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this'll be a blast!

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 22:04
Categories: News

Sergal Badge

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 21:21
Categories: News

Steam + League of Legends

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 21:11

Just wondering if any awesome furs want to party with me on these things. League is DTG Dr Dazzle and Steam is Dr. Dazzles or Pro2Pro! If anyone wonders if I play other games just ask and I'll definitely play them with you.

submitted by Falox
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Categories: News

How hard would it be to fit this in a fursuit glove?

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 20:13

I'm making a set of buttons to control my tail. The enclosure measures 25.5mm wide by 32.5mm long by about 12mm tall. I have tried to design it so that the entire set of buttons fits into the thumb of a glove and the buttons can be depressed by pushing your thumb against you forefinger. Unfortunately, I don't have a glove for reference. I imagine that a glove could be made specifically for the buttons, but I would like it to work with most existing gloves without modification. I'm curious if this would fit most gloves as it is, or if it needs to be smaller.

Here is a quick and ugly render with a "quarter" for scale

So, fursuiters of /r/furry, do you think this could reasonably fit in the thumb of one of your gloves (without modification)?

submitted by mayupvoterandomly
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Categories: News

Question about Collars

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 20:06

What are the "Rules" about wearing collars, could someone explain the whole Collar thing in greater detail for me?
I have a few Furry friends and I am seriously confused by the collars and I don't want to offend them or get into something that I would regret later by asking them directly.

Thanks Guys!

submitted by Angry_Server_Owner
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Categories: News

another question about 'closet coon'

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 20:05

are there tardises in closet coon?

submitted by casulhello
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Categories: News

R/furry meet Arkadios

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 19:58
Categories: News

furr for a friend

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 19:56
Categories: News

Didn't know where to post this. Curious.

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 18:32


I made a throwaway account for this, but I wanted to bring up something I'm, err, "suffering" from lately, and I'm curious to know if anyone else feels this way. It's a bit of ... well, let me just explain it.

I'll get to the point.

I identify as a bisexual male, in a sense that... when it comes to human porn, I like it straight, but interestingly enough, when it comes to furry porn, I prefer it M/M. Simultaneously, M/M in non-furry format doesn't do it for me. I don't even like it. I'm not a fan at all. But, the M/M furry art is super good and something about it really drives me nuts.

I won't go into other details as to why I identify as bisexual. That's not too important. What I wanted to ask was, is anyone else in a similar boat? Where, traditional gay porn is not really much of a turn-on, but furry gay art is super hot?

Feels pretty bad, actually, because of course, what's depicted in the art is not actually real, and because it doesn't exist, I'm getting off over something entirely fictional, and yet... the REAL thing doesn't look nearly as intimate or interesting.

I have to admit, I only like the M/F furry art so/so and still prefer the real deal when it comes to that.


submitted by Narrowminded
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Categories: News

Scalie Bench Statue

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 17:08
Categories: News

Alternative to "Anthropomorphic Animal"

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 16:27

So, must would agree that a furry character is usually an anthropomorphic animal or, in layman's terms, a human-like animal. However, I'm curious if there is an alternative. I've always preferred characters and settings where the opposite is true, where furries are animal-like humans. When given no specifics, that's the way I prefer to think as well. So question is, is there an equivalent term to "anthropomorphic" for this point of view?

submitted by MaikeruNeko
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 15:42

Hello! I've been a furry for awhile and I'm just now hearing about Tharians...after I heard about it for the first time it started popping up everywhere I looked. I'm super curious about them and was hoping I'd find some here that might answer my questions...


What exactly do you beleive in?

How does one become "Tharian"?

Do you have a set of rules and such things?

Is (sorry if this isnt the correct term) Tharianism considered a religious veiw?

Lastly, I thought I heard someone saying that some of your practices caused them physical distress, is this true? What is the extent of distress that it brings you and how does this come about?

Thanks to whoever takes the time answer my endless list of questions!

submitted by MrSqueaker
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Categories: News

Saw this in traffic today.

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 13:53
Categories: News

Thank you, stranger who helped me stumble to my room from fur con party floor

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 13:13

Apparently my husky suit came off and then I ate a bunch of nachos.

Who else is having fun at the con?

submitted by Ipatfurries
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Categories: News

Toddler & Tiger cub

Fursday - Watch List - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 12:15

Can’t help but smile inside as I watch the toddler and tiger cub play chase about. Good job there’s a sheet of glass though.

You can see more pictures of tiger cubs at The world's tigers are vanishing from the wild at an alarming rate. Poaching and human encroachment on tiger habitat are pushing these magnificent animals toward extinction. The race to save these critically endangered species is urgent - and we would love your help!


Categories: News

Furcon, Silicon Valley's last, best hope at weird, comes to town

Furries In The Media - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 06:42

Here is an article in the January 17 edition of the online Silicon Valley Business Journal:

It discusses the Further Confusion 2014 convention, and its financial and cultural impact on the Silicon Valley area.

Greg Baumann
Editor in Chief- Silicon Valley Business Journal

Furries mean a lot of things to Silicon Valley. Their annual gathering in San Jose will fill thousands of hotel rooms and they’ll spend more than $3 million eating, drinking and shopping.

But the impact of furries, those folks who dress up in fuzzy animal costumes for fun, goes waaay beyond economics. Furries represent Silicon Valley’s last, best hope at getting weird.

I use the word advisedly. In the sense that Silicon Valley should be most eager to embrace.

A flood of 4,000 people dressed in animal costumes injects a desperately needed spore of creativity into Silicon Valley’s monoculture. A psychological realignment is forced on office workers when they have to cede the sidewalk to a group of pedestrians comprised of a marmot, a fox and a faerie wearing green tights.

Steve Jobs said his acid trips expanded his consciousness. Furcon does the same for Silicon Valley.

Furcon, this year titled "Further Confusion vs. The World: 2014" runs through Jan. 20 at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose.
Categories: News

Doing a few free sketches!

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 05:21

Heyo, doing a few free sketches in this manner to practice some technique

I prefer to design stuff, as working of a sheet is kind of a hassle when it comes to trying to maintaining speed, so if you can provide me with information for a revision of your character or something like that, it'd be great!

submitted by LoweNormanArt
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Categories: News

Question about 'closet coon'

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Jan 2014 - 03:04

Do any characters regenerate? Just something random

submitted by casulhello
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Categories: News