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He's Panicking That His College Courses Were a Big Mistake

Ask Papabear - Tue 25 Feb 2014 - 11:07
Hi there papa bear, it’s been a while since last we talked.

I just wanted to talk and let this out to someone. For a while I've been going through a lot of problems, money troubles, second thoughts about school, I just couldn't think of what to do. All the problems just came crashing down on me and I just broke down on myself.

I wasn't ready for any of this... for college... being away from home... or just the real world in general. I wasn't ready for the reality of being on my own... and I still don't know what to do. I tell myself that I shouldn't give up when I'm so close to graduating but I'm still scared, I don't understand anything in the classes no matter how hard I try with the teacher's help. I always feel like I made the biggest mistake of my life even more because I did make a mistake because the one class I wanted to do wasn't even what I wanted. I'm a writer and I can't do any of this game design stuff. But I don't want to let my mom who's struggled so much down.

I don't want to disappoint everyone who wanted me to be here... I'm just so scared.

I'm sorry to put all of that out on you. Thank you for listening papa bear. You don't have to answer this either. I just had to let it all out.

Kageichi (age 19)

* * *

Hi, Kageichi,

It’s good to let things out, and I know you said I don’t have to respond, but indulge the old bear.

I’m writing because I have been exactly where you are now, and it was the most terrified I had ever been in my life up to that point. I wasn’t really prepared for college, you see. Not so much the academic end of it (although that was true, too), but just the entire experience of being away from home and being on my own. I went from a easygoing high school in a small town to being dumped into the academic anonymity of a huge university (University of Michigan). Never had I felt like such a faceless number in my life. I felt so alone and friendless; the classes they put me in were a nightmare (a huge lecture hall for a calculus class taught by a Chinese professor with a thick accent, a German class taught by an Indonesian, and an English literature class taught by a pompous professor who liked to show off how well he spoke Greek). I was thrust into a dorm room with two guys I didn’t know or like very much. Soon, I was failing my classes and scared to death. You might have read one of my columns where I mention my suicide attempt? Well, this is where it happened. I felt like no one understood how alone I felt, I was terrified that I was failing classes and, consequently, failing my parents. I felt so trapped that the only escape, I thought, was to kill myself, and I almost succeeded.

Let me relate another story—this one is about my sister. She was pressured into taking business classes at Michigan by my father, who didn’t understand her love for biology. She hated all of it, especially her peers who seemed to care about nothing except making money. One semester away from getting her bachelor’s degree, she fled. Up and left. Sent my parents a telegram that she was going West, that she was fine, and to leave her alone. She never spoke to my father again, though quickly reconnected with my mother after my parents divorced. After working a number of odd jobs, she went back to college and now has a doctorate in biology.

There you have it: two cases where kids were so terrified about what their parents thought that it destroyed a family and almost resulted in death. I’m hoping nothing so extreme is running through your mind. I write to you about me and my sister to point out that life is not about pleasing your parents; life should be about doing what is right for you, and only you know what that is.

It sounds to me that you are either in the wrong school or taking the wrong courses or both. You don’t belong in a game design class, clearly, and should be majoring in English or journalism or something related to that. Kageichi, take a deep breath and relax. Talk to a class/career counselor at your school. Perhaps even consider going to a different school. Now’s the time, before you become too heavily invested in the course you are now on (like my sister wasting three and a half years of her studies) you really need to reassess and renavigate. You might lose a semester now, but better to lose a little time than a lot of time.

One of the biggest regrets many people have in their lives when they are older is not studying and preparing for what they really wanted to do with their careers when they were young. You feel like you “made the biggest mistake” of your life? Well, not yet you haven’t. You have not committed too much time at this point, and you still can redirect your life and do what you really want to do.

At age 19 you can’t be too far into your college studies. Many people (in fact, most people) I know changed their majors at least once within the first two years of school. You can do that now. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Decide where you want to be 5 or 10 years from now and then create a plan of action to make that happen.

Hope that helps.



Furry Reddit - Tue 25 Feb 2014 - 10:32
Categories: News

Episode 67 – Wakarimasen - He returns! To make up for the studio exploding while Killick was away in Japan, the Furballd crew got together to finish up their discussion on disappointments and how we deal with them. Prepare to re-live some of those old pop

Furballd - Tue 25 Feb 2014 - 08:43

dafuq happened

He returns! To make up for the studio exploding while Killick was away in Japan, the Furballd crew got together to finish up their discussion on disappointments and how we deal with them. Prepare to re-live some of those old pop-culture wounds left after over-hype and high expectations, dear listener. It’s time for episode 67!

This week in the news: Urban Ninjas get their hands dirty climbing Shanghai Tower and the new underwater gadget that will make you feel like 007!

If you want to send us any news articles, ideas for topic discussions or just wanna say hi to us; send your e-mails along to! We always love hearing from you guys! By for now, but not forever!

Bye for now, but not forever!

This weeks song is “Cluck, Old Cucco” by World’s Greatest Gandpa. You can find the song on OCRemix here.

Episode 67 – Wakarimasen - He returns! To make up for the studio exploding while Killick was away in Japan, the Furballd crew got together to finish up their discussion on disappointments and how we deal with them. Prepare to re-live some of those old pop-culture wounds left aft...
Categories: Podcasts

A human furry spy

Furry Reddit - Tue 25 Feb 2014 - 06:17

Hello everyone I have posted on this Subreddit a little but never really said "Hi" or anything so I will introduce myself.

I am Leo and I have been a fan of furries for a while, my fursona is not really of the normal sort or even ever really seen, I am a human furry and still would love it to talk to any of you on Steam or some much as that. I am on the reddit furry steam group sometimes but if you would like to add me leoofmoon and I should have this icon

submitted by Leoofmoon
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Categories: News

Automoderator is having some.. uh, issues.

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 22:54

I noticed it seems to be wantonly removing comments... including mine. Oops! I'm going to take a look and then assess the damages.

Edit: I think I've fixed it

submitted by mckatze
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Categories: News

Crocodile Gravekeeper!

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 22:13
Categories: News

Myriad Quest: A Return to the Stars

FurStarter - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 20:16


Myriad Quest

Kickstarter ending 3/5/14

This is a little more quick-and-dirty than my usual posts, with apologies to a great company, but I wanted to give a shoutout before their Kickstarter ended.

ironclawFurry tabletop gamers might be familiar with Sanguine Games. In fact, they might be familiar with it and not know it. SG is the company that publishes Ironclaw, one of the only furry tabletop RPG games to gain any long-term traction in game stores–Albedo would be the only other one I could think of, and while not the original publisher–that honor belongs to defunct “Thoughts & Images” and later Chessex Games–they have released Albedo: Platinum Catalyst, a more recent RPG based on the original comic. It doesn’t seem to be in print, but it’s good to see the intellectual property surviving!

myriadbarSanguine’s sci-fi title launched through Kickstarter last year: the atmospheric “New Wave” sci-fi game, Myriad Song. To paraphrase, Myriad Song is a little bit sci-fi, a little bit rock and roll, inspired by 80s classics like Heavy Metal, Dune, and more recent heavily stylized movies like “Fifth Element” and a host of prog rock album covers. In short, it’s probably less important to be factually accurate with the science in Myriad Song as to have the right soundtrack playing.

Now on Kickstarter, Sanguine is back for round two (fight!) with Myriad Quest, a graphic novel from the MS  universe. the book follows two adventurers winging their space prog  (it’s like space opera, but prog rock instead of opera. No, this is not a real term, I made it up) journey across Myriad Song.

konnyThe artist is Matt Howarth, whose history with the fandom intersects in several places–he’s been an on-again-off-again artist on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and his Konny & Czu were recurring characters in the Albedo furry comic anthology series. He also worked pretty heavily on Myriad Song, and his intro comic “Golden Chord” can be read on the Myriad Quest kickstarter updates.

myridpanelThe graphic novel project is worth a look around for fans of edgy and underground graphic novels and indie comix. Is it furry? Not really, there’s some overlap around the edges, and some more in the pledge points (particularly if you’re an Albedo fan).

However, I’m a tabletop gamer, have been for well over 25 years now, and Sanguine Games’s projects have brought lots of my furry friends into pencil-and-paper gaming, which is amazing in our video-game focused, high-energy fandom. For their huge contribution to that narrow little wedge on the Venn Diagram of fandoms that is furry tabletop gaming, I encourage y’all to take a look at this one. I got back from Furry Fiesta recently to learn that Sanguine will be taking something of a center stage next year, so I’m super excited to see what they bring to the conversation in 2015.


Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 19:43

Why do furrys say mate instead of boyfriend or girlfriend? Its cute, but sometimes annoying...

submitted by boogie_cunt
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Categories: News

Quick question?

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 19:10

Hey I know this might seem a little random so I apologize if it is, but does anyone know where the best place is to meet a shark? I've been wanting to meet one for a while because I've heard they are all usually really fun to talk to but no matter where I go I can't seem to find one. If you know one, are one, or know the best place to find one let me know haha. And if anyone just wants to chat or rp too im down haha. Heres a ref if you wanted one:

submitted by thatoneguy2020
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Categories: News

In your opinion, which artist offers the best ref. sheet for a budget price?

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 18:05

So I'm looking into getting my ref. sheet done now that I actually have a little bit of spending money, but I'm wondering which artist would be the best price for a first-time ref sheet.

Thank you guys and gals!

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 PreSeason Test 00.5

TigerTails Radio - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 18:00
TigerTails Radio Season 8 PreSeason Test 00.5
The latest episode of TigerTails Radio. For previous episodes, visit From: TigerTails Radio Views: 23 1 ratings Time: 02:04:23 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Offering 3 free fursona sketches! [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 17:43

Hey there /r/furry, I am looking for three characters to draw to help develop my art portfolio and I would love to have your character as a reference for future commissions. I prefer people who would like some NSFW art for anatomy practice, hence the tag.

I will pick three or so people whose characters I would like to draw. I would love references and links to your FA/Inkbunny/Weasyl as well so I can tag you.

I don't know how long it is going to take, hopefully not too long but part of this is figuring that out. I appreciate all of your help!

submitted by teRAMis_art
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Categories: News

(X-POST /r/Funny) Sexy, sexy dragons. SWF

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 17:19
Categories: News

Help for the Creator of Rocket Raccoon

Furry News Network - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 14:05
Author: rodney With all of the attention that Rocket Raccoon and his fellow Guardians of the Galaxy have been getting, some attention has also begun to shine on a nearly forgotten name: Bill Mantlo. Back in 1976, Bill teamed up with Keith Giffen to introduce the original Rocket Raccoon in the pages of Marvel Preview […]
Categories: News

Renard says a thing with words about stuff.

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 13:54

Since the autobot is broken (and thinks is evil, despite being filehosting):

Ren says some things about stuff with words. If you care about the stupid silly (Wrong wording.) drama, this might clear a few things up.

For simplicity's sake, I've organized the two sides of the sequence into a table in a post

submitted by indrora
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Categories: News

Starry Fox

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Feb 2014 - 13:03
Categories: News