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Stop Fur Farming

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 13:52
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 13:05
Categories: News

Introducing "Death From the Shadows"

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 12:57

I asked a question whether people prefered comics or writing for Furry and Furry-ish stories. I have decided that I will run with the comic for a little while, see what the uptake on it is, and decide after that (Figure 2 months, so 8 pages which is enough to complete one arc).

So, I introduce to you: Death from the Shadows which is described as:

"Nyeusi Kifo, an Anthromorphic panther who believes everyone around him, as well as himself, is a bane, has finally found a job he enjoys. If you want someone dead, he will more than happily take care of that person as discreetly as possible.

Based in a modern American setting, where genetic evolution has allowed the creation of human/animal hybrids, Nyeusi is death within the shadows. He is rarely seen, and if he is, you are already dead."

First page is not much be assured, while I will not call this a masterpiece, it is troupe free (So far and I am about 5 chapters into writing it) and gets...really frigging dark at places (Like "Dear god, that came out of my imagination?" dark).

As a note, the first page is not indicative of the overall style of the comic. This is a new type of comic for the illustrator, and requires a different style from her other comics, so she will be playing around with contrast, shading, line work, etc.

submitted by PendoFur
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Categories: News

Yelling In Sleep

Furry.Today - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 08:49

An amazing and weird music video for “Yelling In Sleep” by Rich Aucoin.

Categories: Videos

He Reminds Papabear of Pepe Le Pew

Furry News Network - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hi Papa Bear. I must first admit that I really like what you are doing. To answer so many questions for so many people and don’t ask to be paid for that is something that should be really cherished by people and you deserve all my respect for doing so.  Second, I want to […]
Categories: News

Odd request - Can I get a random hug from a fursuiter furry in LAX around 10pm on Friday?

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 04:44

It's an odd and unlikely request I know... I'm going to be landing in LA and would love have a hug from a suited up furry. I land at LAX on Fri 9:30pm from YVR. I'm willing to perform equally unusual (non sexual) requests as payment. I also have dogecoin.

Why? I just kinda wanna hug a furry. I've never done it, and being in a different city gives me the freedom to do it. If I could get a photo it would make my year.

submitted by sns_abdl
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News

Story of my life...

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 04:43
Categories: News

Review: ‘Dancing in the Moonlight: RainFurrest 2013 Charity Anthology’, edited by Ryan Hickey and Garret Biggerstaff

Furry News Network - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 02:39
Author: Fred This is the third annual RainFurrest charity anthology, published to be sold at the RainFurrest convention in Seattle in late September, following 2011’s Stories of Camp RainFurrest and 2012’s Tails of a Clockwork World. It is also for sale through the FurPlanet online catalogue. The RainFurrest Annual Charity Anthology was created to celebrate […]
Categories: News

Looking to find new furs to chat with!

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 02:27

Preferably in the Chicagoland area but I'm definitely open to talking to any and all furs who would like to chat!

I would definitely describe myself as a nerdy, furry gamer (like most furs out there, actually o_o)

Anybody who would like to game together, discuss a movie or television show or... Well, chat about anything, really, is welcome to send me a message through Reddit for my contact information!

I look forward to hearing from you fuzzbutts!

-Allegretto Otter

submitted by mimonol
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Categories: News

Looking for Ed Zolna.

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 01:57
Categories: News

Bird. Bird. Ape.

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 01:50

John Uhrich is a professional illustrator. His motto is “Have sketchbook, will travel.” Recently on his art blog, Duck Duck Gorilla (yes, that’s the name!) he’s been trying his hand at a new on-line comic strip, Live Bait. Two talkative birds doing what John considers one of his more prominent skills: Geeking out about comics and fandom.

image c. 2014 by John Uhrich

image c. 2014 by John Uhrich

Categories: News

He Reminds Papabear of Pepe Le Pew

Ask Papabear - Wed 13 Aug 2014 - 01:27
Hi Papa Bear. I must first admit that I really like what you are doing. To answer so many questions for so many people and don't ask to be paid for that is something that should be really cherished by people and you deserve all my respect for doing so. 

Second, I want to mention that I am native French. So if you find out that my English is partly screw-up, you will know why :)

Okie, so I must start my to explain my situation before asking my question out!

I fell in very deep love two times before. I am out of these now and am now working on my third crush since some months ago. But, I noticed something about myself: when I am in love with someone, I feel like all the world is vanishing around me. I cannot forget about the one I am in love with, never. no matter where I am and no matter what I do, the one I am in love with will be stuck in my head and I can hear my subcouncious constantly repeating his name again and again.

Another point I've found out about me, when I am in love, is how much I can give for that person. I would be ready to sacrifice my life for the one I love and no matter what. No mistake here! I would not commit suicide for someone, but I would gladly give a hell to make sure the one I love is alright and have what he needs to have. It is the way I am in my relationship and with my lover.

I just cannot act otherwise, it is stronger than myself; this constant feeling of me wanting to be the best boyfriend this person can have. To give this person all the love he can want and need to get. To give this person all the support he need and want also. I just... I always want my lover to be happy. It is my biggest drive in life and also a big goal I want to reach one day: to be not far the perfect lover someone can have. 

Since, I want to become the perfect lover someone can have and as off now, for the one I am in love with, I started to wonder about how I could become a better person and also to learn to appreciate myself more. I believe that if I can find the way to appreciate my own self, then I'll be able to give a better picture of myself to my lover and also to show him that I care to be someone he definitly will love and be able to count onto under any good or bad time. I even started to try to be more funny and talkative with others (I use to be not far asocial before). I also started to work my body out, so I can be in a better shape and look better to my mate. I also learned to cook healthy foods instead of relying onto frosty frozen pizza and stuffs like this every damn days. All of this, to make sure I can be the best he can have.

A last point I would like to mention about, is how much I feel the need to expose my relationship to other people. If you would go to my page on FA, I mean about my lover praticly everywhere. It is not because I am obsessed by him. I just cannot think about myself being in love with someone who love's me back too without telling anyone about it. So I spread the words wherever I can and show it off to anyone I can. I don't understand why some people get pissed off at me because I mean that much about my lover. I really once got one furry who litteraly got pissed off at me claiming I was showing off my relationship in the face of everyone. Lol, it is not under bad purpose I do that. My lover is the best thing I feel I can have. I cherish that person and feel God blessed to have him with me. It is my everything and my pride. And what people likes to do about their pride usually? In my though, it is to show it off to other, because your pride is suppose to be what you are the most proud about and so you want others to know about it. No obsession here, only simple pride about what makes me be one of the most happy man in the world ^^

Well, that was a long story I guess. Sorry about that. I use to write stories since my very young age, so to write a lot of details, even useless one is pretty much myself (like I do now). Anyways... My question about all of this is mainly "Does anyone else feels like I feel when they are in love and have a boyfriend or girlfriend to love and cherish?" Or am I simply an obsessed freak who is too much into his lover and such?

Anyone who could comment about this would be really appreciated by me.

Pierre-André Roy (age 26)

* * *

Mon Cher Pierre-André,

There are a lot of women reading this right now, I would wager, who wish you were straight. Mon Dieu! You are such a lovely example of the French romantic! Since you are a furry, I am picturing you as Pepé Le Pew right now, pardonez moi.

There is certainly nothing wrong with you. You are a delight! And the people who chastise you for posting about your lover on the furry sites are simply jealous. Don’t worry about them.

I am wondering about the fact that you are on your “third crush since some months ago.” Crush usually means, in America, that you are enamored by someone but that it is not really a deep love. I think that might not be the word you meant. And you’ve had three lovers in just a few months? Are you scaring them off with your overenthusiastic ways?

I would caution you that a lot of people can’t handle the overzealousness of a très romantique Frenchman, and something like this might happen. Not because you did something wrong, but just that many people do not have the self-esteem to believe they deserve such positive attention. So, when you are choosing someone you feel is boyfriend material, be cautious. Find someone who is self-confident and returns your affections with comparable élan.

It might be that your youthful romanticism will fade with age. I hope not, but if it does, all the more reason to enjoy it now.

I’m sure there are others out there who have romantique hearts who can contribute to this conversation. Readers?

Wishing You Love,


I'm making an omegle alternative, you guys want to see?

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Aug 2014 - 23:42

I've been grounded for about five months now and through that time I have been creating a website called GroundedLife. It is similar to omegle but I plan on expanding the features in the near future. Currently it supports random chat with image sharing capabilities. Tell me what you think, all suggestions are helpful and much appreciated! Click the link, try it out, offer suggestions, and spread the word! GroundedLife

Getting started: Simply click the connect button, or click converse in the upper right corner. That will take you to the chat area and then click search user!

Increasing traffic: Any recommendations for places to post the link to the site in order to increase traffic? Comment below any ways to get more people!

submitted by WeAreCore2
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Categories: News

Furfunding Week in Review 8-12-14

FurStarter - Tue 12 Aug 2014 - 22:54

This week’s illustration is from Deer Editor by Ryan K Lindsay, now on Kickstarter

I can’t tell you how much my heart broke when I went back to Indiegogo and saw that the crowdfunding project for Dashcon 2015 was taken down, probably because it was a scam. I was going to write a rather long post about it, too.

As an exercise to the reader, how could you actually tell a real Dashcon crowdfunding page from a scam, anyway?

Reviews this week: werewolves and scientists in Bleeding Heart, and a handful of assorted bear-related projects



For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page! New Projects Books/Print

Mordrude’s Monster Manual: A Guide to Realistic Costumes (Ends: 9/5/2014)
Anatomy and costuming come together in this neat volumn on realistic animal costume design by Mordrude’s Monsters

Griffin Ranger (Ends: 9/6/2014)
An investigative fantasy novel by Rgibson set in a world of griffins

Children’s Products

Sloth in the City (Ends: 9/10/2014)
A sloth goes to explore the big city in this cute illustrated book.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Bleeding Heart (Ends: 9/3/2014)
A graphic novel about an injured werewolf, an amateur mad scientist, and good intentions. Mostly.

Deer Editor (Ends: 9/10/2014)
Part noir, part procedural, part slice of life crime novel, part Bambi. Journalitic editor Bucky investigates a Jon Doe (snerk) killing, and then goes down the rabbit hole of political intrigue and….murder.


Catsville High: The Movie (Ends: 9/11/2014)
Erg :( Another anthro activism animation for all your alliterative needs. Peer pressure, bullying, and really, really bad felines.
I really don’t care for this one, but it’s too interesting to toss.


Let there be Dragons! (Ends: 10/8/2014)
Chainmail and scale jewelry, bracelets, necklaces, with a light dragon theme.

Tabletop Games

Chibi Pony Adventurers (Ends: 8/28/2014)
Tiny cute little ponies for your tabletop games. There are now more pony miniatures than elves, I think.
Over goal!


Happy Dragons! (Ends: 10/3/2014)
Ceramic dragon statues with big eyes by Nina Bolen

Video Games

Woolf: The Red Hood Diaries (Ends: 9/4/2014)
A moody, cinematic fairytale platformer with drama and lots of wolves.

Umdlalo (Ends: 9/5/2014)
A beautiful indie RPG/animal sidekick game set in prehistoric Africa
This game’s concept art is BEAUTIFUL but it will never make that funding goal :(

Witanlore: Dreamtime (Ends: 9/7/2014)
Contracting artists for a fantasy RPG set in the world of ursines, humanoid bears in a highland setting

catboopCat Boop (Ends: 9/13/2014)
Arguably the dumbest video game app of the last two weeks. You bap pictures of kittens with your cat paw. Yay!

…Coming soon?

Dreamkeepers: Vol. 4 (Not yet launched): In a colorful world, our alter-egos protect our sleeping selves from nightmare. Vol. 4 coming soon to Kickstarter.

…Just for fun

Bear Senpai: Date The Bear of Your Dreams (Ends: 10/9/2014): A dating sim with bears. Real bears. Not those other bears.


Icon from picture, "Poetic Muse" by Luthien Nightwolf What’s Corbeau Backing This Week?
Currently we are funding a car and our mate has taken our wallet from us. But if we were funding something this week, it would probably be Bleeding Heart, because hey, steampunk and werewolves. We would also like to scrounge $75 or so for “Bare Strength” for research purposes but there probably haven’t been that many innovations in the cutting-edge field of “men not wearing pants” so that can probably wait.
Categories: News

AnthroCon Raw: Day 2

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Aug 2014 - 22:09
Categories: News

What big teeth you have…Bleeding Heart

FurStarter - Tue 12 Aug 2014 - 21:41

A scientist in training finds a wounded werewolf in the woods, and does the inadvisable thing…


Bleeding Heart

Kickstarter ending 9/3/14

8-12-14heart2So, this isn’t how I wanted to begin this particular post, but the crowdfunder, Sabrina Cotungo, has a history of working on and in animation (and is a storyboard artist for a Disney series…). Her animated short video, “Kagemono,” features an adorable little fox and what just might be an undead hyena, and I’m so tickled by both that I must encourage the world to see them. It’s a great animated piece, sweet and just a bit haunting, and I can only hope it speaks well for the quality of Bleeding Heart!

But that’s not why we’re here. Although it is a good excuse.

Bleeding Heart is the story of a young scientist-in-training–we’ll call him Henry because that’s his name. He’s got a soft heart and a dreamer’s head, and when he goes into the woods–the possibly haunted, fairy-infested woods–he finds an injured werewolf in the dark forest.

8-12-14heart4And brings the beast home.

What follows in the short graphic novel is a story of identity, brass goggles (oh, I hope), self-understanding, and possibly a lot of angst about not becoming a monster. The magic of the forest has its own sort of spell, and the further Henry involves himself in the woods and its people, the more his own spirit becomes at risk. Bleeding Heart is the first part of a webcomic of scientists, experiments, and awesome hair–more information on the series “Glass Scientists” on artist Sabrina Cotugno’s art blog tumblr. It’s the solid, hold-in-your-hand book that will kick off the webcomic and introduce readers to the world. After that, we’ll see where Cotugno’s muse takes her.

Wherever it goes, she’s got an impressive head start–after a week, the project reached $10,000, schottischeing past most of the critical stretch goals Cotungo laid out. Unfortunately, she also burned through all her work-intensive, customized pledge points, which is a pity, but the trade-off is that the project’s a winner early in the run, so that’s a good thing. And there’s still lots of nice swag–bookmarks and stickers and all that fun stuff.

8-12-14heart3So if you like your werewolves huge, salivating, and engimatic, and your  scientists gentle and doe-eyed–I’m flashing back to Carlos from “Welcome to Night Vale” over this guy–then Henry and Bleeding Heart has a lot to offer. Although the plot is highly reminiscent of a werewolf yaoi I stumbled across at our local comic store–at least the first couple of pages, at some point in the middle the content went down a different road entirely. Probably.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.




Categories: News