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Hey /r/Furry I am conducting a research project on online community interactions in the furry community and I can use your help!
Hey /r/furry, My name is Corey and I am a sociology student at the University of North Carolina Asheville. I am posting here in hopes that you could help me with an undergraduate research project I am conducting. For this project I am collecting survey data about the furry community and their use of online communities. The idea behind this research was to look at a social group that may experience negative reactions from people outside of the community and how online interactions effect members of this community. Here is a link to the google form of questions https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AvINe3XXyrd-pYiVGPiIxjNcb1x3ESEM6TMX9bp-Qco/viewform.
Please feel free to tell me as much as you are willing to share .The survey is fairly open ended and hopefully will allow you to share as much of your experiences as possible. The form will be open until March 1st 2014. Please feel free to share to other online furry groups you may be apart of. I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have via pm or in this thread. Also any feedback is appreciated! Thank You, Corey
submitted by Ascending_stigma[link] [13 comments]
Dogs (and Cats) vs. Dark Powers
[Discussion] Furry foreshadowing: Can you remember any furry tendencies from your childhood, before you ever heard of the fandom?
Three distinct memories from my childhood make sense in a furry context:
1) In one of my earliest dreams, I can still remember, I was riding a caterpillar-like Eastern Dragon.
2) I also once had a very realistic dream of being one of these: http://i.imgur.com/mwa6z2V.jpg I distinctly remember the sensation of having a thick reptile tail and getting sensory input from it. It felt very real, all in all. A dream I really liked and tried to fall back into (but failed).
3) At some point, a friend was sewing a stuffed animal lizard for me. Having the half-finished tail part, I stuffed it in my pants and went around, pretending to have a dragon tail (I must have been 13 or something)
Now that I think back, there seem to be a lot more coincidences in that direction.
So I was wondering if anyone else have had similar experiences?
EDIT Turns out I'm not the only one! It's cool to read some of your experiences.
EDIT 2 That's a lot of responses o.o
submitted by PowerRaptor[link] [33 comments]
A cool looking Faruku Costumes work in progress
Capris: Survival Quest by Kampaisuchi
Capris: Survival Quest is a choose-your-own/reader input adventure comic started by Kampaisuchi a couple weeks ago. It looks really interesting so far, her art and expressions are great, and you get to influence the story to what seems like it will be a great degree from what she explained when she started it.
So go check it out!
submitted by Volpethrope[link] [comment]
Looking for someone to commission for a particular style of suit [x-post from /r/fursuit]
I'm looking for someone to build a fursuit in that "kemo/kigurumi" style that's so popular in japan right now. I promise I'm not weeb trash, I just have a mouse character and I really see it being the only viable option without going either hyper realistic or loony-toony which are both styles I don't like for this character. I've been thinking of commissioning Radywolf, but he's super expensive and then there's the shipping from japan on TOP of that. any suggestions or help would be appreciated, thanks!
submitted by WillowMouse[link] [5 comments]
So you guys might get a kick out of this.
So i recently read a few posts about people who had some negative feedback when coming out as a furry, which made me feel bad cause i wasnt pushed away or anything, but apreciative that i wasnt. So i remember telling my parents and explaining to them what a furry was and how i was one and they took it rather well, my dad making a few jokes and being a bit of a dick, but accpeting me none the less. After that i was pretty open with being a furry. A few weeks pass and my grandmother (dad's side) calls me asking if i was in a gang....at first i thouht she was worried about the pictures ibhad taken with a few less than refutable characters i called friends at the time, but no. She thought the furry fandom was a gang. I took the opourtunity to explain to her what it was. I am also bi and only my mother knows (since she way more accepting than my father) and as i recently found out my grandfather (mother's side) was told about my sexuality when he was on his deathbed, by my mom and he accepted me for who i was. Now i didnt cry when he died cause i was the older brother and i needed to be there for everyone. Now i loved my grandfather more than anyone, dont get me wrong but i didnt have time to cry. (Also know i am seriously emotional so not crying was weird). When my mom told me how he felt i cried for hours. I dont plan on telling my father till i get married to a man. Otherwise he will not know. Anyway, sorry for rambling. Living in the south i expected a lot of rejection, but i was met with open arms and im sorry that others didnt get the same treatment.
Tl;dr - Grandmother thought i was in a gang cause im a furry.
submitted by zimmimaru[link] [17 comments]
"With Friends Like these" Episode 2: So a Rabbit, a Deity, and a Human eat breakfast...
So what else do you do?
So there's a female (ish) skunk in my brain that manifests herself through my fingers, but that's not all I do. I'm a football and NCAA Basketball fan, pokémon master, novice runner, and casual musician.
What else do you guys and gals do?
Again, sorry about the tags, does writing [discussion] in the title do it? I'm exclusively mobile for another week. >:-\
submitted by MydasThrown[link] [36 comments]
Something interesting is happening on FA...
I'm a little confused in this whole furry thing...
Sorry if I come off as a dick, or an asshole, or like I'm trying to make fun of furries in general, I'm just legit curious.
I heard that furries (sorry if that's not how you refer to yourselves) feel like they can be themselves when they're in a fursuit. How can you say you can be yourself if you can't even show your own skin, if anything that's masking yourself. It might not be like this for all furries but from what I heard this is a big reason behind it.
Again I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just curious.
submitted by Varrianda[link] [29 comments]
FoxyPimples break out in India
Should This Feeder Make His Gainer Morbidly Obese?
Tycho Aussie - There's a dog in the classroom! A few months ago Tycho Aussie showed up to class one day while wearing his familiar (to the fandom) fursuit, and he got quite a reaction! He's done a lot more in the community too,
There’s a dog in the classroom! A few months ago Tycho Aussie showed up to class one day while wearing his familiar (to the fandom) fursuit, and he got quite a reaction! He’s done a lot more in the community too, finding novel ways of bringing happiness to others through what some may call a unique approach.
This week he joins us to talk about a few of his fursuiting experiences. Be sure to listen in!
Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 7Runtime: 30m
Cast: Levi, StarlightWolf, Tycho Aussie, Wolfin
Editor: Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 WagzTail.com. Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by WagzTail.com as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, WagzTail.com 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.
Podcast image belongs to Tycho Aussie, used with permission. Tycho Aussie - There's a dog in the classroom! A few months ago Tycho Aussie showed up to class one day while wearing his familiar (to the fandom) fursuit, and he got quite a reaction! He's done a lot more in the community too,
Wide release live action furry movies for 2014
My parents finally 'researched' what I was drawing. Unbelievable.
So, as some people may know, I have been trying to become commission worthy this year, and started drawing almost every day since January 1st, 2014.
Of course my drawings were bad at first, but eventually I got better. My mom and younger sister (I have 4 sisters) are both artists and helped me along.
My mom thought it was very strange to 'have an animal head on a human body' but she didn't pay too much attention to it. Until yesterday.
I sketched a fox based off of a picture uploaded the day before. My mom, instead of critiquing it, asked me 'Why is it a fox?' I said that its because that was the picture I drew it from. Later she comes upstairs and decides she needs a talk with me (I'm a 20 year old male BTW) She asks me to sit and she says that she is worried about me. I took a peek over her shoulder and saw the wikifur article on what a furry is. She took particular interest to the section about 'sexuality.'
One of my older sisters was a furry dragon (I didn't know it at the time since I was young, but I remember she DID draw a lot of dragons) She had recently made the decision to become a man, which appalled my extremely religious and homophobic parents. When they saw that I was drawing anthros, they automatically assumed the worst.
The thing is, I am actually bisexual, but I have kept it hidden BECAUSE I know how they treated my bisexual sister, and my transgender sister.
So after a heated discussion I asked her 'What is it that you want me to do, stop drawing?' and she didn't reply. That's when I knew that she wanted me to stop drawing furries, simply because there are members of the community that are sexually attracted to furries. Oh, and homosexuality as well.
I kinda got angry (Read: I blew the fuck up) and drove to my bisexual sisters house. I explain all my trouble to her, and she reveals that SHE IS ALSO A FURRY! She has 3 fursuits locked away in her trunk, and my mom walks past it all the time. This made me happy to know I really wasn't alone in my family.
But I still have my parents, both extremely homophobic, and now know I am a furry and hate me for it. I don't know what to do. I've never been hated for a lifestyle choice, especially something as small as being a furry.
What do, furry friends?
Here are some answers to popular questions/statements being made:
Q. Why do you keep calling your transgender sibling a she if they are a he? how rood!
A. I just got the news the other day, and I haven't seen them in years, so i'm still not used to calling him a he. He started the hormone therapy just last week or so, and he vanished off the face of the earth and no one has had contact with him since then.
"You should ignore the topic and move out ASAP"
Yes, I know. I have kept my feelings about a lot of things a secret for quite a while (since I was 16) and I am planning on moving out this spring or summer.
"You should hide all your stuff and lock it away"
The sad thing is, I don't own the laptop or car, but I still pay car insurance with my rudimentary business transactions I make (barely make monthly payments).
"You should get your SIN card ASAP"
YES! Yes I should, and I am working on getting it as we speak. I was up till 4AM last night studying up on it, writing a resume, and making this post.
"You are an adult, they can't tell you what to do"
Yea, try telling them that. I believe you fully, and I am with you, but they have kept me behind in so many areas of development (work experience in the real world, home-schooled, bible-thumping) that its hard for me to 'just leave'. I am taking steps (at a more rapid pace than before) to ensure financial stability so I can move out ASAP.
Anyways, that's all I have for now. Sorry I would like to write individual responses, but this post blew up bigger than I can manage, especially when I am juggling other things like SIN card applications and such.
Thank you all for being such a caring community! I will answer questions, just not at the frequency I was earlier.
submitted by maxrazor[link] [113 comments]
Kagemono: The Shadow Folk [short animation]
Very impressed with this short animated story. I do not know if it is based on some folklore tale, but it feels original and imaginative. The fox is adorable.
This is my fourth year film at Calarts! It is the story of Beopup, a little fox who goes hunting in the woods and uncovers something rather unpleasant. Animated in TVPaint with backgrounds painted in photoshop.