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The Creator of Samurai Cat — RIP
Word came out recently that one of the originals of Furry Fandom, Mark E. Rogers, passed away this past weekend while out hiking with his family. Some might even call him a patron spirit of anthropomorphics. In 1984 (back when a certain group of Ninja Turtles were making their very first appearance) mark published his first book chronicling the adventures of Miaowara Tomokato, the Samurai Cat. Almost every other page of Rogers’ Samurai Cat books featured a black and white or full-color illustration by the author, connected with the action on the previous page. Through a series of five such books of historical satire, Mark was one of the first to take anthropomorphics away from “funny animal” silliness and into something completely new, in a big way. Ron Miller has a detailed obituary of Rogers which he posted up on I09. Sayonara, Mark-san.
looking for furry friendly room!
my mate and i are looking for a furry friendly room to move into! anyone looking for roommates in California please reply :3 email me at erinharrisxyxy at gmail.com
-kirimi dragoness
submitted by kirimi295[link] [3 comments]
Ep 14 – What Makes a Writer - What makes a person a writer? What makes a writer an author? How does one make the transition from small-fry hobbiest, to big-fry professional? The answer may shock you… Or not.
What makes a person a writer? What makes a writer an author? How does one make the transition from small-fry hobbiest, to big-fry professional? The answer may shock you… Or not.
Ep 14 – What Makes a Writer - What makes a person a writer? What makes a writer an author? How does one make the transition from small-fry hobbiest, to big-fry professional? The answer may shock you… Or not.SecondLife?
I've put a lot of time and money into my Avi. I know probably not as much as some. But I'm proud of it. X3 I'd like o get back into SL but all of my old friends left. No one is ever on anymore. So if anyone is looking for a friend, I'd be more than happy to meet up :3
submitted by GeeAnson[link] [4 comments]
Fuzzy Notes 57 - Raduga Basketbol - The music made by furs! For this 'rainbowy basketbally' episode we have piano, we have synth, we ...
For those who felt Shooks was Uncompleted
Overcoming Prejudice Against Furries
This question is not for me specifically, but for potentially all furries. How would one best describe furries to someone who all they know about furries is the "bad stuff"? EG: That one CSI episode. I feel like if all that a person knows is the bad stuff, it would be hard to try and convince them otherwise. I'm just curious to see what you think is the best way to go about doing this.
Kumori Urufu
* * *
Dear Kumori,
To understand the nature of this question, one must first understand prejudice and how prejudices come about. It’s a result, really, of how the human mind works—what I call “The Triple Threat.” 1) Human beings like to categorize everything in order to make the world easier to understand. They like things to be black and white, not 50 shades of grey. 2) The other thing about the human mind is that first impressions are extremely important. That’s when we gather our initial information about someone or something and draw conclusions. Once drawn, it is very hard to erase and redefine those conceptions, which sometimes go so far as to be preconceptions with little or no information. And 3) the third factor is that people tend to hate (or at least avoid) those things that they do not understand or that are different from them because things that are different challenge their concepts of what the world is and how it works, so, therefore, these things seem threatening to them.
Therefore, if someone unfamiliar with furries gets his or her first impression from something like the infamous CSI episode, they will quickly conclude that furry is about people dressing up as animals and having sex. Or, if they first come across it via furporn on the Internet, they will think that’s what we’re all about. The Triple Threat is why you get people who think that lesbians all wear tool belts, gay men all like to dress as women and talk with a lisp and call each other “girlfriend,” Asians are all smart and enjoy solving math equations, and Muslims are all terrorists. Utter nonsense.
This sort of thinking developed because back in our “caveman days” evaluating a situation and coming to a quick conclusion was a helpful survival skill (“Ugh! Me never see big cat with six-inch fangs before! It eat friend Trog! Must be dangerous! Me Run Away!”) Things are much less clear-cut in our modern world, although we still get things like (“Ugh! Me watch Fox News. All Fox News people say Democrats destroy ’Merica! Me hate Democrats!”)
So, how do you overcome the Triple Threat? It depends on the person who has these prejudices. If the person is particularly dense and thick-headed and has been ingesting stupidity all his life, then you likely won’t change his mind. The quicker you can get to the person after he has been exposed to something inane like CSI’s episode about furries, the easier it is to correct their thinking. The key to that is education. Charlotte Brontë said, “Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.” And Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn similarly said, “It's an universal law—intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.”
Educate them! Take them to a furry convention so they can see what goes on. Have them watch some informative videos (I’ve posted some here http://www.americanfurryassociation.org/videos.html). Show them all the many many many examples of the fandom that are completely G-rated. Show them the diversity of the fandom, from artists and fursuiters to writers and performers. Introduce them to actual, real-life furries because, once you get to know us you realize we are, in many ways, just like human beings! Gosh! Whodathunkit?
And, by the way, furries did not invent animal kink. That's been going on since the days of ancient Greece and Egypt.
Thanks for your question :-3
Need some practice, free headshots!
Doing headshots post your fuzz butt below! Wont be able to post them back until later today though. Commissions closed. Will be a while to pump em out, family issues.
submitted by Dante_The_Wolf[link] [28 comments]
Delicious 'diles! (actually alligators)
New subreddit for the music made by furs!
Hey all! I just started a new subreddit to showcase the music made by furs. It's for fans to share their favourite artist's songs, artists and producers to promote their music, and for furs to talk about making and producing their own stuff.
Check out the awesome talent the fandom has to offer, and share your favourites while you're at it :)
submitted by Roogoyle[link] [3 comments]
Nine Lives to the Rescue
Realistic Animal Ears by Beetlecat. The Kickstarter is almost over so nab a pair while you have a chance :>
Anyone going to Furry Weekend Atlanta?
Please let me know! I've never been to a con before, and would rather experience it with the right people instead of going solo.
submitted by Yiffing_Time[link] [11 comments]