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Christmas 'I want a PM greeting' thread.

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 16:19

Edit: Heh, My first sticky post. Thanks! Send those greetings before christmas. Don't be a grinch.

Some of us received PM christmas greetings. Let's get more people on the train. Terms of use below:

  • By posting on this thread you agree to receive warm and fuzzy christmas greetings on your inbox by any reddit fur.
  • Side effects may include squeeing, feeling comfy and general faith in humanity
  • You commit to greet at least another fur
  • Remember, happines is the reason for the season. Try not to be an ass

Have fun!

There will be a best of thread in a couple of days, be original.

(I just had a sugar overdose writing this ;)

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

The Wild's (clean) (by Ero-Kimi)

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 15:18
Categories: News

Curious-How Does Furry In General Feel About Babyfurs?

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 14:59

I'd just like to hear some opinions. I realize there is sort of a divid, between people who despise it and want to be as far away from it as possible, and people who're totally okay with it, and I'd like to hear some personal opinions to become a bit more informed. Just for clarification, by "babyfur" I mean totally non-sexual depictions of cubs, ABSOLUTELY NOT 'cub' pornography.

submitted by FAUXHAMMER117
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Categories: News

New here, help finding my fursona?

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 14:59

Hello there! I'm really new to this sub (and I'm posting from mobile so please excuse any errors in this post). My friend (a northern goshawk who thinks he's a dragon) wants me to check this place out and find what my fursona is (is this like an OC? Idk I'm so confused).

So um....could you guys please help? I'd love to meet new faces :3

submitted by besoden
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Categories: News

Furries - do you like animals?

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 14:04

Just an interesting question pertaining to fantasy v.s. reality. Obviously everyone here enjoys artwork resembling one or more species of animal. I'm interested to know how many furries keep pets, work with or for animals and the natural world, etc, and how many are precluded from enjoying the company of real animals due to allergies or sensory discomfort, or straight-up don't care for them. Also your favourite species of real animal v.s. favourite anthros.

submitted by crash_randycoot
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Categories: News

Paul Lasaine shows how you can paint fur texture

Fursday - Watch List - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 13:34

A sign of an excellent tutorial is making something impressive through simple instructions. Thanks to some very powerful brush settings in Photoshop though, fur has never been easier to paint in a few brush strokes.

Warner Bros. Production Designer Paul Lasaine has spent a career transforming live action and animated films into works of art, using traditional and digital tools to make everything from Dick Tracy to Lord of the Rings to The Boxtrolls sing. Each film presents unique design challenges.

Each film presents unique design challenges. As a Visual Development Artist on the Shrek spinoff Puss in Boots, Lasaine had to consider how actual cat fur worked in order to make Kitty Softpaws' onscreen actions as convincing as possible.

Here, Lasaine passes on his digital painting technique in Photoshop on his Cintiq, showing you how to:
- Think about strokes
- Consider lighting
- Customize a Photoshop brush
- Lock transparent pixels
- Paint using layers


Categories: News

Midwest FurFest chlorine attack summarised on Storified

Fursday - Reading List - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 12:40

An experiment I’m doing using Storified to curated how the news broke out.


Categories: News


Furry.Today - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 10:30

Here we have an interview the the Tooth Fairy himself…. Jack Mouse.

Categories: Videos

Kinda new furry, wanted to introduce myself!

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 10:10

Hello there /r/furry! Not exactly new, I've been around for 3 weeks or so. I'm a Wolf, with a goldfish memory (I tend to forget things really quickly). 17 years old, found out about furries 2 years ago, and thought: "Heck, this is exactly what I like!" Also, I'm a music addict, I like anime (currently watching Log Horizon) and I keep a notebook with quotes and song lyrics that I like and make my day better. You can always ask me for a quote or a phrase to make you feel better! Pleased to meet you guys, looking to make friends, and having good discussions. You people are AWESOME! I'm always open to questions and opinions, ask away!

P.S.: I apologize for any mistakes I make, English is not my first language :)

submitted by StormtheWolf
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Categories: News

Everyone knows the FurFest chlorine story – but did you see Tommy Bruce’s documentary blog?

Dogpatch Press - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 10:00
Midwest FurFest was hit by poisonous gas. I rushed out a short notice, and had tips sent in by friends like Mordi. Soon, the news was everywhere. I felt like the topic was exhaustively covered. I couldn’t add a lot that wasn’t said, but for fan perspective, try Flayrah: Midwest FurFest hotel evacuated after ‘intentional’ chlorine release; 19 hospitalized. The event […]
Categories: News

Member Spotlight: B. A. Maddux

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 09:16
1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

On the top of my list currently is a novel-length collaboration with a good friend. The working title is Forging Rust. Chapters are being posted on several sites as I get them done. After everything is completed, the novel plus some bonus material might look for a publisher, but I need to get it finished first. This work is actually a roleplaying series my friend and I started as a change of pace from the normal setting we had been using. After it went on for a while, it became apparent that we were building a larger plot line and the friend made a comment on how it might be fun to novelize the story. Reworking the sessions from chat into prose and filling in gaps has been taking me more time than I had originally suspected, but it’s also been satisfying.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

Lab Rat coverI usually start out being some level of an outliner with a work. Even with short stories, I like to have an idea of where I’m going. Sometimes it is just a concept of characters, how things look at the start and where the ending needs to be. Sometimes it is a closer to a detailed outline. But I have something in mind that’s at least an image of a rough outline.

That said, while writing, I’ve had things change from the original plan completely. I may come up with something new to add or just feel that something works better a different way. Sometimes a character will just write itself, it seems. I usually let these adjustments happen, even if it means having to make big changes to the earlier parts, which – for some stories – tips me further towards a “pantser” while writing it than an outliner.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

Adventure. I enjoy the concept of exploring new things and overcoming obstacles (you’ve always got to have problems to face and find solutions for.)

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why? I think I’ll have to go with Randy, the character narrating the series For Every Door that Closes. To be fair, that’s kind of an easy answer, though, as the concept required me to put a lot of myself into the character. To some extent, the author is in most of their characters, but Randy was based a lot more off of me than most. 5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

I have read enough different authors that I know I will miss some, if for no other reason than because it’s hard sometimes to see what all is influencing yourself.

Let’s start with the author that got me into reading adult-level books seriously. When I was young, the family traveled many weekends, and I had taken up grabbing whatever romance the parents had along just to help burn time sitting in the vehicle. I never really got into those. They were above my level and other than expanding my vocabulary through learning words in context, I don’t think I got much from doing that. Seeing me read the larger books, however, did make my parents get me a gift box of the first three Xanth novels by Piers Anthony. This got me hooked on science fiction and fantasy as I got newer books of this prolific author and also looked for older ones.

I’m going to include Chris Claremont in my list because a lot of his comics (Uncanny X-Men and The New Mutants in particular for me) showed how side characters were characters too, as well as how many plots and sub plots it was safe (and unsafe) to juggle. While prose is different than comics, there’s plenty of aspects that carry over between them about good writing.

The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan and Wizard’s First Rule by Terry Goodkind both refreshed my love for epic fantasy, as well as made me recognize the different forms that fantasy tropes could take. In this way they both recharged my desire to write, even if I eventually got frustrated with the series that followed them.

Laurell K Hamilton has shown me how both romance and eroticism can work and be a part of more serious plots and characters. When she does the mix right, it’s a great novel. She’s also shown me how too much of those good things can overpower a novel so that the reader is left wishing something other than sex and relationship drama happened. Certainly there’s a balance that works, but doesn’t always get hit.

Within the fandom, Phil Geusz gives great advice at con panels as well as writing a good story. He gave me a small confidence boost about approaching publishers when I was hoping to start that process.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved? “Really loved” is hard for me. I tear through lots of books. While I have ones that I occasionally find and don’t enjoy, I rarely have one that wows me greatly. While I know I occasionally have a book that I can’t put down, I can’t remember which title I did that with last. I just got through with The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison, which I greatly enjoyed. The series has had ups and downs, but this one was well done. 7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?

I read a lot. I play games either on PC or console from time to time – though I don’t always play them well as I’m usually more interested in the story aspect of them than developing killer skills. I enjoy the occasional walk, especially if I can drag a friend along. Roleplaying – either table-top or online through one or another messaging service – is a favorite pastime, though technically there’s writing in the chats.

8. Advice for other writers?

I’m not going to just go with the “always be writing” advice, not because it isn’t the most important thing, but because it is something most writers should hear and remember all the time already. That is certainly good advice, and the first step is always getting something written.

I would also say that while having an end goal of getting published can be great, don’t forget to have closer goals as well. There’s a lot of steps between first word and getting published, and a lot of folks get discouraged about the end goal long before they reach it. So always have a closer goal that is a step on the way.

For me the NaNoWriMo taught me a lot of tips for getting a word count out and done. The writing is rough, but it gets done. No matter what size I’m writing, I find it is important to focus on the writing and worry about editing after it is all done. Editing while writing distracts and can make you re-write the first part twenty times. Even if I KNOW I have to make changes to something I already write, I find it more constructive to jot a note down to do it later and keep on with the first draft.

Once a writer has a first draft of any size, it’s time to edit it, which can be a drag. But you’ve written it all already, so doesn’t it deserve to be polished? Once you’ve polished it, if you have folks you trust to do a read over to look for what you’ve missed (because you almost certainly have missed things), isn’t it worth having other eyes look over it to make sure all the rough edges are smoothed out? Then you have to share it with a larger audience – either posting or publishing. And after you have put a lot of work into this by this point, so there’s no reason to be shy.

My final advice is to listen to criticism, but don’t consider all criticism gospel. No one can please everyone all the time, and trying to do so will only lose your own unique voice. There will be things you can take and use constructively, which will be good. There’s things that won’t be designed to help, and it’s okay for that person to not have found your work to their liking, so don’t take it personally.

9. Where can readers find your work?

Links to where to find my published work are gathered at (I really need to start updating it again.)

As Reserved Rodent, you can find my work at the following sites. I’ve been with SoFurry longest, so it has my complete short story listings. There’s formatting I have to do to get my stories to look like I want them to on FurAffinity, so not all of my older stuff has made it here. I do my best to get the formatting done for this site as I post new stuff to others, so it’s not falling behind. This is also the site where I could follow the Acceptable Upload Policy and post all of the comic book issue I did long ago when I uncovered it recently. It’s not exactly furry, but still was able to slip in. I’ve only recently started posting on this site. It has chapters from my current project, Forging Rust, but other than getting all of those added, I’ve not gone further back. It will continue to get updates of new chapters and stories the other two sites get, so long as they fall under the Acceptable Content Policy.

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

I love how wide a range the fandom has. It’s full of many different creative people who like the concept of furry and bring it to life and into others’ lives in so many varied ways. You don’t have to like everything about the fandom, but you absolutely can find many things that you do appreciate, and likely find new friends with similar interests along the way.


Check out B. A. Maddux’s member bio here!

Categories: News

Both FA and Weasyl are currently down

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 09:15

Is this related?

Are we suffering from another DDoS?

Anyone have any official word?

submitted by Froglok
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Categories: News

Y'all are great

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 07:59

Seriously, I haven't been here long, maybe a month, and that month I've just lurked around looking and I've seen just so much kindness. It's great. Happy holidays to all you guy and gals out there!

submitted by Sunbeamed
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Categories: News

What Can You Do When a Fursuit Maker Doesn’t Deliver Your Commission?

Furry News Network - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, First I ask that this not be published. Anyway, I’m in a situation that both bothers me and causes me to start to lose some confidence in the fandom. I will try to provide as much information as I can, so here it goes. In July I attended my first ever convention: […]
Categories: News