Feed aggregator
Update: I asked about this figurine a few months ago. We got it and I just finished painting it. character is Manba.
Wondering about a game.
Hey guys I hear a lot of people like the game dust: an elysian tail (sorry if I spelt that wrong.) is it a good game? Storyline, art, game play,ect.
submitted by R3TR0J03[link] [6 comments]
One of these girls is hiding something...
I made some music and am looking for some feedback, figured I'd ask my fellow furs what you guys think
I Love This Con - Single for Tiger Haven
Ref sheet of my second char, lizzie! >u<
Looking for a very specific style of head to commission
(This is all for a few weeks in the future, this check is bill check so it will be a few weeks before I can actually make a first payment/pay in full) Alright, I have had a partial suit for a long time but I don't have a head to go with it! Sad thing is, I am a perfectionist and I am looking for a very specific style. I am looking for a toony head, with a long nose, dramatic jaw movement(where it is very easy to see the mouth open and close), and a very curved fluffy face. Problem is, I am picky and I don't have a lot of money, I am looking to spend between $200 and $400 for this head. I've had my partial for three years and have not been able to afford or find an artist to make a quality head for it. So, if you have a friend or you yourself make heads that may resemble what I want, I would love to see some examples! Hope I don't seem rude, I just want a very specific type so it will match my partial. Thanks for any help! :)
submitted by SpazHime[link] [2 comments]
PHOTOS: Furries Frolic In San Francisco
Here, dated July 14, is an item in Queerty, an online magazine and newspaper covering gay-oriented lifestyle and news. It is a brief article about Frolic, with a photo gallery:
When the sun goes down in San Francisco, the creatures come out to play. Don’t worry, they’re not threatening: a cuddly bear, a gentle donkey, a few wolves, a bunny, and what might be a seagull (?) mean you no harm. They’re just regulars at Frolic, a monthly furry-themed party at The Stud.
This month’s Frolic served as an after-party for one night of GaymerX, the queer-focused video game convention. Following a game-themed drag show and a cosplay contest, furry-friendly attendees headed into the heart of SoMa to dance the night away and sweat profusely.
Common Traits among us
I apologize if something similar has popped up recently - I scrolled through a few pages of the latest submissions for this sub, but didn't see anything.
I find furry art really adorable (I recently started reading the HousePetsComic and I just love King), but I'm not sure that that trait alone means I'm a furry. I tried figuring out from the wiki link but the impression I got from that was yiff or gtfo.
So I'm curious what traits are common among us, so that I can distinguish whether I 'like the art style' or should subscribe myself as a furry (which is a cute name I'd be fine with).
submitted by Aion1125[link] [10 comments]
A fursona question…
Is it possible to have two fursonas? As in at the same time? Would people mock you? Is it allowed? I've seen someone say they have a secondary customs and I'm slightly from lg interested as I have an idea for a new one but still like my current self. Bonus: I almost posted "A Russian question" because of auto correct. (Mozhet u vas yest' dva mex-schast'ye, reddit?)
submitted by badumtsshh[link] [19 comments]
Games for Furries
Hey guys! So I'm having a party with many furries in the near future. I was wondering if you guys could recommend any fun party games! Board games, fursuit games, physical games (like Tag or Pin the Trail on the Donkey), any ideas are good!
Obviously we already have Cards Against Humanity but that gets old and repetitive after your 18th time playing.
Thanks, guys!
submitted by faithamor1337[link] [21 comments]
Fursona question
How many of you -in your minds eye- see yourself as your fursona instead of just an online avatar? I see a lot of furs that change their fursona a lot and to me, my fursona is me. I was wondering how many others felt the same.
submitted by CrossFox42[link] [26 comments]
Hey everyone this is my first ref sheet. This is Cole.
I had this commissioned by Greypuppy here on reddit. They did an awesome job. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13953711/
submitted by rosey2199[link] [2 comments]