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Digging Up Positivity - August 2024

Edited by Sonious, GreenReaper as of Mon 2 Sep 2024 - 08:55
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In this episode:

  • A very squeaky expansion for Magic The Gathering
  • So many furry charities!
  • The new very creative and inclusive Winter Olympic mascots
  • Results Pride Shirt Giveaway
  • Cool animation news, and
  • A lovely interview with Shrapnel Vagr, an amazing bean from Cardiff!

But first, the latest charity news from the fandom in this August edition of Digging Up Positivity!

Charity Updates

Papabarks raised $60,000

We are starting off strong with Papabarks. I was honoured to be a part of this amazing fundraiser for the ongoing fight against ALS. We all raised $60,000 during this yearly donation drive. In the past 5 years the Papabarks event raised $251,176.76 in total and they provided unforgettable moments that strengthens my faith in our wonderful community.

Pride and Kindness raised $1,769.31

The wonderful people behind Pride and Kindness are a yearly fundraiser around the time of Pride Month, and this year their raised funds for Queer Svit and Miłość Nie Wyklucza, both trying to make the world a better and safer place for our LGBTQ friends.

Aurawra raised $13,501.56

And down under the amazing critters of Aurawra raised $13,501.56 for Sydney Wildlife Rescue, a non profit organisation dedicated to the wildlife in the greater Sydney Metropolitan Area.

Anthro Irish raises $695

The wonderful critters from Ireland raised $695 for the Feed West Cork food bank, helping those who are struggling between paying the bills and providing food for themselves and their loved ones.

FurryDelphia raised $11,560.69

Back in the USA, in Philadelphia our friends from FurryDelphia managed to raise $11,560.69 for DanceSafe, an organisation dedicated to promote health and safety within music and nightlife communities.

FurAffinity raises $206,984

Many were saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of Dragoneer, the big force behind FurAffinity. No matter your opinion about him, that website has been a major player in the furry fandom for many years. However with his passing, it once more became painfully clear the US healthcare system can be quite expensive, and to ensure the continuity of the website people came together to raise money in Dragoneers’ honor. At the time of recording, the amount sits on $206,984 at the time of recording this video [sic].

Those left behind had little time to grief, as FurAffinity did go through a rough month. A big hacking attempt was made, but fortunately the site and its twitter account are available again and the absolute donut responsible has been identified. But that is a story for another time.

EAST raises $12,000

The good old Ringberg Hotel in Germany, once the home of Eurofurence, is now the hotel of choice for EAST! Where they raised $12,000 for Tierish Grenzelos, a lovely little shelter from Bamberg, dedicated to find our fluffy friends new forever homes!

When Furballs Strike raises $2,560

Over 382 furries, of which 274 bowlers came together for the worlds’ largest Furbowl: When Furballs Strike. Amongst the fun and games, they raised $2,560 for the Homeward Pet Adoption Center!

IndyFurCon raises $14,671.71

2030 critters came together at IndyFurCon and raised an impressive $14,671.71 together for Oinking Acres! A farm animal rescue in Indiana, dedicated to not just help those lovely farm animals but to educate people about them as well!

Team Dogbomb raises $2,114

Our friends from Team Dogbomb raised $2,114 during the Walk ALS Rhode Island. After all these years, they are still going strong, doing their part in the battle against this dreadful disease.

Breaking $1.2 million!

With all of this, I am proud to announce that with still 4 months to go, we have covered furries world wide raising a breath taking 1.2 million dollars raised in charity! And the furry fandom keeps on showing their lovely colours, as a little over 18% of this amount went to various LGBTQ causes! Which is over $232,000. Already a huge leap over the [$157,398.93]* raised for LGBTQ charities over the entirety of last year! Stay strong you amazing critters.

Other News

Tina & Milo

Okay, I am not known to be an Olympic sports channel, I am not a fast meerkat at all! However, the Olympic mascots Tina and Milo are just...*chef's kiss* Seriously, do check them out. They are 2 most adorable stoat siblings. Their names are
diminutives for the two host cities: Tina for Cortina and Milo for Milano and their characters are slightly different. Tina is a bit of a city stoat, a very outgoing type, where Milo is a bit of a dreamer who loves practical jokes. And despite being born without a paw, he learned to be just as nimble with his tail, representing his motto in life “Obstacles are trampolines”.

They even integrated his tail in the mascotte suits! Just check out the ’tail’. Very clever!

Magic the Gathering: Bloomburrow

If you say cardgames, many think of Magic The Gathering right away. As a wee little kit I played it at school during lunchbreak with my friends. But they now released their first all-animal plane: Bloomburrow. Which came with an animated trailer which honestly instantly reminded me of Redwall and the Secret of Nimh, that animation is just breathtaking! But it didn’t stop there! Hench and Scrap made one of the characters: Mabel, and the result is just amazing, just look at those details, that snoot! I just hope they will listen to their fans and make more animated shorts...or better yet, a movie!

Hazbin Hotel announces new seasons

One of the biggest complains I shared with many about Hazbin Hotel was the story being crammed into waaaay to little episodes. But this was understandable! They had no idea if they would even get a second season. However, they are currently working on that— But the fun does not end there! They have been greenlit for a 3rd and 4rd season! Looking forward to some amazing new episodes with a pacing they can properly control! I really wanna see how things continue with Sir Pentious!

Sonic 3

Finally, the new trailer of the much anticipated Sonic 3 dropped, showing more of Shadow the hedgehog, as voice by Keanu Reeves. But I was very surprised to see Jim Carrey returning as Dr.Robotnik, which really is doing a great job of hyping me
up for this movie. In the trailer we get a glympse of the backstory of Shadow but also his amazing power. The movie itself is scheduled for this December.

[Featurette with Shrapnel Vagr]

Thank You

Thank you so much for staying with us! As for this month, the winner of the Pride Tshirt goes to .... Bee Bee Bee Bee z5g! Please do use the form linked in the description so I can verify your identity before the next Digging Up Positivity to claim your prize!

Of course, you can visit my artworktee store anytime for the pride shirt or many other fun things. Or if you want to see me draw, I will be here and on twitch roughly every Monday from 8pm till 10pm but you can also support me on subscribe star, as a youtube member, or on patreon [also Twitch] like these amazing fuzzbutts.

From Subscribestar: Manick, Cosmik with a K, Taross, Hanzana. YouTube Members: LorekByrnison086, Longtooth, Wither. From Patreon: Tantroo McNally, Ishnula, Els Deckers. Twitch Subscribers (a special thanks to those who bought so many awesome critters gifted subs!): xgadget865, guzmazelos, arie1985, weareixxim, ajabuyeen, hanzanajanssen, koji_the_brave, kitevr, minadarsh, auringaming, voldrot, marcelcoppersa, roggebrea, truckthepolarbear, clofurs, raffjackalope, tanidraws, drbenben, lightnymf, jake_r_g, naoma, reynard_vise, evolvertv, bazbadger, swex_the_mischievous_fox, lighty_417, axletheelewolf, meatloaf7593, james_tgs, duwahli, tretronthedragon, falconeio, ladylyanne, vitacordes, tommywolf210, mienothebadger, drohan_star_bear, kodathewolffox17, soldier_024, icet0ast, maartenman1, cute_wolfynova, thegentlejester, gooseyx0, miesdocreations.

However, remember that a like and subscribe goes a long way as well. The next episode of Digging Up Positivity will be on September 28th, see you around and all the hugs!

*Video stated wrong amount here, script had correct amount at 157k, not 175k


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Important to note that while there have been accusations going about the hacker being a particular person, most of these statements are self referential (some trolls just want 'cred), Fur Affinity itself wants to stave off speculation and allow investigations to continue into it:

We have also been made aware of various sources claiming to have identified the bad actor responsible for this attack. We have no way to verify that these accusations are accurate, but will continue to share all information with the FBI. With that said, we want to remind everyone that we have a zero-tolerance policy toward harassment, no matter the circumstances. Recently, there have been instances where speculation has led to individuals being harassed, even if they have no proven connection to the incident.

It is important to note that Fur Affinity, with direct insight into the situation, has not conducted its own investigation. We are leaving that responsibility to law enforcement. Speculation only spreads misinformation and causes harm, so please be cautious about what you share or believe online.

We kindly urge everyone to avoid engaging in further speculation or harassment. It is the role of law enforcement to determine the facts and make decisions, not ours.

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