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A walk through the skies

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 22:29
Categories: News

Mickey Mouse in O Futebol Classico

Furry.Today - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 22:06


Categories: Videos


Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 20:42
Categories: News

Taking requests with ms paint

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 20:18

Don't expect anything at all from these pictures this is the shit your mom wouldn't put on the fridge when you were 8.

EDIT: i'm all done for now mayble ill do this again some other time :p

submitted by I-rape-with-spoons
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Categories: News

Ravens have social hierarchy

Fursday - Reading List - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 18:42

Ravens within a community squabble over their ranking in the group, as higher ranked ravens have better access to food and other resources. Males always outrank females, and confrontations mostly occur between members of the same sex.

These confrontations are initiated by high-ranking ravens, who square up to low-ranking birds and emit a specific call to assert their dominance. Normally, the lower-ranking, or submissive, raven typically makes a specific call to recognize the high-ranking raven’s social superiority. Through this process, the dominant raven ensures that its social position is maintained.

But sometimes the lower-ranking bird does not respond in a submissive way to a dominance call—instead, it replies with what is known as dominance-reversal call. These situations often result in confrontations and can lead to changes in the social structure of raven communities.

Social hierarchy is seen throughout the animal kingdom.


Categories: News

Penguins have enough knitted jumpers thanks

Fursday - Reading List - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 18:35

Ever wondered why people knitted cute little jumpers for penguins? As Dara Lind explains:

When penguins come into contact with oil in the wake of a spill, conservationists put them in sweaters so they don't try to eat the oil off their feathers before they can be washed off. After they're washed, the sweaters help keep the penguins warm, and waterproof, until their feathers and natural oils can recover.

However this was only used for a species of penguin imaginatively called... little penguins. Otherwise the penguin species as a whole don't need us taking up knitting to make jumpers.


Categories: News

Fursuit agility try outs

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 18:04
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 12

TigerTails Radio - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 16:24
TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 12
The latest episode of TigerTails Radio. For previous episodes, visit From: TigerTails Radio Views: 13 2 ratings Time: 02:00:41 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Free Commissions

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 14:38

Saw a few people on this reddit ask about commissions and figured I'd throw it up here that I am doing free commissions.

If anyone wants to join in, you'll participate in a raffle where everyone has equal chances to win.

Here's some reference art of a free commission I did: Expect similar quality. Give or take.

Interested? Join in^

(I hope I'm allowed to post this... It kinda peaks towards self advertisement and if it is against any rules, I'll just remove it. :x )

submitted by Rezaar
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Categories: News

My kind of man!

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 13:21
Categories: News

Potential Mate #1: Lives Far Away, No Sex; Potential Mate #2: Nice Guy, but Is He Gay?

Ask Papabear - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 13:02
Dear Papabear,

You have helped me before and I was hoping you could help me with a different issue.

I recently moved into an apartment with a new roommate. Every day I become more and more attracted to him. He is funny, very nice, and we share a lot of common interests. He knows I am gay and is very supportive of that (his dad is gay) but he told me he himself is straight. 

However from the somewhat unsure way he told me this and by his behavior and some of the other things he has told me about himself and his past actions and relationships (including a few very brief straight relationships), I get the feeling more and more that he is at least bisexual.

Now for the other part of the problem, I'm already somewhat in a “relationship”' with someone. I've known him for a bout a year and a half now and I do love him, that is true. The problem is he is living out of state and can only visit once or twice a year and whenever he does I have only spend a day with him per visit.

During these visits I never feel any real urge to be physically intimate with him despite the fact that he does and that we have had opportunities to do so and the fact that we have had sex once. We talk of being intimate when talk on Skype and such, but when the opportunity occurs, I just don't feel anything.

The long-distance relationship is getting hard for me to keep up due to an increasingly busy schedule, living without my parents for the first time, and his own busy schedule.

I like my current boyfriend (although it is starting to feel more like a good friendship than a full relationship) but I feel more and more attracted to my new roommate, who is obviously closer and who could very much be a potential partner.

What should I do? Should I stick with my difficult long distance relationship, or try to move on to a new opportunity?


* * *

Dear Kuma,

It’s interesting to me that, in both cases, your relationship seems to be defined by sexual attraction. Relationships are not all about sex, although sex is an important factor. Before you make decisions about a relationship, though, you should weigh the other aspects of these two guys. Yes, you do note the first guy is funny, nice, and you have some shared interests, so what is it about the LDR guy that makes you love him?

But getting back to the sexual aspect. LDR guy doesn’t turn you on, clearly. You say yourself that you “don’t feel anything.” That, combined with the fact that you don’t see him in person very much, really equates to a bad-idea relationship. Papabear suspects you know that already and that what you want to do is break it off with him. You don’t need a second opinion to approve that decision, hon. If you don’t see a future with him, trust your gut on this.

As for Mr. He-Might-Be-Bisexual, be very careful of the possibility you might be projecting your desires onto him—that is, your desire that he be gay or bi could just be wishful thinking and you're deliberately interpreting his behavior as something it really isn’t. I would strongly advise you to not try to influence his sexuality by making any moves on him to “test the waters” and see if you can make his, you wish, gay side come out. Figuring out one’s sexuality is about as deeply a personal experience as one can have, and it should come from within, not from outside pressure. In other words, do not push him. He may, indeed, be straight, and, for now, you need to accept that or else risk destroying the relationship you have now. If things should turn out differently at some point, he’ll make it clear to you at that time.

In summary, Kuma, based on what you say in your letter, neither one of these guys is, at this time anyway, a good choice for you. You need to find a guy who offers more for you than a long-distance, sexually sterile relationship, as well as more from a guy who seems nice but hasn’t figured out who he is yet. Remember, though, to also look for other traits that appeal to you besides just sex. Keep looking.



Frivolous Animal Penises

[adjective][species] - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 13:00

Sex and Zen, released in 1991, is a totally ludicrous slice of Hong Kong cinema cheese, and something that deserves a wide furry audience.

Sex and Zen DVD cover

The plot is simple enough: a moderately-endowed scholar has his member surgically replaced with a horse penis. He then proceeds to explore the benefits of his improved appendage by sleeping with a series of women, some of whom are married to other men. One of the cuckolded husbands seeks revenge by seducing the scholar’s wife.

And that’s basically it. It is incredibly silly and immensely entertaining.

The ‘zen’ aspect of the film refers to the revenge story. Essentially, our lustful scholar gets his comeuppance for his behaviour: he becomes blind and accidentally sleeps with his own wife, who by this stage is working in a brothel. She hangs herself in disgrace, which somehow counts as the scholar’s karmic redress. Frankly it’s a bit of a downer.

But don’t let that stop you from watching it, ideally with a group of inebriated furries. The acting and direction is gleeful—it is loads of fun. It’s notable for showing sex (and there is a lot of sex) as something fundamentally enjoyable. It’s refreshing in the light of the Western tendency for sex to be portrayed as emotional or intense, or the Japanese tendency for sex to be depicted as a kind of power struggle.

Sex and Zen it part of the grand tradition of Hong Kong pop cinema, which prioritises entertainment over realism. It’s the same philosophy that brought us the wave of unarmed martial arts films, with high watermarks being the best of the Jackie Chan films or (Australian co-production starring George Lazenby) The Man From Hong Kong. And, of course, Hong Kong pop cinema lives on with the films of Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer; Kung Fu Hustle) and others.

There is an argument that the best pop cinema nowadays come from the United States, with Quentin Tarantino as the standard-bearer. But while the Americans have co-opted the best aspects of Hong Kong cinema violence, they don’t seem to be culturally equipped to match the exploitative titillation of Hong Kong cinema sex. So while films like American Pie use the idea of flutes (at band camp) as a tittering punchline, the flute in Sex and Zen is shown to be put to good use.

Sex and Zen has spawned several sequels, although none appear to involve the original’s equine enhancement. It is possible that this may change in 2015, when 4D Sex & Zen: Slayer of a Thousand From the Mysterious East is released. (Plot synopsis: Two Japanese who sneak into ancient China, cause havoc and return to Japan where they engage in a sex marathon challenge.) At the time of writing, the involvement of a furry phallus in 4DSAZ: SOATFTME is unconfirmed.

Sex and Zen is based on a 17th century Chinese erotic novel of questionable quality, The Carnal Prayer Mat. The Carnal Prayer Mat is regarded as a minor classic of erotic literature, although this probably has more to do with its presumed author, playwright and essayist Li Yu (it was written under a pseudonym).

The Carnal Prayer Mat is the source of Sex and Zen‘s animal inspiration. The plot follows a lustful protagonist who enhances his virility with the help of a magician, who embeds a dog’s kidney into our hero’s penis. He then proceeds to have sexual liaisons with many married women, and one of the husbands seeks revenge.

The Carnal Prayer Mat has a clearer relationship to the idea of Zen and karma, and is seen by some as a Buddhist morality tale. Not everyone is so kind: others write off The Carnal Prayer Mat as mere pornography with limited literary value.

A brief, personal aside: I saw Sex and Zen years ago, well before I discovered furry. It’s slightly disquieting to think that it might have had an unconscious influence of my choice of species.

I rediscovered Sex and Zen while reading about food, specifically Chinese dishes that make use of animal penises. This isn’t really relevant to the first part of this article, other than perhaps giving you an unwelcome insight into how your humble author spends his weekends, but I did learn some slightly amazing facts. I present some highlights here, which you may find useful in future social events, perhaps when making chitchat with your grandparents, or to pass the time with strangers while waiting for a bus.

Factoid one: penises from Scottish stags that are shot for venison are all the rage in China. Apparently they are extremely valuable because “the Chinese go nuts for the penises of stags that roamed the pristine Scotland highlands.” They are dried before shipping.

Factoid two: animal penises are relatively well known as a ‘tonic’ ingredient in many parts of China, with supposed medicinal effects that are completely predictable. Unfortunately, a dish made by stewing penises in Shaoxing wine is not known as “cock au vin”. That’s a missed opportunity.

Factoid three: there is a penis restaurant in Beijing (Guo Li Zhuang). It’s a version of a restaurant that first opened in the Chinatown district of Atlanta, USA.

Factoid four: penis is, apparently, almost tasteless and has a texture variously described as gelatinous or rubbery. There is no significant difference in flavour between species.

For the curious, here is some further (and thoroughly entertaining) reading:

Sex and Zen is easy to find on DVD although it has only been released in Region 1 (North America). And presumably you can think of one or two other ways you might acquire an electronic copy. It’d be bandwidth well spent.

Finally, my apologies for the clickbaity title to this article. I honestly couldn’t think of anything better. I’d love to hear your suggestions for alternative titles in the comments below or @jmhorse over on Twitter.


The Dragon of Retribution [X-Post /r/LoLFanart]

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 09:24

Got my character drawn as Varus from League Of Legends, and love how it came out!


submitted by ZayneMeadows
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Categories: News

Does anyone else have this problem?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 07:51

I've been asked for the first time to meet a group of furries but I'm, without a better word; scared. I'm not the most social of people and its been about a year since I've gone out with people properly but I don't think I can meet up with these furries.

submitted by SirJiggart
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Categories: News

Anyone know where this pic is from

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 06:51
Categories: News