town all this time," he spoke up with a gravelly voice, "looking for a job as mayor. Yet everywhere I go Tortimer had some twin relative of his in place." He chuckled awkwardly to himself. "When you said you were coming to Allswell, I wasn't sure I heard you correctly so I tried to verify with a map. I was stunned that you had gotten off at my town and missed the stop."

Rover looked up and sighed. "I had finally gotten the job as mayor. This town's Tortimer had retired to the tropical island." Rover pounded his knee with his fist as he stammered, "and y-you! You just assumed your role as mayor as soon as you hopped off the train in my place!"

"...For days I stewed on it, even after I sent you a congratulatory letter. Something snapped in me today, I got on the train, visited your house where the villagers said you were sleeping even though there was no trace of you, and took your axe out of your dresser. I wouldn't visit any of your villagers any time soon, they are in shreds." He walked over to Isabelle and ripped the axe out of her chest. "In your case, I don't think there will be any shreds left when I'm through with you." I darted out of the town hall and made for the train, but the conductor was in pieces in his own pool of blood... so I ran out, dodging the swing of Rover's axe as I made it for the docks. In the distance I see Kapp' N arriving. Relieved I hop into the boat and throw all of my bells at him, telling him to step on it and for the love of god not to sing.

I looked back behind us and saw Rover drop the axe on the dock, staring in my direction as he screamed in rage. He could finally have his town, but all that he'd left himself was blood and death. Meanwhile I spent the rest of my days living among Kapp' N and his relatives on the tropical island. There was nowhere else I'd risk going to, knowing that Rover would be there to greet me with a bloody axe at the ready.

submitted by PedigreeTheHusky
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Categories: News

I made a fidget

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 19:59
Categories: News

Wolves of Chernarus

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 18:37
Categories: News

A Fidget I drew ^^

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 18:18
Categories: News

Another yarn tail. Fox.

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 17:50
Categories: News

She's Unsure She Should Continue College

Ask Papabear - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 12:04
Hello Papabear! 

I've asked for your advice before, but this time it's not for relationships or anything. This time it's a tiny bit more complicated.

I'm completely torn. I want to continue going to college, but I recently discovered that I had lost one of my scholarships (my GPA dropped to 2.6 and I had to have at least a 3.0 to keep it). I have also found that I cannot afford an apartment for the next semester and the only jobs I'm sure I can get are minimum wage; which obviously will not pay for an apartment.

On top of that, I have no career in mind. I've been trying to get a Psychology degree, but that won't do much for me if I don't want a career. My mate told me that it might be best to just drop, as he was worried about how stressed I was during my first year (he will be dropping college, as he found it's just faster to learn things on the Internet at his own pace). I'm also weary of what my mother would think if I dropped this apparent dead-end road.

I just can't decide if I want to learn the way my mate does or continue my college experience.

Michelle Woofwoof

* * *

Dear Woofwoof,

Welcome back to Papabear’s column :-3

The Internet is a cool way to learn many things, but if you ever hope to get a job as a psychologist you are going to need a college degree, preferably an advanced degree. No one is ever going to hire a “psychologist” who learned his/her craft by browsing the Web. Ain’t gonna happen (your mate should take note, too). So, unless you want to abandon that dream, you need to study at an accredited institution.

Now, there are several things you can do to get back on track, one of which is to get that GPA back up where it belongs. Another is to not get an apartment, or to share an apartment with several other people. Having your own digs is a luxury that most college students cannot afford, and you should not expect it as a given. Another option is to attend a college or university near your parents’ home and live with them while you finish school. Still another option: go to school part time. Instead of carrying 15 or 18 credits per term, take 2 or 3 courses tops while you work the rest of the time. See if your college, too, offers online courses to make this easier and possibly less expensive. Also, if you are an underclassman, consider taking your first two years at a community college, which is cheaper, and find one that has an agreement with your university to easily transfer credits toward a bachelor’s.

Now, if you don’t really wish to be a psychologist or pursue a career that requires a 4-year degree, there is no shame in that. Americans are always telling their children that they have to go to college when, in truth, college is not for everyone. There is actually a high demand in this country for tradesmen who have a two year degree in industry-related fields like CAD/CAM operators and dental hygienists (for some reason, dental hygienists are in very high demand right now, but don’t go to some fly-by-night place to study. If that career appeals to you, talk to your dentist and ask him or her where the best place to get certified is.)

Here is a helpful article about things you can accomplish with a two-year degree: Many of these jobs pay very well, too.

Finally, there is no shame at all in pursuing a career such as master plumber, electrician, contractor, mechanic, or beautician. I, for one, admire and highly value a person who can do such things with skill, and one thing you can count on: these jobs are NEVER outsourced overseas because it’s not like you can ship your house or car (or face or hair) overseas to have someone in China fix it and send it back, eh?

I hope this gives you some ideas and inspires you to look into fields that may be more suitable to you and bring you financial stability and personal satisfaction.

Good Luck,


Yarn tails vs sewn tails

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 10:17

Which do you guys prefer and why? Is it the look, how is flows with your body? Perhaps the practicality of it? Or maybe the prices?

Just a thought and wanted to see what you guys think about them :3

submitted by FuraFume
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Categories: News

New to this thread

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 09:31

I'm a newcomer to this thread and I have a few questions.

What do I have to do to become a fully fledged furry?

Links to more furry comics, I love them!

What does it mean to be a furry?

I've asked these questions because I find the furry culture to be quite interesting and I wouldn't mind trying something new! Thanks for reading the post!

submitted by Jake_Hugh
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Categories: News

Just an anthro insect girl

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 09:17
Categories: News

New Books for Young Readers

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 15 Jun 2013 - 01:46

Stan Lee’s Kids Universe imprint continues to be a good source for new books aimed at kids — and kids at heart of course. Which, often enough, include furries! Dani Jones has been reviewed here previously for her book Monsters vs. Kittens (check it out here). Now her latest work is called Once Upon A Time, and it’s simple: A young pig is trying to tell a fanciful tale, but on each page his various animal friends keep cutting in with their own take on the story. Visit Dani’s web site to find out more about these and other current projects. Also from Kids Universe, look for Reggie the Veggie, written by Dale Mettam and illustrated by Ivan Escalante. It chronicles the adventures of a young, vegetarian crocodile trying to get through his first day at school — and, word is that Reggie might have a game in development as well. Look for both of these new books to come out this July.

image c. 2013 Stan Lee’s Kids Universe

Categories: News

Episode 20: something about porn

Claws & Convo - Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 19:27
China Rose pops in as we go off on various random acts of... well I forget what but we did stuff.

Artist of the MonthMarymouse

NewsDogs help with mental dissorder

VideosTears of the forgotten

Brazillian News Report

Categories: Podcasts

Do only girls wear tails?

Furry Reddit - Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 19:02

My friend, after seeing my tail, told me that only girls are supposed to wear tails. I'm confused because I've never heard this before and I love wearing my tail. Her opinion won't change whether I wear my tail or not but I can't help but be curious where she may have heard this from. Thanks! :)

submitted by b1gl0s3r
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Categories: News

Free Icon Day!

Furry Reddit - Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 15:23

First off I'd like to give full credit to Rikkoshaye for giving me the idea and backing me on it! In case you missed her icon day, I'm holding one as well.

Over, thank you everyone! If anyone wants to make a last-minute tip to add some shading, feel free. Here is a flat colour icon, and here is a cel-shaded icon, for the gist of what you might get.

I'll do the first icon on Monday, and try to do one icon a day after that. If we get an extra raffle winner(s) due to tips, I'll remove the previous winners from the list and "roll again".

Raffle winners are RainbowRaptor96 and the_bi_lizard, congrats, you two! Here's selection screenshots for as much proof as I can give. The repeats are people who went for two icons (but they still only got one raffle number).

Stretch Goal Amount Raised: $75.00- Flat Colour/Cel-Shaded Icons; 2-Winner Raffle

We made it to all in colour! :D Insert video game victory noise of your choice here.

$25.00 from next goal, $75 from next major goal.

$0- Simple lineart icons! Tippers get detailed lineart.

$5- Free icons are detailed lineart, and tippers get grayscale.

$10- Everyone will be entered in a 1-winner raffle, with the prize as any (SFW) picture they want.

$20- Tippers get flat colours!

$35- Free icons get grayscale!

$50- 2 raffle winners.

$75- All icons get flat colours, and tippers get cel-shading.

$100- 3 raffle winners.

$150*- All icons get full-cel, and tippers get full painterly-shading. 4 raffle winners.

If the tips go above $150, there are more goals in store.

Tips should be sent to through Paypal only, USD. Put your Reddit/FA name in the payment note!

Some minor rules: No NSFW, and no human/very humanlike faces. I can't draw humans very well. 3: Tippers get their icons first, in the order of when they tipped, and it's first-come first-serve from there. You can tip past the 24 hour timeframe if you like!

My FurAffinity gallery is here, and my DeviantART is here. Feel free to contact me there, here, or at for questions. (The paypal email is shared, I'm a girl, hahah.)

submitted by -Klippy
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Categories: News

Former Wolf Wants a New Fursona

Ask Papabear - Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 13:15
Hello there, Papabear,

Been a long time reading and now I find myself in need of some help. A few years ago a close friend of mine up and abandoned me for what reason I have no clue (she was a wolf fur). We both thank God we’re furries; she had such a love of wolves [that I] developed one as well, thanks to her. So I thought of myself as a wolf fur, but when she left it stung worse than anything. It still hurts and ever since I’ve been wondering what kind of fur I am, so I thought I would tell you a bit about myself and ask what type of fur you think I am. 

I am a shy but easygoing guy. I love jokes/pranks. I am up for just about anything, and I have always loved stuff like Marvel [comics] and what not. Also I am a big WoW nerd. I have worked in an aquarium and spent lots of time with animals of all sorts. But mostly I am laid back, easy going, even if at times I have a temper on me. If you could help me with this I would be most grateful to you.

Long time reader,
A Confused Fur 

* * *

Dear Confused,

Hmm, Papabear sees a pattern here: first, you determined your fursona species based on your relationship with a wolf, and now you are asking a bear to determine your best species. My advice to you, then, would be to stop asking other people to define you. To find your true fursona, it can only come from one person: you.

I can give you a little guidance, however. First of all, things like liking comic books and MMORPGs has nothing to do with your fursona. Personality traits like being a prankster and being laid back do. For example, a person with a highly playful personality might be an otter; a highly aggressive, dominant person who is a bit of a loner might best be defined as a dragon; a sociable, strong personality might work best as a wolf or lion—both social species. A highly spiritual person might choose a bird like a bald eagle or red-tailed  hawk, and someone who feels both fragile and beautiful would do well to be a butterfly. A mysterious and awe-inspiring furry could be a blue whale. I like bears, of course, because they combine the best of cuddliness and being laid back with strength and independence. A friend of mine who loves fast cars, motorcycles, and such stuff chose the cheetah, logically, for his fursona, and another chose a porcupine, an animal that is adorable and shy but surrounds itself with a natural defense mechanism showing his guarded side. 

Another way to choose a fursona is just simply your attraction to a certain kind of animal. In addition to feeling that bears match my personality because of their personalities, I am also spiritually attracted to them, and my spiritual teacher is attuned to both bears and horses. Some people, too, pick hybrids that combine what they like of two or more species. Some mythological species, such as gryphons, work well in this case.

On the other hand, sometimes people choose a fursona based on an animal that is not at all like their human selves. For example, someone who is really shy and has difficulty making friends might long for the camaraderie of the wolf back and see him- or herself as a wolf; someone who has been told all his life that he/she is stupid, might decide to become a wise owl; someone who is lazy and slow might, instead of picking a sloth as their fursona, become an agile monkey swinging across the forest canopy. Being a furry can mean trying to find new ways to express yourself and what you wish to be.

I hope that helps you without my actually choosing a fursona for you.

