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Bad Furry: The Art of Not Doing That

FurStarter - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 09:23

Bad advice, cheerfully dispensed, to your twitter and now to your bookshelf…


Bad Furry’s Guide to the Furry Fandom

Kickstarter ending 7/9/14

badfurryillo1I’m sure there’s a line between humor and snark. But it’s a shifty line, kind of like when you create a gradient fill of 25% to 75% gray over Difference Clouds based on a foreground color of 50% gray and Adjust Curves so that you get a neat zig-zag pattern, and everybody has curves set to their own preferences.

This is turning out to be a bad day for analogies.

Anyway, “Bad Furry’s Guide to the Furry Fandom.”

@Badfurry on twitter is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. Along with @TypicalFurry  they’re my cathartic twitter-stream dose of “yeah, but at least I’m not…” that makes being a 40-year-old guy pretending to be a dog in a world of silly people pretending to be silly things a little more tolerable.

I think it’s a healthy vice, 90% of the fandom is fun people making fun art, which includes a fun community. The hard part is those days when the 10% starts to look like 90%, and that’s when it’s time to reach for the bottle of 160 proof snark. Unlike beer goggles, snark goggles do NOT make anyone look more attractive…but they’re really cheap.

badfurryillo2If you haven’t seen it, Bad Furry (thebadfurry on FA) is a twitter stream, and occasionally a webcomic drawn by Likeshine, that is a (mis)guided tour of the mind of a Llion (a hybrid lion/other lion, let him tell you about his backstory.) Judging by the great response on the Kickstarter–$3,000 on day 2, well over goal, kind of like a miniature “Reading Rainbow” with more personal hygiene jokes–the world is ready for…um…a bound collection of tweets.

Okay, it’s probably more than that, both artist and author have a good sense of humor and I have faith that they can express themselves in bursts of more than 140 characters.

So check ‘em out. The project’s over goal, so hopefully it’ll be ready for Christmas. I’m giving a copy to my mom. To help explain. Explain…everything. Reserve your copy, and remember, it’s funny, because you’re not one of them.

I know I’m not, because there’s nothing creepy about a 40-year-old gay guy at a furry con.

(So, I do try and make a few comments about the kickstarter itself, because it’s the point of the blog, and I don’t have a lot to say about this. It’s an entirely straightforward furry-artist-driven project, with a good range of gimmes–I DO like the $1000 pledge point with “your character appearing multiple times in the book,” it’s  pricey but a fun concept. But I’m going to call out the business plan on one point: “Artist fees” and “Author fees”? It’s okay, we do understand that you’d like to make money off of your own project, justification is for extramarital affairs :)

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Complicated Relationship between Three People Falls Apart

Furry News Network - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hello again, dear bear, It’s The Listener again. It’s been a long time since I wrote you last. Jan of 2013, I believe. I had a bit of a mix up with my now ex-mate, her married partner and their cub. As it went, that relationship just ate itself from the inside out and […]
Categories: News

Free commissions

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 07:27

So I know you aren't meant to beg on this sub reddit, but I have literally no money for commissions, and I want to get into the furry fandom, which is impossible without a fursona. As well as this I don't want to steal because I know the original artist would hate it. So is there anyone who could do me a free commission for me?

submitted by aergis_the_argonian
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Categories: News

Fun with crappy fursuit...

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 06:08
Categories: News

Simply Epic Furry Fighting Game

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 06:07

Hello fellow furry redactors, my name is Jared Derulo, and I am the executive producer/creative director of a new and life changing fighting game coming soon to the Personal Computer quite soon. It is my life's work, and I need some help from fellow redactors to come to a reality. lately I have been hit with some hate on the game's art style, so I figured it would be a good idea to advertise on a community where I am accepted for who I am, regardless of my race, gender, ethnicity, or attraction to furry animals. If you are a fan of ego raptor from we also have him as a playable characters, which may be able to fulfill your ultimate furry fantasy.

Thank you for your help and time to read this article and please check out the kickstarted here:

Jared Derulo

submitted by SpeedMasterNews
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Categories: News

If I were to make a tail, I'd also have to make tendrils. How would this work?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 04:07

I'd also have to have the whole back deal and up to six tendrils. They'd have to be a bit more rigid as well..

submitted by Pariah_The_Pariah
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Categories: News

Help move away from my tiny town- Commissions

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 02:38

edit: the title should be "Help ME move away from my tiny town" lol

Hello r/furry, I am a long time lurker and I wish to ask for help.

TL;DR: My lease ends in July 31 and this small town doesn't have enough jobs for me. So I want to move to a big city. Please help me by commissioning me, or telling your friends please.


older stuff:

The month is now June and soon moving will be upon me. unlike last year however this year has not been so kind. I'll spare you the details and just say that I am flat out broke. untill the lat two weeks of july when I'll have two "free" paychecks but also have to find a new place to live as my current dwelling will no longer be available.

I have lived here two years and have been unable to find another job even though I fill out so many job applications I have dreams about filling out job applications.

The plan(tm) is that unless I and/or my boyfriend miraculously find another BETTER job in less than a month: we are moving away from where we currently live, preferably a city where I can at least get into janitorial jobs which seem to be so rare around here. The city itself is still in debate but regardless I still need to raise money to move.

The lease ends July 31. I need to raise at least $800-1000 before then to have enough to move and get an apartment, for myself, my boyfriend, two cats and 6 fish in a fish tank.

The only thing I have to offer is my art. Its not very good, but I assure you can draw almost anything that isn’t a machine(machines are hard).

Here are the suggested prices of the work I can do. They are the least I will take for any request you have because drawing even at my level takes time, skill, and energy. If you'd like to pay more that would be super awesome.

If you don't want art, but still want to donate that is fine too,but I will still draw something for you.

If you cant help by commissioning me please share this with your friends, every bit counts.

If you don't know how to use Paypal or don’t want to use Paypal please PM me.

Comments are also welcome.

Thank you!

submitted by Hellsion_loves_Tanks
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Categories: News

Need help with a color scheme

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 02:18

ok, so i do believe ive posted a picture of my sona here before, but i never colored it. Basically I just want some input on what you guys think would be a pretty rad color scheme. Anyway here he is

submitted by CptMeat
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Categories: News

Furries From Around The World

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 01:40

East coast artist David DePasquale is a visual development and character designer, with a notable talent for designing animal-based characters. His latest project is an alphabet flash-card series of prints with different animals from different countries all over the globe. His blogspot web site has many of his most current sketches, and his 2014 portfolio was recently uploaded as well.

image c. 2014 by David DePasquale

image c. 2014 by David DePasquale

Categories: News

My own tail...possibly?

Furry Reddit - Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 23:50

I have enough money to buy a custom tail for myself. I'm planning on wearing it on the last day of school. Should I proceed with this?

submitted by ShadowFur17
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Categories: News

MALDEN Kickstarter Comic #1 - Peter's Dead

Furry Reddit - Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 21:22
Categories: News

Complicated Relationship between Three People Falls Apart

Ask Papabear - Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 20:44
Hello again, dear bear,

It's The Listener again. It's been a long time since I wrote you last. Jan of 2013, I believe. I had a bit of a mix up with my now ex-mate, her married partner and their cub.

As it went, that relationship just ate itself from the inside out and there really wasn't much her partner or I could do. He and I are actually better friends now than we are with her. Sad to say we actually tried to keep everything together more then she did.... In the end, she is now with a new male and left the rest of us kinda wondering what the hell happened.

But now I have a new problem. How to let go?

After the big break up, I moved back to where I started and have been putting my life back together. My ex-mate and I tried to restart our friendship. And it seemed to be going well! Then about two months later, she suddenly just stopped talking to me or anyone we knew.

I'm left feeling lost and hurt. Wondering what the hell I did wrong when I know all the drama was pretty much on her end.

So I guess I just need help moving on and letting go?

I'm still upset about not getting at least a warning she suddenly wanted to end even our friendship.... We talked pretty much every day for over four years. I just don't know what to do with this sudden whole in my daily life. When I say we talked every day, I mean we talked like all day ... before work, breaks at work, and then late in to the night after work.

I'm trying to put myself and my life back together....but it's hard when such a big part is missing.

Thank you for you time,
The Listener

* * * 

Dear Listener,

As we go through life, we will meet a number of very special people who will later leave us. Sometimes through death, sometimes they just fade away after moving to another part of the world, and sometimes there will be a fight and a division that way. Whether, in the last case, the fault lies with you or the other person really becomes irrelevant after a few years when the relationship is irrevocably split.

A lot of people, such as yourself, talk about “getting over it,” meaning, really, “How do I stop being sad about the end of a relationship?” Two possible answers: if you are a person without a heart, you will easily dismiss the experience and go about your merry way without a heavy heart, but if you have a heart, you will always feel the pain to some extent, though it may fade some with time. Since you are still disturbed by what happened, the good news is you aren’t a heartless furry. 

In this bear’s opinion, there is a reason that in life we experience sadness and pain, and that is to learn from what has happened and, hopefully, correct it. But it is also so that we can treasure the bright moments in our life all the more. If everything in life were sunshine and roses, we wouldn’t understand and appreciate the good things in life.

My advice to you is to, first off, not try to get over your friend. You should remember the four years you had together and cherish the parts of it that were happy. Secondly, you need to try and learn from this. Rereading your past letter from 2013 (, the basic situation as I understand it was that you were a third party to a couple who had a child together. You talked about how you didn’t really want a cub in your life, so it was pretty clear to me this was not going to work out. “What the hell happened” was that she, the cub’s mom, couldn’t handle the polyamorous relationship as well as you and he thought she could (I’m assuming the cub is with her?)

The lesson here for you to learn is not to step in it, which you have in a big way. That she actually tolerated your moving in with the father of her child is really quite surprising and amazing. I’m not sure what was going on in her head, but evidently she was trying her darndest to maintain some sort of cohesion with the father of her child, even if that meant tolerating another woman in the mix. Astounding, really, in my opinion. Her reconnecting to her ex likely has to do with her concern for her child, while her silence toward you is likely caused by her finally reaching her limit and no longer wishing to endure “the other woman.” She apparently put up a good front for a long time, even trying to be friends with you, but now she’s done.

Yes, this is speculation on my part, since I have not spoken to her, but it seems a logical conclusion, given the circumstances.

As I said, then, take this time in your life and reflect on the good and the bad of it. Learn from it. Do not “get over it” or forget about it, because there are valuable lessons to be learned here, especially concerning walking through a minefield when you are the foreign soldier in a strange land.

Good luck,


Kitten killing vermin with its cuteness

Furry Reddit - Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 17:52
Categories: News

Looking for IRL friends in Florida

Furry Reddit - Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 16:04

So, I'm not exactly that big on going out and making friends in the real world, even more so now that I've finished my second year of high school. I don't want to just stay in my room all day and I was wondering if there are any other high school furries in South Florida that might want to hang out over the summer.

submitted by Mr_Lego
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Categories: News