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It’s School For Cats: Bittersweet Candy Bowl III

FurStarter - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 19:17

Cute cartoon cats are awkward, sad, joyful, real people too…


Bittersweet Candy Bowl

bcb3Welcome back to high school. Crushes, math finals, personality contests, it’s all here. Like the author says, her webcomic, Bittersweet Candy Bowl, is “a funny, sweet, and sad story about friendship, history essays, and unrequited love.” The strip’s a journey through adolescence with a charming herd of cats–at this point, the cast of characters (like the cast themselves) is somewhere in the high teens.

Why isn't he wearing pants? Am I the only one who notices?

Why isn’t he wearing pants? Am I the only one who notices?

It’s a rich universe–the art is often reminiscent of the moment in a serious anime when a character reveals his foolish side (and maybe in high school, you’re always  showing your foolish side), but the story’s deep, with real struggle, pain, and loss mixed in with awkward crushes. It’s almost as if the charm of the characters serves as a constant foil to their lives. 

Or maybe fuzzy animals are just cute. Hard to say.

bcb6Anyway! Author/artist Veronica Vera’s kickstarter serves a couple of different functions. Firstly, it’s a pre-order and print capital campaign for volume 3 of the Bittersweet Candy Bowl series, a book that extends the webseries with a nice recap, extra illustrations, touchups to art and dialogue, and a bonus chapter. Secondly, it offers new readers a nice place to jump in, with a discounted price on Volume II, a solid intro for newbies (though the kind people of the candy bowl have provided a convenient introduction, but in a series that’s been running continuously since 2009, it probably leaves a bit out.)

bcb4Also, for fans and followers of the series, it’s also a chance to help upgrade the web hosting of the site itself–a portion of your gift goes to the purchase a new mini-server for faster, stronger, and cheaper hosting. Pledges at the “Server Patron” level get to be a part of BCB history, with their own special touch etched into the server. You may not be ablet o take that one home with you, but it’s an interesting bragging point.

Somehow, I think this one’s going to be successful. Vera’s other two kickstarters (including “Not Enough Rings,” one of the first projects I covered here) have all been wildly successful. But with the need to upgrade BCBs internets backbone, every bit over goal helps.

On a personal note, my home town has no shortage of fine comic books, but except for established titles, mostly action titles like TMNT or big-breasted cheesecake from Radio Comics, indy furry material’s actually been scarce for the last few years. So it was a special pleasure seeing a sweet, warm slice of life title like Bittersweet Candy Bowl on the shelves. Real-life comic titles are making a lot of inroads in the indy comic world, but not so much in the furry space. Thanks, Vera, and good luck!


Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Commissioner looking for work, NSFW

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 18:42

Hey everyone! I'm new to the community and I am looking to do some commission work, if anyone is interested :)


Pinup sketch (see picture) 25 USD, +5 USD if you want me to convert it into clean lineart and make it overall much better quality.

I am up for the task to draw anything, from sketch to full color without lineart, but I got no example paintings of those options (hey, I said I'm new here!) so we'll have to settle the pricing when you contact me! The first one to commission something fully rendered will get it cheaper because of the inconvenience ;)

Contact me at if you're interested! ~ Loke

submitted by InkedTail
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

Being a bird also means...

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 18:40
Categories: News

Hugs feel nice

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 17:11
Categories: News

Furries on TruTv - Hardcore Pawn

Furries In The Media - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 17:04

(clip is also available at

Featuring Skroy, Kody Collie, Frisbee, Blizzard and Ghimno. Some comments from Skroy on the video:

It was actually? Kody's idea. It was a short drive away from a hotel during a convention that we were at and he thought it would be fun. He asked for my help so he'd have a translator and I said why not?

The "miami sporting event" line was something scripted that they asked me to say. You know.. "TruTv" afterall.

(Just for clarification, I'm just sharing this here, and I was not involved at all. If you have any questions for the furries in the video I have linked to their pages on FA where you can message them.)
Categories: News

Fursuiters on TV Show PawnStars

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 15:52
Categories: News

Want a cute badge for $5.00 ?

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 15:17
Categories: News

We Should Not Forget the Elephant

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 14:05
Author: rodney Straight from the folks at Animation Scoop: “Gnosis Moving Pictures CEO Darius A. Kamali and Whisper Pictures CEO George Merkert announced today that the companies are partnering on the animated feature film Tusk: Hannibal’s Favorite Elephant. The project, which was co-written and will be directed by Whisper Pictures’ Oscar-winning Chief Creative Officer Tim […]
Categories: News

Furry Thinks His Friend Is Being Rude ... But Perhaps It Is the Other Way Around

Ask Papabear - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 12:31
Hi there!

So, my mate and I live about an hour apart, and since she doesn't drive, she relies on a mutual friend of ours to bring her up to see me and our other friends on weekends. I'm disabled, and she is my primary caretaker, so these visits are extremely important to both my physical and mental health.

The thing is, the mutual friend who usually brings her up has started inviting himself into my dorm, even after we've told him no. 

And while he's there, he gives us attitude for not wanting/being able to go out, among other things.

The real issue I'm having is that I'm a babyfur (mate gives no f***s), and I keep all my cub stuff in a plastic crate in my closet/sewing room that has no door. I tell everyone who ever comes into my dorm that they're not allowed in that room, and yet my mate and I have had to chase him out of there several times because he was just poking around. Particularly while I'm asleep or in class.

It's also come to my attention that he can't keep secrets, and if he found out I was a cub, he would go and tell all our friends.

I don't want him in my dorm again. But I'm scared he either won't understand and blow it up out of proportions, or he'll stop bringing my mate up whatsoever.


—Kota (age 19)

* * *

Dear Kota,

On the surface of this situation, you are being held a hostage by this person because he has leverage, power, over you and your mate. The solution is to wrest that power from him so you can get out of this uncomfortable situation.

Start exploring your options. As Captain Kirk said, I don’t believe in no-win scenarios. Reprogram the Kobayashi Maru program if you need to. Some options:

  • You are in need of medical care. It seems odd that your primary medical help would live an hour away, so I am assuming this is a matter of preference rather than necessity. Surely, too, if you are on a government program they can assign you a local care nurse.
  • You don’t mention why your girlfriend doesn’t drive. You’re 19, so it’s possible she’s too young still, but if she is able to I would recommend she get her driver’s license ASAP; then, if she can't buy a car, perhaps she can borrow one. 
  • If she can’t drive for some other reason, then it seems incredible that she can find no other person to drive her. No other friends or relatives?
  • Depending on where you live, is public transportation available?

But that is just the first impression one gets from your letter. 

Something else occurs to the ol’ bear. You mention nothing about compensation for this mutual friend of yours who drives your girlfriend one hour, one way, to visit you. Do you pay him? Do you take him out to dinner as a thank you? Do you at least compensate him for gasoline? Or do you just expect him to drop off your girlfriend and then disappear for a few hours while the two of you have fun because he's your friend? If you look at it that way, you might see that it is you who is being the rude one.

A possible explanation for his apparent rudeness of coming into your dorm room and snooping in your closet is that he is bored out of his gourd. I’m guessing you two ignore him and he is left to twiddle his thumbs in a corner. As you said, he's not supposed to come into your dorm room, and when he asks the two of you if you want to all go out somewhere, you say no. What option does that give him?

I’m also guessing he has no friends near your dorm and has no one he can go visit on his own while you two socialize. I would think that if you and your girlfriend spent time with him, he would not be bored and would therefore have no reason to poke his nose into your things.

If I am wrong about this, then explore your alternatives as mentioned at the beginning of my response. But if I am right, the solution to your problem is to be more grateful to your friend for going out of his way to help both of you and to treat him as a friend in return.



* * *

[The follow-up: This is why it is so important for writers to this column to provide full information. You'll notice how, once given more details, Papabear's reply is totally different.]


To answer a few questions posed by this.

He is paid, both ways by both of us, and when he is here, he is allowed full access to my tv, computer, xbox, and playstation. My mate and him also have the options to go elsewhere for entertainment while I am at class (we usually do so when I'm around, and there usually isn't a lot of sitting around time)

My mate is unable to drive for anxiety reasons, and has been trying very hard in the past year to be able to drive on her own. Other friends do sometimes come and get her, but he's usually wanting to come to my town on weekends, so he usually brings her (it's a college town, he enjoys partying, and usually leaves us on our own anyways)

He does have friends here, which also makes little sense to me as to why he won't go see others, and insists on staying inside the dorm all day while my mate sleeps and I'm at class

The thing is, he does have options, but every time we've tried to talk to him, he gets extremely angry, and we just don't know what to do at this point.

Does that help in the analyzing of this at all, or perhaps bring new ideas? Because we're still at a loss.


* * *

Hi, Kota,

Yes, all that information does make a big difference. What I'm hearing is that both you and he have options and this isn't like an all-or-nothing situation in which if you lose him as a driver you will never see your girlfriend again or get medical care; also, you ARE compensating him and he DOES have options so he doesn't have to hang around your dorm room.

So, are you simply afraid of his anger? Why is HE angry when YOU are the one being offended by his snooping around in your stuff. If I were you, I would lay some ground rules, including no rummaging through your personal things and no hanging out in your dorm room while your mate is asleep and you are in class. That's just common courtesy, and if he can't adhere to those simple rules then he can't visit you in the dorm and you will find other people to drive your girlfriend.

I'm not sure why he is so offended, unless he has not been taught proper manners and courtesy by his parents or guardians. If that's the case, it is time he learned. Too bad you have to be the one to teach him to respect others, and if he can't then time to show him the door.

Good luck,


Ok something I've recently noticed that really irritates me...

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 11:19

Now usually I wouldn't do this as it comes off as sounding like a whiny little kid but I've recently noticed that everytime I post something, whether it be in this sub or others, it gets instantly downvoted.

I'll post something and not even a minute later it gets downvoted to nothing...even when Americans are asleep where at that point it at least makes sense...

I'm sorry for whining like this...its just gotten really annoying.

submitted by the_bi_lizard
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Tail Dyeing/Coloring Advice

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 07:46

I recently bought a white feline tail. It's not real fur but a plastic based one and it's stuffed. I want to have it red with black stripes and I was advised to dye it red first before adding the black stripes with an airbrush. I want a second opinion (And maybe even a third or fourth) because the last thing I want to do is ruin the tail.

I'll post pictures of it when I get the chance.

submitted by MezzaCorux
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Do you change your sexual identity as a furry? If so, why?

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 07:05

What i mean by the above, is that i'm straight IRL, straight as a furryExceptRP'sWhereIMightBeBi. What about you guys?

submitted by psidra
[link] [59 comments]
Categories: News

Being a husky means...

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Nov 2013 - 23:54
Categories: News

We Should Not Forget the Elephant

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 4 Nov 2013 - 23:21

Straight from the folks at Animation Scoop: “Gnosis Moving Pictures CEO Darius A. Kamali and Whisper Pictures CEO George Merkert announced today that the companies are partnering on the animated feature film Tusk: Hannibal’s Favorite Elephant. The project, which was co-written and will be directed by Whisper Pictures’ Oscar-winning Chief Creative Officer Tim McGovern (Tron, Total Recall, As Good as it Gets and currently, Sin City 2), is a family-friendly epic adventure that tells the story of legendary military strategist Hannibal and his favorite elephant Surus, as they seek justice from the Romans. The project, set in 218 B.C., follows Surus and Hannibal as they lead an army of men and 37 African elephants over the Alps, and the deep connection that develops between a man and animal bound by shared hope and common loss. ” Really now. No word yet on a projected release date, but keep your ears spread.

image c. 2013 Gnosis Moving Pictures

Categories: News

Watching the lights

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Nov 2013 - 22:42
Categories: News