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Review: ‘Porcupine Passions’

Furry News Network - Sun 1 Dec 2013 - 02:38
Author: TimidGrizzly Every now and then I find a work of furry art that is amazing. Such is the two-part audio drama entitled Porcupine Passions. The story started as a spin off explaining some back-story details of The Beach Bears saga (interview), but became much more. Porcupine Passions I (10 episodes, about 10 minutes each) […]
Categories: News

From Belic. FurFright's end. [x-post from FA]

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Dec 2013 - 02:22

UPDATE: Confirmed on the con's official LJ page. New reddit thread here.

I am not the source of this info. I am just mirroring this here because the person who originally posted it took the journal down.

I personally don't believe this is a hoax since a staff member was willing to confirm it, but until there's an official announcement, here's a place to post rampant speculation!

Originally posted by Braer (please don't harass him) at this link (now deleted). He says this was sent via email to a staff mailing list.

Here's a screenshot of page as it was the last time I successfully loaded it.. Sorry it's not imgur, but the file was too large and it got resized.

For extra credit, here's FurFright staff member Wag confirming it. Also here. Proof he's staff, Wag is listed as ConOps on their Contact page.

In case those tweets get deleted too, they read:

Well... since I'm getting messaged like crazy, let me put the rumors to rest.
Furfright is done.
So... that's it.

If you have any questions... well, I don't have anything but that same email that everyone's already seen, so... yeah.

As our friends and staff, we wanted you to be the first to know...

It is with a heavy heart that we must inform everyone of the following:

We had every intention of keeping FurFright going for years to come. At this year?s Closing Ceremonies we dispelled unfounded rumors and told you we'd be back in 2014 and beyond. That was always our intent.

Since that time the Con Chairs have experienced a devastating turn of events in their personal/family life, making it impossible for the convention to continue. All our time, energy, and resources need to be spent healing and coping with the challenges we face. So due to circumstances beyond our control, FurFright has come to an end. 2013 was our final year.

It's impossible to find the words to sum up 11 years of this labor of love. All we can say is "Thank You". Your friendship, generosity, and support created this con and made it happen year after year. Whether you were staff or an attendee, when you walked through the doors of FurFright you were always among friends.

Boundless credit goes to you, our Staff. You used your hard-earned money and vacation time to travel to a hotel where you spent 15 hours (or more) a day working so our attendees could all have a good time. We are a band of brothers and sisters, and I can't think of a finer group of people to work beside. You will always have our love and gratitude.

The final person to recognize and thank is K'gra Leopard. The con would never have begun or continued without her. The work she did behind the scenes and in the Dealers' Dungeon was staggering. She did more than anyone to make FurFright happen, and the success of our event is a testament to her dedication and skill.

There are a lot of conventions out there, and we know you'll all move on to other events and have a great time. We're not naive enough to think FurFright has changed the community, or will be remembered or missed. The only thing that remains is knowing in our hearts we started this con for the right reasons. It was to bring our friends together and make them happy. It was to help animals and people in need. It was to give something back to a community that has given us a place we belong. There was more sweat, tears, and sleepless nights put into FurFright than anyone will ever know. There were times it hurt, and times it took a toll on our health and personal lives. But we kept it going as long as we could. If just one person remembers FurFright with fondness. If it helped just one person smile and know they were loved and belonged. If it helped save or honor just one War Dog and Soldier. If it helped just one abandoned animal find a loving home. If it helped just one child in a hospital bed feel a little less sad or frightened. If just one person found their soulmate at this con, and now has someone to grow old with... was worth it.

Peace, love, and happiness to you, dear friends.

The Artist Formally Known As "Belic & K'gra"

PS. Please respect what we're facing right now, and don't ask about the how's and why's. It's a very personal matter, and there are no options open to us.

Again, I am not the source of this information - just posting a copy of the deleted journal! submitted by duncanfox
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Categories: News

Help me name my fursona

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Dec 2013 - 01:46

I have been stuck on a name for a considerable amount of time now. Help me out?

A little information-

Height: 5'8"

Build: Not super buff, but not quite a scarecrow. Sort of average/lean.

Color: Mostly a sort of silvery gray color with darker highlights. Luster is medium. Enough to have a little shine when in contact with light, but not shiny like polished metal or gems.

Personality: Oh, there is so much I could go into, but i'll keep it semi-punctual. My character is more shy/secluded than most dragons tend to be. More gentle and calm, maybe even a little sad/nostalgic, but can be fierce if provoked. He tends to keep to himself, but is not necessarily antisocial. Personality type is INTJ if that helps. I don't know whether or not this is super important to his name, but just in case it helps, he is bi.

What kind of name- I would prefer something a little uncommon, but not necessarily one of a kind. Maybe an altered form of a more common name like Spike.

If you have any ideas please help me out.

submitted by throwaway_dragon
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Categories: News

Metalhead Furs!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 23:35

Dunno if this has been made before, but screw it. :p Any other metalhead furs here? Been curious, if so, tell me what bands or subgenres you like! Personally, more a progressive metal fan. Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Opeth, Periphery, etc... But Tech. Death and Med. Death like Necrophagist, CoB, Can. Corpse etc... Can't say I'm a huge fan of metalcore, but I have no problem with it ^ What bands do you all like?

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

How should I come out to my friends about being a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 22:42

I feel guilty hiding it from my close friends, but I'm worried about the negative stigmata about furries that A lot of people tend to have. Also, it's not an "expected" coming out, like coming out as gay/bi/etc, it's not really what you expect when someone says they want to come out of the closet to you.

I don't want to hide it any longer, and my friends need to know, because trying to hide making a fursuit and heading to a convention seems really hard and not worth it.

submitted by throwaway_dragon
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Categories: News

Help for a damsel in distress!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 21:56

Sin. over on FA has hit a bit of a rough patch as her windshield has cracked all of the way across. She's doing art for donations and could definitely use your help!

Here's the journal with the details:

I'm throwing what little pull I have behind this as well. If you donate something I'll draw for you. As long as it's not one of the bodily fluid fetishes I'll make it so!

Here's a link to my FA:

If you can off any help at all everyone, especially her, will really appreciate it! <3<3<3

submitted by Strongburr
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Categories: News

Can't think of a title. (Possible NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 21:49

So I'm going to be unable to read anything posted on this thread for up to 2 days (most likely one but whatever).

I want you, the citizens of /r/furry to post anything and everything you can think of so when I get back I will either be terrified or laugh my ass off!

I figure I'll tag this NSFW just incase. Don't wannafry your brains on accident :D

Side note: The reason I will be unable to view this is my hard drive decided to die yesterday and have to use my moms laptop for access to the internet. I should be purchasing a new hard drive tomorrow but I'm unsure as to when I can actually get on.

Extra side note thingy: This is done because I'm going to be bored over the next few days and would love a good laugh when I get back!

submitted by VideoHusky
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Categories: News

Moonlit cuddles?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 19:06
Categories: News

/r/furry Let's Play a Game: Suggest the Partial

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 17:57

Okay, stupid title, but I am really, really curious what answers I get. So I am going to describe myself, both physical, what I do etc, and I want suggestions for a partial to match me. I have my main fursona, plus my ferret, but both are very much full suits and I want to have a partial in my arsenal. While both my ferret (Taabu) and Mindaja have a great deal of significance to me (Mindaja being my first and only fursona, and he came around in 1992 and Taabu being my big goofy idiot that I can be stupid in and it would be totally expected because...ferrets) any partials don't have to be significant to me (Any character I end up creating has some significance to me, but again this is just meant as something to wear that doesn't cause me to sweat my genatalia off)

So, let's see (Oh, and I will do both metric and imperial for measurements):

6'1" (1.8542 meters) 130 lb (58.967 kg)

Let's see: Software engineer, writer (Or I hope to be a writer...or rather I write but no one reads it), tech lover, also horse lover and rider.

Own a cat, like dogs though (Mostly Daschunds just because the stupid is cute, and Welsh Corgies). Large animals: Horses of course, big cats, gorillas (Donate to a couple of charities to help save them).

Let's see, oh, Furry since 1992 (I was 12 at the time), huge TLK fan (Including Shenzi, loved her character).

Common dress: Jeans and t-shirts or sweatshirts, usually covered by hoodies (Force of habit from San Francisco where if you didn't have at least 5 layers to add/remove, you were screwed).

So given all that, what do you see me as? I'm just /really/ curious. I gave my height/weight because realistically, a partial would have to match my weight in some way.

submitted by MindajaCat
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Categories: News

Taking requests

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 15:09

One of my friends is an aspiring amateur artist and is taking character requests. If you're interested, just drop a description or a reference image and the pose you'd like.

submitted by PlasticFern
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Categories: News