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Experiences with Campfire Tails?

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Feb 2014 - 13:48

I'm considering heading out to Oregon for Campfire Tails in July as my first furry event and thought that I would ask around for experiences and opinions. For those of you who have attended or know people who have attended, would you recommend it? I'm quite comfortable in the wilderness so I don't have any concerns about the camping aspect, but I don't yet have a read on...well, much of anything else, and information on the Campfire Tails website is a bit thin.


submitted by PMMeYourPMsFromMe
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Categories: News

Episode 17.5 (2014-02-10)

Size Matters - Mon 10 Feb 2014 - 08:00
In this half-episode, we talk about the Olympics, Russia, and the Lego Movie (what a combo) and read your answers to our question on what would be the best gift a macro/micro could give their lover that a normal-sized person wouldn't be able to. Also, for next week, as it's the week before TFF, we'll be doing something a little special. Write in to us with any questions you have for us or anything you'd like to have us talk about! Anything at all, in-character or out. The only rule is that you must either direct it to one of us specifically OR direct it to the group as a whole. We look forward to answering whatever you guys want to know! Episode 17.5 (2014-02-10)
Categories: Podcasts

How Should He Choose Between Family and Boyfriend?

Furry News Network - Mon 10 Feb 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear PapaBear: I have always had this issue with my boyfriend and my family, but it always required me to give up one thing for another. For example, if I had a trip I was planning for a long time, and I had to give up my money for small family favors. It’s those […]
Categories: News

If He Only Had the Nerve

Furry News Network - Mon 10 Feb 2014 - 02:04
Author: rodney This month, with the second issue of the 5-issue mini-series Tales from Oz, Zenescope Entertainment focuses on the Oz fans’ favorite furry when Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales from Oz: Cowardly Lion hits the shelves. (Whew, long title!) According to the preview at Previews World: “No race in Oz is more fierce or […]
Categories: News

Zebra furry. Hi all

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Feb 2014 - 01:56

Hi I have been learning more of the fandom and was wondering if there were other zebra fursonas? I'm 21/m/zebra/straight( even tho user name says wolf) (First post on reddit) nice to meet you and feel free to say hi

submitted by wolf102
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Categories: News

I'm updating my webcomic again, finally

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Feb 2014 - 00:48
Categories: News

Camp Feral.

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 22:49

I have been wanting to go to a fur con for a long time but they are all so far away from me and I never have the money to go, but this one called Camp Feral happens to be one that I might be able to attend so I thought I would come on and see if anyone has ever been in the years past or if you are planning to go this year?

submitted by XdinosXgoXrawrX
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Categories: News

Worgon's Flight

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 22:29
Categories: News

Urban Cowboy

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 21:24
Categories: News

A foxalope!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 20:34
Categories: News

Tail snuggles ^w^

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 19:38
Categories: News

Furstarter Week in Review 2-9-14

FurStarter - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 17:47
Furfunding Week in Review 2-9-14

This week’s illustration is from the kickstarter for the Dragon Scale playing card deck by Jessica Feinberg

A handful of new video games, several “fun and interesting but not actually relevant” projects. A bit of a slow week…

New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page!


On a Sunny Disney Afternoon (Ends: 4/3/2014)
A book exploring the first 20 years of Disney TV animation.
Lots of books on Disney animation, but they usually focus on feature films…

Children’s Product

The Stellar Life of Jpeg the Robot Dog (Ends: 3/6/2014)
Quirky children’s book about a robot dog and his space adventures


Fur Isle Convention (Ends: 3/31/2014)
A new furry con to be held on Halloween on the Isle of Wight!

Edmonton Brony Expo (Ends: 4/2/2014)
Bronycon launching in Alberta, Canada


Mai Mai Miracle (Ends: 3/7/2014)
It’s not quite Studio Gibli, but some of the same talent, a sweet slice of life anime with a red panda somewhere in there. No, not really very furry. Still. Red panda.

Werewolf: Hunted ()
A werewolf movie told with a sympathetic view of the monster. Nice werewolf masks!

Video Games

EvoCreo (Ends: 3/7/2014)
Monster collector/battle game with a cute anthro wolf sidekick
This seems really derivative, in graphics and game play, but the anthro wolfy thing’s pretty durn cute

F.A.R.M. (Ends: 3/21/2014)
Barnyard animals meet Call of Duty in this FPS
Slow start and awkward video, this seems like a no-starter, but amusing as a project


Legends of the Dragonlords (Ends: 3/8/2014): Animal companion RPG video game, kind of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ meets Pokemon, but…there is nothing that is right about this kickstarter page, it screams “19 year old’s first project.”

…Also by Furries

AcrotomicFX’s Effects Makeup (Patreon Ongoing Funding): Makeup and appliance work by fursuit artist Curry Creimire

…Just For Fun

Bukkake! The Card Game (Ends: 3/6/2014): Immature and absurd, style over substance and the style is “silly.” But fun to pull out at parties.
Menswear Dog Collection (Ends: 4/5/2014): Finally! If you’ve been LONGING for a chance to dress your shiba inu up as the eleventh Doctor, carpe that diem!

Categories: News

If He Only Had the Nerve

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 17:47

This month, with the second issue of the 5-issue mini-series Tales from Oz, Zenescope Entertainment focuses on the Oz fans’ favorite furry when Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales from Oz: Cowardly Lion hits the shelves. (Whew, long title!) According to the preview at Previews World: “No race in Oz is more fierce or proud than the Kavari. Their traditions go back hundreds of years and both Thane and Thorne have been born into tribal royalty as the son of the chief. Competition against each other since birth for the right to rule the tribe their rivalry reaches its climax when they both fall in love with the same woman…and must fight each other to the death to determine who will win her hand.” This full-color issue was written by Joe Brusha and illustrated by Miguel Mendonca. The furriest of several variant covers were created by Marat Mychaels and Harvey Tolibao.

image c. 2014 by Harvey Tolibao

Categories: News

Willing to spend my money on an urgent Valentines gift! Any good artists out there need a bit of quick cash? This would mean so much to me!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Feb 2014 - 17:22

Hello there! My main concern at the moment is that I am trying to get something done in time as a Valentines gift! I worked hard on drawing something myself for my partner to finally give her something personal. But, due to all of my misfortune I have found myself unable. Im not a great artist to begin with and my tablet has committed suicide, but I just wanted to give her something personal rather than blowing some cash on some department store rubbish.

Im willing to pay well for this valentines gift, I already have a simple concept and reference sheets ready!

If anybody is interested in helping me then please contact me soon! Valentines is only a few days away!

All the love :)

submitted by LostInRotation
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Categories: News