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October 2005

Fox Loose in London Gallery

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As seen on TV, specifically the moment of zen from the October 3rd episode of The Daily Show, a live fox was filmed by security cameras roaming around the National Portrait Gallery in London.

Conifur Dealer List

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Conifur is almost upon us in just a couple of weeks and now is the time to make those final preparations.

Registration closed on October 1st, so if you didn't register by then, you'll have to stand in line with the tens of thousands of other furry fans that we know will be coming... okay, hundreds, but you have to dream, right?

Our Dealers Den is nearly 100% full with 52 of 56 tables claimed. Those last few are being held for tentative reservations, so if you absolutely need a table and you're not on the list, email us at

And just who is on that list? Why I'm glad you asked- you can put your hand down now. Here's the list of who is who for Conifur 2005!

FWA Newsletter

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The official newsletter of Furry Weekend Atlanta
October 2005

In this issue...
- Meet our Guests of Honor
- Submit Your Ideas
- Conbook Submissions
- Art Show
- Attention Dealers
- Reserve Your Room Online
- Volunteers Needed

Over the Hedge Trailer is up!

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Dreamworks Animation presents their summer 2006 entry for animated movie. Over the Hedge which is based on the comic of the same name. The trailer is up and it looks great !

The trailer will also be attached to "Curse of the Were-Rabbit" which also have a new short staring the pengiuns from "Madagascar"

See it here.

Upcoming furry comics for December 2005 (Previews only)

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Once upon a time (Sat, 8 Oct 2005 13:06:47 -0700, to be precise) "Doodles" wrote to


TSAT glitch fixed

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Quentin Long, editor and webmaster of the netzine TSAT, here to announce that TSAT's latest issue, #42, is now available for your browsing pleasure at either its main site or its mirror site! The glitch in its main host which had been preventing me from logging onto said server is solved; the mirror host was never glitched.

Of the zine's contents, furfen will find Dan Eagle's Dreams of Flight, Erastus Centaur's Paint, Bob Stein's Interview, and the fourth installment of Cougar & Cubist's Running Wild, to be of particular interest.

FC2006 October Newsletter

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Beyond our silent foreboding castle gates, who knows what unspoken wonders
await. Amongst our ranks are heraldic things; gryphons and dragons and
horses with wings. The work we do is mysterious and deep (well,
truthfully it's not; it'd bore you to sleep) Curious creatures we be,
laboring away, somewhere in the mystical realm of San Jose, Weaving magic,
wonder, spells and illusion, to bring you the one and only Further Confusion!

1. FCTV Announcements
2. Extreme Fursuit Makeover, Season 2: Transformation!
3. Furry Marketplace
4. FC Weapons Policy
5. Furry Night Live! Returns
6. Staff Needed
7. FC Film Festival
8. Conbook Submissions Needed
9. Hotel FAQ for Booking Rooms
10. Further Confusion Masquerade
11. Next Public Meeting

RCFM: The 4th Dimension Newsletter 4.01

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Rocket City Furmeet: The Fourth Dimension!

What exactly is the 4th Dimension? It is about Time. So, the RCFM theme is about Furry Time! Does this mean events will start late and end late? Well, we hope not. We hope to keep this past year's track record of nearly everything starting and ending in a timely fashion.

COMING ATTRACTIONS! #2 - Megaplex 2006 - October 2005

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Experience...the THRILLS!...the FUN!...the FUR!

Megaplex 2006...the HORROR! It's coming...

BOO! It's that time of year for spooks and scares...and for a quick update on Megaplex 2006!

The fifth-anniversary edition of Florida's furry arts and performance convention will be held 17-19 March 2006, as we return to the Sheraton World Resort in sunny Orlando, Florida.

2005 Recommended Anthropomorphics

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Fur Your Consideration.....
(Last Update October 15, 2005)
Purpose of the Recommended Anthropomorphics List

This fifth annual Recommended Furry Reading List has two purposes. Firstly, it is open for all Furry fans to recommend the best anthropomorphic movies, TV series, novels, artwork, games, etc. that they found during 2005. It is for fans who want to know what anthropomorphic movies, TV series, novels, etc. are worth looking for. The List is open to anyone to add to, so if you know of any 2005 Furry movies or comic books or comic strips, etc. that are worth recommending, please send your recommendations through the end of 2005 to:
It would be greatly appreciated if you are able to provide weblinks to your recommendations so that we can correctly add them to the list.

Halloween story anthology: FANG H05

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Now available!

Pre-empting the Little Black Book of Furry Fiction's second issue, the special Halloween issue bundles stories from some of the fandom's most talented writers.

Yiff-rific! seeking submissions

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Peekaboo Press is looking for submissions for its upcoming anthology series Yiff-rific! This include short comic stories, pinups, and cover art. For more information, see