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Fur suit makers

Furry Reddit - Mon 11 Nov 2013 - 02:14

I'm looking into getting my first fursuit. Could I get some suggestions on who to go to to make it? I'm interested in quality over cheap.

submitted by bobbycorwin123
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Categories: News

If You Could Be Anything…

Furry News Network - Mon 11 Nov 2013 - 02:05
Author: rodney Anomaly Productions have released a new full-color hardcover graphic novel called Shifter. It’s the first in a planned new series. “What if you could soar with the birds – not in a man-made contraption or by using virtual reality, but as an actual bird? What if you could literally be a fly on […]
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Getting back in the swing of digital art

Furry Reddit - Mon 11 Nov 2013 - 00:53
Categories: News

Your invite to the first r/Furry Galactic War games

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 21:00

The game will start when 8 players have joined. The password for the game is rfurry. The link to join is below:

Some tips:

  • Dump all your money into Economy as soon as you start. You only get income once every 24 hours, on the hour when the last player joined and thus the game began.

  • Use your Galaxy tab in your info screen to find the planets where it is cheapest to upgrade your infrastructure. Planets with a large ring around them have a better infrastructure.

  • Send out your starting Carrier to claim any nearby planets. Grab the ones with the largest rings, and thus best infrastructure, first.

  • Don't forget to research!! Science may be expensive, but it'll give you an incredible edge.

2 Slots left!!

submitted by HappyWulf
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Categories: News

If You Could Be Anything…

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 20:48

Anomaly Productions have released a new full-color hardcover graphic novel called Shifter. It’s the first in a planned new series. “What if you could soar with the birds – not in a man-made contraption or by using virtual reality, but as an actual bird? What if you could literally be a fly on the wall in a top-secret meeting? What if you could become any animal in the world or, better yet, anybody in the world? What if you could become any creature that has ever existed (and some you never believed could exist)? Find out the answers to these questions and more in Shifter, the latest full-color graphic novel from Anomaly Productions. Shifter is a sci-fi murder mystery with a unique perspective, a pulse-pounding thriller that explores the depths of humanity’s evil and the tremendous powers of the animal kingdom.”  You can find out more, and see more sample pages, at Anomaly’s Shifter page. Written and illustrated by Brian Haberlin (assisted by Brian Holguin), like many Anomaly Productions products Shifter features an available app to download. Aim your smart phone at the page, and animated characters leap out of the book and dance before you.

image c. 2013 Anomaly

Categories: News

Any furs at Huddersfield University?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 19:41

Pretty much as the title says. I was thinking about trying to get something together if we could get enough members.

submitted by Karma_Trooper
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Categories: News

I Need Some Advice /r/furry

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 19:16

I need some advice.

Today, a buddy came over to do my Duct Tape Dummy, which would be set aside for my suit. He had his suit in his car, and I asked him to bring it in, because I wanted to see how his vision was in the suit (A certain fur suiter built his, and I was looking at the same suiter). I tried on his entire suit (Wolf, fairly generic but it's sentimental to him), and then put on the head. That set off my, apparently rather strong, claustrophobia and sent me into a, roughly, 20 minute anxiety attack/asthma attack (I tend to get both if the anxiety attack is strong enough).

I now realize that suiting is...not going to be a reality for me. I could try and fight off that claustrophobia, but doing that is just going to be living hell for me, and I guess you have to know your limits and realize sometimes they aren't quite where you want them. This is a bit of a blow, as I have wanted to suit for quite some time, had plans...and really wanted to go out there and entertain. I wanted to do the whole suiting thing also as a way to give back to the community more than I have (I am not an artist, I cannot make fursuits, about all I am good at is writing and programming).

The advice I am looking for, is aside from putting myself through the hell of trying to get over this (Which, I think would really break me mentally), is there any other options for suiting than a full head as is common? Or, am I pretty much SOL in terms of suiting?

Edit I don't know if this will even be seen, but I have decided I want to try and fight through this, as much as possible. Problem is, my buddy who was going to do my DTD is just on vacation, so I cannot bother him to come by and give me the time to work through this.

With that said, /anyone/ out there in or around the Metro Detroit area that is willing to either loan a suit (Not for public use just for use to work on this), or willing to drop by with a suit?

submitted by MindajaCat
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Categories: News

New style?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 18:17

Anybody else have a new style for the sub? It's not too much different, but new images for NSFW/Text posts, etc.

I like it ^.^

submitted by RandomPotato
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Categories: News

Tanuki badge!

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 15:17
Categories: News

First time drawing my cow fursona

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 14:12
Categories: News

When You Go from Online Friends to Moving in Together, You Skip an Important Step: Dating

Ask Papabear - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 14:12
Hey Papabear,

It's been too long ^^ I hope you are well ^^ A quick update; things are getting better with my mother (stated in my previous letter) so thank you ^^

Now a lot has happened since my past letter and I was hoping you could help me once again ^^; so um the biggest thing that has happened is that I am now in a LDR with my mate (a shark and a wolf, Who'd a Thought, right? ^^ ) It's been going good since Oct. 12 of this year. Especially since I live in the USA and he in Singapore, so right now I suspect that we are still in the “cupcake” phase where everything is sweet and a lot of "I love yous” (nothing wrong with that ^^). However, I want to make this work, like move in together, possibly a family (I don’t know), but what is bothering me is that I'm not sure if I can make this work. I'm freaking out on the inside because I'm worried that if this is lust and not love, how to tell my parents, if this won't last or just if I'm going to screw up.
He’s told his mother about me; I'm trying to find the right time to tell my parents. We agreed that we want this relationship to be something real and not just about sex; we've been honest with each other about everything; we talk on Skype on a daily basis and yet I'm so worried I'm going to screw it all up.

Again, I know it's early to tell, but I'm just worried, Papabear. I want to make him happy, I want to have a happy life with him, and he does too. He's gotten me to calm down when I bring some of these worries to him and reassured me that he will still love me.

Am I just over worrying over nothing Papabear? :( 

Thank you for listening once again. Hope you are well,

Conri “Over worrying” Neon (age 17)

* * *

Dear Conri,

Glad things are going well with your mom, and, yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking :3

As to your letter, if you are familiar with my column, you already know Papabear’s stance on the problems with long-distance relationships. You are experiencing one of the problems with it right now. You are rightfully freaking out about taking this to the next level because you have not experienced an actual relationship yet. Therefore, there are so many unknowns that you are naturally nervous.

For example, how can this relationship possibly be about sex when the two of you live thousands of miles apart? Unless one of you has an amazing penis, you have not had sex because, no, “online sex” is not sex. 

I can see this is going to be an ongoing battle for Papabear, convincing this young generation that is so tied to the Internet that the difference between an online, virtual relationship and a real-life relationship is like the difference between playing “Grand Theft Auto” and actually being a car-stealing, killing-machine criminal in real life. In the former, when things don’t go well and someone kills you, you just restart the game; in the latter, you’re dead.

The virtual world is safe, sanitary, clean. And, if you get into a problem with someone, you can block that person and easily cut them out of your life. Compare that to, say, a wife or husband with whom you have had children, built a home, hugged and cried together and then it ends in a divorce. The emotional devastation is huge compared to breaking it off with someone you have never seen, except on a screen, and who lives hundreds or thousands of miles away.

I will say this three times so that, like saying Beetlejuice, perhaps it will sink in:

Virtual, online relationships are in no way, shape, or form the same as real-world relationships.

Virtual, online relationships are in no way, shape, or form the same as real-world relationships.

Virtual, online relationships are in no way, shape, or form the same as real-world relationships.

Confusing the two leads you to the mistake you are about to make because you believe that you are having a real relationship and that, therefore, you can take it to the next level of moving in together and becoming mates or even legal spouses.

You should not make this leap (especially at age 17) before you have experienced some real-world time together. Therefore, instead of pushing yourself to move in with him, you need to take some time to spend some quality time with him. In the olden days when Papabear was young and dinosaurs roamed the earth, we used to call this “dating.” I know, it’s quaint and old-fashioned, but a lot of you youngsters should really try it sometime.

I know, he’s in Singapore, and that makes it difficult (should I caution you on the fact that there are many young people in places like Asia and Africa looking to find Americans who will help them move to the United States, or is that too preachy?) But if you are really serious about this you will take the time to travel there, get a hotel room (do NOT move in with him) and just visit him and get to know him.

Don’t go from chatting and Skyping online to moving in together. You are skipping the very important, indeed vital, stage of dating. It is when you date that you discover whether or not the two of you are compatible. If you are not, then you either become friends or go your separate ways, thus escaping a huge mistake that is both an epic financial and an emotional investment. But if you are compatible, your fears and anxieties will be lifted and you will not need to write a furry advice columnist for help because you will know the other person is right for you.

Hope this helps. Good luck,



Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 14:02

cedar park fur looking for other furries

submitted by vexdark
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Renaskunk'd crux! [SFW]

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Nov 2013 - 12:54
Categories: News