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Looking for a figurine (nsfw)

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 20:44

This and are the only leads we have so far. We've been trying to find out how to obtain one, however it seems we can only get it from Japan.

We clearly don't live in Japan and it doesn't ship to the US. Has anyone found a place or a way to get this, or does anyone have one they want to trade and/or sell?


submitted by like_a_woman_scorned
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Categories: News

Learn to Lucid Dream Furries!

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 18:07

If you have ever had a furry type fantasies I highly recommend learning how to lucid dream! I have been lurking around in /r/lucidDreaming for awhile now and can finally say I've met, felt, and bonded with my favorite anthropomorphic character.

I wish I could find the words to describe how amazing the experience was. I felt everything from her tail wrapped around my waist to her fur against my skin... it was exactly how I imagined it would be.

It might take some time to get the hang of it, but please at least give it a try.

submitted by Yiffing_Time
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Categories: News

For a relatively SFW subreddit, knot jokes are inappropriate and don't exactly help our reputation.

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 16:01

Just what it says in the title.


As in dog dicks.

Which is basically the general public's distorted view of furries - people who like animal genitalia. Which is not at all accurate.

Do we really want to confirm the stereotypes presented by mass media? Is there any way at all, that can possibly backfire or spark hostility towards us?

Open discussion about the topic wanted


Pros: Outsiders not seeing animal genitalia jokes.

Cons: Self Cencorship is a bad thing that goes against core principles in the fandom.

Argument: Knot jokes are not actual content and could be considered spam.

They are also NSFW by their very nature and might not be fitting for this subreddit

Counterargument: Mainly furries come here.

Counterargument 2: Furries actually like knot jokes. Why not have our fun?

submitted by PowerRaptor
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Categories: News

Any Texan furries heading to Anime Matsuri this weekend?

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 14:06

Just wondering if I'll see any of you lovable weirdos there :3

submitted by themaceez
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Categories: News

Odie is ready for MCFC

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 12:40
Categories: News

He Enjoys the Smell of Skunk

Ask Papabear - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 11:27

For years now, I've wanted to get sprayed by a skunk. I've smelled the scent on the wind and the thought of getting skunked and taking a tomato juice bath arouses me. Still, I don't want others around me to suffer from the smell. Should I try to get sprayed or even be honest with those I’m living with about my desire?


* * *

Dear Angus,

Some reading this might think your love of skunk spray is odd, but it does have validity. Interestingly, there have been studies on this, and while most people find skunk spray repellant, a small minority of people find the scent very pleasurable. This has a lot to do with how people are wired. It’s kind of like how some people get physical pleasure out of pain (though your interest is not so extreme as that, of course).

There are other smells that some people love while others hate, including horse manure, gasoline, mildew, body odor, and pipe or cigar smoke (I actually like pipe and cigar smoke but not cigarette smoke). Scientists who get government grants to research such things (your tax money at work) have come up with two theories: 1) it is a genetic predisposition, and 2) it is a learned behavior. Of these two theories, the second one is supported more by experimental research.

So, first of all, wanted to emphasize that you are not a weirdo for liking skunk smell. In fact, you are attracted to the musk scent in the oils of the skunk’s glands, which, interestingly, perfume and cologne manufacturers often use in their products! It is used not only for the musk component but because the chemical in it (butyl mercaptan) is a scent adherent (that’s why it’s hard to get off) that makes perfume scent last longer. Secondly, I congratulate you for being considerate of other people’s needs and that getting yourself sprayed and not cleaning it off would lose you a lot of friends. 

What you can do is this: don’t try to find a wild skunk and get yourself sprayed (there is, after all, the possibility of being exposed to diseases a wild animal might be carrying, not to mention that harassing wild animals is not a good idea.) Instead, go to a local outdoorsman store (e.g. Cabela’s; hunters use it to mask their human odor from their prey) and you can purchase skunk scent in a bottle. I even found a website called where you can purchase it ( You can then squirt some of the oil onto a handkerchief, for instance, and smell it at your leisure when you are not with others who might find it unpleasant.

As for telling others, I wouldn't make it a big deal. If the subject ever does come up, for some odd reason, in conversation you can nonchalantly mention that you like the smell of skunk, no biggie.

I think that would be the best solution for you, Angus!



So how bout it?

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 09:35
Categories: News

Meet ups - opinions and experiences

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 07:58

What are peoples opinions and experiences of meetups? Have you gone to many? If not what keeps you away? I've started going to meet ups near me and so far I've been to 3. First one was really fun if a bit awkward but I got to talk to some people and make some friends. The last two were pretty awkward and I doubt I'll be going back (people not talking etc). I'm going to a con later in the year and I'm a bit worried about what sort of atmosphere there will be. Thanks :)

submitted by gytrash
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Categories: News

Some of my furry artwork.

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 07:16
Categories: News

Halfbrick's New Game: Bears vs Art!

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 11 Mar 2014 - 00:00
 Bears vs Art!

Halfbrick is quickly becoming one of my favourite mobile developers. The makers of the ever popular Fruit Ninja now bring us Bears vs Art, a game in which you play as a bear, annoyed by a millionaire who put an "art" gallery in his forest. So he's going around wrecking art like no tomorrow. Check out the trailer.



Isn't it aweosme? The news gets better. It's already available on iPhone and iPad in Canada and Australia for free, that said, as the site's resident Canadian, I was able to play the game and got through the first five stages. It is so fun I didn't want to stop to write this story, and I may go back to play more when I'm done here. The game play is pretty basic, it's a puzzle game. You play as the bear in the art gallery, you click a direction to roll into and you roll into that direction (spindash style) until you hit a wall, if there is a piece of art in the square you stop in it pops up on screen and you swipe the screen to claw at it, Fruit Ninja style only with three claws instead of a sword. You're only given a limited number of moves though and you have to destroy all the art in order to move onto the next stage, so plan you're movies out carefully. I failed stage 5 a couple of times but managed to beat it on my third attempt, and won't be so brash in the future. Now I wanna hear from all of you, what do you think of the game based on the trailer, and if you're a Canuck or an Aussie have you tried the game? What did you think?

Categories: News

Furfunding Week in Review 3-10-14

FurStarter - Mon 10 Mar 2014 - 22:43

This week’s illustration is from the kickstarter for the pajama-enabled, twisty-flippy platformer The Land of Eyas.

Meanwhile, in crowdfundingland, spring seems to have thawed the frozen glacier of projects on Kickstarter, and Patreon–well, that was a sort of geyser thing that never really slowed down. Lots of new projects! If I’ve forgotten yours (particularly Patreon posters, they’re not as time-sensitive and for some reason Patreon lets me uncover incomplete projects…) my apologies, life is what it is.

foxfeatherOne artist on Patreon that’s near and dear to my heart, literally, I’m wearing her work now–Foxloft, maker of the tribal-style tagua pendants that seem to be everywhere at the cons, just opened up a Patreon page! Patreons–ah, patrons–get access to a free video stream and chat (so you can lobby for your favorite critters), or “gimme” boxes of randomness from an artist that so many furries wear proudly.

Reviews this week (and there really should be more, but…RL…) include an overdue look at “Penguins vs. Possums,” and a charmingly weird or weirdly charming infernal romp with “Adopt a Demon,” a product of my home town, Austin!


demonsmallpossumsmall New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page!


Adopt-a-Demon (Ends: 4/4/2014)
Sure, everybody’s accidentally summoned the hellspawn, but remember, a demon isn’t just for a séance, it’s for life. Beautiful and weird line-art demons.
I just have to say, I love my home town and the weird stuff it turns out.

Children’s Product

Tiger Stripes (Ends: 3/25/2014)
A cute matching and math game for parents and kids. Help tiger cubs earn their stripes!

Wee Beasties (Ends: 4/6/2014)
An owlbear (and other classic Dungeons and Dragons monsters) get ready for bed in this easter-egg-intensive illustrated children’s book.

Comics/Graphic Novels

The Bold Tales of ‘Whiskers’ McFadden (Ends: 3/30/2014)
Action! Adventure! Hairballs! A “Hellboy”-esque pulp graphic novel.

Wolf and Man (Ends: 4/3/2014)
A graphic novel set in the paleolithic past, the “first boy-and-his-dog” story. More of a wolf though.

Midwinter Vol. 1 (Ends: 4/7/2014)
A very wolfy occult investigator teams up with a scientist in this modern fantasy. More on the artist’s DeviantArt.
Okay, I don’t *know* that he’s a werewolf, but if it howls like a duck…

The Oswald Chronicles (Ends: 4/18/2014)
A charming gentleman mouse and his adventures in a fantasy universe, web-to-print graphic novel.

Rat Rage webcomic (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Pngoing support for “Rat Rage,” Robaato‘s DeviantArt webcomic

“Fur-Piled” and “Perception” webcomic (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Patreon funding for Arthur Husky‘s “Perception” and “Fur-Piled” comics


Foxfeather Studios Tagua Tribal Art (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Foxfeather, whose tagua tribal totem pendants are ubiquitous in the fandom, opens her portfolio for previews and freebies on Patreon.

Video Games

Dark Skyes (Ends: 4/5/2014)
A pony dating sim and RPG of epic scope (and pretty solid artwork!)

Kitten Dump (Ends: 4/6/2014)
Twitch/reflex VG. Only one thing stands between dogs catapulting innocent kittens into a ravine and…ah…a ravine. YOU! Move quick!

…Just for fun

Design Unscripted (Ends: 4/21/2014): A fascinating collection of illustration and design by 25 artists (some furry, some fantasy, some of everything!)

Categories: News

My mom said I should shop in the husky boys section.

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Mar 2014 - 22:05

I said, ma, if I was a dog I'd shop at American Beagle Snoutfitters.

...Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

submitted by allthingsfuzzy
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Categories: News

chose your furry

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Mar 2014 - 21:30
Categories: News