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Furry Migration Video 4: The Arrival

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 21:07
Categories: News

What is the fandom to you?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 20:57

We know that for some, the fandom is a fun thing to do in free time. For others, it's a part of daily life. The question is: What is the fandom to you?

I just wanted to get some viewpoints from y'all.

submitted by Zapotec
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Categories: News

Handsome GSD/Malinois up for auction!

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 19:43
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 19:26
Categories: News

Hey guys. Finally getting back into writing. Brand new Fursona, OC, and FA. Also Opened Writing Commissions! :D

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 19:14

Hey guys! i've decided after a long hiatus from most furry things (school work, life, depression et. al) to get back into writing. I've got a brand new FA, fursona, and OC waiting to be used. With that being said, i'm having a little comeback party: Open Commissions. Yes i have commissions open on a blank FA, but i can previous works if requested.

Before i get started with this, if this not the proper place to post thins (idk maybe putting up commissions threads is not allowed here or whatever) i'll find the appropriate Sub-reddit to do so.

So Introductions~

I'm Adrian Xaleuthe, but you can Call me ax or Axiotter.

As the third name Suggests i'm an Otter. :D

Light Brown/Cream fur, darker brown paws, wears glasses, and usually has on a sweater vest and pants of some sort, but can also be seen in a bathing suit, of course

Now that we've got that out of the way, the Writing Commissions

In the end, i was never really popular on FA, didn't have too many followers, and kind of just lurked. I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues at the time and couldn't really do much, and i gave up on writing for a bit to get my life on track. But now, i finally feel ready to give it another try.

So, if you or someone you know wants something written (Stories, Comic Scripts, Erotica, et. al.) i'm the person to go to. most of the people i've shown my work to love my writing so i'm going to take their advice and see where it all goes from here.

So, for those interested, this is not really a commission persay, more of an art exchange, being where i'd like to get some of the following:

Useer Icons

Ref Sheets of my Fursona

General Arts with some of my mass collection of OC's

Some Poses with adult themes, but no yiff.

Now, if for whatever reason you can't do Art Stuff (like me who can't even draw a line), we can work something out.

Content wise, it can be with just about anyone doing just about anything (With some exceptions, which will be explained to those interested) There are 6 Slots Available, with 10 Backup Slots. First come First Serve. Stories will generally be One-shot, unless an agreement or other arrangement is made, and be 5-20 pages max.

As a Comeback Bonus, one of the first six commissions and one of the backups, if any that is, will get their story written free of charge! :D (To be determined at Random. You'll be contacted if your story wins.)

Anyways, if you're interested,send me a message on here, or at my FA: AdrianXaleuthe

or at the email listed on my FA.

All Commissioners will receive a pre-relase copy for quality control. if not satisfied a re-write can be made or it be scrapped entirely for something new. Commissions will be done in order unless specified. Please allow 7-14 days as i work and may not have as much time to write. Feel free to message me anytime, for a status but my FA will have the current statuses listed.

whew.... that's a lot of stuff. anyways, hopefully i get some of you guys interested. Can't wait to see where this goes. Thanks guys! :D

submitted by VylonSemaphore
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Categories: News

As furs what's your taste in music?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 15:35

Just curious as to what kind of music my fellow furs enjoy listening too. Im also curious to a theory I have that furs are predominantly electronically inclined when it comes too music.

I personally like to think I have taste all over the board.

I mostly listen to things in the metal and electronic genres. Things like Feed Her to the Sharks, Miss May I, Killswitch Engadge, Dash Berlin, Nero, and DJ Fresh.

But I also enjoy a bit of rap, ambient(i think?), and Classical...ish, and others I cant be bothered to list because this would become too long.

So tell us! What are you into and post some of your favorites! :D

submitted by falseaccount92
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Categories: News

Furfunding Week in Review 9-7-14

FurStarter - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 15:26

This week’s illustration is from the children’s book project, Animal Kingdom Construction Co. 

Wow! I have no idea what cosmic spigots got turned on, but this week was a flood of interesting projects, after a comparative dry spell. 15 fun projects! There was also a brief flash in the pan when a revival project of the Jazz Jackrabbit video game series got posted to Kickstarter. I was all set to write about it, too! But it was not to be, as the dark goddesses of “Copyright” and “Intellectual Property” whisked it away. Oh well!

Reviews this week: We seem to be having a “Latin” theme: JRPG dreamquest game Sanctum Polis and a long, long review of posthuman tabletop game, HC SVNT DRACONES. If you want me to double the wordcount on a blog entry, give me a really great project with a single mechanic I disagree with…



For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page! New Projects Art

Domino Ukae on Patreon (Patreon ongoing funding)
Art and manga by artist Domino Ukae.
Pretty raw illustration style…

Children’s Products

The Kegel Bear (Ends: 10/1/2014)
A fun read-aloud story about a bear who loves to hug, with built-in pelvic floor exercises for mom! Art by Bill Robinson.
Sometimes I think I’ve made something up and it turns out to be real. Or at least someone else made it up.

Animal Kingdom Construction Co Picture Book (Ends: 10/5/2014)
It’s like a furry “Where’s Waldo”–cartoon animals build a high-rise building!

lizardsThe Magnificent Race (Ends: 11/1/2014)
A children’s book about cute but somewhat bored-looking lizards on a cross-country hot air race. Go Gekkards!

Comics/Graphic Novels

Zombie Bears: Bearlands, Season 1 (Ends: 10/2/2014)
A post-apocalyse hero, the Bear-with-no-name, defends Bearertown from the hordes of cuddly undead…
I am so very done with the zombie meme, but this is pretty nicely done.

lionhearttalesLionheart Tales (Ends: 10/12/2014)
The continuing adventures of Lionheart, a feline investigative reporter from WAY back in the fandom, the Critters anthology in 1985!
Already past goal!


Claws for Paws (Ends: 10/9/2014)
Premade fursuit parts–claws and jaws and such
So a lot of this is cute, but there’s a really hidulous sculpt that the creator leads with, I personally would not have done that. Just saying.


Magic of Love (Ends: 10/29/2014)
A CGI animated love story: a dog, a fox, an illusionist, possibly a spider.
Eh. This doesn’t look *bad* per se but the business model is ‘$650K goal and Flexible Funding,’ which I reallly can’t encourage.


Big Bad Spirit Wolf Medallion (Ends: 10/2/2014)
A fierce silver medallion for werewolf fans. There is an AWFUL lot of text there for a sculpt of a snarly werewolf.

Tabletop Games

HC SVNT DRACONES (Ends: 10/3/2014)
Or, ‘here there be dragons.’ A posthuman, anthro sci-fi game.
I like this one a lot, and did a full review of it here. Not a lot of quality furry RPG products out these days.

faunawarsFauna Wars (Ends: 10/3/2014)
A pretty woodcut-style card game
Rant mode on: This is one of the worst kickstarter projects I’ve seen in a while. Nothing about the game, nothing about the content, and the business plan says $50K for ~88 cards. Wow. No wonder there isn’t a single dollar in it. But the art’s kind of pretty.


Button Fox Plushie (Ends: 10/5/2014)
A cute little bespoke plush fox with button eyes. The swag at the bottom of the page is supercute!

Video Games

Sanctum Polis (Ends: 10/19/2014)
A 32 bit JRPG style game with elements of investigation and horror: a young shiba Caxton investigates the murder of his dorm roommate in the real world and the world of dreams.
Part of the kickoff for this was a fan-art competition on FA, here’s some of the results.

…Just For Fun

Solvang Faeriefest 2014 (Ends: 9/25/2014): A colorful, free festival for fairies and the fey-at-heart in California.
Ducksutes Inc (Ends: 10/5/2014): I don’t know what Ducksutes Inc is hoping to accomplish, but sit sure does involve ducks wearing suits, and that’s cute.
Great Inspirational People (Ends: 10/5/2014): It’s not wonderful, but a cute collection of chibi historical figures, with an adorable Florence Nightingale and Pythagoras. Probably your only chance to see a chibi Frida Kahlo, too.
Retro Reload Gaming Museum (Ends: 11/2/2014): A fun walk-through of ideas for a video game themed-business. No donations thusfar and very little original content, but it’s got some fun 8bit imagery and snack food.

Categories: News

Help? I (non-furry) found a picture of my friend in a fursuit and now I have a bunch of questions about what to do and furry fandom in general.

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 14:06

TL;DR - Just discovered my friend with benefits is a furry and I think it's cute. Should I tell him I know? Do's/Don'ts for how to approach this? Anything I should know about the fandom? Thanks!

Background: I (23f) have been fwb (emphasis on friends) with this guy for about 6 months. We initially hit it off because he appreciated how open I was when talking about sexual things. About 3 weeks ago I came to the realization that I'm completely smitten with him.

Last night I googled his gamer name (don't judge me) and found pictures of him in a fursuit and his furaffinity profile, which also has his Facebook profile picture so I'm certain it's him. My initial reaction was surprise and feeling awkward because I have no real knowledge/experience with this interest. Now I mostly find him adorable for it.

He's a very private person and I'm an extremely open person so it's hard for me to judge what's ok to bring up.


1) If you were in his shoes and someone found out your secret, would you want to know? Or is it more of an "I'll open up when I'm ready" type thing?

1.5) If I bring it up, or if it ever comes up, can I ask to see his fursuit? Or is that private/personal? And would touching it generally be acceptable? I would ask first, of course.

2) Considering he owns a fursuit and has a furaffinity page, is it safe to assume he's a furry? Or are those common things for people with casual interest?

3) I've always been under the impression that there is a sexual aspect to this, is that usually the case? If so is there a way to hint at my comfort with this? (e.g. I think those fur tail plugs are awesome)

4) What's your view on furry/non-furry relationships? (Is there a different term than "non-furry" I should be using?) Can you be equally satisfied/happy/comfortable with someone who is curious/accepting but doesn't share your interest in this area?

5) Is this generally referred to as a hobby/lifestyle/something else? Is there a FAQ or info for noobs page somewhere?

6) Is there anything I didn't ask but you think I should know?

If anything in my post was offensive please forgive me, I'm so ignorant about this and just trying to understand and am assuming this is the best subreddit to ask.

Edit: Thanks to everyone who commented; I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with everything and have a lot to think about. You guys are great :)

submitted by FurryWB
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Categories: News

Here There Be Latinate Constructions: HC SVNT DRACONES

FurStarter - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 13:48

Tabletop RPG set in a posthuman future…


HC SVNT DRACONES: Post-Human Tabletop Roleplay

Kickstarter ending 10-3-14

draconis1The tabletop RPG industry has moved, so far as any real creativity and innovation goes, to Kickstarter. Is this a good thing?  Hard to say–given that the vast majority of indie RPGs aren’t going to outlive their first print run, this may simply be selling directly to fans and cutting the retail arm off the hobbistry. One of the downsides is that most new TPRGs have this low-fi, “made for print-on-demand” look to them that’s becoming a part of the new TRPG world.

Not so with HC SVNT DRACONES, which is an amazingly slick-looking product, particularly for what, I assume, is a first effort. All the pages and preview material I’ve seen is of a great-looking, ready for print tome, and I’m excited to see this much professionalism in an anthro RPG (a genre that’s been hurting for a long time for quality product).

draconis5HSD is a sci-fi/mystery game with some philosophy and horror woven into the binding. In the distant future of…somewhen…humanity has gone and blown itself up, leaving its legacy to its gengineered children, the Vectors. The technology Earth developed let them not only terraform planets, but manufacture cities and societies, too, and the Vectors–animal/human melds–carry on where humanity is too weak or privileged to settle.

When the bombs finally drop and the sun sets on Terra one last time, the relatively new culture of the Vectors, only some 50 years old, is set free, without a past and without history, to create themselves as they will–like the creator, Pierce Fraser, says, the gift of a blank slate is a terrible burden.

Much of this is explored in the sample chapter, which will give you a sense of the HSD universe’s history and its writing and design aesthetic. I admire the writers’ effort to include a logical reason for furries to exist in an RPG beyond “yes, there are anthro characters.” In sci-fi there’s always some reason, but this is a little richer than “…um…supersoldiers!” and provides a rationale for ‘taurs and non-anthros as well.  Overall there’s a bit of the “Race + Clan” approach to character creation, and it’s not a bad approach–family and species to get the broad outlines fleshed out, and a few genetic wildcards like “extra limbs” or “crazy color patterns” to add more definition and specialization. Here’s the racial profile page for cats and dogs, and since it has a shirtless wolf guy on it, I don’t see any pressing reason to go further.

draconis2Being a tabletop gaming nerd, i have a few things to say about the mechanics of the game, which are both innovative and oddly early 90s. In a period where indie games are trending rules-light, the character sheet for this one is busy, looking a bit like a cross between White Wolf and Hero. The good: HSD has an innovative approach to stats that adds a lot of nuance–instead of a character being just “strong” or “charismatic”, they have a general “Body” category of stats that can emphasize toughness, agility, strength, brute force intimidation…and the same range for mental, community, and economy. I’ve never seen those last two in a statblock (although “community” assumes a lot of the social skills, economy is new.)

So just looking at the Community stats, a character might be a charming socialite with a lot of shallow contacts, more adept at playing “social chameleon” than, say, running for office (high Community/Dexterity and Community/Acuity); a matron with a powerful web of contacts who’s unshakeable in her community (high Community/Strength and Resilience, low Dexterity); a mob boss with terrible clout and a lot of kneebreakers at his disposal (high Community Strength and Presence.)


draconis3After that, the system appears to be a “roll a number of dice based on the level of your sub-stat, and add your skill value to the roll.” Pretty simple and straightforward. It seems like it would be easy to min/max with this, but the design of the game is such that there’s usually multiple ways to reach a goal, some more effective perhaps, but still, options.

Where the game seems a little fuzzy and old-school is in the relationship between skills and stats–why is there a “coercion” skill and an “intimidate” skill, particularly when there’s a “force of presence” stat–or, technically, four of them? It seems a bit like having a “Perceptive” stat and then a “looking for something” skill. A touch redundant. The multiple dice sizes is right out of the 90s–not only can you have a range of stats from 0 to 5, but you can also roll on a d8, d10, or d12. I’m not sure this is really a meaningful thing to add, more a complication than anything else. That sort of weird mechanic is why the D20 revolution was such a big thing, and the legacy game systems have all evolved toward fewer dice and fewer variables that accomplish the same thing. Maybe this is unfair, since I’ve never played the system, but I’ve seen a lot of gaming history. There’s always a desire to make a dice mechanic that’s unique to your big new game, but I’m not sure this helps.

For deeper game wonkery you can check Youtube for the HSD combat mechanic videos #1 and #2, but for an allegedly short kickstarter review, to quote Mary Poppins, “‘That’s going a bit too far, don’t you think?’ ‘Indubitably.'”

draconis4What’s in the game’s future? Assuming it successfully launches, and it’s done fairly well week one, there’s at least 10 expansion books in HSD’s future, and a stretch goal for a web-based utility. There’s been some talk of a supplement for robots/constructed creatures, the “cogs”, over on Tumblr, there’s a lot more there to explore, and a few more sample pages on the creator’s FA account (but viewer discretion is advised there.)

To wrap up an increasingly long-winded review, I’ll just throw in and paraphrase some of Fraser’s own words about his universe: it may look like a game about animals and getting in touch with your beast side, but it’s not. HSD is a game about finding humanity, unalloyed by thousands of years of racism, sexism, sectarianism, and D&D edition wars. HSD’s big question is, “how do we define ourselves when we lose everything we were, and become only what we are?”

A good place to start building a universe.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Any other dinos in here?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 10:54

Well? n _ n; Triceratops here!

submitted by aile67
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Categories: News

So murr

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 10:52
Categories: News

Is any one in your family a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 10:41

My brother is in the fandom. He's a wolf, super original there. I actually always assumed this because he has always been obsessed with wolf things. He also has a few close online friends that live far away from him. The way I officially confirmed him being in the fandom is when he was at my house. He turned on his laptop from sleep mode aaaaand furry porn on FA. I was standing behind him not in his line of sight so I just kind of played it off as I wasn't looking and he had no idea. Years later he "confessed" that he was a furry after I had my skype quote to something like "currently at rainfurrest." As if I didn't already know and it wasn't obvious. I personally found it more amusing in his approach. The vibe he gave was like he was going to tell me something that was actually a problem. I've never quite understood why people view the fandom that way. It shouldn't matter to any one that you're a furry or not.

Any way, you have any one in your family that's in the fandom?

submitted by JarekBloodDragon
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Categories: News