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The news is full of fursuiters and animation: Furry news dump (8-31-14)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 00:17
Here’s some news curated from a Furry view.  Enjoy a big sloppy bowl of news bites, scoops, and Snausage links.  Tips welcome- I’d love to post yours! _____________________________ Media attention is very active recently… _____________________________ - Fursuiter in San Francisco magazine.  This feature page about bronies has local furry “Quinnton Fox” in pony suit. - Bronies in San Francisco’s The Bold […]
Categories: News

USAGI YOJIMBO gets a successful pitch for a feature film

Dogpatch Press - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 00:14
The indie comic by Furry favorite artist Stan Sakai is a “funny animal series set in 17th century feudal Japan”. The rabbit samurai has never appeared in animation, except for brief appearance in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV cartoon. (A TV show pilot from 1995, Space Usagi, never aired because of lack of toy […]
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Albi Acts Foxy

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 22:29
Categories: News

A 5NAF outtake (ladycybercat)

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 21:55
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Always keepin' it classy

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 21:30
Categories: News

Chicken Little.

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 21:29

Watching Chicken Little after not seeing it in over a year. Forgot how furry it was. Foxy Loxy, Mr. Muttonsworth, the poodle cheerleaders, PORCUPINE. Oh my god. So many furries. And all the funny little things like Chicken Little and his father living in a coop, Doghouses, etc.

submitted by FreckledFur
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Categories: News

Who wants to be in a story?

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 21:04

So I am writing the first part of a series with anthropomorphic characters with a lot of fantasy mixed in. I need some other characters to include, and will probably end up with 3-4 people from here that want to be in the story. It is just purely fun, I am in no way a writer. Just wanted to write some stories in my non-existent free time. The story is about Rollo, and how he manages to save the world. (I know that it sounds cliché, but what good story doesn't save the world?) The characters are shape shifters, who can change between an animal, and human forms. As well as anthropomorphic hybrids. Energy exists that can be developed into elemental controls (commonly referred to as "bending" the elements), magic, and other powerful stuff.

A preview can be found here, and I need a few characters. You can post whatever artwork you want, but I will happily take a good description of you. I need what you look like in furry form, as well as a human. (You can embellish to make yourself look good)

So anyway, just something I am working on and need some help on. Also constructive criticism is welcome, since this is my first time doing something like this.


I have all the characters I need. I will post when it is done, and maybe a few times in between as I finish major parts of it. I will definitely message people that I used in the story when it is done.

submitted by RolloWolf
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Categories: News

My first animation! Yay police dogs!

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 19:01
Categories: News

Furry themed Steam skins?

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 17:59

Anyone know of any good furry themed skins for Steam?

submitted by ItsNotImportant4
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Categories: News

Xbox One furs

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 16:44

Hiyas, i recently got an xbox one and i dont have any furs on here yet, and im just looking for some awesome people to play with. the games i have so far are Titanfall and Battlefield 4, but if you just wana add me to chat then go for it, my gamertag is Reaverthehyena

submitted by ReavertheHyena
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Categories: News

Furfunding Week in Review: 8-31-14

FurStarter - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 15:39

This week’s illustration is from the animation project, Gym Rat Squad.

I have been up to my elbows in smutty projects lately. On and off I’ve been bookmarking and skimming adult projects on Kickstarter and Indiegogo, to see how those projects fly, and what the general range of acceptability is.

Weirdly, Indiegogo allows porn but not nudity–kind of–and Kickstarter allows nudity but not porn.

To clarify, Indiegogo will let you fund almost anything, as long as the content on their home page isn’t objectionable or illegal, but they want to keep their site family friendly. Outright pornography may actually be beyond the Indiegogo pale, I haven’t seen that tested yet (of course, that could be because the pages got pulled down, it’s hard to say.) At the end of the day, though, they don’t want nudity on their page, which seems to be their biggest sticking point.

Kickstarter has rules against pornography, even as a reward/project, so you can’t post a project with pornographic content and just not display imagery. However, they have no problem at all with artistic nudity, even on their project pages. I have seen evidence that male nudity is much less artistic than female nudity, but it’s not something I have the ability to prove.

Anyway, that’s where my head’s been. The world needs to know.

Reviews this week: Cartoon cuteness with Lizardbeth on Patreon, and wacky porn tabletop RPG adventures with FAPP.



For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page! New Projects ponybookmarsArt

Page Ponies (Ends: 9/25/2014)
Minimalist pony bookmarks

Laura Garabedian’s Art (Patreon ongoing funding)
Laura Garabedian‘s Patreon page, helping fund cards, graphic novels, and other non-commission projects.

Lizardbeth’s Art (Patreon ongoing funding)
LizardBeth‘s Patreon page, funding comics, lattes, and other art.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Mice and Man (Ends: 9/16/2014)
Sentient animals battle and scheme in a post-apocalyptic future

Mungo Moves In (Ends: 9/19/2014)
The definitive comic handbook for adopting or living with rescued cats. Featuring surly, surly Mungo.

Weaselmeizter’s Debute (Ends: 9/26/2014)
A bit TMNT, a bit Rocket Racoon–four weasel bounty hunters protecting the galaxy for criminals.

infernalpactThe Infernal Pact (Ends: 9/29/2014)
A “Grindhouse” style comic miniseries featuring werewolves, junkies, and a deal with the devil.

Tristan & the Cuddly Defenders (Ends: 10/3/2014)
Armed and angry stuffed animals defend cdreamtime from the Bogeyman. More on the Teddy Bear Tales website.


Gym Rat Squad (Ends: 10/29/2014)
Seven rats take on the basketball establishment.
No funding after a full day. This isn’t going to happen. Pity, nice character designs.


Odd Bird Badges (Ends: 10/1/2014)
Stylized fandom badges for Whovians and other fandoms


Deer Neil (Ends: 9/29/2014)
Webcomic, a geeky deer living his geeky life.
This looks cute, but I can’t get any idea of what the comic looks like beyond one image in the video. Creator’s website is kind of useless.


FAPP (Ends: 9/14/2014)
A furry erotic tabletop fantasy RPG. To the best of my knowledge, set in a dark high fantasy world where the gods have decreed that bloody combat and powerful magics shall be replaced by rampant buggery. Masterminded by Lemuel.
Yes, I’m buying a copy of this. No, I cannot explain my actions. Please don’t tell mom.

…Coming soon?

HC SVNT DRACONES (Not yet launched): A post-human future tabletop sci-fi RPG.
Dreamkeepers: Vol. 4 (Not yet launched): In a colorful world, our alter-egos protect our sleeping selves from nightmare. Vol. 4 coming soon to Kickstarter.

…Just For Fun

Holographic Brogues (Ends: 9/27/2014): Holographic dress shoes for the super-fancy techno full dress raves!
Gamer Logic Tees (Ends: 9/30/2014): “Find Leaf: Become Raccoon” and other tees based on 8-bit silliness from our cumulative childhoods.


Mulmino (Ends: 10/21/2014): Many of you may remember Mulmino. From your dreams. I’m excited to see the Mulmino return to Indiegogo for another round of inexplicable weirdness and strange reproductive practices. Go Mulmino!


Icon from picture, "Poetic Muse" by Luthien NightwolfWhat’s Corbeau Backing This Week?
I’ve talked about a few of the projects I’m backing this week, beginning with ongoing funding for Lizardbeth on Patreon, then FAPP, because it was too absurd not to back. So far as non-furry projects go I backed “Summoner’s Circle,” which is sort of like Chinese Checkers meets the Kabbalah meets 16th century demonology. I had no way to avoid backing this project.
Categories: News

a quick and slightly off-topic question...

Furry Reddit - Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 13:03

i know comparing furries to bronies is kind of frowned upon here, but bear with me for a hot second. there's a subreddit called /r/MLPdrawingschool, where people post sketches and attempts at drawing mlp-related things, and the community gives feedback on how they can improve. is there anything similar for furry art in general? i'm honestly not much of an artist myself, but i'd like to be able to pick up enough tips to be able to do some sketching when i want to.

submitted by vampyrita
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