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Looking for an artist

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 23:17

Hello fur community, as by the title I am looking for an artist to commision with. I'm just going to be straight forward, I don't have a reference page and I am pretty sure I know what I want my fursona to be. If interest PM me please, thank you in advance :)

submitted by Neraus
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Categories: News

A chibi of one of my furry characters

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 22:27
Categories: News

A Furry coincidence?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 22:05
Categories: News

Anime Rocket

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 21:17
Categories: News

I love you Mao Mao

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 18:48
Categories: News

I've just set free my Halloween album 'The Tale of Endervale Cemetery.' Here's some links to listen and download

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 18:39

The Tale of The Endervale Cemetery


The Tale tells the story of our listeners happening a bunch of unfortunate events. From your accident to getting lost in the woods to getting maimed in the cemetery.

Endervale Cemetery is a halloween influenced album with a focus on the trap beat genre.

I'm finally able to release my second Halloween beat album. It's been a long wait since my last one but I'm proud to be able to get one out this year. I hope people enjoy and bump this at every halloween corner possible.

Again, Art done by the hella talented Scappo.


submitted by FireFoxMcCloud
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Categories: News

A Moment of Clarity

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 18:29
Categories: News

Hipster Rats

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 18:08
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 17:22
Categories: News

Throwback Thursday

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 16:51

Okay y'all, so I had an idea. This "Throwback Thursday" thing has been popular for a while now and I thought it might be fun to try here as well.

The idea is simple: post an older picture of a character of yours as well as a current one so that we can see how they've changed. These changes could reflect your evolution as an artist (if you draw your own characters) or design changes you've made over time.

I'll start.

Kami's first picture:

Kami's current ref:

submitted by Kamiyama91
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Categories: News

Thank you to all who donated to help my cat. She is gone now.

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 16:45

Update from this post about emergency commissions to take Marjory to the vet

Thank you very very much to everyone who donated, or sent happy thoughts and prayers my way..

The lumps she had on her tummy turned out to be breast cancer, and was completely untreatable.

She was put to sleep today, wrapped up in my arms.

I had half an hour to spend with her, to feel her purr and bump me with her forehead, despite being sedated.

She was one of the lights in my life. She is no longer in pain, her last moments were full of love and peace.

Thank you all again for the kind words.

submitted by AdmiralCheesecake
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Categories: News


Furry.Today - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 10:30

♬ Say love! Say Love!  ♬


Categories: Videos

This question lingers in the back of my mind

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Oct 2014 - 09:09

I know there is a little furry in me but I don't know where I fit into this community because its so small.

I've been doing small dog like reactions most my life. The biggest one I've noticed is when my wife or past girlfriends scratch my head (especially around the ears) I become pacified with joy and sometimes will kick one leg rapidly.

I also find the idea of my wife wearing wolf ears and a tail very attractive. This being said I have no desire whatsoever to wear these items myself. Those are also the only dress up items I find enticing. Sorry I don't mean to sound mean or offend anyone here but full costume mascot furry suits weird me out. I've got no problem with people who like them, but thats not my cup of tea. Which is probably why I never feel the urge to attend furry conventions, its just too much furry for me.

All this being said I know there is a part of this community I belong to I just dont know where. Is there anyone who can help me figure this out or maybe in the same boat as me.

Once again this post was not intended to insult anyone, just put out in the open where I stand so others can help me find the right crowd to roll with and possibly allow the little furry inside me to open up to the point I'm not scared to go to conventions and group gatherings. Thanks

submitted by militarymoose
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Categories: News