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Guest post: “Common Mistakes Among Writers” by Sarina Dorie
by Sarina Dorie
When we go to a job interview, we wear our best suit, come with a list of references, and might even remember to put on deodorant. At least, we do if we want the job. When we format a manuscript, self-edit a novel, or polish a book before sending it off to an agent or editor, we strive to present it as though we are professional writers who know what we are doing. At least, we do if we want to be published. Whether a seasoned writer, or someone just starting out in the writing process, there are weaknesses we don’t always recognize in our skills. We get into ruts with grammar, formatting or stylistic “rules” we learned early on in high school writing classes that are bad practices in professional writing. Learn the common mistakes so you can recognize when you make these in your writing so you can avoid them.
Five Common Mistakes
- The manuscript isn’t in manuscript format
Short stories have a particular format and novels have different requirements. Additionally, some publishers have very specific variations from the standards that a submitter must be aware of. The number one cause listed on editor, agent and magazine websites for writing to be rejected is not reading the guidelines.
2. Grammar errors and inconsistencies
Sometimes a simple spell check will suffice. Other times, one needs to look up rules that are unfamiliar. Some rules of grammar are meant to be broken, but it is important to start with foundational knowledge and break a rule consistently if one chooses to do so. Classes, critique groups, peers and beta readers can help.
3. The mechanics of the story are broken
Sentence structure is unvaried, past and present tense rules are not consistently followed, or there are various typos not covered under grammatical errors that make the manuscript a chore to read. It is common to find long sections of dialogue without dialogue tags, setting information lumped together, chunks of unbroken interior monologue or sensory information in one section, and long expanses of exposition in others. The story might be all, or large sections of, telling.
4. The story itself is broken
The premise is unbelievable, the idea is trite or overdone, or the plot has no story arc. Maybe the characters are so unsympathetic the reader can’t get into the story or the writer has gotten a vital piece of information wrong that affects the story. This can be pretty important if an author is writing a paranormal romance with werewolves and the characters and plot don’t reflect accurate, wolf-like traits.
5. The story is boring
This usually means it lacks conflict. It might also be because there is no hook in the beginning, or it could be because the reader doesn’t understand or care about the characters’ motivations, feelings or situation. The reader needs to be emotionally invested. Sure, it might just be because the reader isn’t the author’s target market, but even romance readers can be persuaded to read a mystery if they care about the characters or a mystery reader can read a romance if they are invested in the plot.
Sarina Dorie brings to her writing background experience working as an English teacher in South Korea and Japan, working as a copyeditor and copywriter, and reading countless badly written stories. Sarina’s published novel, Silent Moon, won second place in the Duel on the Delta Contest, second place in the Golden Rose, third place in the Winter Rose Contest and third in the Ignite the Flame Contest. Her unpublished novel Wrath of the Tooth Fairy won first place in the Golden Claddagh and in the Golden Rose contests. She has sold short stories to over thirty magazines and anthologies including Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, Cosmos, Penumbra, Sword and Laser, Perihelion, Bards and Sages, Neo-Opsis, Flagship, Allasso, New Myths, Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, and Crossed Genres, to name a few.
Silent Moon is currently available as an ebook through Amazon and will be released in print next month.
For more story problems remedies, editing tips and short story writing advice, go to Sarina Dorie’s website at: www.sarinadorie.com/writing
He Needs to Fill a “Hollow” Feeling inside Him
I just wanted to share the first ever commissions done of my fursona of my three years in the furry fandom!
$10 quick commissions that are really awesome.
You guys are fantastic
Hey everyone :)
I may just be a lurker (trying to change that and start commenting more) but I think you guys are awesome.
I don't think I've come across any toxicity or raging on r/furry yet. You all are so welcoming and friendly and supportive. I've never seen a subreddit that is so friendly towards each other and newcomers.
So, I guess give yourselves a pat on the back and a scratch behind the ears (if applicable) because you all are just fantastic <3
I hope to continue to see great things come from this subreddit :)
submitted by Quiet_talk[link] [23 comments]
Anyone have scans of Zoophobia.
webcomic been down to long and i know its unethical to steal the artiest work but have a friend who been looking forward to reading it just to have it disappear.
submitted by anime_nut[link] [comment]
FC-180 4K Bulge
Philly’s “Unleashed” joins a New Thing of independent Furry dance parties. Call it- “Furclubbing?”
Looking for an artist
Hello fur community, as by the title I am looking for an artist to commision with. I'm just going to be straight forward, I don't have a reference page and I am pretty sure I know what I want my fursona to be. If interest PM me please, thank you in advance :)
submitted by Neraus[link] [2 comments]
I found this rather interesting submission on the tf2 workshop, you guys might want to check it out
Cat ear headphones with speakers in the ear :O Seems they just launched an indiegogo today.
I've just set free my Halloween album 'The Tale of Endervale Cemetery.' Here's some links to listen and download
The Tale of The Endervale Cemetery
The Tale tells the story of our listeners happening a bunch of unfortunate events. From your accident to getting lost in the woods to getting maimed in the cemetery.
Endervale Cemetery is a halloween influenced album with a focus on the trap beat genre.
I'm finally able to release my second Halloween beat album. It's been a long wait since my last one but I'm proud to be able to get one out this year. I hope people enjoy and bump this at every halloween corner possible.
Again, Art done by the hella talented Scappo.
submitted by FireFoxMcCloud[link] [3 comments]