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Should She Tell the Other Woman that He Hit on Her First?

Ask Papabear - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 11:40
Hello there, I'm so happy to find this website. Its a bliss!

So my problem is I have a close guy friend and he told me not too long ago that he has a crush on a mutual friend we both have. But there was a problem. She's still in love with her ex, so my guy friend decided to move on. Just about yesterday he confessed to ME that he has feelings and he those feelings were always towards me and he wants me. But then I didn't reject him but I didn't accept either. RIGHT AFTER confessing to me and me not giving him a straight answer he asked the girl that I had mentioned before up there ↑ to be his girlfriend. That was shocking. She accepted and admitted that she has feelings for him too blah blah. The thing is that HE HIMSELF told me about this. 5 mins after confessing to ME! 

I'm sorry if that was long.. My question is.... I think I should tell the girl of what happened but then again he told me not to tell anyone that they're together.. At least not for now and if I told her she'll know that he told me. And I don't want to lose his trust. So please help me here!

What should I do? I know he's a good person but with conflicted emotions.

Thank you.

Misère (age 17, Kuwait)

* * *

Dear Misère,

Ah, the teen years, and young love.... A complex, emotional time when your raging hormones, inexperience, anxiousness about the world, idealism about love, and the ins and outs of social life all smoosh together into one giant undigested meatball in your stomach to give you a big bellyache. 

Allow Papabear to lend you some perspective on this situation.

Even if this guy and that girl get together, chances are a few months from now they will have broken up to see other people. Chances are you will all leave school in a year and go on with your lives. And five years from now you will have completely forgotten about all of this and won’t even be talking to these people because you’ll have new friends and adventures in your life. 

You said the guy is emotionally confused. I believe you. Do you really want a guy for a boyfriend who’s so bonkers in the head that he asks one girl to go out with him and then turns around and five minutes later asks another girl? If you’re smart, your answer will be “No.”

Let him have the girl. Don’t tell her he hit on you first. The only purpose of doing that would be because you’re upset and want to break them up by getting her ticked off at him. And then he will get ticked off at you and all three of you will be alone and hurt. If he’s a good person, as you said, why would you want to hurt him?

Let it be, hon.


DIY Monsters: Mordrude’s Monster Manual

FurStarter - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 11:06

Tips, tutorials, and walk-throughs for making realistic fursuits on a reasonable budget…


Mordrude’s Monsters

Indiegogo campaign ending 9/5/14

(note: I’m making much more liberal use of images from the artist’s galleries than usual, so worth saying: all images are the property of Mordrude and are used here for promotional purposes only.)

mordrude3Over the last several months, my mate, Whines, has been working on a realistic hyena costume. For a newbie, the number of little challenges is vast–learning the Henson Stitch, constructing a base, casting a snout, working on cooling…months of work. And there are a lot of good tutorials here and there, but knowing where to look, who to trust, and what questions to ask is just as challenging as any of the many steps to project completion, particularly when one aims for realistic instead of cheerful mascot.

So it’s exciting to see so much advice and experience in one place, in Mordrude’s Monster Manual.

mordrude1Mordrude has been building costumes for the furry community since 2010, and if you read her Terms of Service (and who doesn’t), it’s very specific in: “No mascots. Nope.” Her gallery and FA account are both chock full of critters, but she’s also generous with tutorials and walk-throughs, like the one below (the original is easier to read, but this will give a sense of her style.)


“Mordrude’s Monster Manual” is–or will be, it’s only $2000 away from its $7000 goal right now–a compilation and expansion of her tutorials, with a lot of depth and walk-throughs that her one-page format doesn’t allow for. A portion of the book is a walk-through of three fursuits (a sabre-tooth, a bull, and a wolf), each one available as one of the pledge points for the campaign. And hey, a signed copy of the book comes with the fursuit! Though at that point, I think your $3500 was probably more about the costume.

mordrude2copyWalk-throughs in the book include textured pawpads, patterning, creating removable antlers, start to finish tips for designing, planning, and purchasing–and one that sounds amusingly halloweeny, casting jaws from a real skull.

There aren’t that many books about the fursuiter’s “trade,” and the ones that I’ve encountered have all had that uniquely “Adobe Pagemaker 2.1 on the library’s Mac” look, without a lot of glitz or photography. That Mordrude’s Monster Manual is a photocentric coffee table book as well as a reference just makes the project more compelling, a useful reference and something that’s a joy to flip through. I’m looking forward to this one.


Categories: News

Could anyone help me design my fursona? Not to draw it, but just to come up with a basic idea for him.

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 08:46

I've been in the fandom for a couple years now, but I still don't have a definitive fursona.

submitted by Ren-Ren
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Categories: News

Papabear Helps a Furry Pick His Fursona

Furry News Network - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, How are you? I found your website while browsing the internet searching for a solution to my problem, and from what I can gather, you seem to be the right person to assist me. I have been a furry for many years now. I often participated in furry events and was also […]
Categories: News

Contrast to the recent discussion, who/what in the fandom makes you satisfied being a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 02:38

I've seen furry/anthropomorphic art for a while now, and only recently have I had thoughts of trying to make a place for myself within the community. So, what situations or characteristics of the furry fandom make you happy to be a part of it?

submitted by zirgen
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Categories: News

One Little Cat and a Whole Lotta Magic

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 01:59

We found this recently, over at Animation Scoop: “Shout Factory is mounting a theatrical release of Thunder and The House of Magic, directed by Ben Stassen (Fly Me to the Moon, Sammy’s Adventures: Escape from Paradise) and Jeremie Degruson (A Turtles Tale: Sammy’s Adventure), in select theaters in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston, Houston, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, San Francisco and Washington, DC., beginning September 5th. The 85-minute film, budgeted at $34 million, was produced by Brussels (Belgium) based nWave Pictures in association with StudioCanal and media fund Anton Capital Entertainment. The story concerns Thunder, an abandoned young cat, who seeks shelter from a storm, stumbles into a house owned by an old magician and inhabited by a dazzling array of automatons and gizmos. But when the magician lands in the hospital and his scheming nephew puts the mansion up for sale, our young hero and his new friends join forces to save their magical home.” The Scoop article also has a first look at the film’s trailer.

image c. 2014 nWave

image c. 2014 nWave Pictures

Categories: News

Friendly Noms

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 Aug 2014 - 00:04
Categories: News

Those Little Discrepancies In the Furry World...

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Aug 2014 - 23:08

I've been puzzled lately about little things in a furry world that don't really match up with ours like tattoos, sleeping in a bed with horns, and Ear cropping/ tail docking. What do you guys think? what kind of stuff have you noticed ?

submitted by daumgrav
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Categories: News