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Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 15:01
Categories: News

Me 'n Harmony :3

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 14:09

Here are a couple more pictures HarmonyHeartstrings drew for me that I found on an old flashdrive of mine~

Her fursona used to be wasabi colored, and this was before I added in the extra coloring to mine.

These are about a year old as well, she's gotten better but these are still pretty good. The second one was even done on a sketchbook app.

Again, in a text post so Harmony doesn't beat me for stealing her karma x3

Speaking of which, I'm going to go eat lunch with her now, we're having ramen :3

submitted by -Fosk-
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Categories: News

My 'sona as drawn by HarmonyHeartstrings almost a year ago

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 10:26


She actually helped me to come up with my current design. I thought I had lost this picture but I found it on an old flashdrive.

Also text post so /u/HarmonyHeartstrings doesn't beat me for being a karma whore x3

submitted by -Fosk-
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Categories: News

Introducing My Boyfriend to the Fandom

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 10:23

How do I go about getting him more interested in it? He already knows what it is and stuff. Ideas, guys?

submitted by Oppenheimlich
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Categories: News

He's Having Sex with His Aunt

Ask Papabear - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 10:07
Hello Papa Bear:

My fursona says it all, I consider myself a polar bear and I've been a furry for two years more or less, the reason of why I'm asking for your advice is because I have a little problem, so I'll start by the beginning:

I live with my aunt in Seattle, my parents works a lot and (almost) the only times I can see them is on weekends, so she has been there for me whenever I needed some help and advice. I'm an art student and love it. Recently we've been having this... how can I say it... we feel this sexual attraction for each other; I know this is wrong and can't be possible but that's it.

This attraction is so strong that ended into sexual intercourse more than once; honestly, I don't know how it happened, I guess you can say that “only happened.” Of course, I haven't told my parents about it because surely they will freak out and probably might want me to stay away from my aunt but I just can't help it and love her in the romantic way more than in the familiar way.

Maybe this is the first time someone asks you about advice about cases of incest, I've been dealing with this for more than 4 months and this love for my aunt is not leaving me.

I've been having these guilty/satisfaction feelings when I'm with her, there are sometimes when we even go out as a couple but then I realize that I'm dating my aunt and minutes later I just don't care.

Can you help me with this? I mean, I need some advice, when it is normal? is it common? 

With love,


* * *

Dear Anonymous,

Although of course you are going to have a big problem with your family about this if they ever find out, you have a bigger problem. Incest is illegal in most states in the USA, including where you live, Washington state. The penalty for incest, which includes intercourse with a parent, sibling, one of your children, a grandparent, a niece or nephew, and, yes, an aunt or an uncle, is 14 years in Washington. Be glad you don’t live in North or South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, or Florida, where you can get life in prison (interestingly, my former home state of Michigan has no problem with incest [no legal code against it, anyway]—somehow that’s not surprising to me given some of the residents I’ve seen there).

So, forgetting the morality of it, you should stop this relationship now. Your aunt is also criminally guilty and needs to be informed of this and start acting like an adult instead of having sex with her 19 year old nephew.

I’m not really going to get into the morality of this. I don’t really have to because the legalities of it should be enough incentive, I hope, for you to stop. As well as the fact of how this relationship would really create havoc within your family should it be discovered. And, trust me, it WILL be discovered if you let it continue long enough.

I would also recommend that both of you get some counseling. No, this behavior is not normal and it is not common, though it does happen. I think you are letting your hormones run away with you and control your actions; your aunt should be ashamed of herself for participating with you and encouraging you. I hope the fact that you could both go to prison will be enough to get you to stop.

Finally, I recommend that you change your living situation as soon as possible.

I hope you will listen to my advice. Good luck.


Come At Me Bro!

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 08:14

My first partial for my genet character, Morton. Debuted at Dragoncon this past weekend. I have more pictures but this is by far the best.

Best weekend ever!

Come at me bro!

submitted by Seyloren
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Categories: News

Calendars for 2014

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 4 Sep 2013 - 01:42

Two popular and well-known anthropomorphic art calendars are completed again, and taking orders for 2014. The Rare Calendar is dedicated to anthropomorphic species that are less usually drawn. This year, the theme is “festivities”, which each of 13 artists drawing anthro characters celebrating various holidays from around the globe. Artists like: Ashalind, Bloodhound Omega, Heather Bruton, Centradragon, Alector Fencer, Firefeathers, Golden Druid, Katmomma, Nimrais, Donna Quinn, Rhyu, ShinigamiGirl, and Windfalcon. The Rare Calendar web site has more details and order information. Meanwhile the Werewolf Calendar (which speaks for itself!) includes lycanthropic art from the likes of Maria Anisimova, Balaa,  Blotch, Dark Natasha, Sarah Finnigan, Goldenwolf, Katie Hofgard, Kyndir, Nambroth, Nimrais,  Synnabar, Tachit, and Vantid. Check out their web site to order a copy, or to order last year’s calendar if you missed it.

image c. 2013 by ShinigamiGirl

Categories: News

A cute head icon of my character Toph :3

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 23:58
Categories: News

Furry Connection North closes after six year run

Furry News Network - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 17:38
Author: GreenReaper Michigan furry convention Furry Connection North, has announced its closure due to the retirement of key senior staff members. In a statement, chairman Gir Tygrin detailed the group’s struggle to deal with the growth of the organization, and their ultimate decision that the amount of work needed to allow FCN to continue to […]
Categories: News