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Dreams about furries
Last night I had a weird dream about my fursona running a half - marathon in a snow storm. None of the other runners were animals, I was the only humanoid animal in the marathon. I dont think I won the race but i defiantly didn't freeze because I was the only one with a warm fur coat :). This is weird for me because I'm not a runner and I don't think they would have a marathon in a storm.
I wanted to know what kind of furry dreams do other furries get or if you believe in dream interpretation let me know what you think about this?
submitted by otter1293[link] [17 comments]
Why Should or Shouldn’t You Date a Furry?
Hello my name is freeman and i have a new piece I've just made and would like to show to all of you.
Fans fret as Fur Affinity nears fifth day of read-only mode
So I want to chat with other furries only when I am drunk...
I will be honest and say upfront, I am not much of a furry, but for some reason when i am drunk all I want to do is chat with other furries. Sometimes sexual, other times not, but I do not know many sites besides omegle. Any other sites furries would recomend?
submitted by FurryThrowaway68[link] [comment]
What do you think of this song?
The song is Touch Fluffy Tail by Ken Ashcorp. I think it is a really good song. What do you think?
submitted by ShadowFur17[link] [1 comment]
Furry fandom full of politically correct people.
I feel like leaving the fandom. Like seriously, all the people in there are all politically correct left-wing politics. I can't get along with most of them there, because I don't share all of the same political views and ideals. All I see is atheistic, politically correct, liberals, and if you don't agree with them you are a horrible person or something and they got to 1UP and correct you on a lot of things.
If I like more traditional things like a country lifestyle/music, or trucks, they'll have something negative or sarcastic to say about it or something.
Is there actually a furry site where I can find more neutral people?
submitted by KryptonMoonlight[link] [11 comments]
New Layout
Find any bugs or have any suggestions? Leave them here and I'll look at them when I get back from buying a burger. (and if a mod could sticky this post, that'd be great)
Things that've been done.
- Added the blue bar.
- User flair.
- Better thumbnails. (Thank you Marshykip)
- A reminder to credit the artist.
- Webcomic list
- A recommend artist list (but it's gone the minute I see your MSpaint cub fetish artist on there)
What needs fixing.
- Centering the score between the two upvotes. Fixed.
- Fix user flair so people can just have text. A bit difficukt since it takes forever and a half for the emotes to update. Fixed (to an acceptable level. Might want to add a border or something later.)
- the info bar text is shown over the My Subreddits dropdown. If it matters, I'm using Chrome with RES. http://puu.sh/5Pjpr.png
- Eventually fix nightmode? Learning how to fix nightmode! Sort of fixed to a shitty degree. At least it's not god awful anymore.
[link] [84 comments]
how i went from fursona to identity
From what I observe, usually, it's the other way around. Folks initially get really wrapped up in their "fursona" and come to the conclusion of "oh, in reality I'm actually a human, and this fursona is just a creative outlet..." I seem to have taken that path in reverse. I saw my (bird)sona as just a creative outlet, but as my depression got overwhelming, I began, desperately, looking for a way to get in touch with my inner child. I figured my birdsona (a harpy eagle) was the best route. I started asking him what he was thinking about, what I should I do, how should I feel, etc.. Almost like a Jesus figure. I would ask him for help, for advice, for ways of sticking up to people who try to take advantage of me, but then I began to develop feelings of the fact that this birdsona was the same person as me. Thus as I began to ask him questions as, "what are you thinking about," they became questions such as "what do I <i>want</i> to think about?", and it has become easier to focus on the present moment, things like sensory information from my immediate environment. These are things that I think feed the identity, and I believe I took my projected birdsona to an inner-cognitive level, and learned to identify with it. I think it has helped me a lot with processing painful emotions. When I leave work, overwhelmingly feeling anxiety because of difficult coworkers, I ask my birdsona for advice, and the healing emotions come forth, to my amazement.
submitted by eacberd[link] [9 comments]
I'm bored and have time to spare!
Taking first 2 requests to pop up. I'll do a sketch of them and post here!
Will do more if I have time
Edit: Might livestream it, dunno. If requested I will P:
SFW only please, I wont do anything NSFW
Shadowfur17: done
FanatikShadow: done
submitted by VideoHusky[link] [15 comments]
Fursuits, are they worth it?
So, I'm thinking of getting a fursuit head. I want to ask all tge suiters of this subreddit, what's it like? Obviously, suits cost a lot of money, so I want to know pros and cons. (although, right now I desperately want one x3)
submitted by uzzeee[link] [18 comments]