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Have you guys herd of Fur-Piled?

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Nov 2013 - 02:45

It's a rather old comic that has a special place in my heart for being one of the things that got e into the furry fandom.. I was wondering if any of you guys have herd of it?

submitted by VoltzLive
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Categories: News

FC-145 Nipple Blindness

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 23:38
Author: (..::XANA::.. Creations) Well if the show title isn’t enough then I’ll say it here: an amazing classic trio episode packed with an extended intro, hilarious news, great emails and some falling off the chair laughing moments to boot. Enjoy! Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) Fayroe’s Halloween Costume News: Cat Caught Smuggling Pot Into […] FC-145 Nipple Blindness
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MRW a Shaymin joins the subreddit

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 23:12
Categories: News

His back to the sunset.

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 22:56
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How did you find your Fursona?

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 22:38

The title self explains itself, however I will share how I came about mine. My Fursona is named Jack, a black cat with green eyes. Standing roughly 5'6. The reason he is the way he is is because when I was growing up my parents had already had a black cat named of course Jack. He was around all my life, and of course I talked to him about my problems. While in school I was pretty short and in general scrawny which brought about bullying. He was my best friend. When I just was getting out of middle school he had passed away. I really took it hard. For 2 years he dwelled in the back of my mind, and I still pretended to talk to him. Of course over the 2 years I found the Furry Fandom and found myself slowly being drawn into the fandom. When I found out about fursona's I only had to look to the back of my mind and find Jack. * Edit I'm surprised how much attention this thread has gotten and I am trying to respond to every one of you!

submitted by Narshie
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Categories: News

Dress up

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 22:21
Categories: News

Who makes yarn tails?

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 21:35

I am looking for people in the community within the US that makes yarn tails. like in the movie CATS. Ya know the theater play one.

Perhaps someone here makes them or you can give a link to someone that does?

submitted by Kisa_Merula
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Categories: News

My fursuit exercise routine!

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 20:58
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 20:36
Categories: News

So I'm (kind of) new here...

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 19:40

To summarize my story: I am a bisexual sixteen year old girl (Sorry about being so young) that basically wants to be a film/TV show producer when I graduate from collage, and I have always loved anthropomorphic animals since I can remember, and when I first heard there were a group of people who also enjoyed this type of thing I instantly went to go check it out. I have been lurking around the subreddit for almost a month now, and have just worked up the courage to make a post here, and I just personally want to say that you guys are one of the nicest groups of people you can find on the internet, and I am now honored to call myself an official furry. I haven't made a fursona yet, or even made an FA account, but I will get to that later. To finish this off, I will just say that I am already a pretty good artist, and I will make my best effort to try and start making furry art to (not really sure how to word this) benefit and support the fandom. Sincerely, Dreamingpool.

submitted by Dreamingpool
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Categories: News

It’s School For Cats: Bittersweet Candy Bowl III

FurStarter - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 19:17

Cute cartoon cats are awkward, sad, joyful, real people too…


Bittersweet Candy Bowl

bcb3Welcome back to high school. Crushes, math finals, personality contests, it’s all here. Like the author says, her webcomic, Bittersweet Candy Bowl, is “a funny, sweet, and sad story about friendship, history essays, and unrequited love.” The strip’s a journey through adolescence with a charming herd of cats–at this point, the cast of characters (like the cast themselves) is somewhere in the high teens.

Why isn't he wearing pants? Am I the only one who notices?

Why isn’t he wearing pants? Am I the only one who notices?

It’s a rich universe–the art is often reminiscent of the moment in a serious anime when a character reveals his foolish side (and maybe in high school, you’re always  showing your foolish side), but the story’s deep, with real struggle, pain, and loss mixed in with awkward crushes. It’s almost as if the charm of the characters serves as a constant foil to their lives. 

Or maybe fuzzy animals are just cute. Hard to say.

bcb6Anyway! Author/artist Veronica Vera’s kickstarter serves a couple of different functions. Firstly, it’s a pre-order and print capital campaign for volume 3 of the Bittersweet Candy Bowl series, a book that extends the webseries with a nice recap, extra illustrations, touchups to art and dialogue, and a bonus chapter. Secondly, it offers new readers a nice place to jump in, with a discounted price on Volume II, a solid intro for newbies (though the kind people of the candy bowl have provided a convenient introduction, but in a series that’s been running continuously since 2009, it probably leaves a bit out.)

bcb4Also, for fans and followers of the series, it’s also a chance to help upgrade the web hosting of the site itself–a portion of your gift goes to the purchase a new mini-server for faster, stronger, and cheaper hosting. Pledges at the “Server Patron” level get to be a part of BCB history, with their own special touch etched into the server. You may not be ablet o take that one home with you, but it’s an interesting bragging point.

Somehow, I think this one’s going to be successful. Vera’s other two kickstarters (including “Not Enough Rings,” one of the first projects I covered here) have all been wildly successful. But with the need to upgrade BCBs internets backbone, every bit over goal helps.

On a personal note, my home town has no shortage of fine comic books, but except for established titles, mostly action titles like TMNT or big-breasted cheesecake from Radio Comics, indy furry material’s actually been scarce for the last few years. So it was a special pleasure seeing a sweet, warm slice of life title like Bittersweet Candy Bowl on the shelves. Real-life comic titles are making a lot of inroads in the indy comic world, but not so much in the furry space. Thanks, Vera, and good luck!


Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Commissioner looking for work, NSFW

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 18:42

Hey everyone! I'm new to the community and I am looking to do some commission work, if anyone is interested :)


Pinup sketch (see picture) 25 USD, +5 USD if you want me to convert it into clean lineart and make it overall much better quality.

I am up for the task to draw anything, from sketch to full color without lineart, but I got no example paintings of those options (hey, I said I'm new here!) so we'll have to settle the pricing when you contact me! The first one to commission something fully rendered will get it cheaper because of the inconvenience ;)

Contact me at if you're interested! ~ Loke

submitted by InkedTail
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Categories: News

Being a bird also means...

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 18:40
Categories: News

Hugs feel nice

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 17:11
Categories: News

Furries on TruTv - Hardcore Pawn

Furries In The Media - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 17:04

(clip is also available at

Featuring Skroy, Kody Collie, Frisbee, Blizzard and Ghimno. Some comments from Skroy on the video:

It was actually? Kody's idea. It was a short drive away from a hotel during a convention that we were at and he thought it would be fun. He asked for my help so he'd have a translator and I said why not?

The "miami sporting event" line was something scripted that they asked me to say. You know.. "TruTv" afterall.

(Just for clarification, I'm just sharing this here, and I was not involved at all. If you have any questions for the furries in the video I have linked to their pages on FA where you can message them.)
Categories: News

Fursuiters on TV Show PawnStars

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 15:52
Categories: News