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His Illness Makes Him Wonder If He Should Let His Partner Find Sex Elsewhere

Ask Papabear - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 20:37
Dear Papabear,

I was just diagnosed with a non-contagious non-curable disease that has/will put a serious stop to our sex life (at least temporarily). 

My partner hasn't suggested this but I want to be fair to him. Should I suggest the possibility of opening up our relationship so that he can have (safe) sex with guys outside of our relationship until I'm better?

I wouldn't even suggest this if I wasn't certain that our relationship is on solid ground. We've been together going on 7 years and I completely trust him. 

My previous relationship ended when I “caught” my ex courtesy of a state police officer, a wreck, and an emergency room. I am confident that my partner wouldn't cheat on me but I know he has needs and I want to make sure he's happy. 

Thanks for your help,

B. Cub

* * *

Dear B. Cub,

Hmm, I’m not really sure what disease is chronic, not contagious, and interferes with sex, yet, apparently with treatment, will allow you to have sex again in the future. Be that as it may, you are obviously a very kind and considerate person who is concerned about his partner’s happiness. You trust him and are open-minded about having an open relationship, if necessary. That’s great.

Before you take that step, however, you might want to explore possibilities in having sexual play with him in ways that you still can perform. Again, I’m not sure what limitations this illness of yours has on you, but sex is more than just inserting Tab A into Slot B. You can be erotic and stimulating in many other ways. Remember, love making involves more than just the groin. A good lover uses his (or her) entire body. A helpful book for you, if you have never read it, would be The Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort. I’m sure you will find many inspirational ideas in there you have not thought of before.

If you still wish to explore an open relationship, then talk to him. You might say something like the following: “I don’t want my illness to affect your happiness in any way. I completely trust you, and I understand you have sexual needs that I cannot fulfill right now. You haven’t approached me about this, so I am approaching you. I want you to know that it’s okay with me if you need to find some sexual relief with someone else. If you do, all I would ask is that you communicate with me what you are doing and, of course, practice safe sex. As long as we keep talking to each other about our needs, we can get through this. I love you very much and I want us to work, so tell me what you are thinking now.”

And let him give you his viewpoint on the matter. 

You sound like a sweet couple. Together, I’m sure you can make this work.



Furry Crowdfunding Week in Review: 8-11-13

FurStarter - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 17:58

The foxes of speculative fiction: Déjà Vu and Flashy the Overlord

Apparently the summer slump is over! Lots of new projects–films, comics, video games, and a surprisingly furry project on Offbeatr…no illustrations from that one, though. This week, two anthro graphic novels, one from an artist on FA, one from a furry outsider.

And then a bunch of other stuff.


dejavuiconDéjà Vu

Déjà Vu is a sci-fi/fantasy, the story of Cal and Saku, a mismatched pair of girls trying to return a corrupt society to its peaceful roots. The overall project–12 comics, each about 32 pages long–promises a complex story, the idea of reforming a world is a lot trickier than saving it…

I’d like to ramble at length about this project, but there’s not a lot of material on it. The artist, Fox Holliday, is unfortunately stingy with the details. She’s sharing pages on FA and through backer dejavuconceptupdates, and what we can see right now is still in a rough state, but her concept art is clean and approachable, obviously influenced by a manga style but hasn’t sacrificed its soul to it. I’m looking forward to more updates.

Holliday’s Kickstarter campaign is unusual in a few ways. It’s a really tight campaign, with a 20-day countdown to completion, and a fairly high goal for a graphic novel-type KS. Secondly, it’s a PDF form graphic novel with print as its stretch goal. That’s a rare approach, and may cause some friction with the people that shop at the Mall of Kickstarter, though it may be a more realistic approach to a project of this size. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a relaunch of this campaign to fund volume one, or maybe a version backed by one of the big furry publishers–regardless, it’s worth a look for strong artwork and a plot that feels much more human, perhaps ironically for a furry title, than most overly-epic adventure titles.

Flashy2Flashy the Overlord

I think we’re a little spoiled in the fandom by the interactivity of our little shared world–our imaginary selves can get picked up by an artist, spun into someone else’s shared world, be incorporated into a “your name here” project…besides showing up at conventions and posting to twitter, furries inhabit a shared fictional world. It’s an interesting bit of parallel evolution when someone outside the fandom creates an anthro title and then opens it up to incorporating the plot twists and character concepts of a community of readers. I wonder if the author, Eric Bernadin, knows what kind of door he’s throwing open!

Flashy is the story of the boy who would be king, Flashy, son of the recently deceased lord Gebo, and his path to the throne. Flashy’s world is touched with fantasy–diverse races, strange and dangerous creatures. And it’s a beautiful world–the art may not be to everybody’s tastes, but the delicate splashes and hues of watercolor are unusual in a graphic novel, and the look and feel is of some of my favorite children’s books, minimalist, abstract, but expressive. More pics, please, Mr. Bernadin, we see them scattered around your table. Quit holding out!

Flashy1Besides the challenges associated with producing a comic, “Flashy” has an agenda of openness, community, and shared world-building. Is this achievable in a print product, limited by one artist’s time and skill? Even Blotch’s “Dog Days of Summer” project had a heck of a time getting to a conclusion, and it was little more than a sexy summer fling “Choose your (or Diego’s) Own Adventure” story. Audience-driven creativity works well when it’s a shared world, but may bog down a solo effort. Still, community-driven world-building in a graphic novel is so rare that it may be unique, and Bernadin is passionate about the challenge.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

New Projects

Animal Parade (Art. Ends: 9/1/2013)
A faintly creepy interactive art exhibit and collection of colorful, marching animals with huge, staring, dead eyes (All my life I have wanted to be a double-pig early bird. Share this opportunity with me now.)

Rocko, The Christmas Bat (Children’s Products. Ends: 8/21/2013)
Soft and friendly story of a forgotten halloween decoration that wants to be a Christmas decoration.

Jason and the Monster King (Children’s Products. Ends: 9/13/2013)
Children’s graphic novel/ebook in the “kid hero visits dangerous magical otherworld” genre. Cute costumes and main character design!

Déjà Vu (Comics/Graphic Novels. Ends: 8/25/2013)
A sci-fi/fantasy anthro adventure featuring the art of Fox Holliday and lots of canines. (A tight, 20-day Kickstarter campaign, very cool.)

Flashy the Overlord (Comics/Graphic Novels. Ends: 9/4/2013)
A graphic novel with simple watercolor illustrations about, possibly, coming of age and taking the throne in a fantasy kingdom. (There’s a strong interactive element in this project, community-building and writing yourself into the plot. )

The Ballad of Thundercluck, Chicken of Thor (Film/Animation/Theater. Ends: 9/4/2013)
“Half mortal. Half god. All natural chicken.” Short animated film with a celtic style. Ride with Thundercluck into glory!

Sanpomichi, A Little Oze (Film/Animation/Theater. Ends: 9/9/2013)
Stop-motion film of a mouse’s daily life, her habits, her family challenges. Graceful slice-of-life. (I’d love to watch this back-to-back with Blood Tea and Red String. For contrast.)

Havok & Hijinks (Tabletop Games. Ends: 9/24/2013)
A disturbingly cute card game: you play a dragon hatchling that got kicked out of the parent’s den, and now it’s time to find your OWN hoard!

The Kingdom (Toys. Ends: 9/4/2013)
Epic adventure with anthro monkey warriors–first graphic novel series, now a line of action figures.

Edo Superstar (Video Games. Ends: 9/5/2013)
Monkey-on-monkey fighting game with an ancient Japanese flavor from the maker of Yukiyoe Heroes (favorite video game characters as ancient Japanese block woodcuts.) (Honestly, I really don’t care about the game. I want the SWAG.)

No Good Deed: A Macrophilic Choose-Your-Own-Adventure (Adult. Offbeatr voting period)
A multi-ending illustrated book-on-CD, with transformations, macro growth, and the occasional demigod. And lots of naked giant dragon critters. (Look for DNA‘s work on FA.)

Out-Rigged Project (…Meh. Ends: 9/12/2013)
I wholeheartedly believe there’s an anthro video game concept in this wacky mish-mash of vague ideas, furry denial, wiki references, and typos…

Dog houses for rescued wolf-dogs (…Causes. Ends: 8/24/2013)
Project Pawsitive’s campaign to raise money to upgrade wolfdog repair and shelters at the Loki Clan Wolf Refuge.

Deck of Legends (…Just For Fun. Ends: 9/6/2013)
A tarot-sized deck of “standard” playing cards with fantasy artwork, for play and props in RPG tabletop games. More of the artist’s work on DA.

Metroid: Enemies Within (…Just For Fun. Ends: 9/8/2013)
Metroid fans give the Nintendo franchise short film treatment. Impressive work so far!

La Divina Caricatura (…Just For Fun. Ends: 10/1/2013)
An American Bunraku-style (Japanese puppet theater) production, a pop opera with a few beautifully done anthro puppets, worth a visit to the IGG for the characters.

the ultimate guide to life (…Just For Fun. Ends: 10/10/2013)
A strangely compelling film journey into a land of cynical, satan-led anthro pigs, vaguely season 2 Southpark, snarky and low-budget. (Well, not just pigs, this is an anthology film, but the two clips thusfar are both pretty fun. Others may vary in quality.)


Hunter Clark’s Sublime Creatures (Ends: 9/1/2013)
(NSFW) An artsy collection of animal-headed women, artistic nudes of mothers, mothers-to-be, and madonnas.
More about the beauty of the pregnant female body combined with animal symbolism than hybrids and anthros, but an interesting take on hybrids and lots of African carnivores.


Woof — Dog Themed Pinback Buttons (Ends: 8/25/2013)
Cute, quirky, 1.25-inch buttons for your jacket or whichever. Cute little guys! Cats too.
Scroll down a little, the “extra dog” pins are adorable :) Watch the artist on DeviantArt or FA

HouseBROKEN Clothing’s New Designs (Ends: 9/2/2013)
New additions to Housebroken‘s tee line–amost exclusively, sharp-dessed animal designs.
I’m wearing Pussy Enforcer on casual day this week.

Piki Charms (Ends: 9/21/2013)
Tiny charms for phones, etc, with an amazing range of designs, by DrawWithLaura
The goal is a little high for the nature of this product, but it’s to fund some business capital equipment. But it’s fixed-funding, so no accidental scams.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Of Mice and Madness: Tails from Out There! (Ends: 8/15/2013)
The adventures of the mouse bounty hunter Othello and his trusted if dim cat steed as they travel the galaxy in search of riches.
More galleries and info at

Birdland (Ends: 8/22/2013)
A comic set in New York City, thick with jazz, noir, murder, and anthropomorphic birds

Owlgirls (Ends: 9/1/2013)
A “paranormal detective” genre comic, three shadowy sisters touched by the goddess of Death. Oh, they have owl heads.

Caribbean Blue: Volume 2 (Ends: 9/2/2013)
Cat-girls and girl-cats on a tropical island in this colorful manga-style webcomic-turned-print.

Danger Squad (Ends: 9/9/2013)
Sci-Fi Comedy featuring a crazy captain and malajusted crew, and a nice range of anthro characters and villians.

Woof Yorkers (Ends: 9/12/2013)
Cartoons from the dog park, a “keep the site alive” campaign from
I’m on the fence on this one. Occasionally clever, occasionally cute, but it’s no “Housepets.”


DerpyCon South (Ends: 8/14/2013)
Fundraising for Year 1 of DerpyCon South: the New Orleans Brony convention!


Cat’s View Feature Film (Ends: 8/21/2013)
A crime thriller filmed from a cat witness’s point of view, along with information about the life of a feral cat, trap/neuter/return projects, etc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Blood Brothers (Ends: 8/23/2013)
A short, live-action TMNT film with some amazing props already in the works.
From the people who brought you Marvel Zombies: The Movie: The Trailer…. Disorienting KS video, total lack of business plan, but nice mock-ups.

Anthro: Animating the Soul (Ends: 8/27/2013)
A documentary look at beloved anthro characters and their creators.
Stitchfan has broken this project up into a series of small-goal IGGs, interesting model and I hope to see it succeed!

Werewolves of Predatory Moon (Ends: 9/1/2013)
Indie low-budget “creature feature” with a pack of werewolves and a commitment to costumes rather than CGI.
I can’t imagine what their faux hair budget is. Check the Predatory Moon website for more images.

BiPolar Bears (Ends: 9/1/2013)
Animated series about manic and depressive polar bear twins Manny and Preston (orderilies in a psych institute), the Post-Traumatic Puffins, Randolf the Alcoholic Reindeer, and other friends.
Bleah. The promo vid is “join me in my philosophy” rather than “here’s this cool product idea.” That plus very high goal/60-day campaign is a bad sign.

Tabletop Games

Room Party: The Game (Ends: 8/15/2013)
A card game about building the MOST AWESOME room party at the con. Concept by the artists of BLOTCH (and stretch goal Furry Con expansion to be drawn by Blotch.)
Reminds me a bit of “Chez Geek,” silly people, silly situations, accumulating cool points.

Zoo Fu: Path of the Samurai Zookeeper (Ends: 8/17/2013)
A silly card game of fighting zoo animals, martial arts, and shouting.
I really want to play a game where you get points by shouting “Crouching Gecko Kick of DOOOOOOM!”

Ponies for Pathfinder Setting Handbook (Ends: 8/24/2013)
A MLP-inspired tabletop RPG setting handbook–inspired by, but not derivitive of.
You may want to look at the Ponies for Pathfinder Racebook first. The writer seems to have tried to create a legitimate stand-alone product, not a MLP mashup or comedy piece. So, points for a clear goal.


Gothitropolis Raven Action Figure (Ends: 8/12/2013)
Six action figures of 6-inch anthro birds in gothic fantasy inspired armor, with stretch goals for several more within reach.

Video Games

Questria: Princess Destiny (Ends: 8/18/2013)
A life simulation game with very familiar characters, human versions of the “mane six” from My Little Pony.

Fable Kart (Ends: 9/1/2013)
Multiplayer kart game in which the hare, turtle, and lots of animal friends crash and zoom around as they try to rescue the pages from Aesop’s storybook.

No Signal (Ends: 9/12/2013)
Open-world story-driven RPG: Somewhere there is a universe in peril, a universe of plumbers with hammers, ninja tortoises, and dark urban knights. And you must save this universe. Except that your brain has been yanked out and put into a stuffed bear.
$100,000 goal? Really?


Chimera Labs (Ends: 8/27/2013)
Lovingly–that’s the word–detailed adult toys by Kharnak
I would like to meet the fennec fox that had one of those. They don’t usually grow that big…

Roundscape: Adorevia (Ends: 9/10/2013)
An ambitious and smutty narrative-driven free-to-play 2D sprite game, looking for some floating decimal point between the hentai fandom and “Lord of the Rings.”
I don’t think Lord of the Rings had quite as many money shots. Is this a furry project? Not really, but poster Kaliyo tells me that we can expect furry companions and transformations. We’ll see.


Jax the Cat (Ends: 9/1/2013): A children’s comic series of talking cats, and a few talking mice. Very Don Bluth, and like Bluth’s work a mixture of charm and pain.


Wildcats of the World (Ends: 8/25/2013): A web-based interactive resource to spread awareness of the remaining sildcat species.
Save Virachey Park (Ends: 9/10/2013): Campaign to install motion-trigger cameras in Virachey park, Cambodia, to show it’s a worthwhile preserve of endangerd species. Do it for the dholes!

Categories: News

need some help

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 16:21

i'm trying to sketch an anthromorphic tiger, but i have no idea where to start. this is just pencil on paper. anyone have any advice?

submitted by beta4gm
[link] [12 comments]
Categories: News

[NSFW] Furry Porn Is Weird

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 15:39
Categories: News

Leo for Dakota the folf :)

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 14:58
Categories: News

Best of FWIW: S2E16 – To Pop or Not to Pop: Ruining the Magic - Roo and Tugs are taking a one episode break and will return in two weeks. Be sure to send in your emails and we'll read them on the air! This Best Of FWIW Episode also has more details on our

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 10:30
Roo and Tugs are taking a one episode break and will return in two weeks. Be sure to send in your emails and we'll read them on the air! This Best Of FWIW Episode also has more details on our next FWIW LIVE! show!

It’s a question popular for the furry fandom over the last few years – is it appropriate to pop your top in public spaces? Klik joins Roo and a very sick Tugs as they explore this highly divisive topic and attempt to discover what the best solution possible is for both sides of the argument. Afterward, all hell breaks loose: they open the reader mailbag, see the return of the game, discover Roo’s sense of geography, and debate a listener’s question about animal rights versus character traits. Hilarity ensues!


Show Notes

Music and Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Main Segment Opening: Cliff Edwards – When You Wish Upon a Star. Los Angeles: Walt Disney Records under license from Bourne Co. Licensed by ASCAP.
Main Segment 2 Opening: Sonique – Put a Spell on You. Unknown: Universal Records, 1999. Licensed by ASCAP.
Game Show Music: Edwards Lawrence Alfonso – Weakest Link (Remix). Unknown: BBC, Unknown. Licensed by ASCAP.
Listener Mail:  Incubus – Aqueous Transmission. Malibu, CA: EMI April Music Inc, 2001. Licensed by ASCAP.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Next episode: What are Therian? What are Otherkin? Are you one or the other? We want to know if you are and/or your burning questions as we delve into this deeply personal topic. Send your thoughts using the “Contact Us!” button! You’ll have til August 12th to send us your email, due to a one episode break. Best of FWIW: S2E16 – To Pop or Not to Pop: Ruining the Magic - Roo and Tugs are taking a one episode break and will return in two weeks. Be sure to send in your emails and we'll read them on the air! This Best Of FWIW Episode also has more details on our
Categories: Podcasts

Furry 'dating' sites?

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 03:15

Ok I know about Pounced and FurFling. Are their any others? Is pounced still simi popular? It sucks that FF charges to read messages :(

submitted by CrushTheNWO
[link] [21 comments]
Categories: News

I think I died a little from the cute

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 00:25
Categories: News

Made a new chat room for fellow furs to hangout, make friends and be random.

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 00:01

Hello everyone, I have created a new chat room. The Furry Academy Hangout is the perfect place to take a break from everyday life, make friends and have a fun time.

From crazy random stories to serious talks, any and every type of discussion is welcome at the Furry Academy Hangout.

So please, if you are looking for some place to make some new online friends, please consider giving my chat room a looksie :3

submitted by Leo-Kaiser
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 23:53
Categories: News

FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

FurCast - Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

Download MP3

  • Paradox and Microsoft’s Jeff
  • FreezeFrame Car Problems

Only 22% of Furries are GAY

Director Byron Howard to Helm Disney’s Buddy Action Comedy ZOOTOPIA for 2016 Release

Man charged with rubbing buttered toast on SUV

Turtle Disguised As Burger Smuggled Through Airport In China

Boise furry arrested, accused of having sex with cat by Higgs Raccoon

DJ Lone Wolf wanted to give us all a goodbye seeing he starts basic and won’t be able to watch the show.

  • Blaze – “Furmeet and friends”
  • Shadeclaw – “Questions and musing”
  • Precieval / Praw – “Therian identities and balance”
  • Alestreme – “Furries At Kumoricon”
  • Sceptagon – “Shades: Cool, meh, or plain dumb?”
  • X – “Stalkers, harassment orders and stress”
  • Hopeful – “Help! Female Hatred in Furry Fandom”
  • Redtail wolf – “How does one become more out going”
FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

FurCast - Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

Download MP3

  • Paradox and Microsoft’s Jeff
  • FreezeFrame Car Problems

Only 22% of Furries are GAY

Director Byron Howard to Helm Disney’s Buddy Action Comedy ZOOTOPIA for 2016 Release

Man charged with rubbing buttered toast on SUV

Turtle Disguised As Burger Smuggled Through Airport In China

Boise furry arrested, accused of having sex with cat by Higgs Raccoon

DJ Lone Wolf wanted to give us all a goodbye seeing he starts basic and won’t be able to watch the show.

  • Blaze – “Furmeet and friends”
  • Shadeclaw – “Questions and musing”
  • Precieval / Praw – “Therian identities and balance”
  • Alestreme – “Furries At Kumoricon”
  • Sceptagon – “Shades: Cool, meh, or plain dumb?”
  • X – “Stalkers, harassment orders and stress”
  • Hopeful – “Help! Female Hatred in Furry Fandom”
  • Redtail wolf – “How does one become more out going”
FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

FurCast - Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

Download MP3

  • Paradox and Microsoft’s Jeff
  • FreezeFrame Car Problems

Only 22% of Furries are GAY

Director Byron Howard to Helm Disney’s Buddy Action Comedy ZOOTOPIA for 2016 Release

Man charged with rubbing buttered toast on SUV

Turtle Disguised As Burger Smuggled Through Airport In China

Boise furry arrested, accused of having sex with cat by Higgs Raccoon

DJ Lone Wolf wanted to give us all a goodbye seeing he starts basic and won’t be able to watch the show.

  • Blaze – “Furmeet and friends”
  • Shadeclaw – “Questions and musing”
  • Precieval / Praw – “Therian identities and balance”
  • Alestreme – “Furries At Kumoricon”
  • Sceptagon – “Shades: Cool, meh, or plain dumb?”
  • X – “Stalkers, harassment orders and stress”
  • Hopeful – “Help! Female Hatred in Furry Fandom”
  • Redtail wolf – “How does one become more out going”
FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

FurCast - Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.

Download MP3

  • Paradox and Microsoft’s Jeff
  • FreezeFrame Car Problems

Only 22% of Furries are GAY

Director Byron Howard to Helm Disney’s Buddy Action Comedy ZOOTOPIA for 2016 Release

Man charged with rubbing buttered toast on SUV

Turtle Disguised As Burger Smuggled Through Airport In China

Boise furry arrested, accused of having sex with cat by Higgs Raccoon

DJ Lone Wolf wanted to give us all a goodbye seeing he starts basic and won’t be able to watch the show.

  • Blaze – “Furmeet and friends”
  • Shadeclaw – “Questions and musing”
  • Precieval / Praw – “Therian identities and balance”
  • Alestreme – “Furries At Kumoricon”
  • Sceptagon – “Shades: Cool, meh, or plain dumb?”
  • X – “Stalkers, harassment orders and stress”
  • Hopeful – “Help! Female Hatred in Furry Fandom”
  • Redtail wolf – “How does one become more out going”
FC-135 Legal Dick - A crazy five person show with antics, humor, and great discussion.
Categories: Podcasts

New Disney Animals… with Clothes!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 19:35

Still working our way through San Diego Comic Con discoveries, but now we have this BIG news from Disney’s D23 Expo to talk about. During the opening day presentation on upcoming animated movies (including Disney’s Frozen and Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur), Disney made an announcement about a new animated film called Zootopia, which is scheduled for release in 2016. Check out this summary from Slash Film: “Tangled director Byron Howard will direct the film from a script by Jared Bush. They’ve been working for the last year and a half on the project, spurred in in part by a love of the Disney Robin Hood feature. Howard wanted to do a film with animals in clothing. They hope to continue ‘Disney’s amazing legacy of animal-based animated films’… We’ve seen movies featuring animals in the natural world, and in the human world, but we’ve never seen animals in a modern world designed by animals. What would animals do differently than humans would? So the filmmakers talked to experts, from anthropologists to safari guides to imagineers as they began to design an animal civilization which is ‘distinctly animal’.” Are you excited yet? We are! Here’s the plot: “In the animal city of Zootopia, a fast-talking fox who’s trying to make it big goes on the run when he’s framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Zootopia’s top cop, a self-righteous rabbit, is hot on his tail, but when both become targets of a conspiracy, they’re forced to team up and discover even natural enemies can become best friends.” Check out the rest at Slash Film. And see you in 2016!

image c. 2013 Walt Disney Animation

Categories: News