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Happy Birthday Surprise!

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 13:56
Categories: News

Happy Birthday, [a][s]!

[adjective][species] - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 13:00

[adjective][species] turns two today!  RandomWolf made it to the party, but he kept having ideas he just needed to write down, I guess.  What is it with all these giant candles, anyway?  Art by the delightful Floe, who also did our banner.



Thanks for sticking with us over the last few years!

Looking for someone to make the thumbnails.

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 09:43

If you didn't see my post a few days ago, then you should know that I've been working for about a week on making a more "updated" version of this subreddit. It's mainly just aesthetic changes, but I have added a couple functional stuff.
Well I've hit a snag in my plans. I'm trying to replace the default thumbnails with some custom ones, along with the button I put that brings you back to the reddit frontpage. The only problem is that I can't draw for shit. So basically, I'm hoping to find someone (or some people) that can and is willing to make something for the thumbnails.
Feel free to throw whatever you make in a comment below.

submitted by Chewy_Lemon
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 09:37
Categories: News

He May Have Lost His Virginity, But He Can Still Give His Boyfriend Something Special

Furry News Network - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 07:56
Author: Papabear,  I’ve made a mistake – it’s something I’m not proud of, and it’s my own fault for not thinking properly. I’ve been in an open long-distance relationship for a few months now, and about a month ago – something happened. There was a friend with me, we were talking, stuff happened…  I ended […]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 03:44
Categories: News

He May Have Lost His Virginity, But He Can Still Give His Boyfriend Something Special

Ask Papabear - Sat 2 Nov 2013 - 01:39

I've made a mistake - it's something I'm not proud of, and it's my own fault for not thinking properly.

I've been in an open long-distance relationship for a few months now, and about a month ago - something happened. There was a friend with me, we were talking, stuff happened... 

I ended up giving him oral - I'd done it before. My boyfriend's visiting me next year, and I wanted to learn to do it properly so I could blow his mind. I wanted to impress him.

Before this happened, I told myself I would simply give him oral - nothing more. But after a little - he actually suggested anal sex. I honestly didn't expect him to ask - I was so shocked. And being horny and dumb - I said yes. I was in an open relationship - I was allowed to. I justified my actions in my head.

Everything was all very weird and apathetic. He barely got two inches in me, I didn't feel much at all, and we went for 30 seconds to a minute before he pulled out and began masturbating. There was little talk, save me asking how it felt, and his monotone reply of "good... I suppose."

Afterward - even though I was allowed to in an open relationship - I felt I had betrayed my boyfriend. It just hit me suddenly. I was shattered. I told him as soon as possible - I had to. He wasn't angry, but he was upset - rightfully so.

We're closed now, but the pain still remains. It's the biggest mistake I've ever made.

Now we come to my question. I always envisioned an awesome, magical moment with him where he would take my virginity - but now he's unsure as to whether I still have it or not. I know it'd mean a lot to him to be my "first time."

So - do I constitute as a virgin still? I was technically penetrated, but what occurred was so brief, shallow and made me feel so lonely and empty inside that I refuse to believe such an experience could be lovemaking.

Am I still a virgin after this which I see as "experimentation," or must I accept that I'm no longer a virgin, and just give him all I have left?

Thank you...

Sorsolier (age 17)

* * *

Dear Sorsolier,

Being a virgin means you have not had sex. I think most people reading this would agree with me that having anal penetration, no matter how briefly or shallowly, constitutes sex. I also consider oral sex to be sex. So, I’m afraid you cannot say you are a virgin any longer. You can’t pull a President Clinton and say, “It depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.”

However, what you experienced was not lovemaking. It was two inexperienced guys having awkward, uncomfortable, loveless sex. Just typing that makes me go “bleah.” Afterwards, you both experienced that hollow feeling inside that comes with having an intimate experience with someone you don’t love.

You and your partner had agreed to be in an open relationship, so he really has no right to be mad at you if he meant that sincerely (apparently, he did not, since you are now in a monogamous relationship). Sounds like you have a bit of a communication problem that you should work on. Part of the problem, as I’ve stated many times in this column, is the difficulty of having a long-distance relationship. I hope that the two of you will eventually make plans to live closer together. You both need physical contact, and that need probably contributed to your letting your shields down.

But don’t beat yourself up over your first sexual encounter too much. Most young people think the first time will be fantastic, but as you saw it can be very clumsy, even ridiculous. Perhaps it could be a good thing you got that out of the way and, hopefully, learned a few things about your body (and yourself) that will, indeed, make sex with your boyfriend better. I remember my first time, and OMG was my performance terrible! But you get better at it with practice, just like anything else. Your awkwardness, too, could have been caused by voices in the back of your head telling you it was wrong.

While you can no longer say you’re a virgin when you do have sex with your boyfriend, what you can give your boyfriend is your first genuine lovemaking experience. You can say to him, honestly, “I may have had sex before, but I have never made love before, and you will be the first man that I give myself to fully, giving you my heart, my soul, and my body.” Once you have done this, you will experience a joyful and cathartic afterglow that will be infinitely more satisfying than what you felt after that first time.

Cheer up, and good luck with your boyfriend!


Well, *steps out of shadows* I'm Cyphr, nice to meet y'all.( first post :O )

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 23:06

Ive been lurking and posting the odd comment or two. mostly an art nerd. You have so far welcomed me warmly and I like what I see.

(if i did the linking wrong-> or better )

Heres my fox fursona (chibi version anywho) Photo taken with my awesome Ipotato. more art to come as I feel like it.


submitted by C_Y_P_H_R
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Categories: News

I've never laughed so much at such a sad looking fox

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 19:38

So this just recently cropped up on my facebook feed. Not sure who to give credit to for making it but certainly found it amusing. Possibly the saddest picture of a fox I have ever seen seemingly lost in deep thought.

Also sorry if it's already cropped up somewhere on here, I haven't paid too much attention to reddit lately x.x

submitted by BalkorWolf
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Categories: News

Pic of my fursuit finally.

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 19:29
Categories: News

Meet Gilda!

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 17:25
Categories: News

SnowCoon Tail Hugs

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 14:02
Categories: News

Enter the Bull: Killgore

FurStarter - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 13:03

Animated action gorefest with 1,800 pounds of psycho beefcake…


killgoreactionSomewhere in Texas, a bull with nothing to lose takes on the forces of Big Beef, armed with nothing but horns and bad attitude. And a machine gun. Bullets blast through the cheap corrugated steel of the slaughterhouse door…a dark figure strides in, the floor shaking under his hooves…and the workers know that, somehow, it’s going to get a lot bloodier.

Killgore’s creator, Joseph King, launched the Killgore Kickstarter to fund a series around his bovine action hero. Maybe you saw the original Killgore pilot? This isn’t Ferdinand.

I probably needed those...

I probably needed those…

Once upon a time there was a field of bulls, cared for and loved by the benevolent overlords of Happy Cow Inc. Meat Processing Plant. They were, in all probability, content, because that kind of defines cowness. And it was all totally peachy until slaughtering time. FYI. slaughtering time is a rough point in any cow’s life. killgoremamaKillgore woke in an empty field in a pool of his own blood, left for dead AND castrated, so there’s worse things than being left for dead. His herd, his entire family, slaughtered. Now he’s got a thirst for vengeance and a machine gun, and castration does NOTHING to curb aggression. And that’s just the pilot episode.

Killgore: The Series has some challenges. First, it’s expensive–while King has the price broken out pretty cleanly, (great infographic, Mr King). and assures us that it’s actually on the low end for professional animation, $40K is a hard target to hit, and that’s just the one episode.

KillgoresignOn the subject of high pricetags, one of the Killgore pledge points may actually be the single best “gimme” ever. You know how the action lead drops really terrible one-liners in every scene? Like “I’m taking you to the bank…the blood bank!” (thanks, Steven Seagall). Did you ever want to write one? For the low, low, scandalously low cost of $5000 (gulp!) you can have YOUR bad cow pun dropped like a precious pearl from the lips of a Killgore character. Now, that may not be worth $5000, but it IS pretty damned awesome.

Killgore: Because a bull’s gotta do what a bull’s gotta do.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator. 

Categories: News

Whiskers, Tentacles: Call of Catthulhu

FurStarter - Fri 1 Nov 2013 - 10:58

A tabletop roleplaying game of cats and madness…


“In its flawless grace and superior self-sufficiency I have seen a symbol of the perfect beauty and bland impersonality of the universe itself, objectively considered, and in its air of silent mystery there resides for me all the wonder and fascination of the unknown. The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind.”  – “Cats and Dogs,” Howard Phillip Lovecraft

It’s not exactly a secret that H.P. Lovecraft really liked cats. In his strange story-poem, “Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath,” cats save the protagonist, Randolph Carter, from the servants of chaos and evil. We have to assume Randolph had a can opener or something.

CattthuludiceNow, a group of 3-5 players and a Cat Herder can continue the good fight in Call of Catthulu, and take on the furry minions of dark powers like Mutt’thra, Hastpurr, and even Great Catthulu, protecting the frankly somewhat stupid two-legged food providers from their dark influences. Of course, you can get the original rules now (and they’re on special!) but if you want the DELUXE version, you’ll have to wait a few months, since it’s on Kickstarter now.

COC is a rules-light tabletop RPG, good for newcomers to the hobby–unlike, say, D&D or furry favorite Ironclaw, there’s less than 2,000 pages of book to slog through, and characters are really a few short descriptive sentences. And, amazingly, they’re just cats. There’s the echo of the RPG “character class” tradition–catcrobats and scrappers, prophetic tiger dreamers, human-studying and remote-control-pressing twofootologists, charming pussyfoots. But they don’t throw fireballs or wield swords. As with its antecedent Bunnies and Burrows, these are simple animals against a harsh world.

It’s a little silly. Any game with the god “Snarlathotep” isn’t going to be entirely serious, but it shouldn’t be dismissed as a total ha-ha. The comic series Beasts of Burden shows how effective and frightening the “pets against darkness” trope can be (and it’s better for dog lovers).

The game really captured players’ imaginations at the big RPG Con Gencon. Part of this might be the game’s strengths of simple rules and easy-to-grasp concept, and may not play well long-term. But it’s bound to be a charming read, and the Kickstarter’s already past goal with a month to go.

One pledge level that’s TOTALLY worth a callout: the $50 “Pimp My Pet” level. This one gets you a cthulhu-compliant version of your dog or cat, tentacle-enabled. Who doesn’t need that in their lives?

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News