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The fox says what?

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 17:19
Categories: News

Dual Wielding Pistols - VentKazemaru

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 15:38
Categories: News

Can He Be Sued for Imitating another Artist's Style?

Ask Papabear - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 11:46

OK, there's this particular artist that I got into an unmentionably bad event about a decade ago, about which she still has not let go of the grudge from such event and holds to it so dearly that an apology of any kind is never going to be accepted. Now I moved on for the most part from that incident, finding love, a life, and my own way, but the last string attached to that closet skeleton is that women’s art. Strangely enough, I still enjoy it. But from a distance. I like it so much that I want to mimic her style. But getting references from someone who hates your guts and likewise is not that easy, though we stay out of each other’s way for the most part. So to the point. Would learning to and being able to draw like her be considered plagiarism or imitation? Given imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I’d rather not have an army of lawyers come down on my head. So I'm a bit lost. What should I do? 

Confused from Orlando

* * *

Dear Confused,

There is nothing wrong with learning to draw by imitating another artist’s work, and you’re not going to be sued just for doing that. Many artists learn how to draw by practicing this way. You will see a lot of furry artists whose work is reminiscent of Disney artists, or the work of Don Bluth, or the many anime creations out there, for example.

The only way you might be sued is if you create art that basically copies the other artist and then try to make money off of selling it, pretending it is her work. That is definitely a no-no. It is also copyright violation if you create a work that is not only very similar in style but also in content to the point that it looks like something the other artist would do and could easily be mistaken as such. In the 1992 Louisiana court case Mistretta v. Hunt et al. an artist created works based on Mardis Gras posters by another artist. The new works were so similar in style and content that they looked like the work of the other artist, and so it was ruled a copyright violation.

In your case, I would avoid copying characters she usually depicts. For instance, if she draws a lot of otters wearing swim trunks and sipping tropical drinks by a pool, you should avoid drawing things that are similar. In the court case above, the defendant not only emulated the artist’s style, but also the Mardis Gras elements she commonly employed in her work. The other problem was that the defendant was trying to make money off these basically plagiarized paintings.

So, Rule #1: Do not attempt to make money off anything you draw that is strongly imitative of the other artist’s work; and Rule #2: Do not emulate both the style and content of the other artist’s work (art that imitates content but not style is typically called “fan art,” and there is nothing wrong with that).

It is perfectly fine to gain experience and knowledge of drawing techniques by trying to draw like another artist does. As I said, many people do this. But, ideally, you should limit this to practice.

The other phenomenon about drawing practice is that, in most cases, you will find that after you have figured out how to draw well you will begin to develop your own style. Everyone has little quirks about themselves that lend uniqueness to their own work. You might also try experimenting with other media. Say she does work using spray ink pens and brush pens; you might try colored pencil instead, or maybe even acrylics or watercolors or cut paper. Each medium has different demands that will, of necessity, influence your style. In addition, try selecting not only art by this particular artist, but also pick two or three other artists that you enjoy and try drawing like them for a while.

Force yourself out of your comfort zone a bit, experimenting as you go, and you will eventually develop a style all your own.

Hope that helps!


Commissions Open because i'd like to eat XP

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 11:00

Hello and i hope this is the correct place but currently rushing and stressing so if its not just let me know and it shall be gone. Anyway Yes open for commission over here:

If you don't want a commission maybe pass on my name because any and all help right now would be greatly appreciated. Much thanks if you have clicked on this and I hope ya have a wonderfur day...

submitted by Greynois
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Categories: News

What Should I Take with Me to My First Furcon?

Ask Papabear - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 10:20

What are your suggestions to bring to a convention if it is your first convention?  What food choices do you recommend to bring inside your hotel room to snack on as well? Plus, when going out with a group of Furries, how much do you recommend to tip?

Thank you.


* * *

Dear Thunderwolf,

We’ll start with the easy one first: tipping. You should tip the way you always would when going out to eat. The easiest thing to do is to double the tax on the bill to calculate the tip. When the service is particularly good, I sometimes tip 20%-25%. And, if the service is really not good at all, I still give about 10%, unless it’s downright insulting, in which case I would leave nothing or even ask to speak with the manager. Now, if you are going out somewhere with a group of furries, go Dutch—that is, everyone pays for his or her own bill. I would not recommend one bill and everyone splits it, because often people get irritated if, say, someone orders a salad and water and someone else orders lobster tail and wine. So, pay your own bill.

Depending on which convention you’re attending, there may or may not be reasonably priced local restaurants within easy walking or driving distance. Hotel fare is usually a bit overpriced. Many furries, therefore, go on a bit of a shopping trip before a con, which works especially well if your room has a refrigerator and/or microwave. If not, buy dry goods and other things that don’t need cooking. Bring a small ice chest to keep drinks cool if there is no fridge. For food, it depends on whether you wish to be good or bad. Many people throw all caution to the wind during what can be a party weekend and don’t worry about unhealthy snacks. I, on the other hand, think it’s a good idea to purchase some fruit, which will be fine unrefrigerated for a couple days. You can purchase cereals (or pastries, when naughty) and put a quart of milk in the fridge or ice chest. This will save you a lot of money versus buying such things at the hotel convenience store or restaurant. I just came back from Califur, and a friend of mine also brought bread, packaged tuna, oatmeal (use the coffee pot in the room to heat up water). There are a number of dehydrated or freeze-dried products you can buy that, while not the best in flavor, will do in a pinch at a con if you are really trying to save bucks. (Note: a no-no is to bring your own hotplate--fire hazard!)

On to other things: you might want to bring a small bag of medical supplies, including some or all of the following: bandages, Bactine, aspirin, Tums, Imodium, tweezers, and sunscreen; a pocket knife can also come in handy, as well as nail clippers if you break a nail. You might also want to take Airborne daily while at the con to help keep germs away (the infamous "con crud"). Take some multivitamins, too.

If you’re a fursuiter, remember to bring a repair kit with you, including things like needle and thread, fabric glue, and, if you have them, extra fur for patching or other spare parts for replacing things that might break. Bring Gatorade to replenish yourself after suiting.

If you have one, take a cell phone with you. Make sure numbers of family members are there in the directory on your phone to contact in case someone needs to call and you are unable to. Barring that, just in case, keep a list of contact names in your wallet or purse. This isn’t always necessary if you are with close friends who already know whom to contact in an emergency, but in a panicky situation it might be should they forget the numbers to call.

Do not take valuables with you to a con, such as expensive jewelry, lots of cash, or expensive electronics, unless you can keep them in a safe while at the hotel. And keep an eye on your fursuit; it’s not unheard of for people to lose parts at a con. Keep cherished items you might have been considering taking (e.g., a favorite plushie) at home. You don’t want to risk losing something like that at a hotel.

Check the weather forecast before you leave home and make sure you pack clothes appropriate for the weather, especially if you’re going somewhere that gets very chilly at night. Take a bathing suit if the hotel has a pool (they usually do).

Some furry gatherings are actually campouts, in which case you want to be even more prepared. If you have never been camping, you should ask others who have and see what to bring. The above advice is for cons that are held at hotels.

Thanks for asking! Hope this is a valuable post for some of you con-goers out there! It doesn't apply to just your first con, but to any furcon.



Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 10:04
Categories: News

Weird Chibi Style Experiment

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 09:08
Categories: News

Please wear red today....#monctonstrong

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 09:02

As some of you may know there was shooting in my beautiful safe city last week in which 3 RCMP police officers were killed in the line of duty. My fellow furs, I know this is unrelated to the fandom, but my heart goes out to the families and showing your support would mean the world to me and to them. Being furry to me is having a sense of belonging, having a support group when no one understands. Now I ask for your support, whomever you are, where ever you are to keep us in your thoughts and prayers today as we lay them to rest. Thank you.

submitted by OrlandoPokey
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Categories: News

Bollocks, now you tell me!!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 08:59
Categories: News

Conker to return in Microsoft’s Project Spark

Furry News Network - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 08:38
Author: GreenReaper It’s been almost a decade since we’ve seen Conker the Squirrel. Rather than make a new game with the foul-mouthed, hard-drinking rodent, Microsoft (which bought dev studio Rare in 2004) are adding the character to their Project Spark game-creation tool. [Dalon] Some fans appear keen to create their own work featuring Conker, but […]
Categories: News

Potential Mate #1: Lives Far Away, No Sex; Potential Mate #2: Nice Guy, but Is He Gay?

Furry News Network - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, You have helped me before and I was hoping you could help me with a different issue. I recently moved into an apartment with a new roommate. Every day I become more and more attracted to him. He is funny, very nice, and we share a lot of common interests. He knows […]
Categories: News

Anthrocon 2014!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 06:08

Hyped for the Pittsburgh invasion this year!

Ill be rollin out drum&bass pressure Saturday night along side a whole list of other talented DJs.

So roll call! Who's going?

submitted by Rad2
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Categories: News

Preview clip for Netflix's animated original BoJack Horseman

Fursday - Watch List - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 04:58

Best bit starts are 1:12 if you keep an eye on the right. The show about a has-been horse actor has more anthro characters than I initially expected when I first read about the show last December.

Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s ... 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show "Horsin' Around," but today he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and sometimes wearing colorful sweaters. Starring Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie, and Aaron Paul.


Categories: News

The Panda and His Friends in Public

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 10 Jun 2014 - 01:51

“In 2009, Han L. Lee released an character inspired clothing line entitled The Public Zoo. The Public Zoo is a collaboration of fashion and art. The art on the clothing is heavily inspired by Japanese and Korean character art.” There you have it, right from the artist’s web site. It’s all based around an imaginative panda name Hickup, and his friends like Hopkido the Ninja Rabbit and Miso — the hamster in a cup. All of which are available as prints, household items, and also as wearable art of course.

image c. 2014 by Han L. Lee

image c. 2014 by Han L. Lee

Categories: News