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Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 20:13
Categories: News

Commission - Sergal explorers

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 19:10
Categories: News

Does anyone else here get more furry when they drink?

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 19:00

I've noticed that when I have a drink or two my ears suddenly pop out and I start getting fuzzier. Anyone else?

Oh...also I find I tend to want to connect with other furries and so I post dumb things on /r/furry.!

submitted by allthingsfuzzy
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Categories: News

Robot attack By: ralloonx

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 18:34
Categories: News

Aim for their black soulless eyes!

FurStarter - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 18:29

A story of violence, love, prophecy, revenge, and violence in a timeless war that you probably weren’t informed of…


Penguins vs. Possums

Kickstarter ending 3/21/14

pvp1Since the dawn of time–or at least since the supercontinent Pangea separated, marsupials became a “thing,” and penguins were shunted to the frozen south–they have waged a secret war. Two great houses, two great species.



Choose a side.

pvp2Three visionaries come together to bring you this glorious indie comic tale of vengeful possums and flightless waterfowl most foul. John Bring and Lindsey Calhoon Bring are talent in their own right, TV and comic writers–John’s worked on the TV series “Supernatural”–but series creator Sebastian Kadlecik is one of those creepy polymaths that ruin it for the rest of us, a TV and stage actor, graphic artist, writer, apparently a ballroom dancer, and his résumé says he does a mean cockney accent, but I just had a heavy lunch and am not ready for that.

Deep down, you know the story to be true. Since the dawn of time, possums and penguins have been fighting their endless war. The possum’s ‘Chosen One’ comes soon, destined to overthrow the Penguin Emperor, or die in the effort. Until then, each species “struggles for the upper hand or paw or flipper” in this shadow war, and soon it will boil to the surface, and every human must choose his or her side in the war…and choose wisely, it will likely be the most important decision of their lives, and possibly the last.

pvp3yWell, I assume that’s the case anyway, the actual “Possums Vs. Penguins” website has been down a while, and I can’t factcheck properly. Though there’s a heck of a lot of traffic and information on the PVP facebook page, previews and leaks and, well, penguins.

pvp4The PVP Kickstarter’s straightforward and a solid safe bet. Besides the fact that they’re past goal and into stretch goal territory at this point, most of the work’s already done. The first four issues of PVP are already out the door, and this fundraiser is for the bound print version of same. Still, there’s a future for the project beyond the big bound edition–issue #5 is out, and perhaps the future of penguinkind or possumkind may still be undecided. Every dollar counts. Just write “Possum” on that dollar.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.


Categories: News

Would anyone be able to adapt this into a 1366x768 wallpaper?

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 17:45

This is a weird request, but I found this [NSFW ads (e621)] recently and was wondering if anyone could adapt it into a 1366x768 wallpaper?

Obviously it doesn't need to be animated or have sound. The best I could do was go fullscreen and take a screenshot, but that leaves black bars. Being a Flash animation, I was wondering if it could be zoomed in at all, or if something could be used in place of black bars at the sides?


submitted by Purple_Wolf
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Categories: News

I sculpted a little fox!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 15:34
Categories: News

Australia's City Hopper

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 13:30
Categories: News

How did you create your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 13:23

I was wondering how did you decide what markings and colors would be on your fursona and their personality and such. I'm trying to make my fursona after being in the fandom for a few months but when it comes to art I'm not too creative XD Thanks!

submitted by dozawolf
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Categories: News

Scritt the mad scientist needs a volunteer dragon o.o

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 12:58

I'm currently studying the art of Narse (NSFW artist), trying to learn some of his skills.

So I need a test subject, willing to lend me their dragon character for a free drawing inspired by Narse's style.

It will be SFW - no worries.

EDIT: Participants found!

EDIT 2: Working on test subject: Draculion

EDIT 3: Stage 1 initiated - greyscale sketch on a layer set to "multiply" blend mode.

Stage 2 - Flat color on layer below sketch:

EDIT 4: Stage 3 - add some extra details to the sketch.

Stage 4 Add basic shadows to a layer above sketch and color:

EDIT 5: Stage 5 - smooth out shadows:

EDIT 6: Stage 6 - clean sketch by coloring on top of it:


EDIT 7: I redid the basic shadows:

Stage 7: - choose second light source, direction and color, and add simple light on top of drawing.


Stage 8: clean shadows with eraser and precise brush.

Stage 9: Add hard light on top layer.

submitted by PowerRaptor
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Categories: News

The Fat Tuesday Fursuit Run!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 12:55
Categories: News

Feathery, Leathery, Bent: Adopt a Demon

FurStarter - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 12:28

adoptlogoA collection of curious and strange demons, just looking for a home…

Adopt a Demon

Kickstarter ending 4/4/2014

It happens, it happens all the time. One little seance, one ill-planned orgiastic ritual in the tunnels under the bell tower, and there they are: demons. One woman, Monica Knighton, has made it her mission to give them a home.

adopt4Now, she would like them out of her apartment. They tend to eat furniture, and when they widdle on the carpet it burns a hole into the house below. Won’t you please adopt one of these weird beasties?

adopt3Adopt a Demon is a quirky, tongue-in-cheek art project by Austin artist Monica Knighton. You can tour through her work in her art blog, which is loaded with all kinds of storybook illustrations (…kind of, her sense of humor bubbles up constantly turns pretty pastorals into strange commentaries on art expectations), but her brief pen-and-ink gallery has a lot of fuzzy animals, too. She also makes engraved jewelry, very pretty stuff.

The adopt-a-demon conceit–the artist has ended up with a houseful of demons and would like to share them–runs through the entire project, video, rewards, etc. The entire page is witty and readable, a rare thing in the dollar-desperate genre of crowdfunding pitches, and a pleasant change!

adopt2As for the demons, they’re impressive and varied. Some of them capture the dark and baroque imagery of a 16th century grimoire, sombre and studded with strange symbols. Others have the charming dumbness of a children’s easy-reader. In the late 15th century scholars logically extrapolated that there was something on the order of 666×6,666x6x66 demons in hell’s legion, and then set out to build a catalog of weird and distinct characters to fill the ranks. So you get these somewhat random monstrosities, pieces and parts strung together, weirdness for the sake of weird, and Knighton realizes them very well.

Yay, bored academics!

Knighton, in her time, has done a lot of work for the Central Texas SPCA, and it shows. Of course it comes through in the joke itself, “give a demon a home!” but in the backstory and inspiration for the project, too. I asked her for a few words on the inspiration for the project. Besides her obvious love of the occult,

[...]I guess the inspiration came from my working for the Central Texas SPCA. I ran the place for about eight years and it was crazy and messy and challenging. One of the things the long-term volunteers saw was how people would adopt the more attractive animals. But the ones we loved were the oddballs. The pitbulls with chewed-off ears, the one-eyed cats and elderly gray-faced mutts with cataracts. One of my favorite dogs, Toby, had this insane underbite–think ‘Princess Monster Truck’‘–and he was the sweetest dog ever.

And so many people would not adopt BLACK animals. I can’t say it was superstition…more like black animals were dull or invisible, and only ones with colorful or white coats stood out…We got in the habit of calling the ones that got passed over our little monsters, goblins, precious demons of the pit…”

adopt1So, on the kickstarter itself–besides its unusual and surprising readability–there’s some familiar rewards tied into the weird backstory of the campaign. At its heart, the project is about the Lost Key to Infernal Spirits of the New World, a modern demonomicon of cute, horrid, and horridly cute beasties. Sort of a field guide to the infernal realms. Knighton has also reached into her jewelry kit to create an infernal talisman, although its efficacy in demonic wardings is not guaranteed. But it might keep your newly-adopted hellspawn off the sofa. Higher level donors can get their own, unique demon, custom-tailored to haunt their dreams and scare the cat.

So how about it? Do you have room in your soul for one of these little guys? Give a demon a home.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Pure Furrysexual? nsfw

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 11:34

As we all know. The furryfandom tends to have a high concentration of gay furries in it. But I am curious about how one can be all around gay for furries. but can be completely straight or asexual in their hyooman lives.

One of my friends is totally gay for dragons. But the thought of doing it with hyooman males disgusts him.

I'm just a gay Fox who likes gay everything. I can't really understand how how it works for my friend. I'm pretty sure he's not the only case. So can any fuzz explain?

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Categories: News

A Fear of Love among Muslim Men in India

Ask Papabear - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 11:17
Hello Papabear,

I am an Indian Muslim guy brought up in a strictly traditional family. I've had a friend since my childhood with whom I've had a relationship beyond any boundaries. I'm a deep in the closet bisexual. The problem is I really love my friend so much. And I think he, too, loves me. He lives in a different city, but we talk every day for like an hour. We talk about all sorts of stuff, even the most intimate of it, like shaving my anus and things like that. I've said, “I love you”' to him many times, and he, too, replied the same. Once he even said that I'm his soul mate.

Many people here mock that we are gay, but we never listened to them. But neither of us had ever explicitly said that we love each other like lovers, although we have said that stuff many times as if we are joking. We even have virtual sex through messaging, but we act always as if we are just kidding.

We have never had sexual activity. I used to rub him while he sleeps with me, and he doesn't mind it, but he never initiates it. I checked his underwear while he went for a bath and found semen marks on it after I was rubbing him.

I know I sound kinda really confused, but that's what I am. I can’t make it out that what shall I do? I want him to embrace me fully, but I can’t decide whether he is homosexual, or, if he is, then does he want to open up to me or not!!?

Help me!!!

Dead Inside (age 22, New Delhi)

* * *

Dear Dead Inside,

You say that you are a Muslim from a devout family, but you never say from what religious background your friend comes. I am going to assume that he is also a Muslim, since it is a bit more likely that you met him among other Muslims than, say, among a group of Sikhs or Buddhists or Hindus.

I’m sure you are very aware what the Qur’an says about homosexuality and that it is even more frowned upon in Muslim countries and communities than it is here in the United States. Therefore, I’m guessing that your friend’s family is not okay with his being gay (if they knew). Secondly, India is showing itself to be anti-gay as a nation. As I’m sure you’re aware, last December India’s Supreme Court ruled that gay sex is a crime punishable by 10 years in prison (what a disappointment for the largest democracy in the world to say that).

Based on what you told me, your friend is attracted to you both emotionally and sexually. However, my guess is he is terrified to let that show. He’s terrified of what his family will do and what his country’s law enforcement might do to him, so he is scared to be open about it with you.

Even though you have known him since childhood, perhaps part of the problem could be that he is afraid that you might say something to get him into trouble—however unintentionally—if he confesses love for you. In order for you to get him to relax, he must have 100% trust in you that you will keep this a secret. Perhaps you can establish a pact of some kind, entrusting him that you will in no way cause him harm or worry and that.

This is a very delicate and unenviable position you are in. It’s bad enough being gay in a place like the United States; I can’t imagine how tense it must be for a gay Muslim man in India.

I hope, at least, that my words will make you less confused. My instincts say he is, indeed, gay, but he feels he can’t open up because he is so fearful. The best you can do at this time is try to alleviate that fear as much as possible by showing yourself to be worthy of his complete and absolute trust.

Bear Hugs,


Not for human consumption

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 10:44
Categories: News

Why do I feel guilty about looking at furry porn? [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 09:22

Hi. I hope it's okay to talk about this here.

I don't really consider myself to be a furry, but I have always enjoyed the art and, inevitably, the porn. I'll have periods where I look at it and periods where I don't - it's very on and off.

So, should I stop looking at it if I feel so guilty about it? I mean, I do feel less guilty about it since it's just fantasy and all, but still.

P.S. Is it weird that I'm a straight male and all I like is the gay furry porn?

Any help would be really appreciated!

submitted by Ho-Ho-Boy
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Categories: News