Digging up Positivity October 2024
In this episode!
- This episode can hold so much charities!Breaking last years record! But by how much?
- Animations from around the web
- An interview with Labb Rat, known for her commentary videos, about the importance of caring about mental health and escaping toxic environments.
But first, the latest charity news from the fandom in this October edition of Digging Up Positivity and boy are here a lot of them! Do keep in mind, all amounts are converted to US dollars.
Charity Updates
Fur-Eh raised $13,791.40
The bean counters at Fur-Eh in Canada gave me the good news in person! Those wonderful critters raised $13,791.40 for the Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society, or GEARS for short. Established in 2013, this wonderful organisation devotes themselves to raise injured, abandoned, unwanted and homeless animals in the Edmonton area in Canada.
Shetani raised $150
Our favourite spotty cat has been at it again! This year Shetani took part in the Global Cheetah Fit Challenge! And not just her, but many others, and during this lovely fundraiser she did not just raise $150 for the Cheetah Conservation Fund, but she also spread awareness of good health through healthy exercise both virtual and the real world!
Eurofurence raised $51,864.79
In Hamburg, Germany over 5,000 critters came together during Eurofurence and $51,864.79 was raised for the Wildtierschutz Deutschland an organisation dedicated to the German wildlife, protecting them in any way possible.
West Aussie Fur Frenzy raised $10,470.80
Meanwhile in Australia our fuzzy friends raised $10,470.80 for WA Wildlife, an organisation dedicated to rescuing treating, and considering wildlife since 1998 from Perth in Western Australia.
Another Furry Con raised $11,061.54
And in Canada [sic] [Editor's note, this convention takes place in Ontario, California in the United States, not Ontario Canada.] we had another furry con, no, that’s the name, Another Furry Con, raise $11,061.54 for the Judith A. Basset Canid Conservation Center who are doing their best to educate about canids, and through those means, help to conserve our
wonderful foxy friends!
Wild North raised $1,413.63
In the United Kingdom we have Wild North, who raised $1,413.63 for Little Paws Ferret Rescue. Ever since they are founded in 2018, they are a group of passionate volunteers helping ferrets in need.
Felix Wolf raised $110
In the US, hurricane Helene did do a number on western North Carolina, causing widespread devastation. Felix Wolf decided to stream for Wine To Water, an organisation helping with the relief efforts, they raised $110
Confuror raised $23,590
In Mexico the good beans from Confuror have raised $23,590 for the Program for the Conservation of Mexican Bats, and this includes an awesome 16 frame animation by fandom favourite Keke Flipnote that sold for $5,000!
Alamo City Furry Invasion raised $12,745.37
Back in the US we had 1683 boopers raising $12,745.37 for Bee Pawsitive Husky Rescue.
Anthro Expo donated $500
The wonderful people behind Anthro Expo donated $500 to Beloved Asheville, helping the hurricane victims with some much needed relief.
Arizona Furcon raised $3,169.30
And at Arizona Furcon 1402 creative critters raised $3,169.30 for the Greyhound guild.
Furry Fandom Breaking Records!
And with this, I am happy to say with 3 more months to go, we broke last years record! Yes! The charities covered by Digging Up Positivity for this year are totalling $1,596,926.03! 10% of that amount went to LGBTQ related charities, followed by 21% for humanitarian causes and up to this day, animal related charities remain the lion share with 69%.
The complete list will be released in December, and I am stoked to see how much we as a fandom are changing this world for the better this year!
Other News
Root’s Rug
How to make an animation of just a simple act of life. Like buying a rug. I mean, they really tie the room together. StaggerNight did such a wonderful job of making this look interesting, and I just love the style. And in the end...yeah, that was a wonderful rug. Go check out the full animation on their channel!
In sheep’s clothing
Society can be quite intimidating, everybody is doing their best to make a life for themselves, and to fit in. But how is this for the others? Do they experience this differently? The wonderful animation In Sheep’s Clothing explores this concept.
Jamie’s Pond
In Jamie’s Pond, a lovely Naiad runs into a crying child at the edge of their pond. They soon discover they have more in common than they thought! I love this animation because it shows the importance of bonding, of friendship, and even if
things look bleek, there may always be someone there for you. Never stop reaching out!
Family Bonds
Family can be quite important for us all. No matter who you are or where you are from. And love comes in many forms. The animation Family Bonds explores this beautiful and complex topic. Even if you are adopted, those who chose you to raise,
most likely did it out of love.
Labb Rat
One may already have spotted a little theme in this episode. This month we celebrating Mental Health day. More and more do we realise that this is very important to improve one’s quality of life. This does not just go for family, since not everybody may have had luck in that department, but friends, friends are family you can choose. And with that mind mind, I would love to introduce you to our guest, a very special rat.
Please keep in mind this interview does mention more sensitive topics such as substance abuse and toxic enviroments, if this isn’t the thing for you, please continue at the timestamp on the screen.
[Featurette Labb Rat interview]
Thank You
Change is never easy, but we have seen how Labb started her journey and managed to come out better. I am ever so happy to have met her and being able to help her with this.
Thank you for staying with us till the very end. And even more thanks to those who choose to support me!
Subscribe Star: Barret D’Floor, Cosmik with a K, Hanzana, Manick, Taross
Youtube Members: Nick The Heretic, Chris Shows, Heiko, TrueMT7, Joe & Mavi, LorekByrnison086, Longtooth, Wither
Patreon: Tantroo McNally, Ishnula, Els Deckers
Twitch Subscribers: thegentlejester, evolvertv, kitevr, drohan_star_bear, jake_r_g, clofurs, swex_the_mischievous_fox, ladylyanne, videonations, rookeeicymeerkat, mienothebadger, lightnymfa, ajabuyeen, deadlywrathofdarkness, hanzanajanssen, falconeio, tretronthedragon

About the author
Pegla (Danny) — read stories — contact (login required)a designer and Skunk from Hilversum, interested in stuff
The irony here is that they say "Charity begins at home"
The subculture portrays itself as "open and accepting", even somewhat creepy. The latter part depends heavily on your point of view.
Yet, it's quite a mind fuck to have to reconcile these things in the mind.
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