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Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 12:28
Categories: News

Applejack Month 2013 Newsbytes archive

Furry News Network - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 11:39
Author: crossaffliction crossaffliction, what are you doing? You can’t post all those @$ #%ing Newsbytes. Contributors this October include Chipotle, dronon, Fred, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, Kakurady, Patch Packrat, RingtailedFox and Sonious. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

Can anybody here help me with yarn tails?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 10:46

Hi, I make yarn tails. I know how to make them, but I'm looking to make them look more realistic.

My question(s) are:

  • How do I do under coating? (example)
  • How do I do guard hairs? (example)
  • Are they they the same thing, because I'm completely clue-less.

I've seen examples and I've studied tails from other makers, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it! If anybody could help me or point me into the direction of tutorials to help me, I'd really appreciate it! Also, I might hold a raffle here soon, if permitted. Look out for that soon!

EDIT: added examples.

submitted by letmeloveyouplz
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Categories: News

The Bedfellows - Drinking (EP#22)

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 08:18
Categories: News

Anyone interested in playing a long term strategy game?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 08:09

Is this:

Details: If anyone is interested, I will set up a passworded game for just members of the community. If this ends up being popular I will continue to set up games for everyone. If it end up being very popular I will host r/Furry vs r/MLP team games or some other some such match-ups.

Neptune's Pride is also not the only game on this site, but let's try this first.

What is it? Multiplayer Space CIV where turns progress every few hours.

Edit: Also, I'm going to wait until I get feedback before starting anything. Feel free to take your time, play the Tutorial, and then express your interest. If enough of you show an interest I'll put up a game later this afternoon and make a new post giving out the password for the session. If lots are interested, I'll set up several games. The games will take a month or two to complete, so please be ready to commit. But it really requires very little commitment, since you only need to spend a few minutes a day on it to keep your foot in the game.

Edit: A poll as well. If you are interested, please vote on if you'd rather play Standard Turns or Turn-Based. The difference is that in a Standard game, time progresses every 1-hour. In a Turn-based game, everyone queues orders for their empire to take into account 12-hours worth of actions, then press 'Submit turn'. Once everyone has submitted their turns, 12-hours worth of game time pass and you can start issuing orders for the next chunk of time. The upshot is that if everyone is online and doing their turns right away, time can pass faster. However, the down side is that it gives you less finite control of your actions.

submitted by HappyWulf
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

One Strategy That Could Help This Friendship Is a Dietary Change

Furry News Network - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 07:57
Author: Hi, Papabear,  I saw that you helped out furries out so I thought maybe you could help me out as well. I don’t normally like to talk to people about my feelings, but I’m worried that I may make a decision I’ll regret with something that is happening to me. Two years ago I […]
Categories: News

4 furs at waffle house

Furry Reddit - Sat 9 Nov 2013 - 23:28
Categories: News

Some badges I've Done

Furry Reddit - Sat 9 Nov 2013 - 22:41
Categories: News

"The Garden" by AirGuiTaR

Furry Reddit - Sat 9 Nov 2013 - 22:35
Categories: News

Which would be more fun to live in; A Sci-fi universe, or a Fantasy one?

Furry Reddit - Sat 9 Nov 2013 - 21:12

You're walking in the woods one evening and come across a Magical Science Genie caught in a trap! After releasing him, he offers to take you on a grand adventure into a mysterious realm full of wonder and mystery as a reward! Now; being both magical and scientific, the genie offers you a choice as to which world to visit.

If given the choice; would you choose to go to a science fiction world filled with shiny technology, or a fantasy world brimming with powerful magic?

submitted by IssacsoftheEEC
[link] [31 comments]
Categories: News

Help an Artist! (possible NSFW) 2 day auction

Furry Reddit - Sat 9 Nov 2013 - 21:09

An artist friend of mine is having car issues and is conducting a realistic art auction! the art will be a 1000 dollar value or more. Kannos, the artist that created the Ultra real Soldier's Prayer:

Her 2 character realism auction: (NSFW image in this link)

also, she is doing quick cell shading:

Please help out!

submitted by bobbycorwin123
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News