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Furries raise over $1.9 million for charitable causes in 2024

Edited by Sonious as of 18:10
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After tallying up the charities collected by conventions and streams for 2024, furriers came together to raise $1,953,149.29. The breakdown for the causes can be found below:

  • LGBTQ+ Welfare: $299,619.71 (15.34%)
  • Animal Welfare: $1,108,623.81 (56.76%)
  • General Humanitarian Welfare: $544,905.77 (27.9%)

Spreadsheet of the breakdown can be found here.


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Mainly for causes connected to their furfaggotry...
The irony is not lost on me

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Hope you catch a bullet, bud.

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When did everyone start saying bud in that backhanded, confrontational kind of way? Like, it used to be just a local thing, certain parts of Canada. Then like Covid, everyone was showing symptoms of being a TPB (Trailer Park Boy.) It's actually our fault, isn't it?

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Catch a bullet? Well, then I'd give it to you. They are made out of lead, and I don't want lead poisoning thanks.
Unless you mean I need to meet one, in which case that's a thinly veiled death wish.
Typical response from the furfaggotry scene.

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If you read the article, you'd note that for every dollar given to LGBTQ+ causes, about two was given to just general human welfare.

When I think of mainly, I'd probably be shooting a bit higher than 15%, just saying.

Then again, the irony isn't lost on me, since you mainly spend time obsessing over 15% of the population, I'm sure.

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Perhaps general human welfare is common to all regardless of whether they are binary, trinary, he, she, they, them, it.
Perhaps worry less about LGBTQ+ rights and actually see things for what they are.

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i hope you get mauled by a rabid animal

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But why, generally that's no fun.
Rather I would say, if you're suggesting I need to come to harm, maybe a better way of saying that would be that I'd be fucked by the very furfaggots on this website? Now THAT'S how you do it.

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Hey, next month, I'd like to see a bit more improvement in your material. Not very zippy, right now. If you're going to take a month off posting, you'd think you'd use that time to come up with some good stuff, but that's just me. Maybe this whole "Internet troll" thing just isn't your thing, you know?

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