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I created a new sub, one for the lighter side of the fandom. We all say it and now I present to you: /r/furriesruineverything
Categories: News
Was watching a anime when I saw a furry painting!
Not something you would normally see, at least not in the anime I usually watch. Thought someone might get a kick out of it. Imgur.
submitted by Allaun[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News
Traditional watercolour experiment- The Chimera
Categories: News
Its the Olymics and the world is full of furs. How are the events different?
My two cents:
There would be species segregated events, much like how male and female are split to even the playing field. There is no way a red panda can out-swim a shark and I wouldn't even try.
Tail flicks would count against your dismount for gymnastic events.
submitted by Evilinc90[link] [16 comments]
Categories: News
Any other furries in the Destiny Alpha?
I wondered if any other furries with a PS4 were in the alpha. I wanted to get a fire team together to play with.
submitted by sterzetanee[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News
Fuzzy Notes 73 - Love Oversaid - Two episodes away from the third Quarter Quell (May the pods be ever in your favour...pods...like...
Two episodes away from the third Quarter Quell (May the pods be ever in your favour...pods...like podcast...) and we have some great music for you before we make 24 furry musicians KILL EACH OTHER...or not.
Also, Roo gets something off his chest after the first song about the World Cup, Brazil and some of the people he really cares about who he wants to see in a better place. Please forgive his moment of using Fuzzy Notes to talk about something...not very musical...but it's important to him so please hear him out!
Today's featured artists are returning alum Demolition Dog, Aeris, Zuko Vyper, Scales, Black Wervolk and Asid Rain and new comer Oleksandr! Also...a strange bonus track with a strange explanation by band Overgrown Spatulas.
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/Potoroo
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FuzzyNotes
* Fuzzy Notes Dropbox: http://soundcloud.com/fuzzy-notes/dropbox
Demolition Dog - The Humbling
* Track: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13446994/
* FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/demolitiondog/
Aeris - Emberlight Temple
* Track: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13674856/
* FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/blahblah192
Zuko Vyper - Retrogamer
* Track: https://soundcloud.com/zukovyper/retrogamer
* Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/zukovyper
Oleksandr - Dawn Comes
* FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/oleksandr/
* Track: https://soundcloud.com/john-snowpup-oleksandr/dawn-comes
Scales - Autumn Frost
* Track: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13568590/
* FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dragontaur-productions/
Blackwervolk - A Day Without Rain
* Track: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13648631/
* http://www.furaffinity.net/user/blackwervolk/
Asid Rayne - Let It Go
* Track: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13709640/
* FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tundra-gevin/
* New EP: https://asidrayne.bandcamp.com/album/malicious-intentions-ep
Overgrown Spatulas - Dem Drugs
* Track: http://overgrownspatulas.bandcamp.com/track/dem-drugs-take-seven
* Bandcamp: http://overgrownspatulas.bandcamp.com
This one's easy, a way to show support to furry musicians without spending a penny.
* Go to the Fur Affinity account of artist you enjoyed in this episode and watch them!
* Go to a track you enjoyed and favourite it!
* Let an artist know what you like about their music by writing a comment on the track!
* Share your favourite song of the episode on Facebook or Twitter!
In other words, take the few seconds it takes to share what you think about the music you love so that others will see that the musician has got some love!
The furry world is very art and story centric, but we have some great musicians who I 'know' have fans! It's time for us fans to treat the music we love like the art we love!
While you're at it, please give Fuzzy Notes a review on iTunes or Podomatic...it helps us get furry musicians to more ears. Which is the whole point, isn't it??
* Android/RSS Feed: http://fuzzynotes.podomatic.com/rss2.xml
* iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id581600769
* Podomatic: http://fuzzynotes.podomatic.com
Also find Fuzzy Notes on Stitcher Smart Radio!
Fuzzy Notes 73 - Love Oversaid - Two episodes away from the third Quarter Quell (May the pods be ever in your favour...pods...like...
Categories: Podcasts