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(Bad Joke Time) How do you titillate an ocelot?

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 14:23

You oscillate her tits a lot.

bows Thank you, I'll be here all week.

This bad joke supplied to you by r/jokes.

submitted by Eclipser
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Categories: News

Furries who are currently dating a non-fur: How does it affect your relationship?

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 13:28

I'm sure we've had this conversation before, but I've recently attained relationship level serious and it's made me curious to what others' experiences have been like. My boyfriend thinks it's all in good fun, and I helped him to make a character that he actually sort of likes. But he doesn't get into the community at all, and he certainly doesn't get into the art (so to speak).

So, even though he's not a furry, my interest in the fandom doesn't really affect our relationship. I'm maybe not as "furry" as I could be, but that isn't a super big deal to me. I'm curious as to what other people have experienced.

submitted by levibevi
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Categories: News

Need help with character design and possibly ref sheet

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 13:27

This might be a strange request.

So, I've got a dragon(Something between anthro and feral) character with some stuff like basic outlines and colors and I need someone who knows how to create aesthetically pleasing characters with good color palette and so on.

I want to make a few tweaks and I need a person to evaluate them in case I do something silly. Just a fresh look from outside of my head, you know. Like /r/fashionadvice but for character.

Also I would appreciate if you link me some artists(Or you are artist yourself) with reasonable prices. Don't need anything too fancy.


submitted by ShadowyDragon
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Categories: News

How do you deal with these artists?

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 12:38

I have a couple of artists I am waiting on for art.. (one being free so that one I'm not soo much annoyed about) but, how do you guys feel when your waiting for a commission and the artists keep posting personal art they are doing? Do you say something? Wait? I myself do commission's and just find this behavior rather weird and somewhat rude after waiting a while for said piece for over 2 weeks.

submitted by Ladycashole
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Categories: News

Wow, seriously?

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 12:12
Categories: News

Just a wolf staring at you.

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 12:04
Categories: News

Happy Independence Day! [OC]

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 11:29
Categories: News

DOOD! Re-designing my Fursona. Need an artist!

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 11:26

Hey guys, I'm Midas Maeus! Currently I use a jerboa as my species. That's changing as of..... Now. Yeah, now. Bam. No longer a jerboa. You know what I'm thinking? Rats. Rats are cool. Yeah, that's what I'm going with.

So. What I suppose I am looking for is an artist that's willing to put up with some slight shade of pickiness, that works relatively cheap (Under $35) and will make a full reference sheet. Any takers?

Also..... not sure if this is the right subreddit for this post.

submitted by HuckleZin
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Categories: News

Is This Guy "The One"? Maybe, But This Furry Is Pressuring Himself Too Much to Decide

Ask Papabear - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 10:05

So I've been friends with at least two furs here in my town, and one of them recently introduced me to another one, named Rahne. I met him a few days ago, and after we goofed around a bit, we started fooling around. He had said that he was looking for "friends with benefits" and I was cool with that, even though I had mentioned that I have been single for 5 give months now. 

Well, recently (as in a few days ago), he asked what I looked for in mate. I told him, and he nodded. He's been wanting to hang out as much as possible. And I always feel a bit uncomfortable about it. Mainly because I've been trying to balance work, family and friends. But I'm not sure if he's considered dating me.

I mean, he's nice, sweet, funny, hot, and a gamer like me. But I keep getting nervous when he asks to hang out more and such. I'm not sure if he is "the One,” but I'm scared that the more I let nervousness take hold, that I'll just push him away. How do I get over my nervousness so that I can enjoy my time with him?

Jesse (age 21)

* * *

Dear Jesse,

Have you explored why you are nervous? It can’t be because this is your first relationship, since you’re 21 and implied you have been in relationships before. So, my guess, though you don’t say it, is that you have been burned in earlier relationships and now you’re gun shy.

Based solely on what you’ve written here, this guy seems like a pretty good match for you. You share interests, he’s nice, and you find him physically attractive. In my book, those are the Big Three: good personality, compatibility, and physical desirability. What more could you want?

To get over your nervousness, you must explore what it is about a relationship that scares you. Are you afraid of failing at it? Are you afraid of being hurt? Are you, after five month, simply not ready, emotionally and mentally, for a new serious relationship and need a little more time for yourself? If the latter, I can understand that. You might just not be ready yet, which is okay. Don’t rush into things and, if the new guy starts to press you, explain to him that you aren’t prepared for that yet.

If it is a matter of being afraid, this is psychologically understandable, too. However, if you ever wish to have another committed relationship again in your life, you’ll need to overcome this. You can start by realizing that just because you had a bad experience before doesn’t guarantee you will again. You need to give the new guy a chance to prove himself.

A common mistake when people get into relationships is moving too fast. For example, leaping into bed or saying “I love you” before you really feel it deep inside. (Although, judging by your agreement to be friends with benefits, it sounds like you already had sex—a faux pas in my opinion, if that has occurred already; how far did the "fooling around" go?). Even so, just because this guy has an interest in you doesn’t mean you have to commit to something right away. Go slowly. Have a few friendly one-on-one dates in public places before moving to a more intimate setting, like your home (where have you been "hanging out"?) Don’t freak yourself out by asking yourself if he’s “The One.” Don’t put yourself on some artificial deadline that you must decide what your status will be right now. He might the one; he might not be. There’s no hurry to find out. Chill a bit and don’t psych yourself out. Enjoy the ride before you get to the destination.

Good luck!


A Rough Start in Life Does Not Mean You’re a Failure

Furry News Network - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 07:56
Author: Papabear, I am 19. Through the course of my life people have made me believe it’s the year of golden opportunity for me something that defines my life forever. And I’m not doing anything with it. I wanted to go to college, but due to circumstances that didn’t work. So instead I wanted to […]
Categories: News

Unikitty discovers Rule 34

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 07:33
Categories: News

First post, my drawings :3

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 03:48
Categories: News

So, I'm new to this *chuckles*

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 03:05

Hi everyone! So, I have been interested in the furry community for a while now, my best friend is one and I really like the community he talks to and they seem really interesting. I wanted to give it a try, seeing as I have thought of myself as an animal before (a dog or a fox :> ) and I really like the thought. I'm really new to this so I am not sure I am even going about this right! Anyways, I wanted to introduce myself and hopefully meet some really cool people!

submitted by Xaridine
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Categories: News

Happy Fourth Of July!

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 01:54
Categories: News


Furry.Today - Fri 4 Jul 2014 - 01:47

Music video for Beast by Agnes Obel, the lesson here is that if you do find yourself lured into the underworld make sure you know a bunny-demon-luck dragon-ish… thing.

Categories: Videos