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Werewolf game ‘Guise of the Wolf’ released
How do you go around in this community? Because I don't know.
To be simple I can't draw not technical , really shitty writer , not handy.
I don't really know what to do maybe chat with someone or hear a personall experience of starting here because or an easy idea to do.
i'm not really used to other people because of bullying so yeah if you wanna talk look me up on steam or skype
skype : please PM me first I like a bit of privacy
steam : cuddlypants
I won't mind making an account if someone wants to chat on something else listed here.
even a single reaction would be great.
submitted by cuddlypants[link] [15 comments]
Pet or Furry? Chris Hardwick and @Midnight compare furry dating ads and pet adoption ads. Pretty funny!
It may not be the best, but here's a character I'm developing for an animation class: a Druid doe who hasn't learned to control her ability to shape-shift.
Chasing Away the Gremlins of the Mind Is One Key to Great Sex
I have something that’s been bugging me for a while. I've been dating another man for the first time for a few weeks now. I've fantasized about being with a guy for a very long time, but have been with women for almost all of my relationships, and I've been wondering if what I am doing is what I truly want or if I am playing tricks on myself. It's been bugging me so much that I worry about it every day and I'm constantly stressed whenever my mate isn't with me. It's gone so far as to embarrassingly affect my performance in the bedroom. Is this what people go through with their first same sex relationship, or is this just me playing mind games with myself?
* * *
Hi, Arcturus,
There could be a couple things going on here. One would be the simple nervousness of trying something new and being unsure of yourself, the other being that you are freaking out a little about your sexuality. Both, yes, are gremlins of the mind. You are overthinking things. Instead, trust your instincts. Your body knows what it wants to do and how to do it, but your mind is holding you back.
It’s kind of like learning how to relax and go to sleep when your body is tense. I’ve learned some exercises that help me to de-stress by focusing on different muscles, realizing they are tense, and allowing them to relax. When I have done this and relaxed all the muscles, I feel almost instantly that I am on a cloud and drifting off to sleep.
Similarly, when you are making love, you need to “relax” all those thoughts in your mind that are tensing you up. Forget about your past sexual experiences, definitely forget fears and anxieties put there by society, and live in the moment. Focus on your boyfriend, the intimacy of revealing yourselves fully to each other, the stimulation of all five senses, and the physical, nearly spiritual moment you are about to share together.
Being able to do that is one of the keys to having great sex. Don’t think—do!
(Oh, and before I hear from my buddy Critter again, don’t forget about safe sex, please).
Need furry RP partners on kik
Looking for long term RP partners who are into fur ok kik @ hellfirestorm85
submitted by Kikfeind[link] [4 comments]
Hi! I'm live streaming again tomorrow! 2/12/14 @3am (eastern). :) I did this one last time, tell me what you think and join me tomorrow!
Some Thoughts On The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
As of the time of this writing it’s been roughly a week or so since I finished The Bureau and the Hanger 6 DLC. Long enough that I’ve had time to short out my frustrations with some aspects and quell myself from the short lived ecstasy that comes from completing most any game.
Boiling it down to it’s simplest form, The Bureau walks, talks, and plays like a slightly poor man’s Mass Effect with a retro aesthetic, but that sells the game pretty short. It’s by no means a fantastic game but it’s more certainly better than most people made it out to be.
Refuge Cross, an E-book furry adventure series that you may not have seen yet. A detailed world with diverse characters and a complex plot suitable for all ages. Go check it out ^^
Furries wear collars, what do avian furries wear?
I'm an owl-gryphon, and I have no desire to wear a collar like the foxes, wolves, etc. in my local group. What kind of things do avians generally wear? Jesses? Blinder hoods?
submitted by Blu3Shyft[link] [23 comments]
Furry button
I was wondering were I can get a furry button where it has a paw with a rainbow colour scheme inside the paw.
submitted by R3TR0J03[link] [6 comments]