Feed aggregator
Here's a tiger that I drew not too long ago. I don't draw felines very often, so I thought I should give it a go and share it. :3
That’s A Lotta Monkeys…
“Jerome Lu was born in Mountain View and raised in the Bay Area by a family of wild monkeys. Even when he was a small chimp, they could see that he believed every crayon in the box had magical powers, and he would transform blank pages into colorful, fantastic worlds filled with monkeys, ninjas, robots and all his craziest dreams. His wild monkey relations soon recognized his artistic talent and nurtured it with a diet of Skittles and Corn Nuts. They made sure his art education included Saturday morning cartoons and ABC After School Specials. Now that Jerome has grown up to be a big monkey, they are quite proud that his childhood creativity has never diminished. In fact, it has grown, and he is working on his biggest art project to date: Constructing a 20-story ultimate monkey ninja robot.” Got all that? It’s all come together at Hyperactive Monkey, Jerome Lu’s web site of crazy colorful artwork, books, t-shirts, animation, and a whole lot more.

image c. 2014 by Jerome Lu
A question about sexual and nonsexual furries
How many of you are nonsexual furries? I only ask because I don't think that I would be a furry if I didn't think that furry drawings were hot.
submitted by MikhailFaustin[link] [14 comments]
KnotCast: Episode 254 – Homeskool Adventures
Doing a presentation in sociology on furries/the furry fandom, anything you guys think I should say?
I sculpted my fursona a while ago, not the best, but it's a huge improvement on my past stuff.
Yay griffins! This is a student film from Arts University Bournemouth where A little griffin attempts to grow a tree to prove himself.
commissions open on deviantart!
i just opened point commissions on dA at moo-puppy.deviantart.com! send me a note or a comment on my page on what you want and we can work out a price! it'll be really really cheap i promise ;u;
if you'd rather pay real money, i'm sure i could try to set something up so you can send it asap!
oh, if advertising isn't allowed, i'll gladly take this down, i just didnt see anything against it in the rules :3
submitted by Lunaboo[link] [2 comments]
For those that are interested... Here's a webcomic I think you would like
There is a webcomic called 'Zoophobia' that I think y'all would like... Honestly I don't know if it counts as a furry thing but I'm going to pretend it does and give you a link right here. Hope you enjoy!
submitted by idungoofed19[link] [8 comments]
Free headshot drawings for anyone who comments w/ a pic or description of their fursona within the next 2 and a half hours!
Q&A with director of DAWGTOWN animated movie – George Foreman announced for cast

Back for Commissions! Ref sheet comms on hold for right now though.
Need to do 3 or more $5 commissions within a short span, so step right up! Clean art / fur = clothing characters allowed, single character.
Here are a few examples of what to expect.
http://neinna-maranwe.deviantart.com/art/Talk-to-the-Tongue-457151642 (not actually a paid commission, but most recent thing I done did)
Pencil sketches for $1 also available. Pay with Paypal please.
submitted by Greypuppy[link] [comment]
I think my girlfriend knows. But i think its going to be okay.
I went to akon this past weekend and she noticed that I would always look suddenly at the people in fur suits or with the ears and tails. at first she was rather upset about it it seemed and she was vocal about furrys being weird.
She would wear cat ears for me even before this because she knew i liked them, but later into the event I bought myself a pair and she couldnt stop looking at me saying how cute i was. I bought a tail for my key ring and she took it from me hooked it to my pants and said how hot it was watching me walk around with ears and a tail. I always called her my kitten and she called me her cat boy that night.
We ended up going upstairs to the hotel room for some of the hottest sex Ive ever had, the ears stayed on both of us the whole time.
She still seems put off by the whole theme (minus cat girls) but i think things will be okay. i was worried i outed myself at the con and it would go badly. not quite sure if i should outright admit yeah I like that stuff or just let her go on suspecting and leave it be.
submitted by DJRobotears[link] [12 comments]
Looking for VA work.
Gonna be stright forward, I see a lot of animations float around from really taletnted furry artists but so many times do I find the voice acting acompanying such animations to be lack luster, not saying it to offend anyone, just saying not everyone is great at doing it and it takes practice. That being said I am looking for some work and would love to help out a fellow furry artist. So I am posting here to offer myself to any one doing any time of animations that needs a male voice for a character. Contact me either here on Reddit, or at my e-mail Phoxxy232@gmail.com
Also for those of you that are not furry artists, If you would like to help by directing me to other places I can get some work (not expecting any compensation) please let me know! I'd love to get into the VA area of the community.
I will also be making a similar post like this on Newgrounds (because it's the best place I can think to advertise for this type of thing)
submitted by Phoxxy[link] [comment]