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If your parents were furries, what would be their fursonas?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 10:04

Now I know how people perceive their parents might influence the outcome but what species and extra flair would your parents fursona have?

Like I think my mom would be a regular whitetail deer. Skittish, dainty, but cautious and worrisome over her kids.

My dad would be a great horned owl, since he's not of many words and stoic, and he wears huge glasses and his yawns sound like huge hoots.

TL; DR - is your mom a sparkledog.

submitted by killabydemand
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Categories: News

Todays Original life is ADORABLE!

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 09:56
Categories: News

Gnar, deadly kaiju!

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 04:57
Categories: News

Is there a need for an European "all things furry" webstore?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 04:17

I already sell electronics and inflatables on two different storefronts, have a small warehouse etc. It wouldn't be a big thing to add another storefront and add stuff in my inventory.

The thing I've been asked constantly is to start importing good quality fursuit materials to Finland - I have no idea what's the situation in the rest of Europe, honestly.

Also, plushies, kigus, all kinds of amazing fluffy stuff. What do you think?

submitted by liskoturri
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Categories: News

Hey guys just a heads up!

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 02:29

Just wanted to put it out there that I am Recca101! I had to delete my account due to some IRL issues but now I'm back under this account :)

So yeah if anyone is interested in art this account is where you can find me at as well as keishu13@fA and seafoamdoe@DA

submitted by doebutt
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Categories: News

Farmers vs. NASA

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 01:50

There is nothing resembling an easy way to describe God Hates Astronauts by Ryan Brown. But Image Comics gave it the old college try: “God Hates Astronauts follows the story of a group of incompetent, small-minded, super powered narcissists called ‘The Power Persons Five’ who are hired by NASA to stop all farmers from launching themselves into space in homemade rocket ships. Unfortunately for NASA, this goal is scarcely even addressed and the book focuses more on extramarital affairs, bank-robbing owls, big gross swollen heads, ghost cow heads, olde tyme boxers, tigers eating cheeseburgers in the Crab Nebula, buffalo judges, and tons of aggressive swearing. Not so much a superhero book as it is a parody of basically everything and a celebration of weird that is jam-packed with references to RoboCop and Die Hard.” Got all that? Oh they neglected to mention the army of magic bears, too. Image released the first God Hates Astronauts full-color trade paperback last year, and now they have a brand-new G.H.A. comic book series starting up this month.

image c. 2014 Image Comics

image c. 2014 Image Comics

Categories: News

Support for Otherkin!

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 01:10

Dear Otherkin,

I read a post and some replies that did not show support for you.

Therefore, I am showing my support for you.

People become what they do. Compassion is a practice - something to do, from something that you believe. Your beliefs are your ideals. What you practice can bring clarity and focus to your ideals. So, compassion in practice can help clear the mind and bring focus to daily living. What we do for others has karmic repercussions.

I can have a difference of opinion about others and their beliefs without forcing them to agree. Mockery can be a form of social coercion, and I do not like it for that purpose. My ability to form rational decisions is not threatened by weird people. I am one of the weird people. "Normal" is what I fake to earn a living, not how I define myself.

In short, I am content that you be you - as crazy a you as you can be. Shine on you crazy star, shine on.

And goodnight, everyone.

submitted by Relictorum
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Categories: News

Am I the only one in this fandom who avoids yiff like the plague?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 00:43

I've only been aware of the furry fandom for about a month and a half. In that time, I've not spoken to a single furry who isn't into furry porn. If someone had told me this was just a massive publicized fetish I would have stayed away. I'm now wondering if that would actually be a fair description.

It seems literally everything in furry is sexualized somehow, and not by just a small number of people either. The most popular FA artists are almost all porn artists, /r/yiff has more subscribers than this sub despite being around for less time, and if you go into any thread here asking how people found the fandom, most people will say porn.

I found this fandom because I thought anthro characters were cute, and I thought I'd find people who thought similarly. And on the surface, that's what it appears to be. But if you look any deeper than that thin veneer, then it's a different story.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

submitted by Frogging101
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Categories: News

What Dreams May Come: Sanctum Polis

FurStarter - Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 23:55

Mystery and magic in a world of dreams, and murder in the world of flesh…

SancumpolislogoSanctum Polis: Rest Eternal Memory

Kickstarter ending October 19

NOTE: More than usual, the graphics in this project may change as the project migrates from RPGMaker to Unity. So think of the graphics here as building a sense of the world, rather than truly representing the final product!

mP0skjpNOTE II: If you like this project but don’t have any real $$ to throw at it–or just if you like the project–it’s currently accumulating votes on Steam Greenlight. So go lend them a hand and a vote if you want to see Sanctum Polis on Steam.

sanctompolispic3This…this hasn’t been a good year for Caxton, a mild-mannered young Shiba Inu. Of recent, he’s been thrown against his will into a tightly-guarded religious reform school, and you can’t get a degree in Computer Science or Radio-Television-Film at Solaris Notre University–no, it’s the priesthood. And there’s a creepy order of robed monk-things that keep you confined to the castle at night. Bummer.

To make matters worse, Caxton finds the body of his roommate, Soul, in the woods, and the aptly-named fennec’s spirit is beseeching poor Caxton to solve the mystery of his murder.

No, it’s not a good year at all.

sanctumpicture4Sanctum Polis: Rest Eternal Memory is a JRPG-style video game now funding on Kickstarter. It draws inspiration from the Persona series, Suikoden, Final Fantasy VI,  and some of the psychological horror of Silent Hill–I feel that most keenly in the game’s weird “cut off from the world” setting.

During the day, Caxton’s world is a reasonable facsimile of normal–he attends a college of a sort, makes friends and alliances, builds rivalries, attends (or skips) class, sometimes goes to detention. Much of the game’s branching plot spins out from these daytime interactions.

At night, it gets a bit weirder.

Fundamentally, Caxton lives in the real world. Sure, 99.9% of the people he meets are anthropomorphic animals, and the occasional human is a reject from the other side of the world, where humans were banished for being terrible dicks (it’s in the minicomic). But it’s fundamentally a non-magical setting–except for Caxton’s ability to explore other people’s minds as they dream.

sanctompolispic1yIn that dream world–well, those several dream worlds, there’s currently 10 of them in the works, depending on whose mind Caxton wanders through–SP opens into a fantasy world of magic, exploration, and more than a bit of violence. Here the game turns from a real-life mystery to a more fantasy RPG world, with dungeons to explore and enemies to defeat in a turn-based sort of way. The worlds influence each other–Caxton’s grades and world-happiness give him buffs and weaknesses in his night-time dream adventures.

Overall, while it’s hard to get a sense for exactly what the game will look like–one of the expenses the Kickstarter campaign raises funds for is to move the game from RPGMaker to Unity, which will significantly affect the game’s graphic quality–it looks like a nicely realized world. There’s a host of characters to interact with; at least 10 dreamworlds lurking in the minds of the school’s bishops, each with their own interesting look and feel and secrets and psychoses; and an interesting world that’s a little bit fantasy, a little bit sci-fi. Again, that prequel comic gives a few details on the setting, it’s on the SP FurAffinity page.

sanctompolispic2Looking at the Kickstarter campaign, the Sanctum Polis team–I want to call them the Sanctum Police–started off with a fan art contest,with some nice results in their gallery–great way to build some initial interest!

The kickstarter–well, it’s a bit complex, but that seems to be the nature of video game project pages–lots of different reward tiers, review videos, and such. Many of the rewards involve a “your character here” as an NPC, and those tend to have strong guidelines on the character (backers at the $2,000, for in instance, are advised to be pigs. Boars rather.) I’m finding myself a bit lost in the rewards, but there’s some clarifying text in the body that helps. (It’s generally useful to keep the backer reward bar as short and sweet as possible, avoid repetition, and carry the bulk of the description in the main body of the project page–but there’s a bit of a wall of text going on in the main body. It’s not overwhelming, but there’s a lot to sift through to find your perfect pledge point.)

sanctumephaiasThere’s several ways for the community to get involved as well–three characters have already been introduced from the fans, like the incredibly cute ram-raccoon (ramcoon? Great horned red panda?) Ephias Belvidea. Backers can also write in-game notes to Caxton, become walk-on characters in the dreamworld or wandering sprites in the University halls–or even, and this is unusual, become villains–monsters, minibosses, even a major bad guy.

Overall, this project is visually appealing, with some loving anthro art and strong, mature story–although it’s hard to know where the look and feel might evolve as they switch design platforms. The creators’ intention was to create something with some of the great elements of their Crono Trigger-loving childhood, but updated for modern gamers. It seems like that’s an achievable goal.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.


Categories: News

Any fursuit groups been banned from cities?

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 23:39

Our group here has been fursuiting in downtown for years without a problem, but today, one person went suiting (with a handler) and was stopped by police. Apparently there's been a law here since 1964 forbidding masks in the city. I expect many other cities might have the same law, but it's not enforced (like it hasn't been for us).

I'm suspecting because it was just one person, it was more "suspicious" (as far as a giant anthro animal costume can be, anyway). We've been suiting here for years without a problem, but now people don't want to risk it for fear of a possible rather large fine.

Do any other cities have problems with suiting in public? We have a Pride parade next weekend and there will be tons of masks, as well as Mardi Gras and Halloween. I'm thinking this is just a fluke, but now everyone here is wary of suiting.

submitted by jktstance
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Categories: News

Need help finding a nice ref pic

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 23:25

Being new to the fandom, I naturally had to find a nice picture for my fursona. My fursona is your general red fox, no special hair or markings. (Unique snowflake, i know) I've looked for the past 2 days now, and I've not found anything (except porn) . I'm looking for a SFW headshot for skype for skype and/or forums. If anybody could help me with this, I will be very grateful!

submitted by Christian_The_Newfag
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Categories: News

Would Like to Learn More About This Fandom from Real Furries. Serious Answers Only Please.

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 20:58

I found out about this fandom two days ago as I was browsing collective on iFunny. I immediately fell in love with the art and went and explored some other info on the furry fandom and had mixed results. Some said that they were completely obsessed with 'yiff' as it is called. I would like to get some reliable info from some people inside the fandom itself before I decide if I want to really join the fandom. Please no spamming that I should join just 'cause, I want some real, reliable info please.

Edit: I would also like to open this up as a conversation on the true nature of furries so we can show the world who we really are.

Edit 2: Just to be clear I am not dissing anyone who likes or is into the porn. I just didn't want to be a part of a community completely obsessed with only the yiff and nothing else, which seems to be the general public perception. I see that this is not the case. So go have fun wanking to it, maybe I'll join you at some point.

submitted by TheJMaster11111
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Categories: News

Badge I made for SLCC

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 20:45
Categories: News

What are you looking at? KEEP MOVING!

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Sep 2014 - 20:32
Categories: News