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Hoard of rabbits

Fursday - Watch List - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00

That’s a lotta bunnies.

Japanese rabbit attack Japanese rabbit attack Japanese, rabbit ,attack


Categories: News

Cat shaped candle with a morbid secret

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00

I love whoever came up with this, I want a whole series of animals based on this product.


Categories: News

The Furnpike

Fursday - Links - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00

Extensive crowdsource weblink directory.


Directory contains links to a wide spectrum of websites, some appropriate for all audiences and some adult in nature.


The Realm of Dreyrull

Fursday - Links - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00

An imaginative fantasy world that people can role play over on the forum.

In their words

Imagine yourself. You are an aershaa; a sentient, magic-wielding creature of power and beauty. Around you is mankind, threatening your freedom with chains, collars, and the ability to make you forget the call of the wild, the feel of freedom, and the wind in your wings. Beside you is furrkind, like you in their furred hides and respect for nature, unlike you in their use of tools, their mingling in villages, and their different gods. In the shadows are the Lekkir, a race that is almost a legend, whose ancient words echo in the whisper of the wind and the boughs of the trees. Healers and mages, but mankind's fear and tainted ways have driven them to near extinction.

This is Dreyrull, an original world where you can become an aershaa, human, furr, or Lekkir through interactive roleplaying and battling with other players. Win art of your character and build their story, or begin with a story and earn your art through creative expression!


This site contains little or mild offensive materials.

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WikiFur entry


Bubble Dook

Fursday - Links - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00

UK-based furry themed fragrant soap business.

In their wordsBubble Dook is a new soap company based in the South West of the United Kingdom offering wonderfully fragrant soaps designed to be suitable for use on sensitive skin. All our soaps are handmade in Devon and feature artwork from talented UK artists of anthropomorphic characters.Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.

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Ninety Nines

Fursday - Links - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00

Comic featuring adult humour and innuendos by Aquanite and Serge Stiles.


This site contains slightly offensive material such as adult themed humour and mild swearing.

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Arend Studios

Fursday - Links - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 04:00
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Californian based fursuit and mascot costume building business. Vast experience comes from having done over 300 costume heads.

In their words

We are just two people, but our work has brought joy to thousands. We're Steven and Lesa, the heads behind Arend Studios.


Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.

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Fritz the Fox

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 03:20
Categories: News

‘Animation Breakdown Roundup!’ comes to LA on March 8

Furry News Network - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 02:39
Author: Fred Animation Breakdown Roundup!, a one-day 90+-minute animation festival of 25 brand-new animated experimental shorts, will play on Saturday, March 8 at 9:30 p.m. at The Cinefamily, a.k.a. The Silent Movie Theatre, 611 North Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036; (323) 655-2510. Tickets are $ 12. Co-curator Alex MacDonald says to expect something like past […]
Categories: News

How do you make a custom Pattern on a fur suit?

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 02:11

I heard you could use air brush, but i don't have one and its expensive to get one. I plan on doing this guy right here http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130822192527/dreamworks/images/1/18/Macawnivore.png which some of you many know. I would like some other ideas i have been thinking hair dye but i still don't know yet

submitted by Nekowuzhere
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Should I be supportive of a friend/crush who is a furry, even if Im creeped out by the fandom

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 00:37

Im not a furry, I have not done anything in connection with the furry community but I would like to ask your opinion on this, and maybe change my view of my friend/crush.

We will call her A, A is a cute girl I met late last year who easily became on of my closest friends who I also developed feelings for. We are both 18 and upperclassmen in highschool. I never knew she had a thing for furries until a couple of days ago.

As me and A were getting ready to leave school and head to A's house to study, A told me we are going to pick up her best friend who I have not met until that day to go study with us. We will call her H.

We arrive at H's house after some time walking and we were immediately invited inside. We head towards H's room and I immediately noticed a fur suit. It was a homemade one from what H told me, and from the way H and A were talking. I had the idea, that A was interested in trying the fursuit and even keeping the fursuit after H gotten a new one in the near future.

A decided to try on the fursuit who from H's commentary on how to put it on A never had done this before. I was horrified at this, I thought it was weird, I thought it was creepy, I thought it was unnatural to dress up as an animal. But from the look's of A's excited face and smile I decided to let it slide and I put on a poker face.

After donning on the fursuit, A and H left the room to go look in the mirror leaving me in H's room by myself. I was panicking, I refused to believe what had happened. It felt like what I was experiencing was not real.

After some time A and H returned to the room and removed said fur suit and we left to go to A's house to go study. The topic of furries never came back after the entire walk to A's house, and when we studied for a good hour.

Im still bothered by this experience even after a couple of days have passed. Should I talk to A about this or should I just let it slide.

submitted by throwaway2321432
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Categories: News

Calling all great (and not so great) minds of /r/Furry! We need a discussion!

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Feb 2014 - 00:27

Hello fellow fuzzbutts! I have noticed that recently there have not been many large-scale discussions on here recently. I want to change that. I have been trying to think of interesting ideas to talk about, but I am drawing blanks repeatedly. That is where you come in! Please, if you can, try to think up a topic for discussion, anything even mildly interesting will do! I want to see how deeply you all can think, and I want to get into some intelligent discourse!

submitted by Cookster997
[link] [28 comments]
Categories: News

Greymuzzle furry artist Ted Sheppard arrested, suspected of uploading child pornography

Furry News Network - Wed 19 Feb 2014 - 23:39
Author: Higgs Raccoon Ted Sheppard, an artist from the early days of furry fandom, was arrested last December, suspected of uploading child pornography. In November last year, following a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, that someone in the Tucson (Arizona) area was uploading child pornography, the Tucson Police Department’s Internet […]
Categories: News

Rusfurrence 2014: Fox Amoore Concert

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Feb 2014 - 23:17
Categories: News

Wearing a tail to the side?

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Feb 2014 - 22:28

I saw this video a couple years back, I can't seem to find it. (Joshua Yee, does that name ring a bell to you guys?), and he had his tail attached to the belt loop on the side of his pants instead of it being behind him. Have any of you guys seen anything similar? I don't know why he preferred it to be this way, but maybe it's something I'm missing here. I'm still pretty new to this.

submitted by VinegarEel
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Categories: News

Furry by choice?

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Feb 2014 - 22:19

Lately, there have been some posts from people new to furry that sound like they've made a conscious decision to check out furry culture and be part of it. It makes me wonder how common this is.

Personally, I've been "furry" for as long as I can remember - since before furry was a thing with a name; Before the fandom existed; Before the Internet. It was never a choice I made, and not something I could ever un-choose (though I tried for a time). It would be like trying to rid myself of any other parts of my personality, my sexuality, my likes and dislikes.

So...are both of these approaches common in the fandom? What do you think of that?

submitted by allthingsfuzzy
[link] [25 comments]
Categories: News

VG Cats

Fursday - Links - Wed 19 Feb 2014 - 22:02
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Long running video game comic strip featuring feline duo Aeris and Leo.

In their words

Basically VG Cats, or Videogame Cats, is a webcomic about videogames along the lines of Penny Arcade. Though the last year or two I've tried to focus the comic towards Video Games parodies rather than two gamers. Andtotally random stuff when I'm bored.


This site contains slightly offensive material.  Chance of mild swearing and mildly disturbing imagery.

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WikiFur entry


Modo by Combatraccoon!

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Feb 2014 - 21:39
Categories: News