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Odd question.

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 19:46

My question-in the gist, is this;

Was anyone else dangerously close to being a anti-fur before being in this fandom? I wuz :/


I had the typical outsiders view, until I saw a local news program criticise furries. Quick fact about me: whenever I see something on the media, I immediately disagree with the obvious biass they are trying to push (most commonly violence irl in the relation to video game violence). The opinion I had of Furries was pretty much based on what a couple of my mates thought, and YouTube comments (yeah me, good sources :s) and I was pretty anti the whole thing.

However, getting back to the news report, I decided to do some digging, and at first, my opinion seemed valid. Then I dug deeper, happened to get into a chat with another mate who was a Furry, which led me here a while ago. And it really only took a few minutes to realise that I was the asshole, not this group. Eventually, I sorta gave in to the fact that I love this fandom, and here I am now, a while ahead.

So, I was wondering, as I said, has anyone else had a similar experience? If so what was it?

Thanks, luv ya all <3

submitted by TehWhitehart
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Categories: News

A Very Fuzzy Christmas Party ~ December 20th in Wood River, IL

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 18:54

What: Join us for a Christmas party this Saturday featuring movies, Secret Santa, mystery gifts, games, etc.

When: Saturday, December 20th from 6pm to Midnight

Where: 638 Grove Avenue Wood River, IL 62095

The current plan is to start off next Saturday evening with A Christmas Story on Netflix (if it is on Netflix, that is) with Chinese dinner to follow the movie.

People are welcome to contribute money towards the dinner if they wish, and it would certainly be appreciated, but it is not required. Movies will be decided by group vote the rest of the night.

After dinner, we will be opening Secret Santa gifts and mystery gifts. To be eligible for a mystery gift, you must be one of the first ten people to arrive regardless of whether or not you participated in Secret Santa. The gifts will be given out with a random drawing.

As for drinks and snacks, some will be provided but for the most part it will be bring your own.

This is going to be a lot of fun! I look forward to seeing you all!

submitted by PedigreeTheHusky
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Categories: News

Coffee! By Tanks

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 18:50
Categories: News

A Genuine Misunderstanding

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 18:04
Categories: News

/r/Furry Weekly Social Thread #2!

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 17:38

Hello everyone, welcome back to the weekly furry social thread! Sorry this was a little late, I'm all out of sorts because of finals coming up next week, but we're back and better than ever. Introduce yourself to people, make some friends, and have fun with it :3

submitted by ObsoletePixel
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Categories: News

Help/advice for a furry writer?

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 16:37

I guess this could apply to just writing in general, but I figured I may as well ask here. I'm writing a furry story (Don't ask what it's about. Or just PM if you really want to know), and it's killing me right now. When I try to write, I just get paranoid like "How can I put more detail? How can I make this sentence structure more varied? How can I make my writing sound more like this other story I read?" and I just kind of end up freezing and not writing much at all.

submitted by Harpuia17
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Categories: News

Two types of people

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 16:24
Categories: News

what does your furry eat?

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 16:21

be specific please!

submitted by thelongestusernameee
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Categories: News

Phazey All The Way Fursuit Dance video

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 16:09
Categories: News

What Can You Do When a Fursuit Maker Doesn't Deliver Your Commission?

Ask Papabear - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 15:40
Dear Papabear,

First I ask that this not be published. Anyway, I'm in a situation that both bothers me and causes me to start to lose some confidence in the fandom. I will try to provide as much information as I can, so here it goes.

In July I attended my first ever convention: Anthrocon 2014. With me was, at the time, my non-furry friend, who has, since attending AC, joined the fandom. While there we talked about getting fursuits together and attending Anthrocon every year that we can, which excited me greatly. I have always wanted a fursuit. Just the idea of bringing my fursona to life and making people smile as him makes me happy. So upon returning home I started my search for a fursuit maker. I researched, I priced, I was careful. I found a maker on Furaffinity; I researched her, found no bad comments about her, saw a couple suits she made, and so I proceeded to contact her and commissioned her to build me a partial,

She charged me $600, which I paid in full upon her request for me to do so. She gave me the completion date of September. I tried to keep in contact with her, which proved difficult every time. And when I did finally did get in contact with her I got an excuse why she wasn't providing pictures of the progress and was told that the completion changed to October.

I figured, okay, things happen, it's life. Then again, hard to get a hold of her, and again every time I did, excuses why I wasn't receiving photos of the progress, and again time change to November, and, yes, same thing again.

Now it's December and I have tried to be in contact with her and have not heard from her in over a month. I'm not sure how I should proceed as, honestly, this was my first-ever commission. I've never even commissioned art, and I am afraid if what has happened has truly happened I may never trust to commission again. So my question on this: am I wrong in thinking that I have been scammed? Should I cut my losses? And is there anything I should be doing that I'm not? 

Thank you in advance,


* * *

Dear Frustrated,

Please do not “lose confidence in the fandom” because of the actions of one slow fursuit maker. One should never condemn an entire group of people because of one or two bad eggs.

That said, and although I have written on this topic before, this is a good opportunity to talk once again about contracts, verbal contracts, and your legal rights.

One of the things that has long frustrated this bear about furry businesses is that furries who sell goods don’t seem, for the most part, to understand a damn thing about business—whether you are a business owner or a client. I chalk this up to the culture of informality in the fandom. That is, we have established a chummy community within the fandom in which we believe—often falsely—that fellow furries will treat us fairly because they are part of one big happy family. Therefore, we do not take precautions when it comes to business.

There once was a time when “a man’s handshake was as good as his word” (or pawshake, in this context). That’s no longer true, whether in the mundane or in the furry world. I have to use two paws to count the number of times my mate has been f***ed over by business people who did not honor their verbal agreements.

I’ve encountered some of this myself (not with my fursuit maker, Beastcub, who is super-pawsome and worked very closely with me to deliver an outstanding result), but with a certain artist who took over two years to complete a commission I had wanted for a Christmas gift (hence, timeliness was important). While he eventually did get around to it, I will never commission him again.

And that is one thing many artists in the fandom don’t seem to get: if you mistreat customers, eventually the word-of-mouth will bite you in the butt. It’s bad for business.

In hindsight (too late for you right now, but perhaps helpful in the future), you should always get a written agreement with an artist or fursuit maker. If they refuse to agree to one, tell them “no thanks” and find someone else. Secondly, never never never pay 100% for the commission up front. The artist I work with for this site, Dan the Bear, for example, never demands I pay him until I am satisfied with the result and he has delivered it to me.

With fursuit makers, because they have to buy materials for your fursuit, the proper thing to do is treat them like a contractor working on your house. When I have a carpenter or plumber or electrician doing work, I pay him or her for all the supplies they need as soon as we agree on what’s to be done. Then, when they are done with the job, I pay for labor. The same should be true for any respectable fursuit maker. Get an invoice from them for the materials they need and pay for those. Then, when the finish, give them the rest. You could also pay in “milestones.” That is (and this can work for larger projects), pay for completion of certain steps. For instance, pay 25% for when the head is completed, another 25% for the body, and then the balance when it is all done.

The fact that the fursuit maker in your case refused to show you photos makes her, indeed, suspect. It might be that she was once reliable (as online evidence seemed to indicate), but people can go from good to bad sometimes.

Okay, so what to do from this point? Well, you don’t have a contract, but what Papabear is hoping and praying for is that you saved your email and any other correspondence with her. These are considered legal evidence of an agreement—especially if you have emails from her saying, yes, she received the $600 (or some other evidence, such as a PayPal receipt) and, yes, she was going to complete it by such and such a date.

While written contracts are best, verbal contracts are still considered enforceable. Gather up these emails, and if you have witnesses, get them on your side, too. With those on your side, contact the fursuit maker and tell her that you are unhappy with her lack of progress and want a refund immediately. If she refuses, tell her that you have email evidence that she received your money and agreed to make the fursuit, and if she still refuses tell her that she leaves you no choice but to take legal action—that is, you will take her to small claims court (tips on how: Here’s some info to know if the person you are suing is in another state:

Another thing she might do is ask for another extension. If so, and you feel kind and generous, that is up to you to accept. BUT! If you do accept it, this time get a written contract that includes a date of delivery and a description of what, exactly, is to be delivered to you in satisfactory condition. Also include a clause saying you have a right to refuse the work if you consider the quality unacceptable (e.g., she hands you a wad of fabric with two eyes glued to it).

Don’t threaten to bad mouth her on furry forums. You can actually get into legal trouble yourself sometimes when you do that (she might accuse you of slander). But do tell her in no uncertain terms what you expect from her and when.

You’re in an unenviable place right now, but with some work—and if you stick to your guns—you can get this straightened out and, hopefully, learn from the experience.

Good luck!


* * *

Dear Papabear,

Thank you for your advice. I will take it to heart and act upon it. I do have the emails and PayPal receipts. Update on the situation: this morning, after I emailed her twice in a week about needing to speak with her, I reviewed an email from her with only three words: "my laptop broke." And this upset me a great deal, so I am definitely going to be requesting a refund and searching for a new maker. And again thank you for the advice.

Furry web development team looking for more members!

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 13:44

Hi all. I am part of a small web development team currently working on , FURSTRE.AM and a few other projects.

We are looking for help from other devs within the community for things like programming (Python, HTML5, LESS, MYSQL etc) and also looking for cloud engineers (consulting and maybe OpenStack deployment).

If you are interested in working with a broad range of skilled people to make awesome sites and projects then please get in touch by dropping me a private message!


submitted by Jacktail
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Categories: News

Free Headshot Requests!

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 12:58

I know you all like free requests and there hasn't been one here in a while, so I'm offering some as I need the practice on more species than my friends have. Here are some examples that I quickly brought up. More time will be taken on these requests than my examples though :3

Also, if you have anything you want specific done to your face, let me know.

I will try to get all of you, it may take some time but you should all have a face drawn ^-^

submitted by WolfRun24
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Categories: News

Anything good you can say about certain species stereotypes?

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 11:35

After seeing a couple posts that draw in a lot of negative comments towards species, intentional or not, lets think about some positives? It might be a bit disheartening for new furs, or new to the sub, to find out their loved sona is actually really disliked (myself included).

We're a welcoming bunch, right? Let's get back on the positive side.

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Furfunding Week in review 12-14-14

FurStarter - Sun 14 Dec 2014 - 11:08

This week’s illustration is from the Isidore Tarot, now on Indiegogo. 

ycjhh12-14-14I’m a little late on this one, but it was a one-week project, and I really only check Indiegogo once a week. But it’s a neat example of using Indiegogo as a commission-organizing engine, which is pretty cool.

The project in question is Tato‘s “Toys for Tots” project. Tato’s a babyfur artist, and if an intensely sappy “Christmas at the Orphanage” style picture isn’t a place for babyfur art to shine, it’s an unjust universe.

I’ve put the base YCH at left, but here’s a link to the larger original. Like a lot of YCH images it’s busy edging into claustrophobic–in this case though it’s for a good cause and the multiplicity of bodies is a Good Thing–it’s all a fundraiser for Toys for Tots, with all proceeds going to that charity.

But let’s look at the trees and not the forest, that is after all the point of this blog. As a tool for managing a YCH project, this seemed to work well–all the character slots were claimed within five days. Awesome, and $500 or so going to a worthy cause! And Tato even used Indiegogo’s “Verified Nonprofit” process so that fees are reduced and the donations are, well, donations, so you can write off your empampered foxling.

On the downside, while she DID meet her goal (and thus reduced fees from 12% to 9%, or I guess 6.5% with the nonprofit discount), there are a few more slots available for “your name on a stocking.” The lesson seems to be that you can’t really take the “C” out of YCH, even as a charity fundraiser–there’s still a few days left though, so claim one of those stockings and prove me wrong. It’s for a good cause.

I’m curious to know why Tato went with Indiegogo instead of the possibly more lucrative YCH Bidding War that seems to be the standard model for this sort of thing. There are a LOT of characters, and IGG’s probably easier to wrangle the dollars for. On the other paw, this model seems to take away from a lot of the “oh, I want to be the one sleeping by the fire!” that’s a part and parcel of YCH-land. Though maybe that’s a good thing and saves her a few headaches.

Anyway, only three more days to fill up those stockings! Good luck, Tato!

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page!


New Projects Art

Toys for Tots (Ends: 12/15/2014)
Charitable YCH type image from Babyfur artist Tato, Santa bringing gifts to the kids.
This is a use of Indiegogo that I haven’t seen before, managing a YCH auction. Hmm. Also, all commission slots taken, it’s still interesting.

The Isidore Tarot (Ends: 2/10/2015)
Victorian/Renaissance art stylings with a strong clip art vibe in this heavily anthro tarot art deck.
I’m a sucker for tarot decks.


Monsters of Fear and Wonder (Ends: 1/28/2015)
Fabulously detailed kaiju artbook and field guide


Leaf Peeping (Ends: 12/23/2014)
Tee shirt design by Michele Light, for fox and cheesecake lovers. Also the “Candlelight” design stretch goal, for snow leopard lovers!

Comics/Graphic Novels

Globcow (Ends: 12/31/2014)
Comic about a little demon earning his angel wings, and a pig in a trenchcoat (?)
Brightly-colored, loosely pokemon-inspired manga.


Mr. Sparklzz (Ends: 1/10/2015)
Web series: Three dysfunctional siblings, a witch, and a sassy cat. Live action. It’s a guy with a cat nose.
I actually do like this, it’s cute. Very “indie theater.”

Scampenstein (Ends: 2/1/2015)
Gothic horror animation and a “Dickens-meets-Shelley” animated–and reanimated–dog hero.

Panda Oki Animated Pilot (Ends: 2/8/2015)
Frenetic little manga pandas in an Invader Zim style by Anthony Jappa
Unfortunately this seems to be one of those ‘try to fund-raise without outreach by leaving the campaign up as long as possible’ pages. Oh, and flexible funding. Sigh.

Tabletop Games

Game Over: Holiday Leftovers (Ends: 1/4/2015)
80s-tastic card game with 8bit heroes colliding in a fast-moving party game.

12-14-14dragonCare and Feeding of Baby Dragons (Ends: 1/21/2015)
It’s an art book, deck of playing cards, educational resource. Everything you wanted to know about horribly cute baby dragons!


Dragon head and fantasy Challenge Coins (Ends: 12/20/2014)
Ongoing series of fantasy challenge coins, with Cerebus, dragons, and now, owlbear.
Goal met!

Shibai and Friends (Ends: 1/7/2015)
Cuddly plush shiba, pink lion, artbat, panda-mermaid. Very cute line of plushes, badges, and tags by Shibai

Video Games

Atakapu (Ends: 1/26/2015)
Speedrun platformer with a furry, three-eyed alien and his wide variety of power-up costumes. The blue wolf of doom is extremely that thing.


Kerekerd? Lakói – Újratöltve (Ends: 1/6/2015)
12-14-14squirrelsThis is your basic obscene super-cartoony, Ren-and-Stimpy esque smut. But it’s in Hungarian, which adds an element of mystery.

Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Hentai (Offbeatr Voting Period)
Well, I really can’t describe this project better than the title, can I. Lots of sample pages.

…Just for fun

Iron Sky (Ends: 12/20/2014): Adolf Hitler rides a T-Rex into battle! Lizard people nazis! Probably the Grade Z sci-fi event of the year.
Das Fang (Ends: 12/31/2014): Shot glasses built in a fang–or possibly walrus tusk–motif. Two together? Vampire. More than that looks kind of strange.


Teach Kids how to Save Energy (Ends: 1/18/2015): Spectacularly bad mascot suit. Worst squirrel ever. Wow. It’s coming after me with a golf club.

Icon from picture, "Poetic Muse" by Luthien Nightwolf What’s Corbeau Backing This Week?
Let’s see…most recently, I threw $5 at “Toys for Tots” because, pick one: 1) it’s a good cause, 2) Tato would list me as a contributor, or 3) I wouldn’t have to edit my blog post if she was over goal. I’m pledging for the Isidore Tarot now, because I don’t have enough tarot decks in my life and that clip art aesthetic, really appealing. Lastly, a dumb-but-fun “game of hilarious medical disasters” called “Medicine Whoops,”  which looks a little crude but has some fun ideas.I really wanted to back the amazingly stupid/charming Minimal Nativity Set, which would be an awesome little thing, but it was a bit expensive for what it was anyway (£23), and then there was an extra £11 for international shipping, which was just too much this time of year for a ha-ha.
Categories: News