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Digging Up Positivity - September 2024

Edited by Sonious
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In this episode!

  • It’s high season for conventions, and it shows in the amount raised for charity world wide!
  • Learning about neurodiversity through cute animations
  • A wonderful interview how the fandom changed an aspiring cartoonist

But first, the latest charity news from the fandom in this September edition of Digging Up Positivity!

Charity Updates

Awoostria raised $6,432.82

This video we are starting out of Austria, where the lovely critters from Awoostria raised a wonderful $6,432.82 for Österreichischer Tierschutzverein, an organisation founded in 1899, pioneering for the welfare of Australian wildlife and going strong 'til this very day!

Denfur raised raised $15,681

In the US we have Denfur, where 3,623 attendees managed to raise $15,681 for Almost Home, a cage-free rescue and adopt center dedicated to finding our feline friends a new forever home.

Digital Villainy Summit raised $20,000.69

Our trans friends from the Digital Villainy Summit banded together and raised $20,000.69 for the Transgender Education Network Texas during their online convention for kinky furry supervillains.

FursonaCon raised $23,000

And at FursonaCon they raised $23,000 for Second Chance Wildlife dedicated to provide emergency and long-term care to the injured, ill and orphaned wild animals.

Megaplex raised $81,000

At Megaplex our fuzzy and scaly friends managed to raise $81,000 for the Sarasota Street Dog Coalition, helping them to provide free preventative care and related services to pets of people experiencing homelessness or who are at severe risk of becoming homeless.

Mephit Fur Meet raised $15,000

774 awesome fluffy friends at Mephit Fur Meet managed to raise $15,000 for their two charities: Mississippi Wildlife Rehabilitation and Tiger Haven.

Tails & Tornadoes raised $11,356.33

Entering Tails & Tornadoes 1,353 attendees banded together to raise $11,356.33 for the Animal Rescue Foundation Bartlesville.

Paws In The Park raised $6,783

The Rhode Island Furs are at it again with Paws In The Park where they helped raising $6,783 for Rhode Island Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals

Beeton raised $300 for Out of The Darkness

Beeton Raccoon took part with this years’ Out of the darkness walk for awareness for those who wish to end themselves, contributing $300 to the cause.

YouTube Copyright Fraud (Eek)

Jacadima, a really awesome animator, he wanted to make a little video with a piece of music that is so much a part of internet lore: The Nut (eek), well, it is called a little bit different but well, YOUTUBE IS WEIRD like that.

[Editor's note: Song is called The Penis (eek), because Flayrah is weird like that]

However, when he uploaded it, he got copyright struck! Turned out someone was copyright claiming this catchy song instead of the original author, because back then they did not upload it to Youtube.

It took quite some back and forth, but the original author Siraashu managed to get through. So far the videos regarding this example of blatant abuse have a very important cause atttached to them, raising money for Urgent Relief For Palestine.

Jacadamia has raised $160 so far at the making of this video. And I hope it will become much more!

The total so far

It sure has been a busy month, and if you have any other wonderful causes that our fellow furries are raising money for, please do let me know in the form below. I would love to cover them.

Which brings us to the total covered by us so far: $1,449,650.23

The full numbers will be released in a neat little video of which we are already working on! Stay tuned till December. So looking forward to this.

Other News

Cheese attack at Eurofurence

While the beancounters are working overtime at Eurofurence, several fursuiters are reported to have been attacked by the dastardly slice of cheese! Inspired by the often viral amusing response by regular critters by the cheese slice, I found this particularly hilarious!

Neurodiverse friends

These days you hear a lot about conditions like BPD, dyscalculia, ADHD and so on, all those letters and names can quickly become overwhelming. The channel Pixi Gags saw this and decided to make a series of short videos about a bunch of cats explaining each and every condition in a very simple and easy to understand way. I found them quite informative and fun to watch! Perfect to explain a neurological condition to your friend, loved one, or in general! Like dyscalculia and how they can solve mathematical problems just as well, but in a different way!

Catching Up

It looks like we are in a new era of independent animation! LS Mark worked hard on the pilot of Catching Up, about a cat and a mouse, struggling to fit in. The pilot was quite the success, raking in 1 million views in less than 6 days! Prompting a kickstarter for episode 2. The pilot starts out a bit slow, but the story gains speed over time, and so does the humor. I love the animation, reminding me of the 90’s era, which is certainly a good thing. Go check it out!

[Featurette with Georgi Husky]
Thank You

Ah, such a wonderful interview. But the fandom has changed the hearts of many. Next month we have a well known rat from Ireland about her journey, the big mind behind Anthro-Air herself: Lab Rat.

But until then you can find me drawing pretty much every Monday on twitch and on this very channel. I am every so grateful I am able to do what I do thanks to all these amazing supporters:

  • For Subscribe Star: Manick, Cosmik with a K, Taross, Hanzana
  • Youtube Members:Joe & Mavi, LorekByrnison086, Longtooth, Wither
  • Patreon: Tantroo McNally, Ishnula, Els Deckers
  • Twitch Subscribers: Tani Draws, Voldrot, rookeeicymeerkat, jake_r_g, ladylyanne, lightnymfa, lighty_417, evolvertv, thegentlejester, swex_the_mischievous_fox, drbenben, tretronthedragon, hanzanajanssen, ajabuyeen, weareixxim, tommywolf210, kodathewolffox17, maartenman1, falconeio, drohan_star_bear, roggebrea, duwahli, and coconutcat260

But besides that, there are plenty of other ways to support me, ranging from a share, like or subscribe to my channel to buying something from my ArtworkTee store! The next episode of Digging Up Positivity will be at October 26th, hope to see you there. Stay awesome and all the hugs!


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