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FC2006 October Newsletter

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Beyond our silent foreboding castle gates, who knows what unspoken wonders
await. Amongst our ranks are heraldic things; gryphons and dragons and
horses with wings. The work we do is mysterious and deep (well,
truthfully it's not; it'd bore you to sleep) Curious creatures we be,
laboring away, somewhere in the mystical realm of San Jose, Weaving magic,
wonder, spells and illusion, to bring you the one and only Further Confusion!

1. FCTV Announcements
2. Extreme Fursuit Makeover, Season 2: Transformation!
3. Furry Marketplace
4. FC Weapons Policy
5. Furry Night Live! Returns
6. Staff Needed
7. FC Film Festival
8. Conbook Submissions Needed
9. Hotel FAQ for Booking Rooms
10. Further Confusion Masquerade
11. Next Public Meeting 1. FCTV Announcements

Still Looking for A/V Tech!
Once again, FCTV will be operational during Further Confusion 2006. Our
Staff positions are filled with the exception of an A/V Tech. If you have
or know someone with experience in commercial A/V setup that is willing
to volunteer during Further Confusion 2006, please have them email
fctv;@</i> to apply.

Even though all other staff positions are filled, if you or someone you
know has experience with A/V Tech, TV Station Operations, and/or Camera
Operations, we can always use experienced people.

We Need New Content!
FCTV is looking for new content for our broadcast schedule. If you are a
Content Creator or have content you believe would be appropriate for the
FCTV viewing public, please email fctv;@</i> for
submission information.

2. Extreme Fursuit Makeover, Season 2: Transformation!

Further Confusion 2006 will once again be featuring the Extreme Fursuit
Makeover! This year we have the addition of special guests Ysengrin and
Darkfang to the stellar team returning from last year. They will bring
their considerable talents to the table to transform a cute, toony style
wolf into a werewolf, right before a live audience's eyes! The Fursuit
Makeover will be held on the Main Stage on Friday, from noon to 3 p.m.,
and will hopefully be filmed by FCTV for later presentation!

If you would like your wolf suit to be considered for this makeover please
send a head shot and a full body shot of your suit to Toraneko
(Toranekom;@</i> We look forward to another exciting event!

3. Furry Marketplace

Furry Marketplace slots are on sale NOW! You can purchase a 4' table
space for the entire weekend for $45. These typically go fast, so reserve
your space ahead of time and avoid the rush! If you have any questions,
e-mail dealers;@</i>

4. FC Weapons Policy

A special note regarding Further Confusion's Weapons Policy:

Due to the current year's theme, we at Further Confusion have felt the
need to emphasize our policy regarding weapons. This is
in anticipation of the theme attracting a greater number of weapons and
weapon props than usual. The weapons policy, while simple, does require
you -- the attendee -- to ensure that your weapon is properly secured.

Questions and Answers:

Q. What does this boil down to?
A. Any Weapon, replica or otherwise MUST be Peace Bonded while within
any convention space.

Q. What is Peace Bonding?
A. Peace Bonding of a weapon consists of the use of a visible orange zip
tie that prevents the owner from drawing the weapon, or otherwise
rendering it ineffective as a weapon.

Q. Do I have to Peace Bond my weapon?
A. The responsibility of ensuring that your weapon is Peace Bonded is yours
as the owner and/or wielder. However, FLARE staff will be happy to
help any attendee that is unsure, unwilling or otherwise unable to
Peace Bond their weapon(s).

Q. Do I have to provide my own Zip Tie Peace Bonding Tag?
A. No! Further Confusion will make such tags available at the registration
desk, as well as at the FLARE base which can be found in Room 268 (next
to Con-Ops on the 2nd floor guest-room level)

Q. Will Peace Bonding harm my weapon?
A. Absolutely not! If you have any concerns that your unique weapon may be
harmed by the Peace Bonding process, please voice your concerns to the
FLARE staff member assisting you with your Peace Bonding, and he or she
will work with you to find a solution. (Keep in mind that the solution
might be to leave it in the room.)

Q. What if I refuse to Peace Bond my weapon?
A. You should come to the convention with full knowledge that, should you
refuse to abide by the weapons policy set forth by Further Confusion,
your badge will be confiscated and you will NOT be granted a refund.

5. Furry Night Live! Returns

Furry Night Live! (formerly the Furry Variety Show) returns Sunday night
at 8:00 PM as the number one place to see furry variety acts performed
live ... but with a few big changes! This year, a new host will MC the
show, while performers will have the choice of their acts being judged on
performance by a panel. In addition, a special "Audience Choice Award"
will allow the audience to choose their favorite act which will receive a
cash award!

So dust off those Renaissance fair costumes, get your fursuits ready, grab
your friends and form performance troupes, and develop an act or skit
worthy of the theme "Renfur: A Knight's Tail". Unsure what you can do? Not
able to come up a script for yourself? Able to perform but have no act?
Not a problem. We will have scripts, acts, and skits for you to
participate in!

For more information contact Furry Night Live! Lead Scruff E. Coyote at
fvs;@</i> To subscribe to the official Furry Night Live
discussion E-mail list go to

There will be an orientation meeting for Furry Night Live! at 1pm on the
Friday of the convention.

6. Staff Needed

We still have many staff positions available! If you've had prior
experience organizing and running conventions, or even if you just want to
lend a friendly paw, WE NEED YOU! E-mail info;@</i> for
details, or come to one of our staff meetings. If you're interested in
working under a particular department, individual department e-mail
addresses can be found at

Still-open positions include:
Business Director, Marketing 2nd, Con Store lead, Fursuit Lounge, and

Also, Logistics, Registration and Art Show need additional personnel.

7. FC Film Festival

Further Confusion is sponsoring a Film Festival, which will showcase
animated and live-action short films with anthropomorphic themes submitted
by both fans and film-makers. All films shown will be judged by a select
panel for a 1st Place cash prize.

For further inquiries, or to submit a film, please contact

8. Conbook Submissions Needed

This year's conbook deadline is November 1st, 2005. Further Confusion will
be accepting full-color (and black-and-white) artwork, stories,
photographs, and any other material pertinent to the Conbook. We can
accept material in TIFF, EPS and PDF format. If you have a JPEG file,
please try to send it to us at the highest resolution possible. Artwork
can either be full-page format (8.5in x 11in), half-page format (8.5in x
5.5in), or quarter-page format (5.5in x 4.25in) in size. All raster images
should be at the very least 300 DPI (600 DPI preferred). PDF files should
be created at the High Quality setting.

Stories can be in .RTF or .DOC format. If you are submitting a story,
please include your name in the story so we know who wrote it. Also,
please name your files something logical so that we know who they are
from. For example, a piece done by Joe Public could be named

We also have an upload site for those of you that might have images larger
than 5MB. Please send an e-mail to conbook;@</i> if you
want the upload information.

We also have our Conbook guidelines for those of you who might need help
in creating content for our Conbook. Go to

9. Hotel FAQ for Booking Rooms

If you want to get your room reservation in time for the con, it's very
important that you read the Hotel FAQ, located online at . If you have any
additional questions, please contact hotel;@</i>

If you need a specific type of room, you should book your room and make
your request in plenty of time! If you want to be placed on the party
floor, fursuit floor, next to your friends, or have any other special
request, you should first book the room, and then send your request to
hotel;@</i> along with your full (real) name and hotel
confirmation code.

We are almost out of 'Double Queen' rooms, and in addition, we are also
running low on room nights for Sunday and Monday in our current block. If
you wish to reserve a room for these nights, we would suggest you do so
right away. We hope to have negotiated a room block expansion by the end
of this month.

10. Further Confusion Masquerade

Have a nifty new fursuit? Then come show it off!

The Masquerade is a furry fashion show for all the latest, greatest, or
just plain ol' cutest fursuits out there. Each entry will have up to two
minutes (increased from last year!) to strut their stuff in center stage.
Awards will be given to the best fursuits in the Novice, Journeyman,
Expert, and Judge's Choice categories. So bring your suit, your favorite
showin' off tunes, and your sense of fun down to the 2006 Further
Confusion Masquerade! Watch this newsletter for more information,
including revised rules and rehearsal times. (You must be at the rehearsal
to be in the Masquerade.) So don't hesitate - come show us your coolest

11. Next Public Meeting

The next Further Confusion public staff meeting will be at noon on
Saturday, October 15, 2005, at the San Jose Doubletree.

Further Confusion


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