September 2012 Newsbytes archive
There ain’t no party like a Newsbytes party, 'cause a Newsbytes party don’t stop!
Newsbytes turned two years old last month, and, wait, didn’t we already do this?
Anyway, this month’s contributors include crossaffliction (17), dronon (7), earthfurst (1), Equivamp (1), Fred (9), GreenReaper (24), Higgs Raccoon (5), Patch Packrat (1), Rakuen Growlithe (1), RingtailedFox (5) and Sonious (3) for a total of 74 Newsbytes.
1. Fred: Do some birds (western scrub jays) hold 'funerals" for dead birds?
2. crossaffliction: Just submitted the August 2012 Newsbyte archive; the Newsbytes have been archived for a year now.
3. GreenReaper: Happy Meal proves bear's downfall.
4. GreenReaper: Gray wolves threatened as feds drop protection in Wyoming.
5. GreenReaper: Just hours to vote for the Fandom's Favorite Fursuit Fracas winners . . .
6. Rakuen Growlithe: A very detailed exploration of Internet cat videos.
7. dronon: Ursula Vernon's Digger has won a Hugo Award!
8. Fred: Sale of fur is now illegal in West Hollywood.
9. GreenReaper: Tasty tortoises come in own bowl.
10. GreenReaper: Tigers dodge humans with 'night shift'.
11. Fred: Everyone is killing elephants.
12. GreenReaper: Trailing "Europe's weirdest beast".
13. Higgs Raccoon: Former FurryMUCK administrator S'A'Alis reported to have passed away.
14. GreenReaper: Homestuck Adventure Game Kickstarter campaign raises 98.5% of $700,000 goal in less than two days.
15. crossaffliction: Where does your mom sleep?
16. RingtailedFox: Hitchhiking kitten goes on 100-mile ride. (Courtesy: WPTZ-TV 5 Plattsburg)
17. GreenReaper: Gawker dips into the world of otherkin.
18. dronon: There's a young adult fiction book out by Hal Johnson called Immortal Lycanthropes.
19. crossaffliction: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1 is coming to DVD Dec. 4 exclusively on Amazon, where it is available for preorder. [Sethisto/Equestria Daily]
20. GreenReaper: Could sea otters help fight global warming?
21. GreenReaper: Sprinting cheetah "like rear-wheel-drive car".
22. crossaffliction: Yeah, we’re frontloading on ponies here, but I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; Applejack is best pony.
23. Higgs Raccoon: @GreenReaper: on the subject of cheetahs, they are developing a robotic one to kill people.
24. Fred: Vote quickly! This most beautiful Madagascar bug beauty contest, organized by Harvard scientists, closes on Monday, 10 September.
25. dronon: PBS has a 7-minute video discussing broad issues of fandoms in society.
26. GreenReaper: Yes, FA is down. Hardware failure.
27. Sonious: Want to mitigate some of the causes of global warming? Throw in more otters.
28. crossaffliction: Jeffrey Katzenberg, the “K” of DreamWorks Animation SKG, has been awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award by the AMPAS Governor’s Board. [Kristopher Tapley/In Contention]
30. crossaffliction: Perri_Rhoades has posted a response to this old thing. [tip: Perri_Rhoades]
31. crossaffliction: Hollywood Reporter counts down the 10 sexiest cartoon characters, whether it’s appropriate or not. Two Rabbits and two furries, with not a 100% crossover between those two categories.
32. dronon: Octodad, a game in which you act as an octopus posing as a human father. Recommended as a one-shot party game by the Pushedtotalk podcast.
33. GreenReaper: Is that a loris in your pants, or are you just pleased to leave Delhi?
34. Sonious: Furries in for a double whammy as fchan joins FA in downed furry sites.
35. RingtailedFox: Let's hope that remains up...
36. RingtailedFox: Update: seems fine for OpenDNS and Cogeco Cable (Ontario) users...
37. crossaffliction: Shout! Factory press release for the upcoming MLP:FiM “Crystal Empire” DVD confirms season 3 episodes will appear (and may contain minor spoilers). [Sethisto/Equestria Daily]
38. crossaffliction: And while we’re on the subject, the MLP:FiM Season 1 DVD hit number 3 on Amazon’s sales charts. [Phoe/Equestria Daily]
39. crossaffliction: IGN review of first issue of the comic book adaptation of The Road to Oz. If I remember right, this one features a city ruled by anthro foxes!
40. Sonious: fchan is back up, FurAffinity is up but only in read only mode.
41. GreenReaper: The lapsed is now pointing to a 'Romney for President' PAC site (the domain owner is private). [greaseyote]
42. Fred: Priceless or worthless?
43. GreenReaper: Bald eagle gets prosthetic beak.
44. Fred: Lemmings die; predators face extinction.
45. Higgs Raccoon: Portland Library worries about fursuiters.
46. Patch Packrat: NSFW: Anthropomorphic Ganesha pictured in blasphemous tryst with Buddha, Jesus and Moses. No one murdered because of this image.
47. GreenReaper: Kia Soul hamsters go time travelling in new commercial. [Bushrat]
48. Higgs Raccoon: New Wreck-it-Ralph trailer (minor furry content).
49. GreenReaper: Child Heroes educators and illustrator Joshua Nash bring us the children's education books Eli the Bipolar Bear, Wheezy the Asthmatic Zebra, Elle the Little Lost Wombat and Morty the Meerkat has Autism. [tip: BlindWolf8]
50. RingtailedFox: The Ministry of Transport of Ontario has built its first wildlife overpass, south of Sudbury on Highway 69/Future Highway 400.
51. GreenReaper: UK researchers consult on modifying mitochondrial germ lines to fix diseases - a necessary first step towards human/animal/plant hybrids? Have your say!
52. GreenReaper: Apparently feeding temple elephants whole blocks of sugar leads to obesity. Who knew?
53. dronon: Iron Eyes and the Watered-Down World (audio) is a sword-and-sorcery short story by Saladin Ahmed that features an anthro-rabbit barbarian. (Text version here, after the long intro.)
54. GreenReaper: Siberian zoo breeds lion-liger hybrid.
55. Higgs Raccoon: Brazil chooses endangered armadillo as 2014 World Cup mascot.
56. dronon: Sony is looking for writers to potentially make a movie based on the short-lived 1983 TV series, Manimal.
57. Fred: Goose meets man = romance.
58. earthfurst: Florida Panthers lay off employees, including mascot Stanley C. Panther.
59. GreenReaper: Squirrels: chicken of the trees?
60. crossaffliction: Is this the long rumored MLP:FiM movie, only straight to DVD, or just three episodes compiled? Oh, well, not like anything else is happening on Dec. 21. Also, Jamie’s Got Tentacles?
61. crossaffliction: Interview with game director Junichi Masuda on the upcoming Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.
62. dronon: Inflatable unicorn horn... for cats.
63. GreenReaper: Way more than you wanted to know about sex in the animal kingdom [with educational links].
64. GreenReaper: First ears, now tails and broadcasting your innermost feelings into the cloud with an app? Necomimi does it again. [DFB]
65. crossaffliction: GameStop is giving away a free legendary Pokémon, and guess what? It’s a pony! [tip: Guy behind counter at local GameStop]
66. crossaffliction: Tom Hanks to play Walt Disney in upcoming Saving Mr. Banks. He was seen at the Emmys with his Disney ‘stache.
67. GreenReaper: Did you know our own Fred Patten was inducted into the MidFur’s Furry Hall of Fame last year? Watch the newly-available coverage, including a 20-minute video interview with Fred and various other long-time furry fans.
68. Fred: Review: Wired thinks the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is great fun.
69. crossaffliction: I caught the "preview;" I'm planning on writing my own review when the two part series premiere airs tomorrow. I'll say looks promising, and the action figures are awesome.
70. Equivamp I'd have to agree with that. Also, when was the last time the ninja turtles were on TV (excluding re-runs)?
71. GreenReaper: Well, I see this painful-looking TMNT Smash Up ad from 2009 . . .
72. RingtailedFox: Washington State senator Kevin Ranker (D) blasts a controversial slaughter of an entire wolf pack. (Courtesy: KING-TV 5 Seattle)
73. crossaffliction: @Equivamp; the last TMNT animated series ended with a TV movie in 2010.
74. crossaffliction: Eh, scratch that: The TV movie finished the series in 2009, but the reruns lasted until 2010.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
Thank you crossaffliction for posting these Newsbytes archives.
You're embarassing me with the October archive still not out, but that's a technical glitch; my fault, but not something I can feel too bad about (broke my computer, apparently).
I'll get October up eventually; it mqy be Oct./Nov., but it'l get up eventually.
It's alright if you just do an October-November-December-January anthology upload...
~ The Legendary RingtailedFox
How can crossie experience embarrassment? crossie *is* an embarrassment.
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