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Number 11 in my Iron Artist list

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 16:47
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Fancy badge - Egnerion (dragon)

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 14:01
Categories: News

New Con “Fur Squared” Announced, Registration Open

Furry News Network - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 13:59
Brand new furry convention is starting in Brookfield near Milwaukee, Wisconsin in late February, 2014. Website is up and taking registrants.
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Chocolate Muzzle

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 12:52
Categories: News

Furry Is Afraid of Leaving a Church Whose Teachings She Questions

Ask Papabear - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 11:07
Hello Papa Bear!

I read your letters to furs sometimes on your site and you have answered one of mine in the past. So thank you for the advice! School is awesome now that freshmen year of high school is long behind me and each passing year seems to get better and better. Now I even have a mate and overall I'm having a good life. But what's on my mind constantly is religion. 

I grew up Roman Catholic and am still being raised this way. I went to a Catholic grade school where it seemed like the traditions and teachings are forced into you like math class. (There actually are religion classes if you go to a Catholic school no matter where you attend.) And every class seemed the same. It's not just "this is the Bible and you must follow it." Not at all. Catholicism actually doesn't focus that much on the Bible as much as one might think. It's still important but Catholics focus much more on the morals that it teaches more than anything else which I have been grateful for.

But what the religion classes actually taught was how to be a good person (aka not sinning,) and following the beliefs and traditions. Sounds good and harmless right? Ha ha, no. Absolutely not. Don't get me wrong, there were good qualities that taught, but The older I got and the more I submitted the more I realized this: the Catholic church teaches petty perfection, guilt and a lemming-like following. One teacher even taught that if you didn't follow the traditions you weren't Catholic. I seem really biased and like I'm digging at Catholics by laying it down like this but this really is how I see it. Growing up by the Catholic teachings has made me timid of making any mistake. Any. It makes me feel guilty every time I so much as think of sinning (or whatever seems like it.) The more I saw this about myself the more I began to wonder if that's really what God would want out of us. Would he really want us to be perfect? Would he want us to be cringing in fear of him every time we make a mistake? What my parents told from a young age is that God is merciful and loves all his creations. I believe this because I was given a blessed life with a loving family friends. But it seems like the Church is trying to teach the opposite.

Especially when it comes to the Church's stance on homosexuality and same sex marriages. I was always told in school and at church that marriage was meant for a male and a female only with no exceptions. I was ok with this for a while. But being bisexual myself I'm not so good with this idea anymore. First of all if someone is homosexual or bisexual it isn't their fault. God made them that way for a reason right? And as I've learned over the years: love is love. God always loves his creations no matter who they are. God would want his creations to love and be loved wouldn't he? So why can't the church realize this? I say tradition is too deep rooted in their minds. 

But really all my thoughts on Catholicism begs the question. Is Catholicism really for me? Do I really need it? I kind of found myself growing out of it. I learned and am still learning all about morals, and good character and such outside of the church. I don't know if what's left for me in Catholicism. I'm not worried about what anyone else thinks about my decision. Really I'm worried about myself here. But at the same time I'm really wondering if I should stay. 

Despite all my thoughts on it I'm having a surprisingly hard time deciding whether I should stay or go. My early "training" might be holding me back naturally, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't know if I want to leave Catholicism or if I want to stay with it. I don't think I can use my own input on this any longer. 

Thank you, 

* * *

Hi, Dawnstar,

Far be it for me to tell you what religion to follow. That’s an extremely personal choice. Reading through your letter, it’s pretty clear you have come to some conclusions about life and spirituality that no longer mesh with your Catholic upbringing.

In my opinion, this is a good thing. Not because you are drifting away from Catholicism (a religion that gives millions comfort) but because it shows you are thinking for yourself, not just mimicking what you have been taught all your life. Probably what brings a lot of this questioning about is the fact that you’re bisexual and the Catholic Church considers bisexuality and homosexuality a sin, although Pope Francis recently said the following about gay people:

“A gay person who is seeking God, who is of good will — well, who am I to judge him?” The pope added, “The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well. It says one must not marginalize these persons, they must be integrated into society. The problem isn’t this (homosexual) orientation — we must be like brothers and sisters. The problem is something else, the problem is lobbying either for this orientation or a political lobby or a Masonic lobby.”

Which is interesting in that he seems to be saying the Catholic Church should be tolerant about gay people, as long as they are not lobbying for their rights. Hmm.

I personally feel that religions make a relationship with God more difficult, because they put a lot of rules, rituals, traditions, and laws in the way. This is done purely to create a priestly/authoritarian class between you and God so that certain people will have power over you and define your Faith (a paradigm even more powerful than nationalism).

All you really need to know is what you have already said, Dawnstar. God is love, and loves all His creations, flaws and all. He is not sending you to Hell because you are bi. Frankly, I could not believe in a God whose sense of compassion was inferior to mine, and since I can find love in my own heart for people of all races, nationalities, religions, sexual orientations etc., I believe that God’s compassion is infinitely greater than my own. Therefore, He loves you infinitely more than I do, and infinitely more than the Church does.

As for the question of didn’t God create gay and bi people? Depends on your point of view on the topic. Some people think that gay and bisexual people choose to be that way because they are sinful, not because they were born that way. I—and I’m sure you—am of the opinion that we were created this way, with our sexuality ingrained in us; therefore,  why would God create an “evil” creature just to get His jollies to condemn him or her to an eternity of suffering? He wouldn’t.

Please note, this is just my opinion. I also feel that, since I do not know what [insert deity/deities of your choice here] plan is, it would be very presumptuous of me to say I know. Perhaps God really does like rosary beads and old men wearing funny hats. I find the notion ridiculous, but I cannot say differently with any sense of authority.

Perhaps this question would have been better answered by my mate, Yogi, who was raised Catholic. But my feeling about all formal religions, in general, is that they make spirituality far more complicated than it needs to be. If we all simply loved each other and were kind to one another, and loved God, as well, we wouldn’t need anyone telling us when to go to church, which way to bow, and whether or not we can eat a certain food on a certain day or need to fast or need to go on a pilgrimage. It would all be utterly unnecessary because we would be living in a paradise on earth. Also, I must assert here, the fact that we have different religions and people telling us that THEIR religion is right and YOUR religion is wrong has caused more wars and human suffering than anything else in human history.

Dawnstar (by the way, lovely choice of a name), you’re feeling anxious because you fear disapproval from family and society if you explore your own direction to find your own spirituality. Yes, that is scary, indeed, and it will take courage for you to do this. But, in your heart, you have already done it. You have already decided that a lot of the religious teachings you have received are not right for you. The rest is really just formality.

You are also hesitant because you are afraid of distancing yourself from what has long been familiar in your life, even if you feel what is familiar is wrong. This is understandable as well. You must decide whether you wish to live a lie just so you can fit in, or whether you wish to be true to yourself and find a life that fits you rather than the other way around.

I applaud you for awakening to your own truth and to the wisdom that God loves you for you, as you are one of his beautiful creations.

Good luck! Be brave!


Breaking: Furry Connection North Announces Closure & Disbands

Furry News Network - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 09:52
It is with great sadness that I must announce that Furry Connection North will not return for a 2014 year. My staff and I are all very proud of the convention that we have put on for the last 6 years. We all feel that it was the absolute best event that we could have made. At this time Furry Connection North will be dissolving and donating our remaining supplies and funds to other events and charities.
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Introducing: The Blotch Nerdgasm™

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 08:55
Categories: News

Furry Connection North closes its doors

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 08:38
Categories: News

Expressing Oneself through One’s Fursona

Furry News Network - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 07:57
Author: Dear Papabear, I would like to start by saying I am 26 and have only recently started immersing myself in the fandom, just wanted to put that out there up front. Only a week or two ago, I ended up having a long talk with a boy in an online game that I have […]
Categories: News

Fuzzy Logic: Episode 91 – Fuzz Rage

Furry News Network - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 07:52
Author: Smokescale Aquatos Aloha fluffies! This is fuzzy logic comin’ at ya with episode 91! FUZZ RAGE! We regret that an Isty could not be present tonight as the mothership had beamed him up for his 150,000 mile tune up. Discussions included Smokey mentioning an instance of managing his anger successfully at work, Kyo converting […] Fuzzy Logic: Episode 91 – Fuzz Rage
Categories: News

Mephit Fur Meet 2014: Fursuit Dance Competition Auditions Open!

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 06:23

MFM was amazing this year, already missing it! In the meantime, we have a dance competition coming up in 2014:

Mephit Fur Meet is introducing its first fursuit dance competition in 2014 and we would like to invite you to audition! Auditions are now open!!!

To audition: -State your fursuit name and where you are from in your video.

-Record your dance routine in fursuit. Please include the audio!

-Keep the video brief. 5 minutes maximum!

-Upload your video as an unlisted video (under Privacy Settings) on YouTube.

-Email the link to your video to

The videos will be placed on and the MFM mailing lists at a later date for public voting. Details on how to vote later! The top ten dancers will be invited to Mephit Fur Meet to compete along with our directors choices! Each director may choose one additional dancer to participate! This means we will have 15 finalists!

The dance competition's theme is movie soundtracks, to tie in somewhat with MFM's movie theme in 2014. However, as an additional challenge, the finalists will not know what songs they will be performing to until Opening Ceremonies! There will be rehearsal opportunities before the dance competition, but times and dates will be announced for those and the competition itself at a later date.

The attendees will decide our top 3 dancers, who will be announced at Closing Ceremonies. More details on how later!

For continued updates on this and more:

hashtag MFM2014 on Facebook & Twitter

submitted by PedigreeTheHusky
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Furry Community

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 05:38


I'm not a Furry, but I guess could be considered as on the edges of the fandom. I'm here basically to beg for help.

I'm doing my Undergraduate Dissertation on communities both online and offline. I'M NOT LOOKING AT INDIVIDUALS, ONLY AT THE COMMUNITY AND HOW IT IS USED. Because the point of this research is to aid the design of online social spaces. If forums and community sites can be made to fit their communities better, the experience users get from them improves. This project combines my two degree subjects Computer Science and Geography (the human centric stuff) with the aim of utilising both to provide some tangible benefits to online communities. Being on the edge of the fandom I thought looking at Furries would be more interesting.

All I am initially looking for is people to complete a survey. I would also love to get volunteers for interviews and focus groups which I'd like to run later. Theoretically I need to get a consent form even if you fill out a survey, so if you want to fill one out that is fine, but I will assume a completed questionnaire constitutes consent having been given for both forms provided at the link below.

The links below offer a more detailed description of the research and consent forms. Other contact details are also provided for my project supervisor (Dr D.C McKay) and for the Universities Research Governance Officer.

Information Sheet and Consent Forms (a Google account might be needed)


Feel free to contact me at

submitted by drtux
[link] [18 comments]
Categories: News

New to me: Necomimi ears

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Sep 2013 - 04:33
Categories: News