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Anyone want to Critque my drawing?
Hey there, first post here. I mostly lurk. Anyway, recently I began to draw furries, so I don't have much experience. But I decided to take a request by an old friend of mine, it is of our Fursonas, with mine kissing his nose. Now being my first furry request I don't expect it to be that good. Luckly I don't see to many major flaws. But I would like some Critque maybe some things I can fix before I ink this. Link to drawing: http://m.imgur.com/QZDkKC9
submitted by -Adraen-[link] [8 comments]
Paleofurs— The Anthropomorphic Fans of the Past
In many ways I’m not a very typical fur. I’m almost fifty-three as I write this, work in a blue collar field, and have little to no interest in furry art or artists. (I’m into furry fiction to the near-exclusion of all else, fandom-wise.) I don’t have a “furry-name” or “fursona”, and my first fursuit, if I still had it, would be older than the word itself. I would never have heard of half the fandom-famous anthro-cartoon characters if it hadn’t been for the fandom itself, because I was already an adult—even in many cases middle-aged—when the programs aired and became part of the rest of the fandom’s childhood. Perhaps most tellingly, I was thirty-seven years old before I ever heard the word “furry” used in its fandom sense. In other words, I lived most of my life in the universe that existed before there was a furry fandom, and remember it well.
This world was the world of the “paleofur”. The time before any of us knew there were others like us, who shared our interests and tastes. Before the internet brought us together, in other words, the long, long era when being a fur was a terribly lonely and to some degree even shameful thing.
One of my other great avocations is history, particularly military history of the early and middle twentieth century, and I continually read books on the subject. While I’ll admit that while I’ve made no dedicated effort to dig up paleofurs, having no idea of where to even begin looking, I’ve sort of kept my eyes open along the way for clues in the hope of coming across a kindred soul or two. And so far that’s exactly how many candidates I’ve come across—two.
The first I was very, very lucky on. Over a decade ago I was reading about P-47 strafing tactics during the latter part of World War Two when I came across a link on P-51 ground attacks. This in turn led me to an article…
…written by a man who claimed to have made several combat P-51 sorties over Germany at the very end of the war in a bunnysuit.
Now, I’m familiar with the fact that American flyers were often issued big, puffy coveralls called bunnysuits meant to keep them warm at altitude. This was most emphatically not one of those. The pilot in question, who had a nice eight- or ten-page website, said that he’d written home to his wife for a warm one-piece garment, and she’d sent him a bunny suit complete with ears and tail. Since it was all that he had that was warm and fit well enough he sort of had to wear it. (Longtime furries like myself, I’m quite certain, can take one look at the previous explanation and know a bowl of complete mush when they see it.) At any rate, as near as I can recall he flew two or three sorties right at the war’s very end in the thing, and slept in it as well despite what must’ve been a truly titanic wave of wisecracks coming his way. This man, I submit, was clearly a paleofur.
Sadly, I came across this truly excellent website very late at night and didn’t finish reading it (though I noted it hadn’t been updated in some time). I carefully bookmarked the page and got back to it about a week later. But it was gone. My guess is that the gentleman passed away. I failed to even note his name, which saddens me greatly. And no, I no longer have the bookmark—that was at least five computers ago. At the time I never dreamed I’d ever write an article on the subject or anything like that—the fandom was still far too small to have generated much in the way of a demand for such and showed few signs of ever getting to be a tenth the size it is today.
My second paleofur “find”, while less certain, was a huge shock. It was Winston Churchill—you may’ve heard of him. While I’ve covered the subject in some depth elsewhere, I’ll point out quickly that he owned and loved to play with children in a fursuit (gorilla), exchanged what looks very much like modern furry RP letters with his wife all the way down to her playing a cat and he a dog, and also (though this is entirely subjective) was enormously creative and artistically gifted, traits which seem quite common among furs. (He won a Nobel for literature and was a gifted-enough watercolorist that many experts agree he was a significant artist of the twentieth center totally apart from his political and literary life.)
So, I can hear my gentle readers asking right about now. Furries have existed in the past as well as the present. This is no great surprise.
No it’s not, really. After all, we see half-humans featured in Egyptian and even cave-wall paintings as well. Wondering what it’s like to experience the universe from behind the eyes of another species is probably nearly as old as sentient man. But what’s fascinating to me are the common threads, the similarities and sense of brotherhood that we—or at least I, being a former paleofur myself—instantly feel once the connection is made. More than a few social scientists and probably a fair number of psychologists and psychiatrists as well have looked with wonder upon our fandom and attempted with greater or lesser degrees of effort to figure out what makes us tick. I would submit that one valid approach to the truth would be to study the lives of those who were demonstrably furry before there even was a supportive fandom-base to welcome them out of the wilderness, who can’t be said to have simply joined a highly-accepting fandom for social support, but who instead revealed their inner furriness only at the risk of social censure, sometimes quite intense.
So, I’m making a rather bold suggestion here. To the best of my knowledge, I’m the only one in the world so far who’s taken any real interest at all in the paleofur phenomenon, and I’ve mostly gotten a whole lot of nowhere. At least a small percentage of the fandom, I think, might be at least marginally interested in a web page devoted to collecting information on more paleofurs; our cultural furfathers, so to speak. Such a page would be fun, educational, and perhaps might even serve as a useful research tool for the sociological types. I’d do it myself, but I’m so computer-inept (and exist so far from the social centers of the fandom) that my efforts would certainly be doomed before I even began.
Is anyone else out there interested?
Is it just me, or has /r/furry gotten a lot more hostile toward the heavier ends of the fandom lately?
I've been lurking here for awhile, and it seems like lately there's been a backlash towards those for whom the furry community and fandom isn't just a hobby. A lot of posts I've seen seem to have this undercurrent of "Relax, we're the normal kind of furry." It feels like the general consensus is that you can be a furry, and that's fine, but if you're into the otherkin/therian/yiff/etc. side of things, "there is no way to pass that off as normal."
And while a lot of comments just sort of sweep those aspects under the rug, others I've read seem like they go out of their way to belittle, demean, and marginalize anything beyond the "just a hobby" point of view. Considering that one particularly pleasant user felt the need to declare that wanting to share something that, to some of us, is a significant aspect of our lives with those close to us, was "only fucking up your own life over something silly," it's hard not to feel somewhat unwelcome here.
I understand that to many members of the furry community it is just a hobby, a bit of harmless fun. But really, it's getting to the point where I don't even want to bother reading the comments anymore. Which for me at least kind of sucks, because I really thought this was a nice community, and spend most of what little free time I have here.
I really do hope that this is just what I'm reading into it. If this is the case though, it really is too bad. I liked you guys.
submitted by seventowin[link] [81 comments]
Don't know how many of you have seen this, but it's a funny little short. Self post because I didn't make it.
I don't like the idea of making karma off of non-oc.
submitted by candid_canid[link] [2 comments]
What genres of music appeal to you the most?
Basically the title says it all. I'm just quite curious about this since a lot of the time I get this stereotype of people in the furry fandom liking genres such as electronic, dance etc. Just want to know what you guys and girls prefer!
Feel free to give examples of songs and artists and maybe even why you prefer the type of music you do.
submitted by Thegunner19[link] [46 comments]
I'm confused and don't know where else to turn
Hello! First off this may be in the wrong sub, if so please feel free to take it down and send me a pm telling me where to do if you could. Anyway to the topic. I recently read redruskers "the deep dark" (NSFW, very NSFW) and don't know how I feel about it. Like I feel bad not for reading it but what goes on. The rape scenario, which I'm used to seeing, but this one just...bothers me for some reason or another. So any ideas of what's causing my emotions to suddenly change? Thanks guys, this community is full of cramps! :)
submitted by furrythrowaway2ndtry[link] [4 comments]
how do you know if you're good enough to do commissions?
So basically, i started doing commissions like 2ish years ago. For the first several months, i did alright, made around $60 on cheap $3-$6 commissions. But for the past 8-10 months i have barely gotten anything, i'm not sure why. i don't have a huge amount of watchers on FA (mid-300's) but it's steadily growing, and i feel like my art has improved little by little over time, so i don't see why i'm getting less commissions instead of more. Any similar experiences? What's your opinion on this sort of thing?
submitted by acoodle_doodle_doo[link] [comment]