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Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 14:18
Categories: News

Maltese boston furcon update

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 13:27

The Pre-registration end date is July 3th. If you have not booked to the hotel, you should hurry because there's a special promotion going on until then.If you book now, you also will get admission to the con for free as a sponsor. Snagging you a pretty good deal at the con.

As a sponsor you get three days admission to the convention. A Maltese fur-con T-shirt. Plus a commemorative numbered, metal badge to thank for you cooperation. You also get a mention in the conbook and an invitation to the Super Sleuth's Secret Sponsor Soiree. The price of a Sponsor is 80 dollars and only applies to one person. So if you're a fur on a budget looking to attend a cool con starting up in Boston, look no farther then this deal right here.

The con website Hotel information can be found here:

The con starts August 1st to the 3rd. The hotel is called the Hilton Hotel located by Logen Airport. People who cook at the hotel get free wifi and admission to the rec room which includes a pool. In addition there's also a free shuttle that takes you directly to downtown Boston in only 10-15 minutes.

If you want to be part of this cool event please feel free to join us :D

submitted by ValtoSilver
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Categories: News

Putting the “fur” in First Person Shooter

FurStarter - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 13:18

[Note: Funding for Wild Warfare is cancelled, and "Redneck Assassin" probably isn't worth funding anyway...]

A couple of fun FPS style video games came up on Kickstarter this last two weeks, worth a look for art if nothing else. Of the three, “Wild Warfare” seems like the one with the strongest business–they’re working from a strong starting position, with an alpha already in place, a good team, and enough games under their belt that they probably know how to use the money. The second, “Redneck Assassin,” I’m not quite so confident in, they’ve got that “I’ll start the goal at $5 and not edit my post” thing happening, and it’s showing in pledges. But it’s a fun story, Kill Bill meets Bambi.

I had a third…the kitten slaughterfest Whiskers of Death–but the project seemed, pick one: A) Doomed, B) Gratuitous, C) Silly. So you’ll have to  go to their page for a wholesale orgy of ill-thought-out kitten destruction.



Wild Warfare

Kickstarter crowdfunding cancelled.

WildWarefare-rabbitMaybe you’ve played “Wild Warfare” already? It’s been available as a free Alpha for a while now. It’s a Team Fortress sort of game, but with raccoons, bears, and bunnies running around generally wasting each other. According to the kickstarter vid, Wild Warfare started as an internal pet project, a mod to turn one of Hyper Hippo‘s existing games into an FPS (I’m thinking “Mech Mice Tactics,” the look and feel’s similar. And, mice.) What started as office fun ended up as an online alpha with a few thousand players, but not quite enough for a full game release–and so Hyper Hippo turned to Kickstarter.

WildWarefare-vehicleWild Warfare is a multi-player, multi-class, vehicle-based first person shooter for web play, with a few different play modes–free-for-all skirmish, a team-play death match, and a “capture the flag” mode. The concept is simple and pure: animals run around blasting the hell out of each other with energy weapons, and sometimes there are mecha, trucks, and mechatrucks.  Right now the world of Wild Warfare is on the spare side–two worlds, and three race/classes that fill many of the standard FPS tropes (the raccoon striker/commander, rabbit engineer, and the bear, the big dumb bruiser. The Kickstarter promises more worlds, more races (they show concept art of a hillbilly ‘gator, bomb-happy armadilo, and a very slinky weasel sniper). We see the big stompy mecha vehicle in their kickstarter video, but there are tanks and off-road trucks sprinkled around the kickstarter page, presumably stretch goals.

There are also many hats. It’s kind of a running joke. I’m torn between the bowler cap–always a sound decision–and the road cone.

WildWarefare-BAGshotThe pitch video’s images of game play are murky and indistinct, it’s a teaser more than proof of concept. Reviewer “Badass Games” has a good 10-minute play video on YouTube that gives a sense of the skirmish mode, and the pacing and general insanity level of the game.

Thoughts on the Kickstarter itself–they seem to be having a hard time gaining traction. Not being really with-it on video games, this looks like a function of market saturation–with every established and indie game developer putting their wares out for crowdfunding, and the surge of indie games in general, there’s just too much competition for the gamer dollar and attention span. They were picked by Steam Greenlight, but they’re sharing that honor with like 30 titles a week.  The game looks like a lot of fun, and the Kickstarter seems well-constructed, but the response hasn’t been great so far.

buckshotlogoRedneck Assassin

Kickstarter ending 7/28/14


Fursuit shot from pitch vid

Fursuit shot from pitch vid

Oh, the dialogue. Did you know what rhymes with “buck?” Lots of things rhyme with buck. I’m not sure that joke sustains a script. Oh deer.


Redneck Assassin is a bloody, stealth FPS for your mobile device. In fact, “mobile” is an important part of the game’ls story–the developer, Clay Hayes, created Redneck Assassin in part as a response to the lack of a good stealth game for mobiles. The controls were a big problem for him: keeping the standard stealth game controls on the screen in the tight confines of a mobile was clunky, so Hayes set out to make a game with controls that would be where you needed them when you needed them.

buckshot2The pitch video does a better job of capturing the game than still images do; the camera work is a bit too muddy for good detail shots. Also, the player’s thumbs look like giant alien monsters watching the action on their viewscreen, safely orbitting Golgathon IV.

The plot is simple and classic, largely a pastiche of Shakespeare’s later romances: You are a humanoid deer, left for dead by hunters and trained in the arts of ninja-type murderation by your sensei, Bigfoot. It’s nice how those ancient stories come back in so many forms.

buckshot3Redneck Assassin’s play is heavily influenced by Metal Gear Solid, and just perhaps by Redneck Rampage. The feel of the game–particularly the cut scenes–is meant to invoke an over-the-top grindhouse revenge flick–would this be “bucksploitation”? Certainly the cinematography does a good job of that, but the dialog…I’d say it leaves me cold, but it actually makes me reach for a bottle of Pepto Bismol. So many bad deer jokes. so many.

It looks like this is the second round of crowdfunding for Redneck Assassin, the first came and went with a few thousand dollars toward a 5-digit goal, which isn’t a terrible response. This time around response has been much weaker, as the poster has tried to do something like Indiegogo’s flexible funding by starting with a $5 goal. A lot of potential backers might be thrown by this–what are you going to possibly be able to deliver with $5? I know the poster’s already spent the money and developed the title, this is for expansion, polish, and back-debt, but the combination of the weak financial story and sloppy editing work on the body copy just doesn’t make what I see as a backable project.

Images above are used to promote/review the artist’s projects, and are owned by their original creator.

Categories: News

She's Feeling Uncomfortable in Her Female Body

Ask Papabear - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 10:47
Dear Papa Bear,

I've got quite a personal issue I've never really come to a conclusion on. From a very young age, I've never been truly able to identify with myself as a female. When my father lived with us, he constantly discouraged me from my passion, weightlifting, terrified of the thought of me becoming “bulky.” My mother always tried to bully me into wearing more “girly” or slutty clothing, and still does at present, even when I go out in a dress I consider to be cute.

I was very self-conscious of my body until I was about 16, so I tended to wear very baggy clothing to “mask” my figure (I leaned on the chubby side up until that age). When I started getting serious about fitness and eating clean, in addition to all the weightlifting I was doing, I began and maintain to this day a body that I'm proud of. I became a lot more accepting of my female body, although not quite completely. I brought up my concerns with my mother, who was very supporting and said it didn't matter to her whether I was male or female.

Then I started dating my first boyfriend (who I'm still very happily with), and the sexual aspects of our relationship only served to make me even more comfortable with my female body.

I do not identify with the female stereotype in any way, nor have I ever attempted to, but some days, when I reflect upon myself, I find it incredibly difficult to muster up any definitive “acceptance” of myself as a woman. I don't MIND having breasts or female genitalia, but sometimes I wonder if I'd be happier not having them, too. I've brought this up with my boyfriend in the past, and I remember him being quite neutral on the subject. He more or less just heard me out on it. 

I'm not sure why I'm having these thoughts. I think that when I was younger and less happy with my body, I thought it'd be easier to simply not have to be a female because they're held to such high expectations to look good and be sexy and all that crap, and then as I matured and realized I don't care about any of that, those feelings faded away, but not completely. 

What do you think, Papa Bear?

The Gryphon (18)

* * *

Hi, Gryphon,

My first impression of your letter is that you are not having a gender-identity issue so much as you are experiencing an issue with your family's, and society’s, expectations of what it is to be a woman. According to you, you are (mostly) fine with being anatomically a woman, and you are fine with having a boyfriend (even, it sounds like, enjoying the sexual part of it), so I don’t think you are a lesbian, nor do I see you as destined to be a transsexual.

What you don’t like is being made to dress up in girly things and act in a feminine manner. You don't like being pressured by parents to be something you are not. I suspect you only kind of resent having breasts and a vagina because they lead others to categorize you and make demands on you as to how you should behave. They are, in a way, symbols of oppression that are literally attached to your body and therefore difficult to ignore. I suspect that if your parents and others had no problem with your lifting weights and being fit, wearing jeans or less “girly” clothes, etc. you would be less stressed and upset about being a woman.

At 18, you are more accepting of your female body than you were earlier in life. Given this and the other things you have said (and I don’t know whether you were asking me about the possibility of a sex change operation), I would definitely not recommend anything drastic for you. You should only pursue that possibility if you are absolutely 100% unhappy with being your current gender and feel you cannot be who you truly are without that operation. You must be completely certain, too, that you are doing it for yourself and not because of what others say.

Your case is not nearly so extreme to warrant surgery, and I believe that, as you get older and less pressured by parents, and feel less pressure from others to fit a certain stereotype of a women, you will be more comfortable in your current skin. Although some feelings of discomfort still remain at present, I would definitely relax a bit if I were you and see how you feel in, say, three years when you’re 21. I'd be most curious to receive a letter from you then.

The key is to make yourself happy with who you really are, not what others see you as or want you to be.



VCL seeks “stability, if not relevance” with updates

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 08:38
Author: GreenReaper Could the VCL, once a key furry art site, reverse its trend towards irrelevance? On newly-reinstalled forums, site admin Ch’marr declared that he had: […] enough motivation collected to bring VCL back to stability, and perhaps some level of functionality to keep it a useful and enjoyable place to play around with. Certainly not […]
Categories: News

So you hate furry...

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 08:24
Categories: News

Apes and Ladies and Bad, Bad Sci Fi

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 01:45

What more could you ask for on the weekend? Somehow we missed this: Empire of the Apes, directed by Mark Polonia. “In a distant galaxy three escaped female convicts crash land on a primitive world inhabited by a race of warlike apes. They fight for survival as the humanoid apes fight for their possession, body and soul. A daring escape is their only way out. Hot on their heels are the blood lusting gorillas and a prison warden bent on their return to the prison ship they escaped from.” Got it? You have got to see the trailer for this thing! Could its release on DVD have anything to do with the new Apes movie coming to theaters this summer? Nah! Well anyway, the DVD is available on Amazon.

image c. 2014 Sterling Entertainment

image c. 2014 Sterling Entertainment

Categories: News

Here's another skype post for 'yas

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 01:17

If any of you are up for a completely non-sexual roleplaying partner with HORDES of characters, I'm your gal! Also up for just general chatting, as long as it's non-flirty or sexual. I am a taken fur. Please PM me on here if you're interested, only then will I give out my skype.

submitted by AdmiralCheesecake
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Categories: News

Pseudologia Fantastica

Furry.Today - Sun 29 Jun 2014 - 00:08

Here we have a music video from “Foster The People’s” that seems heavily influenced by Heavy Metal.

Categories: Videos

Does any one wanna do a roleplay?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Jun 2014 - 23:16

Just comment :D And yea. The role is up to you, I am down for anything! I just wanna do somethings with the Furry community! :)

submitted by Kenziethefurry
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Categories: News