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His Mother’s Alcoholism Makes Him Feel Guilty and Depressed

Furry News Network - Mon 14 Jul 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear PB,  I’ve recently been suffering several deep bouts with depression, and I’ve taken to confiding in an older, long-distance friend who’s given sagacious advice with my situation, but it’s only been of limited help.  I’m a young adult, and I’m still plagued with mood swings and all the troubles that brings, but the […]
Categories: News

Any other Cyborg Furs out there?

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Jul 2014 - 05:35

Just wondering if anyone else enjoys the designs that you can find, or have sona's of such things. Here's Mine.

As they say in 40k...

From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us

From the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us

From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us

From the temptations of the Flashlord, silica cleanse us

From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us

There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal

There is no strength in flesh, only weakness

There is no Constancy in flesh, only decay

There is no certainty in flesh but death

From this rotting cage of biomatter,

Machine God set us free

submitted by Pariah_The_Pariah
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Categories: News

anyone willing to draw me for free

Furry Reddit - Mon 14 Jul 2014 - 05:26

i dont have a lot of money, and i have no pictures of me. i could be used as practice, but any picture is fine with me.

ref link:

thank you for considering drawing me

submitted by unknown1321
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Categories: News

Foxes at WalMart

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 23:17
Categories: News

Goofy’s Grandma

Furry.Today - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 23:00

Goofy’s grandmother is going to stay with Micky… What could go wrong?

Categories: Videos

Commissioning an Airbrushed tail

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 21:22

Im looking to commission an airbrushed tail like this one:

I want to wear it to Youmacon. witch starts on Oct. 30. i know its probably going to cost a lot. Anyone know any good tail makers?

submitted by Balthier1234
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Categories: News

Pelsklædte glædespredere

Furries In The Media - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 17:01

Here, dated July 12, is an article in the Danish newspaper Horsens Posten:

It concerns this weekend's Furtastic 4 convention in Denmark.

Horsens - For a while yesterday afternoon, Horsens was invaded by costume-clad men and women from both home and abroad.

Wearing home-made animal costumes, they crawled around and handed out hugs, high-fives, and smiles to children and adult passersby.

But actually, there was a deeper meaning to it all.

The group of about 15 costumers are so-called furries, who meet once every year. They share an interest in animals with human characteristics, such as Donald Duck.

Norwegians and Dutch have come to Denmark for the event, and last year there even two Russian attendees.

By walking out and about, with some of the costumes costing individuals upwards of DKK 30,000, the furry community tried to make the wider community aware of itself.

Whether the public on the street actually knew about furries is not known, but the kids enjoyed themselves at least, seeing this somewhat odd spectacle.
Categories: News

I've been looking for some furry webstores. Do you guys have any recommendations?

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 15:05

Recently I've been looking at webstores like, and have been wondering if there was other webstores similar to it that sell items like furry themed accessories or clothing. Could you guys please comment about some of your favourite stores? Any help is appreciated. :3

submitted by anotherfurry
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Categories: News

It's not working!

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 13:46
Categories: News

His Mother's Alcoholism Makes Him Feel Guilty and Depressed

Ask Papabear - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 13:08
Dear PB, 

I've recently been suffering several deep bouts with depression, and I've taken to confiding in an older, long-distance friend who's given sagacious advice with my situation, but it's only been of limited help. 

I'm a young adult, and I'm still plagued with mood swings and all the troubles that brings, but the main source of my sadness is my family: specifically, my mother. She's a terrible alcoholic, and we've reached a point in our relationship where she only speaks to me to obtain money/transportation so she can purchase alcohol. When her ploys and manipulations don't work, she gets extremely upset and pesters me until her harassment wears me down enough for me to provide money or a ride. My toxic relationship with her doesn't bother me, but what does is the incredible guilt that I feel when she flees from my room in tears like a sobbing mess. She's had a terrible life, so I can justify her constant need for being in a drunken stupor so she can escape her problems, which makes it difficult to simply say "That's tough," and shrug my shoulders when she says it's not fair. Logically, I understand it's a simple guilt trap, but I just can't do anything while thinking that I'm being a bad son to my mother. 

So, in this constant war, I believe she's generally the winner, seeing as in 95% of our skirmishes, her fits end up getting her a trip to the liquor store and money for alcohol. A lovely cherry on the cake of our relationship is her being a horribly loud, offensive drunk who delights in insulting me. 

I've made plans to enter the military when I leave home so I can make a new start for myself, but that's a year from now, and I'd prefer to not wallow in despair until then. 

I've never been talented with compressing my troubles into small questions, so I apologize for that. I hope my letter isn't too difficult to wrench a question from, and if it is, I'd like to apologize once more. 

Thank you,
Jack (age 17)

* * *

Dear Jack,

You don’t mention whether or not she has sought out help from a group such as Alcoholics Anonymous. If not, I strongly recommend it. It doesn’t have to be AA—there are other groups out there (see below)—but she needs more help than you can provide.

Not buying her booze is not being a bad son. You shouldn’t feel guilty about not supplying her with alcohol. It’s sad that she has had a rough life, but turning to addiction is not a solution. As you have seen, it only makes the problem worse. For one thing, it is adding to (if not the cause of) your depression. So, she is not only making her life worse, but yours as well.

It’s important to recognize that you are in no way to blame for your mother’s alcoholism. Do not feel guilty!!! Also, if she doesn’t get better, it is not your fault. She has to want to help herself because nobody else can make her recover but her. Stop helping her get booze and stop feeling bad when she cries because you didn’t buy her a fifth of scotch (a key is to always be consistent here; don’t buy her booze sometimes and not other times—never buy her booze because when you do you are just being an enabler). By giving into her bad behavior, you reinforce it. She knows it works 95% of the time, so she keeps doing it. I know it's hard, but do not give into her fits. If she gets violent, do not be afraid to call the police. In fact, tell her you will call the police if she becomes abusive in any way.

You do have to go out and make your own way in life, and joining the military might be one way to do it. I applaud you for taking some initiative to try to make your life better. In the meantime, however, please do try and get your mother some help if you can.

Some places you can call:

I wish you and your mother the best.


Furfunding Week in Review 7-13-14

FurStarter - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 11:25

Today’s illustration is from the Kickstarter campaign “Water Dragons and Other Aquatic Creatures” by Jessica Feinberg

7-13-14ThreeJaguarsBack from Anthrocon! What a treat! One of the highlights for me was an excellent panel on business for furry artists by the artist of the biz/art webcomic, “Three Jaguars.” Her website is totally worth a review, with loads of great advice for artists seeking to monetize, and of course crowdfunding. I figured that crowdfunding would be a major chunk of discussion and made a friendly effort to get on her panel as a speaker, but she wasn’t having any of it. Fair enough, she did a great job, let me talk a bit–I’ll be borrowing heavily from her for Texas Furry Fiesta  2014 though!

windsofchange640Amadhia Albee, animator and creator of Kaze: Ghost Warrior (check it on YouTube) had her launch panel–there was some scheduling SNAFUs and we didn’t make it onto the schedule app, unfortunately, but it was a nice event, and I got to be on stage with her, since we’ve been collaborating on the kickstarter for her new audio drama set in Kaze’s world. After a week, we’re almost to what I personally believe is the campaign’s goal of $2300! So exciting, and SUCH an immense timesink :) This project is the main reason I’ve been slow to update the blog, and I thank you for your patience.

7-13-14myreNot a lot to actually say about this one because its’s not officially a “thing” yet, but if you are a fan of AlectorFencer’s furry/fantasy art, you’ll be interested in her upcoming graphic novel project, “Myre.” Overall, it sounds a bit like something from the “Labyrinth” school–creative dreamer gets lost in fantasy world–but instead of a world, AlectorFencer promises us a universe. I’ll absolutely be doing a full write-up of this project, the illustrations are lush and the world is ambitious.

Expect Myre to launch in late July. FoxAmoore and 2 the Gryphon were there for the project’s panel discussion, lots of big names, and an ambitious new book. Please join me in supporting this one.

terreneoddyseythumbAnd a little update from an old friend, the team behind “Terrene Odyssey” is taking another tilt at the crowdfunding windmill for their turn-based, JRPG style game, loaded with dragons and bird-folk and elves and explosions.  I’ve been following this project for well over a year now, the team is very enthusiastic and it’s a neat product, particularly if you’re a fan of “Final Fantasy” and other such games. I didn’t do a new article about Terrene Odyssey because I really covered it pretty well back in the day, but did touch up my original review of the project to include their new information. A few months ago they sent me a bundle of swag from the game, one of the “updates” may show me playing merry Christmas in July with the bag of goodies :) Look for a dork with a ponytail, but that may not be helpful. Good luck, guys!!

On a frustrating note, everything I know about Kickstarter is wrong now, they’ve revamped their policies to allow ANY project through their doors, except fundraising for charities. There’s some plusses to this, but in a week it turned my beloved Kickstarter, which gets more of my time and affection than my patient, patient mate does, into a comedy website, loaded with joke projects. The tide seems to be slowing somewhat, but for all practical purposes Kickstarter and Indiegogo are identical now…and frankly, Indiegogo has better tools. I never thought I’d say that, but…strange times.

New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page!


7-3-14skullswagSkull Swag (Ends: 8/8/2014)
The latest sticker project from Skulldog, featuring creepy creepy monsters!

Water Dragons & Other Rare Aquatic Creatures (Ends: 8/10/2014)
Rich and colorful and vaguely 80s images of water dragons and other undersea mythologicals, book, playing cards, and more.


Pacific Hotline’s debut EP (Ends: 7/22/2014)
An 80s-dance inspired two-furry group releasing their new EP


Little is Left to Tell (Ends: 8/2/2014)
A “talking animals” style book, stories told by a man with dementia–a rabit that must eat pages from books in order to speak, Virginia the Wolf trying to draw her daughters home with her last novel and holding them captive for readings…strange, magical stuff.

The Book of Dragons (Ends: 8/8/2014)
A colorful graphic novel retelling of Edith Nesbit’s “The Book of Dragons

Children’s Products

Raru’s Gift (Ends: 7/22/2014)
A children’s book about a mother, and grandmother’s, story. Elegant work by a new artist.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Mad World (Ends: 7/30/2014)
Not so furry, but a surreal dream-fantasy about an artist lost in an alternate world.
But there are cat-girls and crow-guys, so it counts.

7-3-14mayamadaSamurai Chef V.2 (Ends: 8/8/2014)
Anime action for foodies in “Samurai Chef,” by the art/fashion collaboration “Mayamada

IdleStatus: Splitting Hares (Ends: 8/8/2014)
Web-to-print comic about a purple hare with dog fangs (?), his love, and a villian. From the webcomic

Awesome Posum (Ends: 8/11/2014)
A natural science anthology collecting short edumacational comics together for your science use.


Cute Things (Ends: 8/7/2014)
Exceptionally cute anime/chibi sculpted charms. Watch the video.

Fish of the World (Ends: 8/9/2014)
Cartoony/chibi anthro kittens and the many ways they use fish in their day to day lives. Bookmarks and charms.

Magnesium-Empire (Ends: 8/9/2014)
Garments (mostly for ladies, unfortunately!) decorated with intricate highly reflective designs. These would look amazing under a strobe light!
No, not furry, but I would totally wear this if I was a skinny raver.

Birds N Bones Jewelry (Ends: 8/16/2014)
Jewelry collection inspired by dragons (and other animals, but…dragons!)
More of the artists’ range of work at their business home page


7-3-14simonscaSimon’s Cat “Off to the Vet” (Ends: 8/6/2014)
A full-color treatment for a new episode of the supercute cat series from Youtube channel

Animating the Soul (Ends: 8/7/2014)
A return to funding for animation/anthro movie about the artists that bring anthros to life.
I believe this is the third IGG campaign for this film, they’ve broken up their goal into bite-size chunks but…donor fatigue.

Wolf short horror film (Ends: 8/9/2014)
A moody psychodrama about a woman who discovers that she can commit an evil act, edited to look like a dreamy 80s low-budget.
I think this is a ‘werewolves as metaphor’ film, but the Kickstarter page itself has great illustrations.

TRIX.IM in Light Magic (Ends: 8/11/2014)
?! I’m still trying to decode this one–looks like an anthro movie filmed entirely in the film clip loops from raves.
I’m really only including this because the video is really, really bizaare. I don’t understand any of it. Old dogs, new tricks and all.

Tabletop Games

Mythic Chibi playing cards (Ends: 8/4/2014)7-13-14chibitaur
Charming anime-esque playing card deck in a world of chibi mythological creatures by artist KIWI

Terrene Odyssey: Turn-based RPG game (Ends: 8/21/2014)
My original review of this beautiful card game here. Tactics game inspired by JRPG style turn-based games with slow experience build, end-boss type mechanics, and so much more!


Strawberry Drellie Plushie (Ends: 8/13/2014)
Cuddly little stuffed fruit-dragons. Avocado dragon at the $20K Stretch Goal.

Video Games

Amorous (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Patreon ongoing funding (?) for an upcoming westernized dating sim set in a furry universe, with fuzzier lines between genders and orientations and such. Good artwork and rendering.
Art by Jasonafex

Categories: News

A duet with a chimp

Fursday - Watch List - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 10:20

To commemorate the release of 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes', here is a clip of Roddy McDowall (frequent star in the original 'Planet of the Apes' series) performing a duet with variety show host Carol Burnett.

Her expression is priceless.

Carol Burnett introduces Roddy McDowall, who unexpectedly comes out in his makeup from Planet of the Apes. Carol later explains to the audience that McDowall had to spend three-and-a-half hours in makeup for that skit, we then see Roddy's condensed film of the make-up process. From "The Carol Burnett Show" 1974.


Categories: News

Any furrymucks similar to Furcadia or Second Life?

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Jul 2014 - 08:46

I've been a furry for quite some time, starting back in the early days of Furcadia, and moved on to Second Life for some time. I moved away from home after graduating college, and took a break from Second Life and all forms of networking while I settled into my new surroundings. Now, I'm looking to get back into networking and making friends with fellow furs. Are there other forms of social interaction online for furries like myself, sans Second Life and Furcadia?

Apologies for the extensive background story. I stumbled across this subreddit a while back, and finally got the courage to post and branch out and attempt to make friends. Any and all advice is appreciated.

submitted by Naurandir
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