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Fuzzy Logic: Episode 95 – AHHH Real Furries

Furry News Network - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:53
Author: Smokescale Aquatos Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95! AHHHH!!! Real Furries Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the show by the name of Anaktis! He tells us about the […] Fuzzy Logic: Episode 95 – AHHH Real Furries
Categories: News

Another confused furry.

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:52

I'm a new fur, who is learning to find his sexuality through his furry self! I'm still getting used to my attraction to boys and just want some tips on accepting it :)

submitted by Cirkah
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Categories: News

Stuck in a slump

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:36

Looking to get out of it ;P

submitted by Cirkah
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Categories: News

Unsheathed Live #5 - Unsheathed Live Episode 5

Unsheathed - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:00
K.M. and Kyell broadcast live from the mountain bunker, taking questions in real time! Audiobook talk, how to promote upcoming books, sequels. Unsheathed Live #5 - Unsheathed Live Episode 5
Categories: Podcasts

Unsheathed Live #6 - Unsheathed Live Episode 6

Unsheathed - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:00
K.M. and Kyell broadcast live from the mountain bunker, taking questions in real time! Dialogue tags, older novels, story/chapter lengths, and domestic animals. Unsheathed Live #6 - Unsheathed Live Episode 6
Categories: Podcasts

Unsheathed Live #7 - Unsheathed Live Episode 7

Unsheathed - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:00
K.M. and Kyell broadcast live from the mountain bunker, taking questions in real time! Gaylaxicon con report, Penny Arcade, MFAs, and sex! Unsheathed Live #7 - Unsheathed Live Episode 7
Categories: Podcasts

Unsheathed Live #8 - Unsheathed Live Episode 8

Unsheathed - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 07:00
K.M. and Kyell broadcast live from the mountain bunker, taking questions in real time! OklaCon con report (with bonus SlenderMan), Cloud Atlas, Harry Potter. Unsheathed Live #8 - Unsheathed Live Episode 8
Categories: Podcasts

About those purposed G+ Hangouts...

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 00:36

I was wondering how many people were interested exactly? I set up and organize several for /r/LGBTeens as well as many different IRC channels and Id be glad to organize a few for this sub as well. If people are genuinely interested that is.

What are your thoughts on days and times?

submitted by Mr_Fabulouss
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Categories: News

Should He Intervene in His Relatives' Problems with Alcoholism, Violence, and Mental Illness?

Ask Papabear - Fri 25 Oct 2013 - 00:02
Hello, PapaBear,

My 34 year old cousin has a drinking problem. His mother (another cousin of mine) came to me and my grandmother yesterday morning, crying because he got on her nerves about asking her for beer while she was sleeping, getting ready to go to work early in the morning. He's been doing this for many years. He's 34 and he does have a mental problem and he has hit her and her car with a chair and she's done nothing about it. He's been spoiled since he was a kid, and right now he lives with his mom, his younger 12 year old brother, and another relative of mine in the same house. When she came to us crying that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, and I want to give her sage advice on how to solve this problem and talk to him in a calm manner and try to reason with him, persuading him to go to rehab or such. I fear if I don't do something it might get worse. If I do this (giving sage advice to his mom and try to reason with my 34 year old cousin), would I make the situation better or should I stay out of it? (For I will make it a lot worse than it is.)

I forgot to add the advice I wanted to give to my cousin's mother: "Have no beer or any alcoholic beverages inside the house. Make him drink Snapple, Apple juice, Kool-Aid, Milk, water and other non-alcoholic drinks. While he's in your house, he needs to go to rehab, he needs to work, contribute to the household. If he wants beer, he needs to get his own place and work for it while he's in his own place. If he does get rowdy, because you didn't pick him up some beer and cigarettes, call the police and have him arrested and put him in jail because I doubt that there will be beer in jail, or kick him out and let him move into a homeless shelter. If you feel threatened, come to my grandmother's house." Again, I fear that if I don't take action, my little cousin, his mom, and my other relative that lives with the 34 y/o cousin will potentially get hurt or worse because of his drinking problems and his unpredictable behavior. I'm worried that if he asks his mom for beer early in the morning while she's asleep, she might not have enough sleep and she will get into a car wreck because of that while she's on her way to work or lose her job. She pretty much supports them (the 34 y/o cousin, my little cousin and my other relative, who also has a mental illness).


* * *

Hi, Patch,

There are four problems here: your cousin’s drinking problem, his mental illness, his mother’s refusal to do anything about it, and the potential danger not only to his mother but also to the other children in the household and to your 34-year-old cousin himself. I don’t know what the nature of the mental illness is, since you don’t specify, but apparently it is not so severe that he cannot work. Still, whether it is autism or depression or something else, it needs to be treated, not only for its own sake, but also because it likely is exacerbating his alcoholism in one way or another. You don’t say whether or not he or your other relative with a mental disorder is receiving treatment, but that is one of the first things that should be taken care of if at all possible.

His mother is what is called an enabler. These are people who are in denial about the problem, or don’t want to confront it, or won’t accept the severity of the problem (“Oh, it’s not so bad”), or even blame themselves for the problem. All these things make it easier for the 34 year old to keep doing what he is doing.

Now within this troubled family you want to step in and give such as advice as: deny him alcohol, make him get a job, make him go to rehab, and call the police if he gets physical again. These are all things that I’m sure everyone reading this would agree are good ideas. However, the problem is that if you tell this to his mother or, worse, to him, you will only receive anger and defensiveness in response.

There are two reasons for this: 1) these problems didn’t spring up overnight and are the result of much deeper problems within the individuals and the family, so it is these problems that need to be sorted out and addressed in order to resolve the resulting symptoms, and 2) marching into a dysfunctional situation like this with “sage advice” makes you come off as a know-it-all, and the immediate reaction will be on the order of “Who do you think you are to be interfering in matters that don’t concern you?” This might mean that not only will your efforts produce no results but you stand the risk of them cutting you out of their lives completely.

Ideally, your cousin and his mother should both be seeing a therapist, and your cousin should go to an alcohol-abuse treatment program such as AA. Getting them there against their own will would be very problematic, however.

My first advice to you, then, would be to contact the Adult Protective Services program at your state’s Department of Social Services office. I would call them, perhaps make an appointment, and visit the office and express your concerns, asking them for their professional advice. APS usually focuses on seniors who need help, but they also help with adults who are dependent on their family, which your cousin certainly is. They can recommend the best steps for you to take and whom to contact in your area for help in terms of alcohol and mental illness treatment programs. They can also help you with any financial assistance programs that might be available to your cousins.

Next, go to your local police department, not with an official complaint or report, but give them the information about what is going on, what the address is, etc., and tell them your concerns about a serious domestic violence potential and that you will be contacting them if you see trouble. They will appreciate the heads up.

Okay, now you are armed with information and you have alerted law enforcement and social services. What now?

What now is what is sometimes called “seeding.” Seeding is when you talk to the people in trouble and implant information into their heads without accusing them or confronting them angrily or “sagely.” You are being non-confrontational. Let the mother know that you are keeping an eye on them because you care about them. Express your concern for your 12-year-old cousin and other relative who live in the house and that you are upset about your older cousin’s tendency to anger and be violent. Let her know that if there is any trouble, the mother can come to your grandmother’s house (that was one good thing you said that was right on target.) Mention things to her that you have been reading stuff about enabling and that you are concerned she could be an enabler. Express your concern that the man’s tendency to wake her up early in the morning for beer is making her exhausted and that you are worried about her driving tired and the effects on her job.

Things you do not want to do is anything that makes this enabling situation easier for them, such as babysitting, doing chores around the house, offering rides to work, buying your cousin booze (I know you certainly wouldn’t do that), and so on. You want to help her realize that this is a bad thing and that pretending that it isn’t will only make matters worse. Don’t do so in a lecturing, sager-than-thou way, but do it in a loving, caring way. If you see an opening where it looks like the truth is beginning to dawn on her, pass along some of the information that Social Services will no doubt give you.

Since you are not part of the direct family, you are not going to be able to drag them into therapy or call for an intervention no matter how correct you are that they need it. This softer approach of seeding is a better tactic for you in this case.

I’m is proud of you for caring about others.



Hey, I've got a mumble server.

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 23:58

I've got a 15 slot mumble server that I just kind of keep around for personal use, and I saw someone talking about a redditfurs mumble the other day so I figured I'd let you fine folks use it for whatever. If there's use and demand I may upgrade it in the future. You can download the program at

It's Port: 13370 The pass is swag THAT IS ALL. imgonnagoplaysomemorepokemonnow

submitted by warwoff
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Categories: News

FC-143 Abracafaggot

Furry News Network - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 23:38
Author: (..::XANA::.. Creations) It’s Fayroe’s womb exodus day! With a special guest and plenty of crazy emails, it’s another packed show. We also broke a live audience record, with over 400 people tuned in concurrently during the first hour! Thanks everyone! Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) News: Furry Let’s Play ‘Retromania’ to raise funds for […] FC-143 Abracafaggot
Categories: News

So... how about requests? (x-post from r/furry_wordsmith)

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 23:14

I want to try my hand at writing, but I have no ideas at the moment. :> You can make a request, and I'll try to write it! They probably won't be very long, but I have no real length in mind. :D Also, please state your preference of first or third person. <3

If this solely belongs to r/furry_wordsmith, then I'll take this down. :3

submitted by Lunaboo
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Categories: News

Husky's Snugglin' ^^

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 18:50
Categories: News

I found a doodle from a year or two ago!

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 17:50
Categories: News

Review: ‘Treecat Wars’, by David Weber and Jane Lindskold

Furry News Network - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 17:38
Author: Fred Treecat Wars is the third novel in the Star Kingdom series of annual Young Adult s-f novels by David Weber and Jane Lindskold, following A Beautiful Friendship (reviewed here on October 10, 2011) and Fire Season (review October 26, 2012). These are the prequels to Weber’s immensely popular Honor Harrington series of military […]
Categories: News

All-Day gaming on today

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 16:56
Categories: News