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Parents Need to Know Why He Plans to Visit St. Louis

Ask Papabear - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 12:43
Dear Papabear,

First, I'd like to say thank you reading this, I've always received help on your advice. I'm going to make this to the point: for a while I've been planning a trip to St. Louis in the summer to see my mate. Now I have the money required and a place to stay, but the thing is my parents don't know that I have been planning this or that I'm a furry. I don't know how to ask my parents if I can go or not due to them always being overprotective. I truly want to see him, so I guess my question is, what's the best way to convince them to let me go? Thank you in advance, sir.

-Rune (age 17)

* * *

Dear Rune,

Since you are still 17, you realize, of course, that you can’t go traveling without your parents’ permission to do so, unless you want to be considered a runaway (or if you go through the rather difficult process of declaring yourself independent of your parents—that is, legal emancipation, which is uncalled for in this case). And you’re not going to get their permission to go visit some person they don’t know and have never, apparently, met.

Really, your being a furry has nothing to do with your dilemma. But I suspect what is important here is that you’re gay. If you’re parents don’t know that, then you should really work on that confession before you go running off to have fun with your boyfriend.

Let’s say that they do know you’re gay. Great! You still have the sticky issue that they don’t know you have a boyfriend and who that person is. From your letter, I read between the lines and interpret your situation to be thus: you’re a gay furry with conservative parents and you have not told them anything about who you really are. If this is the case, then there is no way you’re going to be able to convince them to allow you to travel to another city by yourself to meet someone they have never met. They, as your parents, are responsible for your welfare and have every right to know where you are, what you are doing, and with whom.

Now, you could wait until you are 18, move out of the home, find a job to support yourself, and THEN, as a responsible adult, go and see your friend in St. Louis. Or, you could tell them what’s really going on, have them meet this potential love of your life, and, if all goes well and they like him and understand what’s going on, ask for their permission to visit him by yourself in St. Louis.

The only way you’ll be able to convince your parents of anything is if you are honest with them. Any other alternative involves lying through your teeth, feeding them a bunch of bullcrap, and sneaking off to St. Louis, a plan that is very likely to backfire in your face. (My bear sense was telling me that by “convince” you meant “persuade through deception and half-truths,” but I could be wrong).

Please write again if the above was not helpful.

Good luck!


My First Fursona [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 11:47
Categories: News

Spirit Hunters: The Way of the Fox, by Paul Kidd – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 10:36
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Spirit Hunters. Book 1: The Way of the Fox, by Paul Kidd. Illustrated by Angie Kae (KaeMantis). Raleigh, NC,, Western Australia, Kitsune Press, September 2014, trade paperback $31.97 (470 pages), Kindle $7.99. Spirit Hunters is set in the realm of traditional Japanese mythology, vaguely around […]
Categories: News

FC2015 Speedrun!

Furry.Today - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 10:30

Here is my timelapse/speed run though FC2015…

My feet still hurt but so much fun!

Edit: This was reposed with new music as You Tube hates us.

Categories: Videos

I need to get drawing again, so ill draw your characters!

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 09:31

Post them in the comments

submitted by Epicshark
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Categories: News

Furries who don't like fursuits?

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 08:45

I don't think I've met a single furry who didn't have an interest in fursuits, but then again I don't meet many furries. The ones I've met who say they aren't interested say so because either "they're expensive" or "they're hot and sweaty", but you and I both know if there were affordable air-conditioned suits said people would be walking around in them. I personally never liked them. The concept is just a little out there and while I appreciate them being modeled after a fursona and such, they just come across as really creepy to me, especially knowing there's a guy in there. Without trying to offend the transgender furs, I have that problem as well, and it is indeed my problem. Once I know you're actually a guy I just get a little creeped because you're trying to not be a guy.

But again, it's my problem.

Am I just weird for thinking so about fursuits, though? As I said, I've never met a single soul who did not like fursuits that does not like them now. People talk about how it's an "amazing experience" but I can't help but see it as people finding extra outlets for being awkward socially and trying to be something they're not. It's part of what has prevented me from going to conventions or any other meets, and I just want some sign I'm not alone.

but if I am alone i'm cool with that

Feel free to downvote since I know I will have offended a good amount of people anyway.

submitted by SubstantialBliss
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Categories: News

Comparison of furry website HTTPS configurations

Furry News Network - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 08:39
Author: Rakuen Growlithe Security is necessary for one’s own protection, both offline (to protect one’s physical safety and possessions) and online (protecting identity, money and, as the our digital and real lives become more integrated, even physical possessions). Our own behaviours and security systems need to work together to be effective. It’s no good having […]
Categories: News

Furry Identity Crisis!

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 03:48

Ok, so I've been a furry for just over five years now, and my fursona (a leopard gecko) has always been the same - bar a sex-switch circa three years ago (I'm definitely male IRL, I have checked multiple times). But... I've stopped really enjoying roleplaying as her, I haven't had art of her in some considerable time (bar a request a few months ago), and there's nowhere else she represents me. I don't attend meets or cons - though I really would like to, and I have maybe one other furry friend that I consistently talk to outside of RP.

I'm just starting to wonder - given I'm 19 years old and from what I'm led to believe, peak fur is about 17 - whether it's worth having a fresh start in the fandom, with a new 'sona. The only issue in my mind is that I've already spent about £150 on art of my current 'sona (a quite considerable amount of money as far as I'm concerned). So... Advice? Anyone been through a similar thing?

submitted by DoctorConnie
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Categories: News

A long letter from me, an apology and acceptance.

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 03:36

I would like to preface this by saying that this is a throwaway because I'm not comfortable with people other that this subreddit know what I'm about to say.

Over the past few years, this fandom, specifically this subreddit has helped me grow as an artist and as a person. I've met so many great people who have supported me and it makes me so happy.

What hurts me is that I have not been entirely truthful to those I have worked for and my friends I've met here. I've lied about late commissions and why I'm sometimes not responsive.

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm have been throwing myself into a poisonous life-style. I've realized that I am a drug addict. Not to any one particular thing, but to just not being sober. I convinced I cannot be happy any other way. I am severely ruining my life and I just need to apologize.

Not only apologize, but to thank you all for accepting me. Though my drug use is a problem, I've never told anyone here. Everyone has accepted me for who I am without knowing my faults. Its helped me realize that I'm not as hated as I feel people view me as. I can be who I am here in person.

I've met people who have overcome their problems here and it has shown me that I can do the same. I can fix what I've done. I am going to make a promise to anyone that commissions me in the future; I will be entirely truthful from now on.

/u/obsoletepixel , I'm so sorry that I've ignored you so much. Most of the times that you text me, I'm not sober and am afraid that you will be disappointed in me or mad. I'm sorry and will make an effort to respond more often.

I love all of you very much and all your support and love is what inspired me to improve my life, my relationships with friends, and even my art. Thank you all very much.

submitted by A_furries_apology
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Categories: News

Sketch for EybjornTheElkhound

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 02:57
Categories: News

I drew Mangle from FNAF2

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 02:36
Categories: News

Episode 271 - KnotSheathed RF2014

Southpaws - Tue 27 Jan 2015 - 02:26
This episode of KnotSheathed was recorded at Rainfurrest 2014, featuring Fuzz and Kyell Gold. Use our coupon code “knot” at for 50% off one item and free shipping until Valentines Day 2015! Episode 271 - KnotSheathed RF2014
Categories: Podcasts

Roll call!

Furry Reddit - Mon 26 Jan 2015 - 22:26

I've been wondering what the demographics are in this community. I get the sense there are a lot of male, young Americans here, but I'm curious to hear from the rest of you. Who are you?

I'm a 20 year-old male, out here in Atlantic Canada (and just waiting for the dreaded storm)!

submitted by ericleb010
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Categories: News

Bored, and I have pencils. I'll draw very mediocre sketches for all of you!

Furry Reddit - Mon 26 Jan 2015 - 21:56

I just need a ref sheet and I can draw.

submitted by KitsuneKabuki
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Categories: News

Creating a fursona- Originality or relatability?

Furry Reddit - Mon 26 Jan 2015 - 21:03

I've been spending the past few days trying to envision a fursona- Working on making it an idealization of who I would want to be, crafting it to be something I can identify with. Over the course of this time I have been keeping up with the subreddit and videos, and I see one thing in common when it comes to these fursonas- Canines are seen as uncreative and unoriginal.

I don't want to be another brick in the wall, but I feel like I personally identify with a husky character, and I feel very torn whether or not I should scrap it and go with someone more original, or deal with the rammifications of becoming just another dog.

This has been kind of a heart wrenching process for me because on top of all of this I am having trouble putting my image of my fursona down on paper.

What do you guys think? Should I choose originality or relatability?

submitted by Theyoungdoge
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Categories: News