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Photos: Animal Attractions at the Rocky Mountain FurCon

Furries In The Media - Fri 15 Aug 2014 - 07:32

Dated August 11, here is a blog article on the website of the Denver Westword:

It is essentially a collection of photos from last weekend's Rocky Mountain Fur Con 2014.

Article text:

You have to wonder why FurCon happens in the heat of August, because, like, thick fur everywhere? Nonetheless, the furries convened over the weekend at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, clad head-to-toe in plush costumes. Thank goodness for air-conditioning. Danielle Lirette brought back these pictures and more of FurCon's heavy-duty cosplayers; read on for some of our favorites.
Categories: News

He’s Cool, He’s Rad, He Has A Flea Collar

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 15 Aug 2014 - 01:43

Well not really (at least the last bit). This September Boom! Box Studios brings us the premier of Teen Dog, a new full-color comic book series by Australian web cartoonist Jake Lawrence. Here’s an introduction from the web site Comic Vine: “Teen Dog is the cool guy you always wanted to be in high school, à la Michael J. Fox and Ferris Bueller, except he’s a dog in a rad denim vest. Each issue contains short vignettes featuring Teen Dog, his best friend Mariella, Thug Pug, Sara the star quarterback, and many more. Teen angst and whimsical adventures collide in this new series that combines the feel of John Hughes movies with ‘90s Nickelodeon cartoons.”

image c. 2014 Boom! Box

image c. 2014 Boom! Box

Categories: News

Anybody here a PC gamer and same time what is your machine that you play with on your favorite title?

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Aug 2014 - 00:41

Mine would be running a older i5 2500k with a Geforce GTX 760 and 12 Gigs of RAM and mostly my favorite game being Metro Last Light

submitted by FiestaBruo22
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Categories: News

A Catholic in Italy Is Anxious about Coming Out to His Family

Ask Papabear - Fri 15 Aug 2014 - 00:28
Dear Papabear,

I really appreciate the support and advice you are giving to many people that are facing difficult times.

I’m a 24-year-old Italian guy and time ago I realized I was bisexual… but mostly attracted to men. I’m still in the closet and I want to ask for your advice because I’m becoming increasingly anxious. A part of me urges to come out but I know it’s not safe yet: I’ve never been in a relationship and haven’t yet come to terms with my sexuality. More importantly, I’m still economically dependent on my family and the moment I’ll be able to live by myself seems so far away.

My family is caring and supportive, but judgmental towards others’ sexuality, in particular on homosexuality (they are Catholics), my parents having even worked with associations in support of “traditional family”. They say they love me the way I am, but I don’t know if they would still feel this way if they knew their son is homosexual.

I still love my family but I feel hurt when they make a joke or have something negative to say about homosexuals, not knowing I’m one of them. I feel that we are growing distant. I’ve actually reached a point in which I am uneasy when at home with them. I had to ask them not to question me continuously about girls. I find difficult to study and go through everyday tasks, my performance at university worsening.

Even if they would still accept me as a person, I know they wouldn’t accept my homosexuality because it would mean going against their religion. I guess it was already hard for them when, years ago, I told them I was agnostic. I don’t know if I have the right to hurt my family further by coming out gay. Sometimes I feel like a burden to them, I often think that I’m making them worry for my soul.

It’s not helping that I’m struggling with my bisexuality, It’s like I am constantly asked to make a choice. Be with a man, and face rejection from family and people around you... be with a girl and risk being in an unhappy relationship because you still experience a stronger desire for men. I think this is the main reason I feared being in a relationship, together with the fact I’ve only dated girls that were religious and/or somewhat judgmental towards homosexuals.

My brother told me that for a period my mother suspected I was gay. I don't know if that is good.

They noticed that something is not right with me lately. They think it’s because I’m going slow in my studies and because I don’t have a girlfriend, which they say it’s because I’m too unsecure. Instead, I’m aching because I’m still not telling them the truth and I feel we are being pulled apart.

Is there something I can do to better manage this emotional pressure while still being in the closet at my age?

Thank you so much for caring and reading through this long letter,

Yours Sincerely,
Distant Dragon

* * *

Dear Dragon,

I sympathize and empathize with your difficult situation. It sounds as if you may have read some of my previous letters, because you make the observation that it’s not a great ideal to come out to parents who still hold the financial strings if you feel they will disapprove strongly and possibly leave you without means of support.

On the other hand, you’re 24. Not sure why financial independence is so far off for you, but if I were you I would make that my top and immediate priority.

But let’s talk more about your parents and the Catholic Church. While I was raised Southern Baptist, I have familiarized myself a bit with Catholicism and have a lapsed-Catholic husband. I believe that many people misinterpret what the Church’s official view of homosexuality is. While there are some things that are definitely prohibited when it comes to homosexuals (specifically, the Church sees the holy sacrament of marriage as being only between a man and a woman), the Church does not hate homosexuals. Even Pope Francis said not too long ago that he does not judge homosexuals and neither should other people. That is for God to do. This article by Christina Mead, I believe, is a pretty good representation of the Catholic position.

The anxious feelings you have are generated by the tension between the real you and the mask you are wearing daily around your family. I had that for four years before coming out to my now-ex wife. It was a miserable time. 

The good news is that your parents seem like caring and loving people. They may be a bit misguided by social pressures (especially in a country like Italy, which has a bit of a machismo culture), but if you prepare yourself well enough to answer their questions and allay their fears, you should be okay, I sense.

A couple things you can do. 1) I suggest reading this helpful booklet  (the booklet is geared toward Americans—sorry, I don’t know of an Italian source) and 2) talk to your priest about this in confessional. This in itself will lift a huge weight off your shoulders, since you’ll be able to talk about being homosexual while knowing that the conversation is confidential. Now, during confession, the priest might ask if you can continue the conversation outside of confessional. This might be a good idea, if things are going well. If you and your priest have a good relationship, I suggest, when the time comes, you approach your parents together.

You probably recognize, as well, that your parents are trying to think of what is best for their son. They worry about health issues (HIV etc., even though you can get these from women just as easily as men) and perhaps legal issues. Gay people do have legal protections in Italy. You can’t be discriminated against; however, same-sex couples in Italy do not have the same rights as straight couples when it comes to shared property, inheritance, and social welfare programs. Making yourself aware of your rights in your country is always a wise path, and you can use this knowledge to address questions your parents have, too.

You will only find your real happiness by allowing yourself to come out and be yourself. The timing and how you do it will be up to you. The best thing to do is prepare yourself as best you can, educate yourself, and, if possible, find allies to support you when you do come out to your family.

Bear Hugs,


Looking for some pictures.

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Aug 2014 - 00:24

I need some help compiling some pictures for a friend of all the characters from Fur Will Fly and its almost impossible to search for them. I'm mainly looking for Selena. If anyone can help out, that would be great!

(SFW/NSFW is okay. I don't give a rat's ass. No offence to any's just a saying)

submitted by Auro454
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Categories: News

Can somebody help me make a ref sheet?

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 Aug 2014 - 21:19

Hello fellow lovers of all things anthro an fluffy! I recently came up with a textual description of my fursona, and now I want to make a ref sheet based on that description. Though I have some artistic talents, I'd like to commission the ref sheet. In that light, does anyone have suggestions about how to go about having one made? I've never commissioned an artist before.

submitted by postmodern_cereal
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Categories: News

Need a furry character please!

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 Aug 2014 - 20:56

Me and my cousin are making a fan fiction book and I would like a male furry (looking) character. We are not using it as are own, just want it to see are character come to life. I'm no good at drawing furry characters so I need yalls help. Please, and thanks. The character is a black furred and has grey streaks down his back. Not really buff, because he's supposed to be a fast moving creature. He's from a different world so he can't have human cloth(dont make him nude.) if you allready saw something that fits the description please send. Again I'm not using as my own just want it to see how my character in my story would look like if he was real.

submitted by mernz
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Categories: News

Leagle? (oc)

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 Aug 2014 - 19:13
Categories: News

M4F I am new to the furry thing and want some help if someone could be there for me

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 Aug 2014 - 17:02

Kik me at PoninksiR or skype Spilunkeyy

submitted by Killerwavvle
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Categories: News

Confusion, Success, and Questions.

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 Aug 2014 - 14:53

Hello! It's been a loooooooong time.


My name is Sinopsis/Synopsi/Grymloc/Evan. I was introduced to the furry fandom around the age of 15, 6 years ago. Back then I was quite overweight and was made fun of a lot in high school, the furry fandom was the nicest community I had found on the internet. I had been an avid WoW player and such but I never found as much solace in WoW as I did the Furry world.

I got into the community through various Source games. (Zombie Master, Counter STrike Zombies, etc. I believe the servers were "Furry Pound" or something like that.) I saw my first few sprays of furry porn and of course as a 15 year old that peaked my curiosity. I looked more into it and discovered it was more than pornography, it was a happy community that never really judged each other. I was ecstatic and of course made my own fursona! All was well.

Then things got a bit darker. Being alone and picked on a lot, and being introduced to the very...lets be honest here, sexual nature of the furry fandom it was very easy for my sexuality to come into question, I was confused and was desperately seeking companionship. I met a boy, the name will stay anonymous but he was awesome, he made me feel wanted, and loved. He manipulated me, he did everything in his power to make me his, he begun stalking my every move, he found out where I went to school, the town I lived in, and so on. Things got very dark very fast. My parents noticed my sinking depression and eventually I came clean to the situation, they intervened, cutting me off from all things furry related, calling the cops on said person and it all ended.

In the years of high school my interest in furries never faded it doesn't seem to be something that can just go away. But nevertheless I hid it from the world. I woke up one day and was just TIRED of being a fat loser, I was tired of being a walking stereotype. I lost 75lbs in my junior/senior year of high school, I met a girl, the girl was all I could ever ask for but alas she was taken.

Skip ahead 3 years, to now. I'm in college, fit, and happy with being a good looking bachelor. Now I come into contact with this girl.......we talk a lot, hang out again, it's my dream come true. Now here's the twist. This girl I fell so hard for, is a furry. You guys couldn't imagine the flood of memories that came rushing back to me.

So basically, here I am. I never really stopped being a furry, I still looked up yiff and such from time to time to give my old gerkin a jerkin, but this was very rare. I shut down that life. And now it seems I have been drawn back in. She is all that I adore, and all that I could ask for right now, and it seems we are more perfect for each other than I thought.

I revived my old fursona and now I'm here in this subreddit typing to you guys because I have a question. Why are you a furry? What is YOUR story, a lot of us have our reasons. Also to clear anything up I classify as mostly bisexual, but I don't think I could see myself in a normal relationship with another male. I found myself and I don't think I can EVER give up my "inner furry" because I tried, and it still never went away.

Tl;DR I was a furry, got stalked and tortured by a weirdo, stopped being a furry as best I could, got fit and by chance got back in contact with a crush I had in high school, who turned out to be a got damn furry, so here I am again. What's your reason for being a furry, have any crazy stories?

submitted by Sinopsis
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