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Sketch requests?

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 20:08

I reeaally need more practice with my art, so I've been doing sketch requests all over the place. It's pretty much just going to be a quick sketch on my iPad, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic. Gunna have to draw the line at porn, but other than that, fire away! Heads up though, I'm still pretty new to the furry spectrum of art, so forgive me if what I draw is utter shit. I aim to improve though! I'll try to do most requests, but you'll have to forgive me if it takes a while!

Update: Got a lot more attention than I expected, but I'll still try to do them all! It may take a while though, so bear with me!

submitted by Strictly_Reptile
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Categories: News

If I were to make graphics for this subreddit...well, where do I start?

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 19:09

I'd love to dabble in making a background or more flair images for this sub! How do I get started? Is there a size template I could use? And would I just post it here hoping for the best, or is there a formal submission process?

To get a glimpse of my art, I'm at or

submitted by Zelaphas
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Drew a Spotty Sharklady

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 17:51
Categories: News

Coffee is not for foxes, either

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 16:57
Categories: News

Now streaming: Krita speedpaint doodles and 320kbps music

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 14:59

Anyone is welcome to join.

I will be sketching some dragons and chatting along, while listening to my stream playlist (5+ hours of music) in itunes quality (320kbps mp3).

Newest playlist addition: Skyrim soundtrack selection.

EDIT What the actual ****.

Funday PawPet Show restreamed it, and I had 100+ viewers. I have no idea how to feel about that.

submitted by PowerRaptor
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I Love You.

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 14:36
Categories: News

I want to write a book about dragons...

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 13:48

And I'm looking for inspiration.

It could either be some sort of story with illustrations. Or maybe a list of dragons and where to find them and random information about different species...

Maybe even a guide on how to draw them.

This is to be completely unrelated to the furry fandom. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in sharing ideas for such a project :3

What sort of book would you consider buying?

It would be made with children and children-at-heart in mind.

submitted by PowerRaptor
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Categories: News

Friend's Theft Is Sign of a Bigger Problem

Ask Papabear - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 13:42
Dear Papa Bear,

First, I'm fully aware my grammar sucks, but at least, I have good spelling and thank you for your time :3

For a few months now, I've been thinking and bothered by a robbery that happened to me—or, more like who robbed me. I got back most of stuff (only missing three things), this happened in my home town; it's a small community, so it didn't take too long to find a few people to question, but while I was playing inspector, trying to find who did it, everything I found pointed to very close friend. Me and him were close, we have nicknames for each other (I was Chief and he was Apple). We always walked side-by-side, we know each other’s favorite color, we grew up with each other, we taught each to fight, we shared our money, we even showed each how to get in our homes, took each other to restaurants. We grew up in a bad environment (drugs, alcohol, bullies, etc.). We always told each other that one day, we would leave and find a better home. As we got older, my little brothers were born, which caused me to grow into a guardian-like personality (gay, straight, bi, I don't care, they're my brothers, and I'll protect them). My friend, on the other hand, gave in to the drugs and alcohol, and I never did. We became exact opposites, but our friendship never faded or weakened.

So I was very resistant to believe that he was the one to rob me. When I told my dad, who trusted Apple as much as me, of what, I've found, my dad was more than angry. My dad told me to strike Apple for stealing from me, or if I wanted my dad would hurt Apple for me. But I told my dad that I'd handle it. For the next few weeks my stuff would randomly appear by my window, which without a doubt confirmed it was Apple who stole from me (years ago, I told him, if he had anything for me, but I wasn't home, to just leave it by my window). I tried to confront him, but I could never find him, till one day another friend of ours got Apple to see me while I was doing yard work for my dad. We talked, and apparently Apple was drugged by his older brother (who was recently in jail) and tricked into robbing me. When the drugs started to wear off, and realized who he robbed, slowly he stole my stuff from his brother to return to me. He didn't want to see me till all my stuff was returned.

I told Apple that I'm very grateful that he was bringing back my stuff, but he should have told me. We could have gotten everything back together. He said he didn't want to get his brother in trouble (who's back in jail for stealing).

This is the only thing he has ever done wrong toward me. If I asked anyone else in real life they'd tell me to just hit him and carry on without him, I'm not sure, if I should forgive him and act like this never happened, or forget our friendship and continue my life without him? what would you do?

Hale (age 19, Alberta)

* * *

Dear Hale,

Some people say that you should always forgive someone and turn the other cheek, no matter what. My philosophy is to take it on a case-by-case basis. There are certain parameters I use to decide whether or not to forgive someone, including:

  1. Was the offense a one-time thing and not an example of a chronic behavior?
  2. Was the offender somehow not in his or her right mind at the time?
  3. Did the offender make amends?
  4. Did the offender apologize for the offense?

A bad example of this comes from my husbear’s past. Yogi had a partner who was a crackhead. He started stealing and selling Yogi’s possessions to buy more drugs (fails test #1). Eventually, Yogi kicked him out of the house. Years later, this guy contacted Yogi again, asking to be friends again. He never apologized (fails test #4), nor did he offer to make financial amends for the thousands of dollars’ worth of stuff he took (fails #3). I imagine he failed #2 as well, since he was not high at the time he stole stuff because he was stealing in order to get high again. Yogi, basically, told him to piss off, and I agree with that decision. (Apple’s brother is likely stealing to pay for drugs, just as Yogi’s former mate was).

In your case, the answer to all the above questions is “yes.” This was the only time Apple stole from you; his mind was clouded by drugs; he returned the stolen items; and he apologized (correct?) I think we can both understand his behavior, and I believe the cause of it all is his brother. The solution offered by your father and some friends (to hit him and move on) is both unconstructive and ape-like in its lack of intelligence and compassion.

Hale, you should forgive Apple (at least for now), but that should not be the end of this story. Apple needs help. Now that you have forgiven him (or I hope you will), the next step is to be a true friend. You need to get Apple away from the bad influence of his brother, first and foremost. You also need to save him from a life of drugs and alcohol before he ends up like his brother. The theft he perpetrated is an alarm, a call to action that his problem is becoming worse.

To start, check out Alberta Health Services, or also Addiction Enders in Alberta, and see what you can do to find a rehab program for Apple.

It is time to be a real friend, Hale. Your friend needs you. His stealing from you should not be taken as a personal offense so much as a cry for help. You should help him while he is still your friend (which he showed by his behavior) because if you wait too long the drugs and alcohol will eventually rot his brain and change who he is. At that point, you are at risk of losing the person Apple really is forever. And that would be tragic.

I wish both of you luck. Please write again if you need further help.



To the artists here: how many of you have gotten grief for drawing anthros in public? How did you deal?

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 13:04

Some of the recent topics I've seen have revolved around drama and wearing tails, which made me think of some of my own experiences, so I need to ask you artists:

How many of you have gotten flack for drawing (CLEAN) anthropomorphic art anywhere outside of the home, whether it be doodles in notebooks or whatever. How bad did it get? How did you deal

My memory brings me back to animation class, where there was this one girl who would bring her laptop to class, play second life and talk about how much of a /b/tard she was, bragging about how much of an accomplishment it was convincing a fat girl to attempt suicide. I generally avoided her, but she would berate me out loud if I ever drew so much as a cartoon hamster.

Another time I was doodling a fox head, suddenly this girl starting going off on me about "you're drawing a fox with BOOBS, aren't you?" I pointed out I had nothing but drawings of heads on the paper and no breasts whatsoever "Well, it looks like something that WOULD have boobs and that OFFENDS me! put it away immediately!" So for the rest of the semester, I doodled satanic children shitting their pants and devils with penis horns to see if anyone would react; no one batted an eye.

anyway, that's my experience. What's yours?

submitted by Jerberjer
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Categories: News

How potentially thin can you make a yarn tail?

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 11:32

Hallo friends!

I know that people are usually looking for big ol' fluffy tails, but I'm looking to have someone make one that's, like.... the thickness of a finger or something.

How thin can a yarn tail be while still looking okay?

submitted by TwerkOnThatShark
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Categories: News

PS3 Black ops2.

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 09:39

Add me on Ps3 PSN-Kody4321432

submitted by FurSight
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Categories: News

If your sona had a theme song what would it be?

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 07:15

Mine: execute by excision. Also feel free to include a pic or reference.

submitted by shiftyeyedsam
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Categories: News

I need help/advice dealing with a situation (Fursuit)

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Feb 2014 - 03:55

This is a throwaway and some details have been changed in case the maker has a reddit account.

So I got this really nice partial awhile back and but the size wasn't perfect. After a while I asked the maker if they could change the size. They said that would be easy so I sent it back to them. They were taking a lot longer than anticipated so I asked them about it.

They came back to me and said that they didn't like the suit anymore and they wanted to refurbish the entire thing, so it was taking longer.

The impression I got was that they had already started this process and so saying "no" would've been out of the question (though they did technically ask for my permission to redo the whole thing). So I said ok. They did the changes for free.

I eventually get the suit back and yes, it is definitely refurbished, and it's great the maker was nice and did it for free... But it's a totally different suit. My suit looked a certain way when I sent it in. It had, not sure how to explain, character/expression traits. And the new suit gives off an entirely different "feel" because the outward appearance is different.

I like the maker, they are a good person, and the suit is good, but it's not what I bought. So I'm conflicted because I really do not like this suit anymore. I am not happy and the longer I sit on this without saying something about it the more I am harboring resentment that the maker did this. If I had known this would be the result I would've just kept it slightly ill-fitting as I preferred the original look of it.

But I want to be fair to all parties so I don't know how I should tackle this and contact them about it. Because rationally, I know it is not all the maker's fault. But sometimes it feels that way.

So please, any suggestions?

submitted by WatFursuit
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Categories: News