animals wearing party hats
Opinion: The top ten movies of 2020
Posted by 2cross2affliction on Wed 31 Mar 2021 - 08:20
So, 2020.
Well, that's over, here are ten movies that managed to come out in 2020, an accomplishment in and of itself; so full marks for that!
Ranking every furry skin in Fortnite from worst to best
Posted by 2cross2affliction on Sun 19 Apr 2020 - 10:32
Fortnite Battle Royale (or just Fortnite) is a “battle royale” shooter that has been around since 2017, and while its getting a bit long in the tooth, it’s still hanging around and still free to play. Last year, the game finally implemented skill-based matchmaking, which means for casual and new players, it’s never been easier to get into. In many ways, it is comparable to Nintendo properties such as Super Smash Bros. or Mario Kart, taking a more traditionally “hardcore” video game genre and making it more accessible with gimmicky gameplay, goofy items, cartoony visuals and massive amounts of RNG.
Of course, the game isn’t exactly furry in and of itself, but the game makes its money selling cosmetic upgrades to player’s in game characters, and quite a few of them feature either characters in animal costumes, or, more recently, straight up anthropomorphic animals. In the time-honored tradition of clickbait listicals, here is my ranking of those skins.
Three comic book reviews: Pull List #20 ('GotG' and 'MLP')
Posted by crossaffliction on Sun 22 Jun 2014 - 15:59 It’s another milestone issue, so we’re bringing back the “animals wearing party hats” tag. I couldn’t find a picture of Rocket Raccoon wearing a party hat, however. Seems he’s not the type to do something like that. But Applejack is the best pony for wearing hats (in addition to being best pony, period), and her Micro-Series is finally here, so there we go.
Also, since this issue number is divisible by ten, there’s another index of previous issues, in case you’ve been looking forward to it.
Review: 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' Pinkie Pie Party DVD (with bonus Season 2 DVD review)
Posted by crossaffliction on Tue 17 Jun 2014 - 13:15 “Kick it!” – Beastie Boys, “(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)”
This is the fourth My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic five-episode DVD put out by Shout! Factory, and instead of attempting to create a theme for this one, the episodes collected all feature the character Pinkie Pie.
Pinkamena “Pinkie” Diane Pie is a hot pink Earth pony who lives in Sugarcube Corner, a sweets shop and bakery where she works; occasionally, with supervision, as a baker, but mostly as a party planner, which is her magical talent. That description makes her sound boring. She isn’t. As she represents the Element of Laughter, a distinction she won by making fun of some trees one time, she’s the show’s designated comedy relief, despite it already being a comedy cartoon. Basically, she’s the one who’s allowed to get away with jokes deemed too silly even for the average brightly colored cartoon pony.
Pinkie Pie’s episodes tend to be the funny ones.
September 2012 Newsbytes archive
Posted by crossaffliction on Tue 2 Oct 2012 - 03:15There ain’t no party like a Newsbytes party, 'cause a Newsbytes party don’t stop!
Newsbytes turned two years old last month, and, wait, didn’t we already do this?
Anyway, this month’s contributors include crossaffliction (17), dronon (7), earthfurst (1), Equivamp (1), Fred (9), GreenReaper (24), Higgs Raccoon (5), Patch Packrat (1), Rakuen Growlithe (1), RingtailedFox (5) and Sonious (3) for a total of 74 Newsbytes.